2 Interface explainnation
Olivier SCHMITT edited this page 2020-11-15 17:21:38 +00:00

Explanation interface


1.Power on/off : This button controls the connection or connection of the interface to the server. It is not a question of turning the radio on or off because this is managed automatically.

2.Frequency management: You can set the frequency you want. You can use the buttons or use the scroll of the mouse on one of the numbers. The requested frequency is sent but the displayed frequency remains synchronous with the set. So if a frequency is not accepted by the station, it will automatically revert to the last one it accepts.

3.Modulation mode: Allows the choice of modulation.

4.AF GAIN, as on a traditional station, allows you to manage the volume. When the volume is too high, it flashes.

5.RX volume: given the reception volume meter

6.MIC GAIN: you can adjust the gain of your microphone locally. This is to avoid saturating the remote station for example.

7.TX VOLUME: modulation level meter.

8.Audio signal in reception as in transmission.

9.Spectrum of audio in reception as in emission.

10.Receipt filters: You can choose different filters. LP for low pass. BP for band pass. BP click allows you to click in the spectrogram (red) where you want to apply the band pass filter. Custom allows you to forge a filter based on the specifications of the webaudio API.

11.Websocket state: allows you to view the different pipes where data is transmitted. wsTX is the socket for sending audio to the station. wsRX the one for the reception. wsCtrl is that of the CAT control.

12.The callsign that you put when accessing.

13.Access to the configuration page

14.Access to the panadapter page: The icon appears only when an RTLSDR device is connected and the interface is connected.

15.S-meter: allows you to view the S point in reception (yellow line). Allows you to view the squelch level (gray line).

16.Adjusting the squelch level.

17.Preselection of amateur radio bands.

18.Management of personal frequencies. Save to Save the frequency and mode. Delete to delete. Recall to call back.

19.PTT button.

20.PTT button but remains locked

21.Encode TX, you can check this if you chant to encode the tx flux. Optional and for testing.

22.A measure of the latency between your control currency and the server.