djk 171a7a0bf8 started the addition of help files
implemented a basic help function
added a skeleton DXMsg.pm for message handling in and out
1998-09-28 21:49:56 +00:00

24 lines
844 B

=== 0^EN^HELP^The HELP Command
HELP is available for a number of commands. The syntax is:-
HELP <cmd>
Where <cmd> is the name of the command you want help on.
Commands for which help is available:-
=== 0^EN^ANNOUNCE^make an announcement to the cluster
=== 0^EN^BYE^exit from the cluster
=== 9^EN^CREATE^Create various things
=== 9^EN^DELETE^Delete various things
=== 9^EN^DISCONNECT^Disconnect a user or node from the cluster
=== 0^EN^DX^send a DX spot to the cluster
=== 0^EN^SET^set various parameters
=== 0^EN^SHOW^show various parameters
=== 5^EN^SHUTDOWN^shutdown this node completely
=== 5^EN^STAT^show the status of various system related things
=== 0^EN^TALK^talk to another user of the cluster
=== 0^EN^UNSET^unset or reset various parameters
=== 0^EN^WWV^send a WWV spot
=== 0^EN^WX^send a weather announcement to the cluster