Natalie Weizenbaum e134f71cae Broaden the the Node.js package importer's notion of "entrypoint" (#3791)
This also updates the spec for `NodePackageImporter` to correctly
document indicate that errors should be thrown during construction.

See sass/dart-sass#2178
2024-03-27 11:43:24 -07:00

7.4 KiB

Compile API

These APIs are the entrypoints for compiling Sass to CSS.

import {RawSourceMap} from 'source-map-js'; //

import {Options, StringOptions} from './options';

Table of Contents



The object returned by the compiler when a Sass compilation succeeds.

export interface CompileResult {
  css: string;

  loadedUrls: URL[];

  sourceMap?: RawSourceMap;


The class returned by creating a synchronous compiler with initCompiler(). If the class is directly constructed (as opposed to the Compiler being created via initCompiler), throw an error.

Only synchronous compilation methods compile() and compileString() must be included, and must have identical semantics to the Sass interface.

export class Compiler {
  private constructor();
  compile(path: string, options?: Options<'sync'>): CompileResult;

  compileString(source: string, options?: StringOptions<'sync'>): CompileResult;


When dispose is invoked on a Compiler:

  • Any subsequent invocations of compile and compileString must throw an error.
  dispose(): void;


The object returned by creating an asynchronous compiler with initAsyncCompiler(). If the class is directly constructed (as opposed to the AsyncCompiler being created via initAsyncCompiler), throw an error.

Only asynchronous compilation methods compileAsync() and compileStringAsync() must be included, and must have identical semantics to the Sass interface.

export class AsyncCompiler {
  private constructor();
    path: string,
    options?: Options<'async'>
  ): Promise<CompileResult>;

    source: string,
    options?: StringOptions<'async'>
  ): Promise<CompileResult>;


When dispose is invoked on an Async Compiler:

  • Any subsequent invocations of compileAsync and compileStringAsync must throw an error.

  • Any compilations that have not yet been settled must be allowed to settle, and not be cancelled.

  • Resolves a Promise when all compilations have been settled, and disposal is complete.

  dispose(): Promise<void>;



Compiles the Sass file at path:

  • If any item in options.importers is an instance of the NodePackageImporter class:

    • If no filesystem is available, throw an error.

      This primarily refers to a browser environment, but applies to other sandboxed JavaScript environments as well.

    • Let pkgImporter be a Node Package Importer with an associated entryPointURL of the absolute file URL for the object's entryPointDirectory.

    • Replace the item with pkgImporter in a copy of options.importers.

  • If any object in options.importers has both findFileUrl and canonicalize fields, throw an error.

  • Let css be the result of compiling path with options.importers as importers and options.loadPaths as load-paths. The compiler must respect the configuration specified by the options object.

  • If the compilation succeeds, return a CompileResult object composed as follows:

    • Set CompileResult.css to css.

    • Set CompileResult.loadedUrls to a list of unique canonical URLs of source files loaded during the compilation. The order of URLs is not guaranteed.

    • If options.sourceMap is true, set CompileResult.sourceMap to a sourceMap object describing how sections of the Sass input correspond to sections of the CSS output.

      The structure of the sourceMap can vary from implementation to implementation.

  • Otherwise, throw an Exception.

export function compile(path: string, options?: Options<'sync'>): CompileResult;


Like compile, but runs asynchronously.

The compiler must support asynchronous plugins when running in this mode.

export function compileAsync(
  path: string,
  options?: Options<'async'>
): Promise<CompileResult>;


Compiles the Sass source:

  • If any item in options.importers is an instance of the NodePackageImporter class:

    • If no filesystem is available, throw an error.

      This primarily refers to a browser environment, but applies to other sandboxed JavaScript environments as well.

    • Let pkgImporter be a Node Package Importer with an associated entryPointURL of the absolute file URL for the object's entryPointDirectory.

    • Replace the item with pkgImporter in a copy of options.importers.

  • If options.importer or any object in options.importers has both findFileUrl and canonicalize fields, throw an error.

  • Let css be the result of compiling a string with:

    • options.source as string;
    • options.syntax as syntax, or "scss" if options.syntax is not set;
    • options.url as url;
    • options.importer as importer;
    • options.importers as importers;
    • options.loadPaths as load-paths.

    The compiler must respect the configuration specified by the options object.

  • If the compilation succeeds, return a CompileResult object composed as follows:

    • Set CompileResult.css to css.

    • Set CompileResult.loadedUrls to a list of unique canonical URLs of source files loaded during the compilation. The order of URLs is not guaranteed.

      • If options.url is set, include it in the list.
      • Otherwise, do not include a URL for source.
    • If options.sourceMap is true, set CompileResult.sourceMap to a sourceMap object describing how sections of the Sass input correspond to sections of the CSS output.

      The structure of the sourceMap can vary from implementation to implementation.

  • If the compilation fails, throw an Exception.

export function compileString(
  source: string,
  options?: StringOptions<'sync'>
): CompileResult;


Like compileString, but runs asynchronously.

The compiler must support asynchronous plugins when running in this mode.

export function compileStringAsync(
  source: string,
  options?: StringOptions<'async'>
): Promise<CompileResult>;


Returns a synchronous Compiler.

export function initCompiler(): Compiler;


Resolves with an Async Compiler.

export function initAsyncCompiler(): Promise<AsyncCompiler>;