minima d0e9787ea8 1. Fixed help and apropos commands so that they default to english if
the language is not english and help in the 'not english' language isn't
2. added some help text for sh/newc.
2001-09-17 11:34:34 +00:00

118 lines
2.4 KiB

# the help subsystem
# It is a very simple system in that you type in 'help <cmd>' and it
# looks for a file called command.hlp in either the local_cmd directory
# or the cmd directory (in that order).
# Copyright (c) 1998 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH
# $Id$
my ($self, $line) = @_;
my @out;
# this is naff but it will work for now
my $lang = $self->lang;
$lang = 'en' if !$lang;
# each help file contains lines that looks like:-
# === 0^*^Description
# text
# text
# === 0^help^Description
# text
# text
# text
# The fields are:- privilege level, full command name, short description
my $defh = new IO::File;
unless ($defh->open("$main::localcmd/Commands_en.hlp")) {
unless($defh->open("$main::cmd/Commands_en.hlp")) {
return (1, $self->msg('helpe1'));
my $h;
unless ($lang ne 'en') {
$h = new IO::File;
unless ($h->open("$main::localcmd/Commands_$lang.hlp")) {
unless($h->open("$main::cmd/Commands_$lang.hlp")) {
undef $h;
my $in;
#$line =~ s/[^\w\/]//g;
#$line =~ s/\//\.\*\//g;
$line =~ s{[^\w/]}{}g;
$line =~ s{/}{.*/}g;
$line =~ s/^\s+//g;
$line =~ s/\s+$//g;
$line = "help" if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
# sort out aliases
my $alias = CmdAlias::get_hlp($line);
$line = $alias if $alias;
# non english help (if available)
if ($h) {
my $state = 0;
foreach $in (<$h>) {
next if $in =~ /^\#/;
chomp $in;
if ($in =~ /^===/) {
last if $state == 2; # come out on next command
$in =~ s/=== //;
my ($priv, $cmd, $desc) = split /\^/, $in;
next if $priv > $self->priv; # ignore subcommands that are of no concern
next unless $cmd =~ /^$line/i;
push @out, "$cmd $desc" unless $cmd =~ /-$/o;
$state = 1;
if ($state > 0) {
push @out, " $in";
$state = 2;
# return if some help was given, otherwise continue to english help
return (1, @out) if @out && $state == 2;
# standard 'english' help
my $state = 0;
foreach $in (<$defh>) {
next if $in =~ /^\#/;
chomp $in;
if ($in =~ /^===/) {
last if $state == 2; # come out on next command
$in =~ s/=== //;
my ($priv, $cmd, $desc) = split /\^/, $in;
next if $priv > $self->priv; # ignore subcommands that are of no concern
next unless $cmd =~ /^$line/i;
push @out, "$cmd $desc" unless $cmd =~ /-$/o;
$state = 1;
if ($state > 0) {
push @out, " $in";
$state = 2;
push @out, $self->msg('helpe2', $line) if @out == 0;
return (1, @out);