
151 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File

# a program to create a prefix file from a wpxloc.raw file
# Copyright (c) - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
# $Id$
use DXVars;
%loc = (); # the location unique hash
$nextloc = 1; # the next location number
%locn = (); # the inverse of the above
%pre = (); # the prefix hash
%pren = (); # the inverse
# open the input file
$ifn = $ARGV[0] if $ARGV[0];
$ifn = "$data/wpxloc.raw" if !$fn;
open (IN, $ifn) or die "can't open $ifn ($!)";
# first pass, find all the 'master' records
while (<IN>) {
next if /^\!/; # ignore comment lines
@f = split; # get each 'word'
next if @f == 0; # ignore blank lines
if ($f[14] eq '@' || $f[15] eq '@') {
$locstr = join ' ', @f[1..13];
$loc = $loc{$locstr};
$loc = addloc($locstr) if !$loc;
#foreach $loc (sort {$a <=> $b;} keys %locn) {
# print "loc: $loc data: $locn{$loc}\n";
# go back to the beginning and this time add prefixes (adding new location entries, if required)
seek(IN, 0, 0);
while (<IN>) {
next if /^\!/; # ignore comment lines
@f = split; # get each 'word'
next if @f == 0; # ignore blank lines
$locstr = join ' ', @f[1..13];
$loc = $loc{$locstr};
$loc = addloc($locstr) if !$loc;
@prefixes = split /,/, $f[0];
foreach $p (@prefixes) {
my $ref;
if ($p =~ /#/) {
my $i;
for ($i = 0; $i < 9; ++$i) {
my $t = $p;
$t =~ s/#/$i/;
$ref = $pre{$t};
$ref = addpre($t) if !$ref;
next if grep $loc, @{$ref}; # no dups!
push @{$ref}, $loc;
} else {
$ref = $pre{$p};
$ref = addpre($p) if !$ref;
next if grep $loc, @{$ref}; # no dups!
push @{$ref}, $loc;
# now open the rsgb.cty file and process that again the prefix file we have
open(IN, "$data/rsgb.cty") or die "Can't open $data/rsgb.cty ($!)";
while (<IN>) {
@f = split /:\s+|;/;
my $p = uc $f[4];
my $ref = $pre{$p};
if ($ref) {
# split up the alias string
my @alias = split /=/, $f[5];
my $a;
foreach $a (@alias) {
next if $a eq $p; # ignore if we have it already
my $nref = $pre{$a};
$pre{$a} = $ref if !$nref; # copy the original ref if new
} else {
print "unknown prefix $p\n";
open(OUT, ">$data/prefix_data.pl") or die "Can't open $data/prefix_data.pl ($!)";
print OUT "%prefix_loc = (\n";
foreach $l (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %locn) {
print OUT " $l => {";
my ($name, $dxcc, $itu, $cq, $utcoff, $latd, $latm, $lats, $latl, $longd, $longm, $longs, $longl) = split /\s+/, $locn{$l};
$longd += ($longm/60);
$longd = 0-$longd if (uc $longl) eq 'W';
$latd += ($latm/60);
$latd = 0-$latd if (uc $latl) eq 'S';
print OUT " name => '$name',";
print OUT " dxcc => $dxcc,";
print OUT " itu => $itu,";
print OUT " utcoff => $utcoff,";
print OUT " lat => $latd,";
print OUT " long => $longd";
print OUT " },\n";
print OUT ");\n\n";
print OUT "%prefix = (\n";
foreach $k (sort keys %pre) {
print OUT " '$k' => [";
my @list = @{$pre{$k}};
my $l;
my $str;
foreach $l (@list) {
$str .= " $l,";
chop $str;
print OUT "$str ],\n";
print OUT ");\n";
sub addpre
my $p = shift;
my $ref = [];
$pre{$p} = $ref;
sub addloc
my $locstr = shift;
$locstr =~ s/\'/\\'/g;
my $loc = $loc{$locstr} = $nextloc++;
$locn{$loc} = $locstr;
return $loc;