2023-08-22 21:10:27 +00:00

133 lines
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# Media Logic: Draft 1.1
*([Issue](, [Changelog](*
This proposal adds support for the full [Media Queries Level 4] syntax for media
conditions, including arbitrary boolean logic using `and`, `or`, and `not`.
[Media Queries Level 4]:
## Table of Contents
* [Background](#background)
* [Summary](#summary)
* [Syntax](#syntax)
* [`MediaQuery`](#mediaquery)
* [`CssMediaQuery`](#cssmediaquery)
* [Deprecation Process](#deprecation-process)
## Background
> This section is non-normative.
For historical reasons, Sass fully parses media queries and allows SassScript to
be embedded directly in them, as in `@media ($query: $value)`, in contrast to
most other at-rules in which SassScript can only be injected using
interpolation. This means that as CSS adds new media query syntax, Sass is
obligated to update its specification to accommodate it.
[Media Queries Level 4] adds support for arbitrary boolean logic in media
queries, such as `@media ((width >= 100px) and (width <= 800px)) or (grid)`.
Sass must therefore update its syntax accordingly.
## Summary
> This section is non-normative.
The proposal is relatively straightforward: it adds the new syntax to Sass's
grammar. It is worth noting, though, that this will require a few breaking
changes. These are unlikely to affect many real-world stylesheets, but they're
worth highlighting nevertheless.
The new syntax allows any [`<media-condition>`] to appear inside a
[`<media-in-parens>`]. This means that queries beginning with `(not ` or `((`
must be parsed as nested media queries, rather than SassScript expressions as
they have historically been parsed. We'll issue a short deprecation period for
the SassScript expressions in question, recommending users migrate them to
interpolation instead, then drop support and begin parsing them as media queries
for CSS compatibility.
## Syntax
### `MediaQuery`
Replace the definition of the [`MediaQuery`] production with the following (with
all identifiers matched case-insensitively):
[`MediaQuery`]: ../spec/at-rules/
**MediaQuery** ::= MediaNot
&#32; | MediaInParens (MediaAnd\* | MediaOr\*)
&#32; | MediaType ('and' MediaNot | MediaAnd\*)
**MediaType** ::= [InterpolatedIdentifier] [InterpolatedIdentifier]¹?
**MediaNot**² ::= 'not' MediaOrInterp
**MediaAnd**² ::= 'and' MediaOrInterp
**MediaOr**² ::= 'or' MediaOrInterp
**MediaOrInterp** ::= Interpolation | MediaInParens
**MediaInParens** ::= '(' Expression³ ')'
&#32; | '(' Expression³ [\<mf-comparison>] Expression³ ')'
&#32; | '(' Expression³ [\<mf-lt>] Expression³ [\<mf-lt>] Expression³ ')'
&#32; | '(' Expression³ [\<mf-gt>] Expression³ [\<mf-gt>] Expression³ ')'
&#32; | '(' MediaNot ')'
&#32; | '(' MediaInParens (MediaAnd\* | MediaOr\*) ')'
[InterpolatedIdentifier]: ../spec/
1. This `InterpolatedIdentifier` may not be the identifier `"and"`.
2. No whitespace is allowed between the identifier and the `MediaOrInterp` in
these productions.
3. These `Expression`s may not:
* Contain binary operator expressions with the operators `=`, `>`, `>=`, `<`,
or `<=`, except within parentheses (including function calls and map
literals) and square brackets.
* Begin with the case-insensitive identifier `"not"`.
* Begin with the character `"("`.
### `CssMediaQuery`
Replace the definition of the [`CssMediaQuery`] production with the following (with
all identifiers matched case-insensitively):
[`CssMediaQuery`]: ../spec/at-rules/
**CssMediaQuery** ::= CssMediaCondition
&#32; | CssMediaType ('and' CssMediaNot | CssMediaAnd*)
**CssMediaType** ::= [\<ident-token>] [\<ident-token>]¹?
**CssMediaCondition** ::= CssMediaNot | CssMediaInParens (CssMediaAnd* | CssMediaOr*)
**CssMediaNot** ::= 'not' CssMediaInParens
**CssMediaAnd** ::= 'and' CssMediaInParens
**CssMediaOr** ::= 'or' CssMediaInParens
**CssMediaInParens** ::= '(' [\<declaration-value>] ')'
1. This `<ident-token>` may not be the identifier `"and"`.
## Deprecation Process
Before this specification is applied in full force, it will be applied with the
following modifications:
* [`MediaInParens`](#mediaquery) will not allow the productions `'(' MediaNot
')'` or `'(' MediaInParens (MediaAnd* | MediaOr*) ')'`.
* If the first `Expression` in a `MediaInParens` production begins with the
case-insensitive identifier `"not"` or the character `"("`, emit a deprecation