29 settings.json
Gaby edited this page 2020-11-17 09:51:43 +01:00

The settings.json file stores all your parameters. This file is located in userData/settings.json.

Note: Since version 2.0.0, you can edit all the settings option directly in eDEX without manually editing the file. To access the settings editor, either use the CommandOrCtrl+Shift+S keyboard shortcut, or navigate to the userData folder in the filesystem display and touch/click the settings.json file.

The file is written on first start with only the necessary options, but there is a lot more you can customize in here. Listed below are all the accepted key/value pairs and what they affect.

Please note that incorrectly filling this file (for example with wrong types of values) might crash eDEX on start; if that happens, you can always delete the file and it will be written again with the default values next time you start eDEX.

Key Expected value Default value Description
shell (any CLI application) bash or powershell.exe The program to run in the "main shell" window.)
shellArgs (a string) '' Parameters to pass to the shell. e.g: '--login'
cwd (a directory path) userData The Current Working Directory in which the shell program will be started.
env (an array) undefined Replace the default settings for the shell's environment variables. Undefined falls back to eDEX's inherited env.
keyboard (a keyboard layout code) en-US Which keyboard layout to use.
theme (a theme name) tron Which theme to load.
termFontSize (an integer) 15 Size of the terminal text in pixels.
audio (a boolean) true Whether to activate sound effects or not.
audioVolume (a string w/ a number between 0.0 and 1.0) 1.0 App-wide audio volume for sound effects.
disableFeedbackAudio (a boolean) false Toggle for "feedback" sound effects like input/output and keyboard touch sounds.
port (a valid port number) 3000 The port to use for the websocket connection between your shell and the UI.
pingAddr (a valid IPv4 address) Which address to use for testing Internet connectivity (default is Cloudflare's DNS)
clockHours (number 12 or 24) 24 Display the clock in 12 or 24-hours format.
monitor (a number) null Which monitor to spawn eDEX on. If the provided value is not a valid number, will default to the system's primary display.
nointro (a boolean) false Whether to skip the intro boot log & title screen. Also available as a --nointro command line switch.
nocursor (a boolean) false Hide the on-screen cursor. Intended for users of a touch screen. Also available as a --nocursor command line switch.
iface (the name of a network interface) null Select a custom network interface for monitoring. If this value is not a valid string, or if the selected interface disappears while eDEX is running, the monitor will fallback to automatic detection (the first external interface with a valid IPv4 and MAC address)
allowWindowed (a boolean) false Allow using the F11 key to switch eDEX to windowed mode.
forceFullscreen (a boolean) true See #830. Doesn't appear in the GUI configurator.
keepGeometry (a boolean) true Try to keep a 16:9 aspect ratio in windowed mode.
excludeThreadsFromToplist (a boolean) true Display threads in the top processes list
hideDotfiles (a boolean) false If set to true, files and directories starting with a dot (.) won't be displayed in the filesystem browser.
fsListView (a boolean) false Show files in a more detailed list instead of an icon grid in the filesystem browser.
username (a string) undefined Override the name used in the welcome message; normally your OS-level username is used.
experimentalGlobeFeatures (a boolean) false Toggle experimental features for the network globe. See #397
experimentalFeatures (a boolean) false Toggle Chrome's experimental web features. Useful for very advanced theming. May introduce security risks.