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Importer API

Interfaces for user-declared importers that customize how Sass loads stylesheet dependencies.

import {Syntax} from './options';
import {PromiseOr} from './util/promise_or';

Table of Contents



This is a data object passed into calls to Importer.canonicalize() and FileImporter.findFileUrl(). Its fields are set as part of the function invocations.

export interface CanonicalizeContext {
  fromImport: boolean;
  containingUrl: URL | null;


This interface represents an importer. When the importer is invoked with a string string:

  • If string is an absolute URL whose scheme is file:

    • Let url be string.
  • Otherwise:

    • Let fromImport be true if the importer is being run for an @import and false otherwise.

    • Let containingUrl be the canonical URL of the current source file if it has one, or undefined otherwise.

    • Let url be the result of calling findFileUrl with string, fromImport, and containingUrl. If it returns a promise, wait for it to complete and use its value instead, or rethrow its error if it rejects.

    • If url is null, return null.

    • If url's scheme is not file, throw an error.

  • Let resolved be the result of resolving url.

  • If resolved is null, return null.

  • Let text be the contents of the file at resolved.

  • Let syntax be:

    • "scss" if url ends in .scss.
    • "indented" if url ends in .sass.
    • "css" if url ends in .css.

    The algorithm for resolving a file: URL guarantees that url will have one of these extensions.

  • Return text, syntax, and resolved.

export interface FileImporter<
  sync extends 'sync' | 'async' = 'sync' | 'async'
> {
    url: string,
    context: CanonicalizeContext
  ): PromiseOr<URL | null, sync>;

  canonicalize?: never;


This interface represents an importer. When the importer is invoked with a string string:

  • Let fromImport be true if the importer is being run for an @import and false otherwise.

  • If string is a relative URL, or if it's an absolute URL whose scheme is non-canonical for this importer, let containingUrl be the canonical URL of the current source file. Otherwise, or if the current source file has no canonical URL, let containingUrl be undefined.

  • Let url be the result of calling canonicalize with string, fromImport, and containingUrl. If it returns a promise, wait for it to complete and use its value instead, or rethrow its error if it rejects.

  • If the scheme of url is non-canonical for this importer, throw an error.

  • If url is null, return null.

  • Let result be the result of calling load with url. If it returns a promise, wait for it to complete and use its value instead, or rethrow its error if it rejects.

  • If result is null, return null.

  • Throw an error if result.syntax is not "scss", "indented", or "css".

  • If result.sourceMapUrl is defined and the implementation generates a source map, the implementation must use this URL in the source map to refer to source spans in result.contents.

  • Return result.contents, result.syntax, and url.

export interface Importer<sync extends 'sync' | 'async' = 'sync' | 'async'> {
    url: string,
    context: CanonicalizeContext
  ): PromiseOr<URL | null, sync>;

  load(canonicalUrl: URL): PromiseOr<ImporterResult | null, sync>;

  findFileUrl?: never;


The set of URL schemes that are considered non-canonical for this importer. If this is a single string, treat it as a list containing that string.

Before beginning compilation, throw an error if any element of this is empty or contains a character other than a lowercase ASCII letter, an ASCII numeral, U+002B (+), U+002D (-), or U+002E (.).

Uppercase letters are normalized to lowercase in the URL constructor, so for simplicity and efficiency we only allow lowercase here.

nonCanonicalScheme?: string | string[];
} // Importer


declare const nodePackageImporterKey: unique symbol;

export class NodePackageImporter {
  /** Used to distinguish this type from any arbitrary object. */
  private readonly [nodePackageImporterKey]: true;


This is a private, spec-only string property that's used to determine the value of the parentURL parameter to PACKAGE_RESOLVE function from the Node.js Resolution Algorithm.


Creates a NodePackageImporter:

  • If no filesystem is available, throw an error.

    This primarily refers to a browser environment, but applies to other sandboxed JavaScript environments as well.

  • If entryPointDirectory is not undefined, set the entryPointDirectory property to its value.

  • Otherwise, if the path to the first JavaScript file that was loaded from the filesystem exists, set the entryPointDirectory property to the directory containing that path.

    In Node.js, this can be accessed using require.main.filename if the entrypoint is CommonJS, but otherwise must be determined using process.argv[1]. See nodejs/node#49440.

  • Otherwise, throw an error.

  • Return this.

constructor(entryPointDirectory?: string);
} // NodePackageImporter


export interface ImporterResult {
  contents: string;

  syntax: Syntax;

  sourceMapUrl?: URL;