2024-07-25 15:11:51 +09:00

21 lines
2.3 KiB

# Aliases `general`
## Basic Commands
| Alias | Command | Description |
| `c` | `clear` | Clear terminal display |
| `cic` | `bind "set completion-ignore-case on"` | Make tab-completion case-insensitive |
| `cp` | `cp -iv` | `cp` with confirmation on overwriting (option `-v` is added if supported) |
| `fix_stty` | `stty sane` | Restore terminal settings when screwed up |
| `fix_term` | `echo -e "\033c"` | Reset the conosle. Similar to the reset command |
| `less` | `less -FSRXc` | Preferred `less` implementation |
| `ll` | `ls -lAFh` | Preferred `ls` implementation |
| `mkdir` | `mkdir -pv` | Recursive `mkdir` if the target does not exist (option `-v` is added if supported) |
| `mv` | `mv -iv` | `mv` with confirmation on overwriting (option `-v` is added if supported) |
| `nano` | `nano -W` | (option `-W` is added if supported) |
| `path` | `echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}` | Echo all executable Paths |
| `show_options` | `shopt` | display bash options settings |
| `src` | `source ~/.bashrc` | Reload `.bashrc` file |
| `wget` | `wget -c` | Preferred `wget` implementation (resume download) |