minima 6c38bca91e 1. added wantgrid (to control display of grid square info on DX Broadcasts)
2. added lastoper for controlling periodic demands for user info from other
3. added spiderFAQ stuff from Ian G0VGS and latest update of the admin manual
4. changed updating and deleting from user file in an attempt to keep down
duplicates and possibly corruptions.
5. added a DXUser::export routine to allow the cluster to automatically
export the user data in ascii from cron.
6. added a line in the ISSUED crontab to do the export once a week
7. delete annok and dxok if set to 1 in user records.
8. added export_users command to allow arbitary exporting of user files
9. added set and unset/dxgrid command to allow control over the grid squares
on DX announcements
10. removed export_user.pl from /spider/perl
2000-07-26 12:08:09 +00:00

298 lines
14 KiB

# this file contains the system messages. Don't forget to reload them
# if you change them (load/messages)
# $Id$
package DXM;
%msgs = (
en => {
addr => 'Address set to: $_[0]',
already => '$_[0] already connnected',
anns => 'Announce flag set on $_[0]',
annu => 'Announce flag unset on $_[0]',
bbse1 => 'Please enter your BBS address,, set/bbs <your bbs address>',
bbs => 'Your BBS Address is now \"$_[0]\"',
beepoff => 'Beeps are now off',
beepon => 'Beeps are now on',
conother => 'Sorry $_[0] you are connected on another port',
concluster => 'Sorry $_[0] you are already connected elsewhere on the cluster',
conscript => 'no connect script called \"$_[0]\" found in $main::root/connect',
confail => 'connection to $_[0] failed ($_[1])',
constart => 'connection to $_[0] started',
disc1 => 'Disconnected by $_[0]',
disc2 => '$_[0] disconnected',
db1 => 'This database is hosted at $_[0]',
db2 => 'Sorry, but key: $_[0] was not found in $_[1]',
db3 => 'Sorry, database $_[0] doesn\'t exist here',
db4 => 'Sorry, database $_[0] located at $_[1] isn\'t currently online',
db5 => 'Accessing remote database on $_[0]...standby...',
db6 => 'Database $_[0] already exists, delete it first',
db7 => 'Database $_[0] created for remote node $_[1]',
db8 => 'Database $_[0] created locally',
db9 => 'Database $_[0] removed',
db10 => '$_[0] records imported into $_[1]',
db11 => 'Sending your request(s) to $_[0], please stand by...',
dup => 'Sorry, this is a duplicate',
dx1 => 'Frequency $_[0] not in band (see show/band); usage: DX [BY call] freq call comments',
dx2 => 'Need a callsign; usage: DX [BY call] freq call comments',
dxs => 'DX Spots flag set on $_[0]',
dxu => 'DX Spots flag unset on $_[0]',
e1 => 'Invalid command',
e2 => 'Error: $_[0]',
e3 => '$_[0]: $_[1] not found',
e4 => 'Need at least a prefix or callsign',
e5 => 'Not Allowed',
e6 => '*** No station specified ***',
e7 => 'callsign $_[0] not visible on the cluster',
e8 => 'Need a callsign and some text',
e9 => 'Need at least some text',
e10 => '$_[0] not connected locally',
e11 => 'Can\'t use $main:mycall as target',
e12 => 'Need a node callsign',
e13 => '$_[0] is not a node',
e14 => 'First argument must be numeric and > 0',
e15 => 'invalid qualifier \"$_[0]\"',
e16 => 'File \"$_[0]\" exists',
echoon => 'Echoing enabled',
echooff => 'Echoing disabled',
echow => '*Echoing is currently disabled, set/echo to enable',
emaile1 => 'Please enter your email address, set/email <your e-mail address>',
emaila => 'Your E-Mail Address is now \"$_[0]\"',
email => 'E-mail address set to: $_[0]',
export1 => 'usage: export <msgno> <filename>',
export2 => '$_[3] has error exporting msg $_[0] to $_[1] ($_[2])',
export3 => '$_[2 ] exported msg $_[0] to $_[1]',
grids => 'DX Grid flag set on $_[0]',
gridu => 'DX Grid flag unset on $_[0]',
helpe1 => 'Help system unavailable, tell sysop',
helpe2 => 'No help available on $_[0]',
heres => 'Here set on $_[0]',
heade1 => 'Using $main::mycall Coords, consider doing a set/location or set/qra',
hereu => 'Here unset on $_[0]',
homebbs => 'Home BBS set to: $_[0]',
homenode => 'Home Node set to: $_[0]',
hnodee1 => 'Please enter your Home Node, set/homenode <your home DX Cluster>',
hnodee2 => 'Failed to set homenode on $_[0]',
hnode => 'Your Homenode is now \"$_[0]\"',
init1 => 'sent initialisation message to $_[0]',
iso => '$_[0] Isolated',
isou => '$_[0] UnIsolated',
isoc => '$_[0] created and Isolated',
l1 => 'Sorry $_[0], you are already logged on on another channel',
l2 => 'Hello $_[0], this is $main::mycall in $main::myqth running DXSpider V$main::version',
lang => 'Language is now $_[0]',
lange1 => 'set/language <lang> where <lang> is one of ($_[0])',
lange2 => 'failed to set language on $_[0]',
lh1 => '$main::data/hop_table.pl doesn\'t exist',
loce1 => 'Please enter your location,, set/location <latitude longitude>',
loce2 => 'Don\'t recognise \"$_[0]\" as a Lat/Long (eg 52 20 N 0 16 E)',
loc => 'Your Lat/Long is now \"$_[0]\"',
lockout => '$_[0] Locked out',
lockoutc => '$_[0] Created and Locked out',
lockoutun => '$_[0] Unlocked',
loginu => 'User $_[0] has logged in',
logoutu => 'User $_[0] has logged out',
loginn => 'Node $_[0] has logged in',
logoutn => 'Node $_[0] has logged out',
m1 => 'Enter Subject (30 characters):',
m2 => 'Copy of msg $_[0] sent to $_[1]',
m3 => 'Sorry, $_[0] is an unacceptable TO address',
m4 => 'Sorry, can\'t access message $_[0]',
m5 => 'Sorry, I need a message number',
m6 => 'Reply to: $_[0]',
m7 => 'Subject : $_[0]',
m8 => 'Enter Message /EX to send or /ABORT to exit',
m9 => 'New mail has arrived for you',
m10 => 'Message Aborted',
m11 => 'Message no $_[0] saved and directed to $_[1]',
m12 => 'Message no $_[0] deleted',
m13 => 'Message no $_[0] missing',
m14 => 'Message no $_[0] marked as sent to $_[1]',
m15 => 'Message no $_[0] unmarked as sent to $_[1]',
m16 => 'Need a Message number',
msg1 => 'Bulletin Messages Queued',
msg2 => 'Private Messages Queued',
msg3 => 'Msg $_[0]: $_[1] changed from $_[2] to $_[3]',
msgu => 'usage: msg <cmd> <msgno> data...',
merge1 => 'Merge request for $_[1] spots and $_[2] WWV sent to $_[0]',
moon => 'Location Rise Set Azim Elev RGain dB',
namee1 => 'Please enter your name, set/name <your name>',
namee2 => 'Can\'t find user $_[0]!',
name => 'Your name is now \"$_[0]\"',
nodea => '$_[0] set as AK1A style Node',
nodeac => '$_[0] created as AK1A style Node',
nodec => '$_[0] set as CLX style Node',
nodecc => '$_[0] created as CLX style Node',
noder => '$_[0] set as AR-Cluster style Node',
noderc => '$_[0] created as AR-Cluster style Node',
nodes => '$_[0] set as DXSpider style Node',
nodesc => '$_[0] created as DXSpider style Node',
nodex => '$_[0] set as DXNET style Node',
nodexc => '$_[0] created as DXNET style Node',
nodeu => '$_[0] set back as a User',
nodee1 => 'You cannot use this command whilst your target ($_[0]) is on-line',
ok => 'Operation successful',
outconn => 'Outstanding connect to $_[0]',
page => 'Press Enter to continue, A to abort ($_[0] lines) >',
pagelth => 'Page Length is now $_[0]',
passerr => 'Please use: SET/PASS <password> <callsign>',
password => 'Password set or changed for $_[0]',
pingo => 'Ping Started to $_[0]',
pingi => 'Ping Returned from $_[0] $_[1] (Ave $_[2]) secs',
pinge1 => 'Cannot ping yourself!',
pingint => 'Ping interval on $_[0] set to $_[1] secs',
pos => 'From Callsign: $_[0] Lat: $_[1] Long: $_[2]',
pr => '$_[0] de $main::mycall $main::cldate $main::ztime >',
pr2 => '($_[0]) de $main::mycall $main::cldate $main::ztime >',
priv => 'Privilege level changed on $_[0]',
prx => '$main::mycall >',
qll => 'Please enter your location with set/location or set/qra',
qthe1 => 'Please enter your QTH, set/qth <your qth>',
qth => 'Your QTH is now \"$_[0]\"',
qrae1 => 'Please enter your QRA locator, set/qra <qra locator> (eg set/qra JO02LQ)',
qrashe1 => 'Please enter a QRA locator, eg sh/qra JO02LQ or sh/qra JO02LQ IO93NS',
qrae2 => 'Don\'t recognise \"$_[0]\" as a QRA locator (eg JO02LQ)',
qra => 'Your QRA Locator is now \"$_[0]\"',
rcmdo => 'RCMD \"$_[0]\" sent to $_[1]',
read1 => 'Sorry, no new messages for you',
read2 => 'Msg $_[0] not found',
read3 => 'Msg $_[0] not available',
sat1 => 'Tracking Table for $_[0] for the next $_[1] hours every $_[2] mins',
sat2 => 'dd/mm UTC Lat Lon Alt Km Az El Dist Km',
sat3 => 'Syntax: SH/SAT <name> [<hours> <interval>]',
sat4 => 'Satellites available:-',
satnf => 'Satellite $_[0] unknown',
satdisc => '-----',
shutting => '$main::mycall shutting down...',
sloc => 'Cluster lat $_[0] long $_[1], DON\'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR DXVars.pm',
snode1 => 'Node Call Sort Version',
snode2 => '$_[0] $_[1] $_[2]',
snode3 => '$_[0] Unknown Call',
sqra => 'Cluster QRA Locator$_[0], DON\'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR DXVars.pm',
sorry => 'Sorry',
spf1 => 'spoof: creating new user $_[0]',
sun => 'Location Rise Set Azim Elev',
suser1 => 'usage: callsign user_field_name value',
suser2 => 'User $_[0] not found',
suser3 => 'User field \'$_[0]\' was \'$_[1]\' now set to \'$_[2]\'',
suser4 => 'User field name \'$_[0]\' doesn\'t exist',
time1 => 'Local Time: $_[0] $_[1], UTC $_[2]',
time2 => '$_[0] Local (standard) time: $_[1] ($_[2] Hours)',
time3 => '$_[0] $_[1]',
talks => 'Talk flag set on $_[0]',
talku => 'Talk flag unset on $_[0]',
usernf => '*** User record for $_[0] not found ***',
wwvs => 'WWV flag set on $_[0]',
wwvu => 'WWV flag unset on $_[0]',
wxs => 'WX flag set on $_[0]',
wxu => 'WX flag unset on $_[0]',
nl => {
addr => 'Addres gezet op: $_[0]',
already => '$_[0] reeds geconnect',
anns => 'Announce berichten AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
annu => 'Announce berichten UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
bbse1 => 'Geef je home bbs (mailbox),, set/bbs <home mailbox>',
bbs => 'Je home bbs (mailbox) is nu \"$_[0]\"',
beepoff => 'De beep staat nu UIT',
beepon => 'De beep staat nu AAN',
conother => 'Sorry $_[0] je bent reeds geconnect op een andere poort',
concluster => 'Sorry $_[0] je bent reeds op een ander cluster geconnect',
conscript => 'Geen connectscript aangeroepen \"$_[0]\" gevonden in $main::root/connect',
confail => 'Verbinding met $_[0] mislukt ($_[1])',
constart => 'Verbinding met $_[0] gestart',
disc1 => 'Gedisconnect door $_[0]',
disc2 => '$_[0] gedisconnect',
dx1 => 'Frequentie $_[0] valt niet binnen een band [Opdracht: DX freq call commentaar](Zie sh/band)',
dx2 => 'Ik heb een call nodig! [Opdracht: DX freq call commentaar]',
dxs => 'DX Spots worden WEL doorgegeven aan $_[0]',
dxu => 'DX Spots worden NIET doorgegeven aan $_[0]',
e1 => 'Ongeldige opdracht',
e2 => 'Fout: $_[0]',
e3 => '$_[0]: $_[1] niet gevonden',
e4 => 'Minimaal een prefix of een call nodig',
e5 => 'Niet toegestaan',
e6 => '*** Geen station gespecifiseerd ***',
e7 => 'Callsign $_[0] is niet zichtbaar op het cluster',
e8 => 'Ik heb een call en tekst nodig',
e9 => 'Ik heb wel tekst nodig voor een announce!',
e10 => '$_[0] is niet lokaal verbonden',
e12 => 'Ik heb een node call nodig',
e13 => '$_[0] is geen node',
emaile1 => 'Geef uw E-mail addres, set/email <uw e-mail addres>',
emaila => 'Uw E-Mail addres is nu \"$_[0]\"',
email => 'E-mail addres gezet op: $_[0]',
helpe1 => 'Help systeem niet beschikbaar, meld dit aan de sysop',
helpe2 => 'Geen help beschikbaar over \"$_[0]\"',
heres => 'Aanwezigheid AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
heade1 => 'Gebruik gemaakt van de $main::mycall coordinaten, overweeg een set/location of set/qra',
hereu => 'Aanwezigheid UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
homebbs => 'Uw Home mailbox is nu $_[0]',
homenode => 'Uw (Home) DX-Cluster is : $_[0]',
hnodee1 => 'Geef mij uw lokale (home) DX-cluster, set/homenode <DX-cluster>',
hnode => 'Uw (home) DX-cluster is nu \"$_[0]\"',
iso => '$_[0] is geisoleerd (Isolated)',
isou => '$_[0] is niet meer geisoleerd (UnIsolated)',
isoc => '$_[0] gecreerd en geisoleerd (Isolated)',
l1 => 'Sorry $_[0], u bent reeds op een ander kanaal ingelogt',
l2 => 'Hallo $_[0], dit is $main::mycall in $main::myqth met DXSpider V$main::version',
lh1 => '$main::data/hop_table.pl bestaat niet',
loce1 => 'Geef uw coordinaten met, set/location <latitude longitude>',
loce2 => 'Herken \"$_[0]\" niet als Lat/Long (vb 52 20 N 0 16 E)',
loc => 'Uw Latitude en Longitude zijn nu \"$_[0]\"',
lockout => '$_[0] heeft geen toegang meer (Locked out)',
lockoutun => '$_[0] heeft wederom toegang (Unlocked)',
m2 => '$_[0] Informatie: $_[1]',
merge1 => 'Merge verzoek voor $_[1] spots en $_[2] WWV verzonden naar $_[0]',
msgnew => 'Er is nieuwe post gearriveerd voor u',
namee1 => 'Geef aub uw naam met, set/name <uw naam>',
namee2 => 'Gebruiker $_[0] niet te vinden!',
name => 'Uw naam is gezet op \"$_[0]\"',
node => '$_[0] gezet als een AK1A stijl DX-cluster',
nodeu => '$_[0] teruggezet naar gebruiker status',
nodec => '$_[0] gecreeerd als AK1A stijl DX-cluster',
nodee1 => 'U kunt deze opdracht niet uitvoeren zolang ($_[0]) on-line is',
ok => 'Opdracht succesvol uitgevoerd',
page => 'Druk op Enter om door te gaan, A om af te breken (nog $_[0] regels) >',
pagelth => 'Paginalengte gezet op ($_[0]) regels',
passerr => 'Gebruik: SET/PASS <wachtwoord> <call>',
password => 'Wachtwoord gezet of gewijzigd voor $_[0]',
pingo => 'Ping gestart naar $_[0]',
pingi => 'Ping ontvangen van $_[0] $_[1] (Ave $_[2]) secs',
pr => '$_[0] de $main::mycall $main::cldate $main::ztime >',
pr2 => '($_[0]) de $main::mycall $main::cldate $main::ztime >',
priv => 'Privilege level gewijzigd op $_[0]',
prx => '$main::mycall >',
qll => 'Geef uw locator met set/location of set/qra',
qthe1 => 'Geef uw woonplaats met, set/qth <woonplaats>',
qth => 'Uw QTH is nu \"$_[0]\"',
qrae1 => 'Geef uw QRA locator, set/qra <qra locator> (vb set/qra JO33FD)',
qrashe1 => 'Geef uw QRA locator, vbg sh/qra JO33FD of sh/qra JO33FD IO93NS',
qrae2 => 'Ik herken \"$_[0]\" niet als een QRA locator (vb JO33FD)',
qra => 'Uw QRA Locator is nu \"$_[0]\"',
rcmdo => 'RCMD \"$_[0]\" verzonden naar $_[1]',
read1 => 'Sorry, geen berichten voor u',
read2 => 'Bericht $_[0] niet gevonden',
read3 => 'Bericht $_[0] niet beschikbaar',
shutting => '$main::mycall gaat QRT...',
sloc => 'Cluster lat $_[0] long $_[1], DON\'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR DXVars.pm',
sqra => 'Cluster QRA Locator$_[0], DON\'T FORGET TO CHANGE YOUR DXVars.pm',
talks => 'Talk berichten AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
talku => 'Talk berichten UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
usernf => '*** Gebruiker info van $_[0] niet gevonden ***',
wwvs => 'WWV berichten AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
wwvu => 'WWV berichten UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
wxs => 'WX berichten AAN gezet voor $_[0]',
wxu => 'WX berichten UIT gezet voor $_[0]',
fr => {
de => {