Natalie Weizenbaum ea2ee6e46d Fix broken links
2024-06-18 16:59:20 -07:00

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Table of Contents


Source File

A source file is a Sass abstract syntax tree along with an absolute URL, known as that file's canonical URL; and an importer. A given canonical URL cannot be associated with more than one source file.

Vendor Prefix

Some identifiers have a vendor prefix, which is an initial substring beginning with U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS code point followed by one or more non-U+002D code points followed by another U+002D. An identifier only has a vendor prefix if the final U+002D is followed by additional text. This additional text is referred to as the unprefixed identifier.


Unless otherwise specified, if a grammar production's value is parsed as a single other named Sass production, then the AST does not contain a representation of the intermediate production.

For example, suppose we have the productions:

Foo ::= Bar '*'?
Bar ::= <ident-token>

Parsing "ident*" creates an AST that contains a Foo that contains a Bar. But parsing "ident" alone creates an AST that only contains a Bar—the Foo wrapper is removed. (The Bar wrapper is not removed because <ident-token> is a CSS production, not a Sass production.)


InterpolatedIdentifier ::= (<ident-token> | '-'? Interpolation) (Name | Interpolation)*

No whitespace is allowed between components of an InterpolatedIdentifier.


InterpolatedUrl         ::= 'url(' (QuotedString | InterpolatedUnquotedUrlContents) ')'
InterpolatedUnquotedUrlContents ::= (unescaped url contents | escape | Interpolation)*

No whitespace is allowed between components of an InterpolatedUnquotedUrlContents.


Name ::= (identifier code point | escape)+


These functions are "special" in the sense that their arguments don't use the normal CSS expression-level syntax, and so have to be parsed more broadly than a normal SassScript expression.

SpecialFunctionExpression ::= SpecialFunctionName InterpolatedDeclarationValue ')'
SpecialFunctionName¹      ::= VendorPrefix? ('element(' | 'expression(')
                            | VendorPrefix 'calc('
VendorPrefix¹             ::= '-' (identifier-start code point | digit) '-'

1: Both SpecialFunctionName and VendorPrefix are matched case-insensitively, and neither may contain whitespace.


PseudoSelector ::= NormalPseudoSelector
                 | SelectorPseudo
                 | NthSelectorPseudo
NormalPseudoSelector ::= ':' ':'? VendorPrefix? <ident-token>
                         ('(' <declaration-value> ')')?
SelectorPseudo ::= SelectorPseudoName '(' Selector ')'
NthSelectorPseudo ::= NthSelectorPseudoName '(' <an+b> 'of'¹ Selector ')'
SelectorPseudoName ::= ':' ('not' | 'matches' | 'any' | 'current' | 'has' | 'host' | 'host-context')
                     | '::slotted'
NthSelectorPseudoName ::= ':' ('nth-child' | 'nth-last-child')

1: The string of is matched case-insensitively. In addition, it must be parsed as an identifier.

In other words, it must have whitespace separating it from other identifiers, so :nth-child(2nof a) and :nth-child(2n ofa) are both invalid. However, :nth-child( is valid.

If a PseudoSelector begins withSelectorPseudoName or NthSelectorPseudoName followed by a parenthesis, it must be parsed as a SelectorPseudo or an NthSelectorPseudo respectively, not as a NormalPseudoSelector.

No whitespace is allowed anywhere in a PseudoSelector except within parentheses.


ProductExpression ::= (ProductExpression ('*' | '%'))? UnaryPlusExpression


Parsing Text

This algorithm takes a string text and a syntax syntax ("indented", "scss", or "sass"), and returns a Sass abstract syntax tree.

  • If syntax is "indented", return the result of parsing text as the indented syntax.

  • If syntax is "css", return the result of parsing text as CSS.

  • If syntax is "scss", return the result of parsing text as SCSS.

Parsing Text as CSS

This algorithm takes a string, text, and returns a Sass abstract syntax tree.

This algorithm is designed with two goals in mind:

  1. CSS imported from Sass should be as compatible with standard CSS as possible. In some cases we err even more towards CSS compatibility than SCSS does, because the CSS being imported is likely not written by someone who knows to avoid things that Sass interprets specially (such as certain @import URLs).

  2. We should provide clear and eager feedback to users who accidentally try to use Sass features in CSS imports. We don't allow these features, and we want users to know that through error messages rather than digging through generated CSS only to find that Sass features were passed through unmodified. This is a particular concern because LibSass has historically allowed the use of Sass features in CSS imports.

The algorithm for parsing text as CSS works like parsing text as SCSS, with some modifications. The following productions should produce errors:

  • Any at-rules that are defined in Sass and not in plain CSS. At the time of writing, this means:

    • @at-root
    • @content
    • @debug
    • @each
    • @error
    • @extend
    • @for
    • @forward
    • @function
    • @if
    • @include
    • @mixin
    • @return
    • @use
    • @warn
    • @while
  • An @import that contains interpolation in the url() or any of its ImportModifiers.

  • An @import that appears within a style rule or at-rule.

  • An @import with more than one argument.

  • A declaration followed by an open curly brace (that is, a nested declaration).

  • The parent selector & in a declaration value.

  • A style rule whose selector contains a trailing combinator.

  • Placeholder selectors.

  • All built-in functions, excluding the following:

    • rgb()
    • rgba()
    • hsl()
    • hsla()
    • grayscale()
    • invert()
    • alpha()
    • opacity()

    Note that user-defined functions are not forbidden, whether they're defined using @function or through a host language API.

  • Any function called with keyword arguments or variable-length arguments.

  • Interpolation anywhere its contents would be evaluated. At the time of writing, this means:

    • At-rule values (including @media queries)
    • Declaration names
    • Declaration values
    • Style rule selectors
  • All SassScript operations except for:

    • not
    • or
    • and

    Note that although unary - is forbidden, the - that appears at the beginning of a number literal is part of that literal and thus allowed.

  • Parentheses in declaration values that aren't part of a CSS production.

  • Map literals.

  • The empty list literal (,).

  • Uses or declarations of Sass variables.

  • //-style ("silent") comments outside of an expression context.

In addition, some productions should be parsed differently than they would be in SCSS:

  • All functions that don't produce errors should be parsed as plain CSS functions, regardless of whether a Sass function with that name is defined.

  • All @imports that don't produce errors should be parsed as static CSS imports.

  • The tokens not, or, and, and null should be parsed as unquoted strings.

  • In an expression context, // is not parsed as a silent comment. Instead, two adjacent /s in a SlashListExpression may have no whitespace between them, so // is parsed as two slash separators in a slash-separated list.

  • A ParentSelector may appear anywhere in a CompoundSelector, rather than just as the first SimpleSelector.

  • A ParentSelector may not have a suffix.

Consuming an Identifier

This algorithm consumes input from a stream of code points and returns a string.

This production has the same grammar as <ident-token>.

  • Let string be an empty string.

  • If the stream starts with --, consume it and append it to string.

  • Otherwise:

    • If the stream starts with -, consume it and append it to string.

    • If the stream starts with \, consume an escaped code point with the start flag set and append it to string.

    • Otherwise, if the stream starts with an identifier-start code point, consume it and append it to string.

    • Otherwise, throw an error.

  • Consume a name and append it to string.

  • Return string.

Consuming an Interpolated Identifier

This algorithm consumes input from a stream of code points and returns a sequence of strings and/or expressions. It follows the grammar for an InterpolatedIdentifier.

  • Let components be an empty list of strings and/or expressions.

  • If the input starts with -#{, consume a single code point and add "-" to components.

  • If the input starts with #{, consume an interpolation and add its expression to components.

  • Otherwise, consume an identifier and add its string to components.

  • While the input starts with #{, a identifier code point, or \:

    • If the input starts with #{, consume an interpolation and add its expression to components.

    • Otherwise, consume a name and add its string to components.

  • Return components.

Consuming a Name

This algorithm consumes input from a stream of code points and returns a string. The grammar for this production is:

Name ::= (identifier code point | escape)+

Consuming an Escaped Code Point

This algorithm consumes input from a stream of code points. It takes an optional boolean flag, start, which indicates whether it's at the beginning of an identifier and defaults to false. It returns a string.

This production has the same grammar as escape in CSS Syntax Level 3.

  • If the stream doesn't start with a valid escape, throw an error.

  • Let codepoint be the result of consuming an escaped code point.

  • Let character be the string containing only codepoint.

  • If codepoint is a identifier-start code point, return character.

  • Otherwise, if codepoint is an identifier code point and the start flag is not set, return character.

  • Otherwise, if codepoint is a non-printable code point, U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED, U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN, or U+000C FORM FEED; or if codepoint is a digit and the start flag is set:

    • Let code be the lowercase hexadecimal representation of codepoint, with no leading 0s.

    • Return "\" + code + " ".

    Tab characters are parsed as explicit escapes in order to support a browser hack that targets IE 10 and earlier, wherein ending a declaration value with \9 would cause IE to interpret it as valid but other browsers to ignore it.

  • Otherwise, return "\" + character.

Consuming a special function

This algorithm consumes input from a stream of code points and returns a SassScript expression.

  • Let expression be the result of consuming a SpecialFunctionExpression.

  • Return an unquoted interpolated string expression that would be identical to the source text according to CSS semantics for all possible interpolated strings.