7 faq
Pierre Germain edited this page 2016-04-22 10:38:12 -05:00

This FAQ is a work in progress. Many of these questions will be added (but commented out) to the respective vim configuration files

  • How do disable auto close tags?

    Add let g:autoclose_on = 0 to your ~/.vimrc.local file

  • How can I deal with issues related to the system clipboard?


  • I made a modification to my vim configuration and it doesn't seem to change anything?

    delete the the contents of your ~/.vimviews directory

  • I added setnofoldenable to ~/.vimrc.local but my PHP files still have folds

    add let g:DisableAutoPHPFolding = 1 to your ~/.vimrc.local

  • How can I collapse / uncollapse a single region

    the easiest way is to use za in normal mode. This will toggle the collapsing of the current fold