Dirk Koopman d3641e4f28 Rearrange startup PC92 arrangements
This is an attempt to cut down on the number PC92Cs that are flying
around. It does this be storing the last PC92C and only sending
it (which should be ignored by other people if broadcast) and
a PC92A. It does mean that the PC92C could be quite out of date
but a fresher will be along soon(ish)

I have also increase the pc92 update time to one hour and
randomised it to one hour - upto 1/4 of the update time.

It will also do each node separately, rather than all together in
one big gob.
2007-06-23 12:54:02 +01:00

758 lines
17 KiB

# module to manage channel lists & data
# This is the base class for all channel operations, which is everything to do
# with input and output really.
# The instance variable in the outside world will be generally be called $dxchan
# This class is 'inherited' (if that is the goobledegook for what I am doing)
# by various other modules. The point to understand is that the 'instance variable'
# is in fact what normal people would call the state vector and all useful info
# about a connection goes in there.
# Another point to note is that a vector may contain a list of other vectors.
# I have simply added another variable to the vector for 'simplicity' (or laziness
# as it is more commonly called)
# PLEASE NOTE - I am a C programmer using this as a method of learning perl
# firstly and OO about ninthly (if you don't like the design and you can't
# improve it with better OO and thus make it smaller and more efficient, then tough).
# Copyright (c) 1998-2000 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
# $Id$
package DXChannel;
use Msg;
use DXM;
use DXUtil;
use DXVars;
use DXDebug;
use Filter;
use Prefix;
use Route;
use strict;
use vars qw(%channels %valid @ISA $count);
%channels = ();
$count = 0;
%valid = (
call => '0,Callsign',
conn => '9,Msg Conn ref',
user => '9,DXUser ref',
startt => '0,Start Time,atime',
t => '9,Time,atime',
pc50_t => '5,Last PC50 Time,atime',
priv => '9,Privilege',
state => '0,Current State',
oldstate => '5,Last State',
list => '9,Dep Chan List',
name => '0,User Name',
consort => '5,Connection Type',
'sort' => '5,Type of Channel',
wwv => '0,Want WWV,yesno',
wcy => '0,Want WCY,yesno',
wx => '0,Want WX,yesno',
talk => '0,Want Talk,yesno',
ann => '0,Want Announce,yesno',
here => '0,Here?,yesno',
conf => '0,In Conference?,yesno',
dx => '0,DX Spots,yesno',
redirect => '0,Redirect messages to',
lang => '0,Language',
func => '5,Function',
loc => '9,Local Vars', # used by func to store local variables in
beep => '0,Want Beeps,yesno',
lastread => '5,Last Msg Read',
outbound => '5,outbound?,yesno',
remotecmd => '9,doing rcmd,yesno',
pagelth => '0,Page Length',
pagedata => '9,Page Data Store',
group => '0,Access Group,parray', # used to create a group of users/nodes for some purpose or other
isolate => '5,Isolate network,yesno',
delayed => '5,Delayed messages,parray',
annfilter => '5,Ann Filt-out',
wwvfilter => '5,WWV Filt-out',
wcyfilter => '5,WCY Filt-out',
spotsfilter => '5,Spot Filt-out',
routefilter => '5,Route Filt-out',
inannfilter => '5,Ann Filt-inp',
inwwvfilter => '5,WWV Filt-inp',
inwcyfilter => '5,WCY Filt-inp',
inspotsfilter => '5,Spot Filt-inp',
inroutefilter => '5,Route Filt-inp',
passwd => '9,Passwd List,yesno',
pingint => '5,Ping Interval ',
nopings => '5,Ping Obs Count',
lastping => '5,Ping last sent,atime',
pingtime => '5,Ping totaltime,parray',
pingave => '0,Ping ave time',
logininfo => '9,Login info req,yesno',
talklist => '0,Talk List,parray',
cluster => '5,Cluster data',
isbasic => '9,Internal Connection',
errors => '9,Errors',
route => '9,Route Data',
dxcc => '0,Country Code',
itu => '0,ITU Zone',
cq => '0,CQ Zone',
enhanced => '5,Enhanced Client,yesno',
gtk => '5,Using GTK,yesno',
senddbg => '8,Sending Debug,yesno',
width => '0,Column Width',
disconnecting => '9,Disconnecting,yesno',
ann_talk => '0,Suppress Talk Anns,yesno',
metric => '1,Route metric',
badcount => '1,Bad Word Count',
edit => '7,Edit Function',
registered => '9,Registered?,yesno',
prompt => '0,Required Prompt',
version => '1,Node Version',
build => '1,Node Build',
verified => '9,Verified?,yesno',
newroute => '1,New Style Routing,yesno',
ve7cc => '0,VE7CC program special,yesno',
lastmsgpoll => '0,Last Msg Poll,atime',
inscript => '9,In a script,yesno',
handle_xml => '9,Handles XML,yesno',
do_pc9x => '9,Handles PC9x,yesno',
inqueue => '9,Input Queue,parray',
next_pc92_update => '9,Next PC92 Update,atime',
# object destruction
my $self = shift;
for (keys %$self) {
if (ref($self->{$_})) {
delete $self->{$_};
dbg("DXChannel $self->{call} destroyed ($count)") if isdbg('chan');
# create a new channel object [$obj = DXChannel->new($call, $msg_conn_obj, $user_obj)]
sub alloc
my ($pkg, $call, $conn, $user) = @_;
my $self = {};
die "trying to create a duplicate channel for $call" if $channels{$call};
$self->{call} = $call;
$self->{priv} = 0;
$self->{conn} = $conn if defined $conn; # if this isn't defined then it must be a list
if (defined $user) {
$self->{user} = $user;
$self->{lang} = $user->lang;
$user->new_group unless $user->group;
$user->new_buddies unless $user->buddies;
$self->{group} = $user->group;
$self->{sort} = $user->sort;
$self->{startt} = $self->{t} = time;
$self->{state} = 0;
$self->{oldstate} = 0;
$self->{lang} = $main::lang if !$self->{lang};
$self->{func} = "";
# add in all the dxcc, itu, zone info
my @dxcc = Prefix::extract($call);
if (@dxcc > 0) {
$self->{dxcc} = $dxcc[1]->dxcc;
$self->{itu} = $dxcc[1]->itu;
$self->{cq} = $dxcc[1]->cq;
$self->{inqueue} = [];
dbg("DXChannel $self->{call} created ($count)") if isdbg('chan');
bless $self, $pkg;
return $channels{$call} = $self;
# rebless this channel as something else
sub rebless
my $self = shift;
my $class = shift;
return $channels{$self->{call}} = bless $self, $class;
sub rec
my ($self, $msg) = @_;
# queue the message and the channel object for later processing
if (defined $msg) {
push @{$self->{inqueue}}, $msg;
# obtain a channel object by callsign [$obj = DXChannel::get($call)]
sub get
my $call = shift;
return $channels{$call};
# obtain all the channel objects
sub get_all
return values(%channels);
# gimme all the ak1a nodes
sub get_all_nodes
my $ref;
my @out;
foreach $ref (values %channels) {
push @out, $ref if $ref->is_node;
return @out;
# return a list of all users
sub get_all_users
my $ref;
my @out;
foreach $ref (values %channels) {
push @out, $ref if $ref->is_user;
return @out;
# return a list of all user callsigns
sub get_all_user_calls
my $ref;
my @out;
foreach $ref (values %channels) {
push @out, $ref->{call} if $ref->is_user;
return @out;
# obtain a channel object by searching for its connection reference
sub get_by_cnum
my ($pkg, $conn) = @_;
my $self;
foreach $self (values(%channels)) {
return $self if ($self->{conn} == $conn);
return undef;
# get rid of a channel object [$obj->del()]
sub del
my $self = shift;
$self->{group} = undef; # belt and braces
delete $channels{$self->{call}};
# is it a bbs
sub is_bbs
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} eq 'B';
sub is_node
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} =~ /[ACRSXW]/;
# is it an ak1a node ?
sub is_ak1a
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} eq 'A';
# is it a user?
sub is_user
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} eq 'U';
# is it a clx node
sub is_clx
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} eq 'C';
# it is Aranea
sub is_aranea
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} eq 'W';
# is it a spider node
sub is_spider
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} eq 'S';
# is it a DXNet node
sub is_dxnet
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} eq 'X';
# is it a ar-cluster node
sub is_arcluster
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'sort'} eq 'R';
# for perl 5.004's benefit
sub sort
my $self = shift;
return @_ ? $self->{'sort'} = shift : $self->{'sort'} ;
# find out whether we are prepared to believe this callsign on this interface
sub is_believed
my $self = shift;
my $call = shift;
return grep $call eq $_, $self->user->believe;
# handle out going messages, immediately without waiting for the select to drop
# this could, in theory, block
sub send_now
my $self = shift;
my $conn = $self->{conn};
return unless $conn;
my $sort = shift;
my $call = $self->{call};
for (@_) {
# chomp;
my @lines = split /\n/;
for (@lines) {
# debug log it, but not if it is a log message
dbg("-> $sort $call $_") if $sort ne 'L' && isdbg('chan');
$self->{t} = time;
# send later with letter (more control)
sub send_later
my $self = shift;
my $conn = $self->{conn};
return unless $conn;
my $sort = shift;
my $call = $self->{call};
for (@_) {
# chomp;
my @lines = split /\n/;
for (@lines) {
# debug log it, but not if it is a log message
dbg("-> $sort $call $_") if $sort ne 'L' && isdbg('chan');
$self->{t} = time;
# the normal output routine
sub send # this is always later and always data
my $self = shift;
my $conn = $self->{conn};
return unless $conn;
my $call = $self->{call};
foreach my $l (@_) {
for (ref $l ? @$l : $l) {
my @lines = split /\n/;
for (@lines) {
dbg("-> D $call $_") if isdbg('chan');
$self->{t} = $main::systime;
# send a file (always later)
sub send_file
my ($self, $fn) = @_;
my $call = $self->{call};
my $conn = $self->{conn};
my @buf;
open(F, $fn) or die "can't open $fn for sending file ($!)";
@buf = <F>;
# this will implement language independence (in time)
sub msg
my $self = shift;
return DXM::msg($self->{lang}, @_);
# stick a broadcast on the delayed queue (but only up to 20 items)
sub delay
my $self = shift;
my $s = shift;
$self->{delayed} = [] unless $self->{delayed};
push @{$self->{delayed}}, $s;
if (@{$self->{delayed}} >= 20) {
shift @{$self->{delayed}}; # lose oldest one
# change the state of the channel - lots of scope for debugging here :-)
sub state
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{oldstate} = $self->{state};
$self->{state} = shift;
$self->{func} = '' unless defined $self->{func};
dbg("$self->{call} channel func $self->{func} state $self->{oldstate} -> $self->{state}\n") if isdbg('state');
# if there is any queued up broadcasts then splurge them out here
if ($self->{delayed} && ($self->{state} eq 'prompt' || $self->{state} eq 'talk')) {
$self->send (@{$self->{delayed}});
delete $self->{delayed};
return $self->{state};
# disconnect this channel
sub disconnect
my $self = shift;
my $user = $self->{user};
$user->close() if defined $user;
$self->{conn}->disconnect if $self->{conn};
# just close all the socket connections down without any fiddling about, cleaning, being
# nice to other processes and otherwise telling them what is going on.
# This is for the benefit of forked processes to prepare for starting new programs, they
# don't want or need all this baggage.
sub closeall
my $ref;
foreach $ref (values %channels) {
$ref->{conn}->disconnect() if $ref->{conn};
# Tell all the users that we have come in or out (if they want to know)
sub tell_login
my ($self, $m, $call) = @_;
$call ||= $self->{call};
# send info to all logged in thingies
my @dxchan = get_all_users();
my $dxchan;
foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
next if $dxchan == $self;
next if $dxchan->{call} eq $main::mycall;
$dxchan->send($dxchan->msg($m, $call)) if $dxchan->{logininfo};
# Tell all the users if a buddy is logged or out
sub tell_buddies
my ($self, $m, $call, $node) = @_;
$call ||= $self->{call};
$call =~ s/-\d+$//;
$m .= 'n' if $node;
# send info to all logged in thingies
my @dxchan = get_all_users();
my $dxchan;
foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
next if $dxchan == $self;
next if $dxchan->{call} eq $main::mycall;
$dxchan->send($dxchan->msg($m, $call, $node)) if grep $_ eq $call, @{$dxchan->{user}->{buddies}} ;
# various access routines
# return a list of valid elements
sub fields
return keys(%valid);
# return a prompt for a field
sub field_prompt
my ($self, $ele) = @_;
return $valid{$ele};
# take a standard input message and decode it into its standard parts
sub decode_input
my $dxchan = shift;
my $data = shift;
my ($sort, $call, $line) = $data =~ /^([A-Z])([A-Z0-9\-]{3,9})\|(.*)$/;
my $chcall = (ref $dxchan) ? $dxchan->call : "UN.KNOWN";
# the above regexp must work
unless (defined $sort && defined $call && defined $line) {
# $data =~ s/([\x00-\x1f\x7f-\xff])/uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))/eg;
dbg("DUFF Line on $chcall: $data");
return ();
if(ref($dxchan) && $call ne $chcall) {
dbg("DUFF Line come in for $call on wrong channel $chcall");
return ($sort, $call, $line);
sub rspfcheck
my ($self, $flag, $node, $user) = @_;
my $nref = Route::Node::get($node);
my $dxchan = $nref->dxchan if $nref;
if ($nref && $dxchan) {
if ($dxchan == $self) {
return 1 unless $user;
return 1 if $user eq $node;
my @users = $nref->users;
return 1 if @users == 0 || grep $user eq $_, @users;
dbg("RSPF: $user not on $node") if isdbg('chanerr');
} else {
dbg("RSPF: Shortest path for $node is " . $nref->dxchan->{call}) if isdbg('chanerr');
} else {
return 1 if $flag;
dbg("RSPF: required $node not found" ) if isdbg('chanerr');
return 0;
# broadcast a message to all clusters taking into account isolation
# [except those mentioned after buffer]
sub broadcast_nodes
my $s = shift; # the line to be rebroadcast
my @except = @_; # to all channels EXCEPT these (dxchannel refs)
my @dxchan = get_all_nodes();
my $dxchan;
# send it if it isn't the except list and isn't isolated and still has a hop count
foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
next if grep $dxchan == $_, @except;
next if $dxchan == $main::me;
my $routeit = $dxchan->can('adjust_hops') ? $dxchan->adjust_hops($s) : $s; # adjust its hop count by node name
$dxchan->send($routeit) unless $dxchan->{isolate} || !$routeit;
# broadcast a message to all clusters ignoring isolation
# [except those mentioned after buffer]
sub broadcast_all_nodes
my $s = shift; # the line to be rebroadcast
my @except = @_; # to all channels EXCEPT these (dxchannel refs)
my @dxchan = get_all_nodes();
my $dxchan;
# send it if it isn't the except list and isn't isolated and still has a hop count
foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
next if grep $dxchan == $_, @except;
next if $dxchan == $main::me;
my $routeit = $dxchan->can('adjust_hops') ? $dxchan->adjust_hops($s) : $s; # adjust its hop count by node name
# broadcast to all users
# storing the spot or whatever until it is in a state to receive it
sub broadcast_users
my $s = shift; # the line to be rebroadcast
my $sort = shift; # the type of transmission
my $fref = shift; # a reference to an object to filter on
my @except = @_; # to all channels EXCEPT these (dxchannel refs)
my @dxchan = get_all_users();
my $dxchan;
my @out;
foreach $dxchan (@dxchan) {
next if grep $dxchan == $_, @except;
push @out, $dxchan;
broadcast_list($s, $sort, $fref, @out);
# broadcast to a list of users
sub broadcast_list
my $s = shift;
my $sort = shift;
my $fref = shift;
my $dxchan;
foreach $dxchan (@_) {
my $filter = 1;
next if $dxchan == $main::me;
if ($sort eq 'dx') {
next unless $dxchan->{dx};
($filter) = $dxchan->{spotsfilter}->it(@{$fref}) if ref $fref;
next unless $filter;
next if $sort eq 'ann' && !$dxchan->{ann} && $s !~ /^To\s+LOCAL\s+de\s+(?:$main::myalias|$main::mycall)/i;
next if $sort eq 'wwv' && !$dxchan->{wwv};
next if $sort eq 'wcy' && !$dxchan->{wcy};
next if $sort eq 'wx' && !$dxchan->{wx};
$s =~ s/\a//og unless $dxchan->{beep};
if ($dxchan->{state} eq 'prompt' || $dxchan->{state} eq 'talk') {
} else {
sub process
foreach my $dxchan (get_all()) {
while (my $data = shift @{$dxchan->{inqueue}}) {
my ($sort, $call, $line) = $dxchan->decode_input($data);
next unless defined $sort;
# do the really sexy console interface bit! (Who is going to do the TK interface then?)
dbg("<- $sort $call $line") if $sort ne 'D' && isdbg('chan');
if ($dxchan->{disconnecting}) {
dbg('In disconnection, ignored');
# handle A records
my $user = $dxchan->user;
if ($sort eq 'A' || $sort eq 'O') {
$dxchan->start($line, $sort);
} elsif ($sort eq 'I') {
die "\$user not defined for $call" if !defined $user;
# normal input
} elsif ($sort eq 'Z') {
} elsif ($sort eq 'D') {
; # ignored (an echo)
} elsif ($sort eq 'G') {
} else {
print STDERR atime, " Unknown command letter ($sort) received from $call\n";
sub handle_xml
my $self = shift;
my $r = 0;
if (DXXml::available()) {
$r = $self->{handle_xml} || 0;
} else {
delete $self->{handle_xml} if exists $self->{handle_xml};
return $r;
#no strict;
no strict;
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
return if $name =~ /::DESTROY$/;
$name =~ s/^.*:://o;
confess "Non-existant field '$AUTOLOAD'" if !$valid{$name};
# this clever line of code creates a subroutine which takes over from autoload
# from OO Perl - Conway
*$AUTOLOAD = sub {@_ > 1 ? $_[0]->{$name} = $_[1] : $_[0]->{$name}};
goto &$AUTOLOAD;