2024-01-03 18:07:46 +01:00

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The purpose of this repository is to visualize planned maxspeed and other road changes with their consequences on routing/navigation and thus on traffic volume.

For this 2 OSRM instances will be started with original and modified data. For the modification the 2 OSRM Profile directories will be used

The current *osrmBprofiles containes modifications to cap maxspeed to 30 in case of





Fetch yourself an PBF file of OSM data an run "prepare"

./prepare guetersloh-latest.osm.pbf \
	profiles/osrm-default/car.lua \

which will create 2 Docker volumes containing the different data.

Then run

docker-compose -f compose.yaml up


After starting the docker container point your Browser to


Click on the map for "Start" and "Endpoint". You'll see routes coming up where the green one is result from OSRM A and red is from OSRM B

This is live calculated and you may move the marker around as you like.


To brute force finding differences in routing use finddiffs

./finddiffs  --minx 8.12 --maxx 8.57 --maxy 52.12 --miny 51.72

It will randomly generated routes and print a link to to stdout if the 2 routes differ by duration/distance.

For finding the bounding box of your data you may use osmium

osmium fileinfo -e -g data.bbox nrw.pbf