2023-08-22 21:10:27 +00:00

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Random With Units: Draft 1.1

(Issue, Changelog)

This proposal modifies the behavior of the built-in math.random() function to return a number with matching units to the numeric argument it received.

Table of Contents


This section is non-normative.

Sass provides a built-in math.random() function which takes an optional numeric parameter $limit (defaults to null).

When null is passed it returns a decimal in the range [0, 1). When an integer greater than zero is passed it returns a number in the range [1, $limit). Otherwise it throws an error.

However, a numeric integer can include units (e.g. 5px or 8em) and the current behavior drops the units, which is unexpected for most users. For example: math.random(42px) => 28 (there is no px).


This section is non-normative.

The built-in math.random($limit: null) function will keep the same behavior for numbers without units, but when given an integer with units it will return a random integer with matching units.

Design Decisions

New Behavior vs New Syntax

This proposal keeps the existing syntax but changes the semantics, therefore it is a breaking change.

A backwards compatible alternative was a second optional parameter for units, e.g. math.random(42, 'px'), but it didn't solve the problem when the first parameter has units, e.g. math.random(42em, 'px').

We decided to update the behavior and follow the deprecation process.

No Stripping Units Fallback

Sass considers stripping units an anti-pattern, so we won't provide a fallback option for the previous unit-stripping behavior. Users are expected to rely on unit-based arithmetic.


The math.random() function can take an optional parameter $limit which defaults to null.

  • If $limit is null then return a pseudo-random unitless number whose value is in the range [0, 1).

    Example: math.random() => 0.1337001337

  • If $limit is an integer number greater than zero:

    • Return a pseudo-random integer in the range [1, $limit] with the same units as $limit.


      • math.random(123) => 87
      • math.random(123px) => 43px
      • math.random(500%) => 238%
  • Otherwise throw an error.

Deprecation Process

Given some users may be relying on the existing Dart Sass implementation which strips off the units, this will be a breaking change for Dart Sass v1.

We will emit deprecation warnings for any use of math.random($limit) where the $limit argument evaluates to a number with units.