2024-06-17 17:49:23 -07:00

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Reconfigurable Modules: Draft 1.1

(Issues, Changelog)

Table of Contents


This section is non-normative.

In the existing module system each module can only be cofigured once, the first time it is used. That works well for direct use of modules, but doesn't allow for "middleware" modules to forward pre-configured, and re-configurable modules. It is often useful for complex libraries to provide a "core" module with unopinionated defaults, and then specialized wrapper modules with more opinionated configurations and additional helpers. That wrapper package needs to:

  1. Set some or all origin-package configurations
  2. Allow the user to also set some or all origin-package configurations, along with new middleware configurations
  3. Use the configured origin-package to provide additional members based on the fully-configured origin module

Part 3 should be possible in the existing system by writing the @forward rules before the @use rules, but parts 1 and 2 are not currently possible in combination.

This proposal provides a syntax for middleware modules to add configuration of the root module, without removing that option for end-users.


This section is non-normative.

Sass will add a with clause to @forward. The @forward ... with syntax is based on the @use ... with syntax, but allows the addition of !default flags similar to a variable declaration. Unlike @use ... with, unconfigured origin variables, and variables configured with a !default flag, will remain configurable by any file importing the combined module. For example:

// _origin.scss
$hue: 0 !default;
$saturation: 50% !default;
// _middleware.scss
@forward "origin" with (
  $hue: 330 !default, // Can be overridden by importing users.
  $saturation: 70% // Cannot be overridden by importing users.
// entrypoint.scss
@use "middleware" with (
  $hue: 120 // override both the origin & middleware !default values

// middleware.$hue == 120
// middleware.$saturation == 70%

Keyword arguments in the configuration must reference variable names as defined in the forwarded module, regardless of any concurent as clause:

// _origin.scss
$hue: 0 !default;
$color-hex: #ccc !default;
// _middleware.scss
@forward "origin" as color-* with (
  $hue: 330, // the color-* prefix is not referenced in configuration
  $color-hex: #966
// entrypoint.scss
@use "middleware" as m;
// m.$color-hue == 330
// m.$color-hex == #966

A @forward rule configuration is applied to the source module even if the forwarding module acts as an entrypoint:

// _origin.scss
$hue: 0 !default;
// entrypoint.scss
@forward "origin" with (
  $hue: 330 !default

@use "origin"; // origin.$hue == 330

Multiple configurations can be chained in a single cascading "thread" that contains zero or more @forward rules, and zero or one terminal @use rule. Variables remain open to configuration in the chain as long as every mention includes the !default flag. Multiple threads configuring a single module will cause an error, even if they originate in the same file.


The new WithClause extends @forward to the follow grammar:

ForwardRule     ::= '@forward' QuotedString AsClause? (ShowClause | HideClause)?  WithClause?
WithClause      ::= 'with' '('
                      KeywordArgument (',' KeywordArgument)* ','?
ForwardWithArgument ::= '$' Identifier ':' Expression '!default'?


The @forward ... with semantics builds on the existing proposal for Executing Files, and should be understood as modifying and expanding upon the existing execution process rather than being a comprehensive replacement.

Given a source file file, a configuration config, and an import context import:

  • Let module be an empty module with the same URL as file.

  • Let uses be an empty map from @use rules to modules.

  • When a @use rule rule is encountered:

    • If rule has a namespace that's the same as another @use rule's namespace in file, throw an error.

    • Let rule-config be the empty configuration.

    • If rule has a WithClause:

      • For each KeywordArgument argument in this clause:

        • Let value be the result of evaluating argument's expression.

        • Add a variable to rule-config with the same name as argument's identifier and with value as its value.

    • Let module be the result of loading the module with rule's URL and rule-config.

    • If rule has a WithClause that contains any variables that aren't part of module's public API or that weren't declared with a !default flag in module, throw an error.

    • Associate rule with module in uses.

  • When a @forward rule rule is encountered:

    • If rule has an AsClause with identifier prefix:

      • Let rule-config be an empty configuration.

      • For each variable variable in config:

        • If variable's name begins with prefix:

          • Let suffix be the portion of variable's name after prefix.

          • Add a variable to rule-config with the name suffix and with the same value as variable.

    • Otherwise, let rule-config be config.

    • If rule has a WithClause:

      • For each ForwardWithArgument argument in this clause:

        • If argument has a !default flag and a variable exists in rule-config with the same name as argument's identifier, do nothing.

        • Otherwise, let value be the result of evaluating argument's expression.

        • Add a variable to rule-config with the same name as argument's identifier, and with value as its value.

    • Let forwarded be the result of loading the module with rule's URL and rule-config.

    • If rule has a WithClause that contains any variables that aren't part of forwarded's public API or that weren't declared with a !default flag in forwarded, throw an error.

    • Forward forwarded with file through module.

From this point on, the logic remains unchanged.