minima 329702a31b 5. fix talkmode so that it only does 'via' PC10s when it really needs to.
6. SEND now displays a message if you try to do it in not prompt mode.
7. stopped a few more things being done by rcmd (eg send, talk, ann, dx)
2000-07-30 13:23:11 +00:00

154 lines
3.5 KiB

# send a message
# this should handle
# send <call> [<call> .. ]
# send private <call> [<call> .. ]
# send private rr <call> [<call> .. ]
# send rr <call> [<call> .. ]
# send noprivate <call> [<call> .. ]
# send b <call> [<call> .. ]
# send copy <call> [<call> .. ]
# send copy rr <call> [<call> .. ]
# Copyright (c) Dirk Koopman G1TLH
# $Id$
my ($self, $line) = @_;
return (1, $self->msg('e5')) if $self->remotecmd;
my @out;
my $loc = $self->{loc} = {};
my $notincalls = 1;
my @to;
# set up defaults
$loc->{private} = '1';
$loc->{rrreq} = '0';
# $DB::single = 1;
if ($self->state eq "prompt") {
my @f = split /\s+/, $line;
# any thing after send?
return (1, $self->msg('e6')) if !@f;
while (@f) {
my $f = uc shift @f;
# first deal with copies
if ($f eq 'C' || $f eq 'CC' || $f eq 'COPY') {
my $rr = '0';
if (@f && uc $f[0] eq 'RR') {
shift @f;
$rr = '1';
if (@f) {
my $m = shift @f;
my $oref = DXMsg::get($m);
return (0, $self->msg('m4', $m)) unless $oref;
return (0, $self->msg('m16')) unless @f;
# separate copy to everyone listed
while (@f) {
my $newcall = uc shift @f;
my $msgno = DXMsg::next_transno('Msgno');
my $newsubj = "CC: " . $oref->subject;
my $nref = DXMsg->alloc($msgno,
my @list;
my $from = $oref->from;
my $to = $oref->to;
my $date = cldate($oref->t);
my $time = ztime($oref->t);
my $buf = "Original from: $from To: $to Date: $date $time";
push @list, $buf;
push @list, $oref->read_msg_body();
push @out, $self->msg('m2', $oref->msgno, $newcall);
return (1, @out);
# private / noprivate / rr
if ($notincalls && ($f eq 'B' || $f =~ /^NOP/oi)) {
$loc->{private} = '0';
} elsif ($notincalls && ($f eq 'P' || $f =~ /^PRI/oi)) {
} elsif ($notincalls && ($f eq 'RR')) {
$loc->{rrreq} = '1';
} elsif ($f eq '<' && @f) { # this is bbs syntax for from call
$loc->{from} = uc shift @f;
} elsif ($f eq '@' && @f) { # this is bbs syntax, for origin
$loc->{origin} = uc shift @f;
} elsif ($f =~ /^\$/) { # this is bbs syntax for a bid
} elsif ($f =~ /^<\S+/) { # this is bbs syntax for from call
($loc->{from}) = $f =~ /^<(\S+)$/;
} elsif ($f =~ /^\@\S+/) { # this is bbs syntax for origin
($loc->{origin}) = $f =~ /^\@(\S+)$/;
} else {
# callsign ?
$notincalls = 0;
# is this callsign a distro?
my $fn = "/spider/msg/distro/$f.pl";
if (-e $fn) {
my $fh = new IO::File $fn;
if ($fh) {
local $/ = undef;
my $s = <$fh>;
my @call;
@call = eval $s;
return (1, "Error in Distro $f.pl:", $@) if $@;
if (@call > 0) {
push @f, @call;
if (grep $_ eq $f, @DXMsg::badmsg) {
push @out, $self->msg('m3', $f);
} else {
push @to, $f;
# check we have some callsigns
if (@to) {
$loc->{to} = \@to;
} else {
delete $self->{loc};
return (1, $self->msg('e6'));
# find me and set the state and the function on my state variable to
# keep calling me for every line until I relinquish control
push @out, $self->msg('m1');
} else {
push @out, $self->msg('m17', $self->state);
return (1, @out);