
100 lines
2.1 KiB

# show dx using the dxcc number as the basis for searchs for each callsign or prefix entered
# $Id$
my ($self, $line) = @_;
my @list = split /\s+/, $line; # split the line up
my @out;
my $f;
my $call;
my ($from, $to);
my ($fromday, $today);
my @freq;
my @ans;
while ($f = shift @list) { # next field
# print "f: $f list: ", join(',', @list), "\n";
if (!$from && !$to) {
($from, $to) = $f =~ /^(\d+)-(\d+)$/o; # is it a from -> to count?
next if $from && $to > $from;
if (!$to) {
($to) = $f =~ /^(\d+)$/o if !$to; # is it a to count?
next if $to;
if (lc $f eq 'on' && $list[0]) { # is it freq range?
# print "yup freq\n";
my @r = split '/', $list[0];
# print "r0: $r[0] r1: $r[1]\n";
@freq = Bands::get_freq($r[0], $r[1]);
if (@freq) { # yup, get rid of extranous param
# print "freq: ", join(',', @freq), "\n";
shift @list;
if (lc $f eq 'day' && $list[0]) {
# print "got day\n";
($fromday, $today) = split '-', $list[0];
shift @list;
if (!@ans) {
@ans = Prefix::extract($f); # is it a callsign/prefix?
# no dxcc country, no answer!
if (@ans) { # we have a valid prefix!
# first deal with the prefix
my $pre = shift @ans;
my $a;
my $expr = "(";
my $str = "Prefix: $pre";
my $l = length $str;
# build up a search string for this dxcc country/countries
foreach $a (@ans) {
$expr .= " || " if $expr ne "(";
my $n = $a->dxcc();
$expr .= "\$f5 == $n";
my $name = $a->name();
$str .= " Dxcc: $n ($name)";
push @out, $str;
$str = pack "A$l", " ";
$expr .= ")";
push @out, $str;
# now deal with any frequencies specified
if (@freq) {
$expr .= " && (";
my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < @freq; $i += 2) {
$expr .= "(\$f0 >= $freq[$i] && \$f0 <= $freq[$i+1]) ||";
chop $expr;
chop $expr;
$expr .= ")";
# print "expr: $expr from: $from to: $to fromday: $fromday today: $today\n";
# now do the search
my @res = Spot::search($expr, $fromday, $today, $from, $to);
my $ref;
my @dx;
foreach $ref (@res) {
@dx = @$ref;
push @out, Spot::formatl(@dx);
} else {
@out = $self->msg('e4');
return (1, @out);