2023-08-22 21:10:27 +00:00

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Bogus Combinators: Draft 3

(Issue, Changelog)

This proposal increases the strictness with which Sass parses and resolves non-standard ("bogus") uses of selector combinators. In particular, it forbids the use of multiple combinators in a row (such as div + ~ a) and limits the use of leading combinators (such as > a) and trailing combinators (such as `a

`) to selector nesting.

Table of Contents


This section is non-normative.

Currently, Sass is very liberal when it comes to where explicit selector combinators can be written—much more so than CSS itself. It allows:

  • Multiple combinators between compound selectors (a > + b).
  • Combinators at the beginning of selectors (> a).
  • Combinators at the end of selectors (a >).

The latter two are useful when nesting style rules, but the former has no known use at all. Historically, we've said that we support these because they enable some browser hacks, but this seems to be purely hypothetical: is the most comprehensive source of hacks I've found, and it doesn't list any hacks that are enabled by this support, even among its "legacy hacks".

In addition, supporting these selectors imposes substantial complexity on Sass implementations. They cause bugs and make the data model more complex than it needs to be. This in turn makes bugs like sass/sass#1807 that don't involve non-standard combinators more difficult to resolve.


This section is non-normative.

We'll move towards forbidding these combinators in two phases.

Phase 1: Deprecation

In the first phase, we'll issue deprecation messages for all forbidden cases, but only change behavior in cases where Sass was already producing invalid CSS anyway. In particular:

  • Once nesting and extensions have been resolved, if any of a style rule's selectors contains a leading, trailing, or multiple combinator after nesting and extensions are resolved, omit that style rule from the generated CSS and emit a deprecation warning.

  • If a selector with a leading or trailing combinator is used with any extend-related infrastructure, emit a deprecation warning but don't change the behavior unless the resolved selector still has a bogus combinator, as above.

  • If a selector with a doubled combinator is used with any extend-related infrastructure, emit a deprecation warning and treat that selector as though it matches no elements.

This will be sufficient to substantially simplify the implementation without affecting the in-browser behavior of any stylesheets.

Phase 2: Removal

In the second phase, which for existing implementations will accompany a major version release, we will emit errors everywhere Phase 1 produced deprecation warnings. In particular:

  • If a style rule's selectors contain leading, trailing, or multiple combinators after nesting is resolved, emit an error.

  • If a selector with a leading, trailing, or multiple combinator is used with @extend (which, given the previous restriction, will only be possible using extension functions from sass:selector), emit an error.


Most existing definitions being modified here haven't been defined explicitly before this document. The old definitions are listed in strikethrough mode to clarify the change.

Visible Combinator

A visible combinator is any selector combinator other than the descendant combinator.

Complex Selector

A complex selector is a sequence of visible combinators (its leading combinators) as well as a sequence of complex selector components. Either, but not both, of these sequences may be empty

A complex selector is an optional visible combinator (its leading combinator) as well as a sequence of complex selector components. The component sequence may be empty only for complex selectors with leading combinators.

Complex Selector Component

A complex selector component is a compound selector as well as a sequence of zero or more visible combinators.

A complex selector component is a compound selector as well as a single combinator.

Trailing Combinator

A complex selector's trailing combinator is its final complex selector component's combinator if it's not a descendant combinator. If it is a descendant combinator, the complex selector doesn't have a trailing combinator.

Bogus Selector

A complex selector is bogus if it has a leading or trailing combinator, or if any of the simple selectors it transitively contains is a selector pseudo with a bogus selector, except that :has() may contain complex selectors with leading combinators.

A selector list is bogus if any of its complex selectors are bogus.



Note that the existing productions being modified have not been defined explicitly before this document. The old productions are listed in strikethrough mode to clarify the change.

This proposal modifies the existing ComplexSelector and ComplexSelectorComponent productions to drop support for multiple combinators:

ComplexSelector          ::= <combinator>* ComplexSelectorComponent+
                           | <combinator>+
ComplexSelectorComponent ::= CompoundSelector <combinator>*
ComplexSelector          ::= <combinator>? ComplexSelectorComponent+
                           | <combinator>
ComplexSelectorComponent ::= CompoundSelector <combinator>?


Evaluating a Style Rule

This proposal adds the following to Evaluating a Style Rule, after executing each child of rule:

  • If css contains any children and selector is bogus, throw an error.

Executing an Extend Rule

This proposal adds the following to Executing an Extend Rule, after checking for a current style rule:

  • If the current style rule is bogus, throw an error.


For the selector.extend(),, selector.replace(), and selector.unify() functions, after parsing their selector arguments, throw an error if any of the parsed selectors are bogus.

selector.append(), selector.nest(), and selector.parse() are still allowed to take bogus selectors because these functions are syntactic rather than semantic. This means on one hand that there aren't ambiguities about how to handle bogus selector inputs, and on the other that it may be useful to emit bogus selectors for later use in nesting contexts.

Note that selector.append() already forbids selectors with leading or trailing combinators from being passed in between selectors.

Deprecation Process

The deprecation will be divided into two phases:

Phase 1

This phase will only change behavior that doesn't affect in-browser rendering. In particular:

  • The parsing of ComplexSelector and ComplexSelectorComponent is unchanged.

  • A complex selector is instead considered bogus if it would be bogus in Phase 2 or if it can be parsed in Phase 1 but not in Phase 2.

  • The newly-added errors produce deprecation warnings instead.

  • In Evaluating a Style Rule, remove any complex selectors from css's selectors that are bogus, except those that have a single leading combinator but are otherwise not bogus.

    Leading combinators are allowed in Phase 1 (but still emit deprecation warnings) because they may be used for nesting along with meta.load-css().

  • Define a "useless" selector as:

    • A complex selector that has multiple combinators.

    • A bogus pseudo selector.

    • Any selector that contains a useless selector.

    In Extending a Selector, treat useless selectors as selectors that can match no elements.

Phase 2

This phase will emit errors as described in the body of the proposal.