2023-08-22 21:10:27 +00:00

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JavaScript Calculation API: Draft 3.1

(Issue, Changelog)

Table of Contents


This section is non-normative.

This proposal simply exposes the calculation type to the JavaScript API.


This section is non-normative.

Design Decisions


We considered eagerly simplifying calculations as they were constructed to match the behavior of values in Sass itself. However, this poses a problem for API implementations that don't have direct access to compiler logic, such as the Node.js embedded host: they would need to implement the simplification logic locally, which is relatively complex and opens a broad surface area for subtle cross-implementation incompatibilities.

This could potentially be solved by adding an explicit request to the embedded protocol, but this would pose its own problems given that JS is strict about separating asynchronous calls (like those across process boundaries) and synchronous calls (like this API).

Given that, we chose instead to handle simplification only at the custom function boundary rather than when a calculation is constructed.


import {List, ValueObject} from 'immutable';

import {Value, SassNumber, SassString} from '../spec/js-api/value';



declare module '../spec/js-api/value' {
  interface Value {


Returns this if it's a SassCalculation and throws an error otherwise.

The name parameter may be used for error reporting.

assertCalculation(name?: string): SassCalculation;
  } // Value
} // module


declare module '../spec/js-api/options' {
  interface Options<sync extends 'sync' | 'async'> {


Replace this option's specification with:

Before beginning compilation:

  • For each key/value pair signature/function in this record:

    • If signature isn't an followed immediately by an ArgumentDeclaration, throw an error.

    • Let name be signature's .

    • If there's already a global function whose name is underscore-insensitively equal to name, continue to the next key/value pair.

    • Otherwise, add a global function whose signature is signature. When this function is called:

      • Let result be the result of calling the associated CustomFunction with the given arguments. If this call throws an error, treat it as a Sass error thrown by the Sass function.

        As in the rest of Sass, _s and -s are considered equivalent when determining which function signatures match.

      • Throw an error if result is or transitively contains:

        • An object that's not an instance of the Value class.

        • A SassFunction whose signature field isn't a valid Sass function signature that could appear after the @function directive in a Sass stylesheet.

      • Return a copy of result.internal with all calculations it transitively contains (including the return value itself if it's a calculation) replaced with the result of simplifying those calculations.

functions?: Record<string, CustomFunction<sync>>;
  } // Options
} // module


The type of values that can be arguments to a SassCalculation.

export type CalculationValue =
  | SassNumber
  | SassCalculation
  | SassString
  | CalculationOperation
  | CalculationInterpolation;


The JS API representation of a Sass calculation.

Note: in the JS API calculations are not simplified eagerly. This also means that unsimplified calculations are not equal to the numbers they would be simplified to.

export class SassCalculation extends Value {


The private internal field refers to a Sass calculation.


Creates a value that represents calc(argument).

  • If argument is a quoted SassString, throw an error.

  • Return a calculation with name "calc" and argument as its single argument.

static calc(argument: CalculationValue): SassCalculation;


Creates a value that represents min(...arguments).

  • If arguments contains a quoted SassString, throw an error.

  • Return a calculation with name "min" and arguments as its arguments.

static min(
  arguments: CalculationValue[] | List<CalculationValue>
): SassCalculation;


Creates a value that represents max(...arguments).

  • If arguments contains a quoted SassString, throw an error.

  • Return a calculation with name "max" and arguments as its arguments.

static max(
  arguments: CalculationValue[] | List<CalculationValue>
): SassCalculation;


Creates a value that represents calc(min, value, max) expression.

  • If min, max, or clamp is a quoted SassString, throw an error.

  • If value is undefined and max is not undefined, throw an error.

  • If either value or max is undefined and neither min nor value is a SassString or CalculationInterpolation, throw an error.

  • Return a calculation with name "clamp" and min, value, and max as its arguments, excluding any arguments that are undefined.

static clamp(
  min: CalculationValue,
  value?: CalculationValue,
  max?: CalculationValue
): SassCalculation;


Returns internal's name field.

get name(): string;

Returns a list of internal's arguments.

get arguments(): List<CalculationValue>;
} // SassCalculation


The set of possible operators in a Sass calculation.

export type CalculationOperator = '+' | '-' | '*' | '/';


The JS API representation of a Sass [CalculationOperation].

export class CalculationOperation implements ValueObject {


A private property like Value.internal that refers to a Sass [CalculationOperation].


Creates a Sass CalculationOperation:

  • Throw an error if left or right is a quoted SassString.
  • Set the fields to the arguments of the corresponding names.
  • Return the resulting CalculationOperation.
  operator: CalculationOperator,
  left: CalculationValue,
  right: CalculationValue


Returns internal's operator field.

get operator(): CalculationOperator;


Returns internal's left field.

get left(): CalculationValue;


Returns internal's right field.

get right(): CalculationValue;


Whether internal is equal to other.internal in Sass.

equals(other: unknown): boolean;


Returns the same number for any two CalculationOperations that are equal according to equals.

hashCode(): number;
} // CalculationOperation


The JS API representation of a Sass CalculationInterpolation.

export class CalculationInterpolation implements ValueObject {


A private property like Value.internal that refers to a Sass CalculationInterpolation.


Creates a Sass CalculationInterpolation by setting the value field to the value argument and returns it.

constructor(value: string);


Returns internal's value field.

get value(): string;


Whether internal is equal to other.internal in Sass.

equals(other: unknown): boolean;


Returns the same number for any two CalculationInterpolations that are equal according to equals.

hashCode(): number;
} // CalculationInterpolation