2024-06-18 17:08:12 -07:00

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## Declarations
## Table of Contents
* [Syntax](#syntax)
* [Definitions](#definitions)
* [Current Declaration Name](#current-declaration-name)
* [Semantics](#semantics)
## Syntax
**Declaration** ::= StandardDeclaration | CustomDeclaration
**StandardDeclaration** ::= [InterpolatedIdentifier]¹ ':' (Value | Value? '{' Statements '}')
**CustomDeclaration** ::= [InterpolatedIdentifier]² ':' InterpolatedDeclarationValue
1. This may not begin with "--".
2. This *must* begin with "--".
## Definitions
### Current Declaration Name
The *current declaration name* is the innermost value declared as such when
[executing a declaration].
[executing a declaration]: #semantics
### Semantics
To execute a declaration `declaration`:
* Let `parent-name` be the [current declaration name], if one exists.
[current declaration name]: #current-declaration-name
* If `name` is set and `declaration` is a [`CustomDeclaration`], throw an error.
[`CustomDeclaration`]: #syntax
* Let `name` be the result of evaluating the all interpolation in
`declaration`'s name.
* If `parent-name` exists, set `name` to `parent-name + "-" + name`.
* Declare `name` as the [current declaration name] for the duration of executing
* If `declaration` has a `Value`:
* Let `value` be the result of evaluating that `Value`.
* Otherwise, if `declaration` is a `CustomDeclaration`:
* Let `value` be an unquoted string whose value is the result of evaluating
`declaration`'s `InterpolatedDeclarationValue`.
* If `value` is empty, throw an error.
> Note that `value` being only whitespace is allowed, including `--foo: ;`.
* Let `parent` be the [current style rule], [keyframe block], or at-rule; or
the innermost if multiple exist.
[current style rule]:
[keyframe block]:
> Parsing guarantees that a declaration will have at least one parent.
* If `value` is set, and it's neither null nor an empty unquoted string:
* Let `css` be a CSS declaration with name `name` and value `value`.
* Append `css` to `parent`.
* If `parent` isn't the last statement in its parent:
* Let `copy` by a copy of `parent` without any children.
* Append `copy` to `parent`'s parent.
* Set the [current style rule], [keyframe block], or at-rule (according to
`copy`'s type) to `copy`, for the remaining duration of its previous value.
* Set `parent` to `copy`.
* Evaluate each child in `declaration`'s `Statements` if it exists.