The purpose of this repository is to visualize planned maxspeed and other road changes with their consequences on routing/navigation and thus on traffic volume. For this 2 OSRM instances will be started with original and modified data. For the modification the 2 OSRM Profile directories will be used The current **osrmBprofiles* containes modifications to cap maxspeed to 30 in case of maxspeed:type=DE:urban or zone:traffic=DE:urban Installation ============ Fetch yourself an PBF file of OSM data an run "prepare" ./prepare guetersloh-latest.osm.pbf \ profiles/osrm-default/car.lua \ profiles/osrm-clampto30-zone-de-urban/car.lua which will create 2 Docker volumes containing the different data. Then run docker-compose -f compose.yaml up Usage ===== After starting the docker container point your Browser to http://localhost:8080 Click on the map for "Start" and "Endpoint". You'll see routes coming up where the green one is result from OSRM A and red is from OSRM B This is live calculated and you may move the marker around as you like. finddiffs ========= To brute force finding differences in routing use finddiffs ./finddiffs --minx 8.12 --maxx 8.57 --maxy 52.12 --miny 51.72 It will randomly generated routes and print a link to to stdout if the 2 routes differ by duration/distance. For finding the bounding box of your data you may use `osmium` osmium fileinfo -e -g data.bbox nrw.pbf (5.843747,49.9247862,9.68153,52.7065863)