2024-03-24 11:53:27 +01:00

189 lines
6.6 KiB

# find id in json : ie frequency / continent
def find_id_json(json_object, name):
return [obj for obj in json_object if obj["id"] == name][0]
def query_build_callsign(logger,callsign):
query_string = ""
if len(callsign) <= 14:
query_string = (
"(SELECT rowid, spotter AS de, freq, spotcall AS dx, comment AS comm, time, spotdxcc from spot WHERE spotter='"
+ callsign
+ "'"
query_string += " ORDER BY rowid desc limit 10)"
query_string += " UNION "
query_string += (
"(SELECT rowid, spotter AS de, freq, spotcall AS dx, comment AS comm, time, spotdxcc from spot WHERE spotcall='"
+ callsign
+ "'"
query_string += " ORDER BY rowid desc limit 10);"
logger.warning("callsign too long")
return query_string
def query_build(logger,parameters,band_frequencies,modes_frequencies,continents_cq,enable_cq_filter):
last_rowid = str(parameters["lr"]) # Last rowid fetched by front end
get_param = lambda parameters, parm_name: parameters[parm_name] if (parm_name in parameters) else []
dxcalls=get_param(parameters, "dxcalls")
band=get_param(parameters, "band")
dere=get_param(parameters, "de_re")
dxre=get_param(parameters, "dx_re")
mode=get_param(parameters, "mode")
exclft8=get_param(parameters, "exclft8")
exclft4=get_param(parameters, "exclft4")
decq = []
if "cqdeInput" in parameters:
decq[0] = parameters["cqdeInput"]
dxcq = []
if "cqdxInput" in parameters:
dxcq[0] = parameters["cqdxInput"]
query_string = ""
#construct callsign of spot dx callsign
dxcalls_qry_string = " AND spotcall IN (" + ''.join(map(lambda x: "'" + x + "'," if x != dxcalls[-1] else "'" + x + "'", dxcalls)) + ")"
# construct band query decoding frequencies with json file
band_qry_string = " AND (("
for i, item_band in enumerate(band):
freq = find_id_json(band_frequencies["bands"], item_band)
if i > 0:
band_qry_string += ") OR ("
band_qry_string += (
"freq BETWEEN " + str(freq["min"]) + " AND " + str(freq["max"])
band_qry_string += "))"
# construct mode query
mode_qry_string = " AND (("
for i, item_mode in enumerate(mode):
single_mode = find_id_json(modes_frequencies["modes"], item_mode)
if i > 0:
mode_qry_string += ") OR ("
for j in range(len(single_mode["freq"])):
if j > 0:
mode_qry_string += ") OR ("
mode_qry_string += (
"freq BETWEEN "
+ str(single_mode["freq"][j]["min"])
+ " AND "
+ str(single_mode["freq"][j]["max"])
mode_qry_string += "))"
#Exluding FT8 or FT4 connection
ft8_qry_string = " AND ("
if exclft8:
ft8_qry_string += "(comment NOT LIKE '%FT8%')"
single_mode = find_id_json(modes_frequencies["modes"], "digi-ft8")
for j in range(len(single_mode["freq"])):
ft8_qry_string += (
+ str(single_mode["freq"][j]["min"])
+ " AND "
+ str(single_mode["freq"][j]["max"])
+ ")"
ft8_qry_string += ")"
ft4_qry_string = " AND ("
if exclft4:
ft4_qry_string += "(comment NOT LIKE '%FT4%')"
single_mode = find_id_json(modes_frequencies["modes"], "digi-ft4")
for j in range(len(single_mode["freq"])):
ft4_qry_string += (
+ str(single_mode["freq"][j]["min"])
+ " AND "
+ str(single_mode["freq"][j]["max"])
+ ")"
ft4_qry_string += ")"
# construct DE continent region query
dere_qry_string = " AND spottercq IN ("
for i, item_dere in enumerate(dere):
continent = find_id_json(continents_cq["continents"], item_dere)
if i > 0:
dere_qry_string += ","
dere_qry_string += str(continent["cq"])
dere_qry_string += ")"
# construct DX continent region query
dxre_qry_string = " AND spotcq IN ("
for i, item_dxre in enumerate(dxre):
continent = find_id_json(continents_cq["continents"], item_dxre)
if i > 0:
dxre_qry_string += ","
dxre_qry_string += str(continent["cq"])
dxre_qry_string += ")"
if enable_cq_filter == "Y":
# construct de cq query
decq_qry_string = ""
if len(decq) == 1:
if decq[0].isnumeric():
decq_qry_string = " AND spottercq =" + decq[0]
# construct dx cq query
dxcq_qry_string = ""
if len(dxcq) == 1:
if dxcq[0].isnumeric():
dxcq_qry_string = " AND spotcq =" + dxcq[0]
if last_rowid is None:
last_rowid = "0"
if not last_rowid.isnumeric():
last_rowid = 0
query_string = "SELECT rowid, spotter AS de, freq, spotcall AS dx, comment AS comm, time, spotdxcc from spot WHERE rowid > "+(str(last_rowid))
if dxcalls:
query_string += dxcalls_qry_string
if len(band) > 0:
query_string += band_qry_string
if len(mode) > 0:
query_string += mode_qry_string
if exclft8:
query_string += ft8_qry_string
if exclft4:
query_string += ft4_qry_string
if len(dere) > 0:
query_string += dere_qry_string
if len(dxre) > 0:
query_string += dxre_qry_string
if enable_cq_filter == "Y":
if len(decq_qry_string) > 0:
query_string += decq_qry_string
if len(dxcq_qry_string) > 0:
query_string += dxcq_qry_string
query_string += " ORDER BY rowid desc limit 50;"
logger.debug (query_string)
except Exception as e:
query_string = ""
return query_string
query_build_callsing_list = lambda: 'SELECT spotcall AS dx FROM (select spotcall from spot order by rowid desc limit 50000) s1 GROUP BY spotcall ORDER BY count(spotcall) DESC, spotcall LIMIT 100;'