2002-09-26 09:19:21 +00:00

133 lines
3.2 KiB

# This is a local command to generate the various statistics that
# can then be displayed on an MRTG plot
# Your mrtg binary must live in one of the standard places
# you will need perl 5.6 (probably) to be able to run this command
sub cfgprint($$@$$$$$);
my ($self, $line) = @_;
# create the arg list
my %want;
for (split /\s+/, $line) { $want{lc $_} = 1};
return (1, "MRTG not installed") unless $want{test} || -e '/usr/bin/mrtg' || -e '/usr/local/bin/mrtg';
my $dir = "$main::root/mrtg";
my $html = "$main::root/html/mrtg";
my $cfg = "$dir/mrtg.cfg";
my $mc = new IO::File ">$cfg" or return(1, "cannot open $cfg for mrtg writing");
# print out the header
print $mc <<"EOF";
### Global Defaults
# to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right
# Options[_]: growright, bits
Htmldir: $html
Imagedir: $html
Logdir: $dir
Options[_]: growright
#dbg "$dir\n$html\n";
# do the users and nodes
my $users = DXChannel::get_all_users();
my $nodes = DXChannel::get_all_nodes();
my $uptime = main::uptime();
#dbg "$users $nodes $uptime\n";
if (my $m = new IO::File ">$dir/users") {
print $m "$users\n$nodes\n$uptime\nUsers and Nodes\n";
close $m;
cfgprint($mc, 'users', [qw(gauge)], 500,
"Users and Nodes on $main::mycall",
'Users / Nodes', 'Users', 'Nodes');
# do the total users and nodes
if ($want{totalusers} || $want{all}) {
$nodes = Route::Node::count();
$users = Route::User::count();
#dbg "$users $nodes $uptime\n";
if (my $m = new IO::File ">$dir/totalusers") {
print $m "$users\n$nodes\n$uptime\nTotal Users and Nodes\n";
close $m;
cfgprint($mc, 'totalusers', [qw(gauge)], 10000,
'Total Users and Nodes in the Visible Cluster Network',
'Users / Nodes', 'Users', 'Nodes');
# do the total spots
if ($want{totalspots} || $want{all}) {
if (my $m = new IO::File ">$dir/totalspots") {
print $m "$Spot::totalspots\n$Spot::totalspots\n$uptime\nTotal Spots\n";
close $m;
$Spot::totalspots = 0;
cfgprint($mc, 'totalspots', [qw(unknaszero gauge noi)], 1000, 'Total Spots',
'Spots', 'Spots', 'Spots');
# do the HF and VHF spots
if ($want{hfvhf} || $want{all}) {
if (my $m = new IO::File ">$dir/hfspots") {
print $m "$Spot::hfspots\n$Spot::vhfspots\n$uptime\nHF and VHF+ Spots\n";
close $m;
$Spot::hfspots = $Spot::vhfspots = 0;
cfgprint($mc, 'hfspots', [qw(unknaszero gauge)], 1000, 'HF and VHF+ Spots',
'Spots', 'HF', 'VHF');
# do the mrtg thing
close $mc;
my @out = `mrtg $cfg`;
return (1, @out);
sub cfgprint
my ($mc, $name, $options, $max, $title, $legend, $iname, $oname) = @_;
my $opt = join ', ', @$options, qw(withzeroes gauge growright nopercent integer);
print $mc <<"EOF";
# $title
Target[$name]: `cat /spider/mrtg/$name`
MaxBytes[$name]: $max
Title[$name]: $title
Options[$name]: $opt
YLegend[$name]: $legend
YTicsFactor[$name]: 1
ShortLegend[$name]: \&nbsp;
Legend1[$name]:Maximum No of $iname
Legend2[$name]:Maximum No of $oname
PageTop[$name]: <H1>$title</H1>
<TR><TD>System:</TD> <TD>$main::mycall</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Maintainer:</TD> <TD>$main::myemail</TD></TR>