djk 7dfcb79db3 added apropos command
added loads more help
upissued version to 1.8
1998-12-06 20:54:59 +00:00

55 lines
1.1 KiB

# the help subsystem
# apropos - this does a grep on the command file and returns the commands
# that contain the string searched for
# Copyright (c) 1998 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
# $Id$
my ($self, $line) = @_;
my @out;
my $lang = $self->lang;
$lang = 'en' if !$lang;
my $h = new FileHandle;
if (!open($h, "$main::localcmd/Commands_$lang.hlp")) {
if (!open($h, "$main::cmd/Commands_$lang.hlp")) {
return (1, $self->msg('helpe1'));
my $in;
$line =~ s/\W//og; # remove dubious characters
my $include;
my ($priv, $cmd, $desc);
foreach $in (<$h>) {
next if $in =~ /^\#/;
chomp $in;
if ($in =~ /^===/) {
push @out, "$cmd $desc" if $include;
$include = 0;
$in =~ s/=== //;
($priv, $cmd, $desc) = split /\^/, $in;
next if $priv > $self->priv; # ignore subcommands that are of no concern
next unless $cmd =~ /$line/i || $desc =~ /$line/i;
next if $cmd =~ /-$/o;
$include = 1;
$include =~ 1 if $cmd =~ /$line/i;
push @out, "$cmd $desc" if $include;
push @out, $self->msg('helpe2', $line) if @out == 0;
return (1, @out);