minima 43d1c9f4ff 1. Ignore \n in ax25 mode for C client.
2. remove extra space at the end of a DX spot announce when no grid square
is output.
2000-07-25 12:35:25 +00:00

248 lines
6.0 KiB

# the dx spot handler
# Copyright (c) - 1998 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
# $Id$
package Spot;
use IO::File;
use DXVars;
use DXDebug;
use DXUtil;
use DXLog;
use Julian;
use Prefix;
use strict;
use vars qw($fp $maxspots $defaultspots $maxdays $dirprefix %dup $duplth $dupage);
$fp = undef;
$maxspots = 50; # maximum spots to return
$defaultspots = 10; # normal number of spots to return
$maxdays = 35; # normal maximum no of days to go back
$dirprefix = "spots";
%dup = (); # the spot duplicates hash
$duplth = 20; # the length of text to use in the deduping
$dupage = 3*3600; # the length of time to hold spot dups
sub init
mkdir "$dirprefix", 0777 if !-e "$dirprefix";
$fp = DXLog::new($dirprefix, "dat", 'd');
sub prefix
return $fp->{prefix};
# add a spot to the data file (call as Spot::add)
sub add
my @spot = @_; # $freq, $call, $t, $comment, $spotter = @_
my @out = @spot[0..4]; # just up to the spotter
# normalise frequency
$spot[0] = sprintf "%.f", $spot[0];
# remove ssids if present on spotter
$out[4] =~ s/-\d+$//o;
# remove leading and trailing spaces
$spot[3] = unpad($spot[3]);
# add the 'dxcc' country on the end for both spotted and spotter, then the cluster call
my @dxcc = Prefix::extract($out[1]);
my $spotted_dxcc = (@dxcc > 0 ) ? $dxcc[1]->dxcc() : 0;
my $spotted_itu = (@dxcc > 0 ) ? $dxcc[1]->itu() : 0;
my $spotted_cq = (@dxcc > 0 ) ? $dxcc[1]->cq() : 0;
push @out, $spotted_dxcc;
@dxcc = Prefix::extract($out[4]);
my $spotter_dxcc = (@dxcc > 0 ) ? $dxcc[1]->dxcc() : 0;
my $spotter_itu = (@dxcc > 0 ) ? $dxcc[1]->itu() : 0;
my $spotter_cq = (@dxcc > 0 ) ? $dxcc[1]->cq() : 0;
push @out, $spotter_dxcc;
push @out, $spot[5];
my $buf = join("\^", @out);
# compare dates to see whether need to open another save file (remember, redefining $fp
# automagically closes the output file (if any)).
$fp->writeunix($out[2], $buf);
return (@out, $spotted_itu, $spotted_cq, $spotter_itu, $spotter_cq);
# search the spot database for records based on the field no and an expression
# this returns a set of references to the spots
# the expression is a legal perl 'if' statement with the possible fields indicated
# by $f<n> where :-
# $f0 = frequency
# $f1 = call
# $f2 = date in unix format
# $f3 = comment
# $f4 = spotter
# $f5 = spotted dxcc country
# $f6 = spotter dxcc country
# $f7 = origin
# In addition you can specify a range of days, this means that it will start searching
# from <n> days less than today to <m> days less than today
# Also you can select a range of entries so normally you would get the 0th (latest) entry
# back to the 5th latest, you can specify a range from the <x>th to the <y>the oldest.
# This routine is designed to be called as Spot::search(..)
sub search
my ($expr, $dayfrom, $dayto, $from, $to) = @_;
my $eval;
my @out;
my $ref;
my $i;
my $count;
my @today = Julian::unixtoj(time());
my @fromdate;
my @todate;
$dayfrom = 0 if !$dayfrom;
$dayto = $maxdays if !$dayto;
@fromdate = Julian::sub(@today, $dayfrom);
@todate = Julian::sub(@fromdate, $dayto);
$from = 0 unless $from;
$to = $defaultspots unless $to;
$to = $from + $maxspots if $to - $from > $maxspots || $to - $from <= 0;
$expr =~ s/\$f(\d)/\$ref->[$1]/g; # swap the letter n for the correct field name
# $expr =~ s/\$f(\d)/\$spots[$1]/g; # swap the letter n for the correct field name
dbg("search", "expr='$expr', spotno=$from-$to, day=$dayfrom-$dayto\n");
# build up eval to execute
$eval = qq(
my \$c;
my \$ref;
for (\$c = \$#spots; \$c >= 0; \$c--) {
\$ref = \$spots[\$c];
if ($expr) {
next if \$count < \$from; # wait until from
push(\@out, \$ref);
last if \$count >= \$to; # stop after to
$fp->close; # close any open files
for ($i = $count = 0; $i < $maxdays; ++$i) { # look thru $maxdays worth of files only
my @now = Julian::sub(@fromdate, $i); # but you can pick which $maxdays worth
last if Julian::cmp(@now, @todate) <= 0;
my @spots = ();
my $fh = $fp->open(@now); # get the next file
if ($fh) {
my $in;
while (<$fh>) {
push @spots, [ split '\^' ];
eval $eval; # do the search on this file
last if $count >= $to; # stop after to
return ("Spot search error", $@) if $@;
return @out;
# format a spot for user output in 'broadcast' mode
sub formatb
my @dx = @_;
my $t = ztime($dx[2]);
my $ref = DXUser->get_current($dx[4]);
my $loc = $ref->qra if $ref && $ref->qra;
$loc = ' ' . substr($ref->qra, 0, 4) if $loc;
$loc = "" unless $loc;
return sprintf "DX de %-7.7s%11.1f %-12.12s %-30s %s$loc", "$dx[4]:", $dx[0], $dx[1], $dx[3], $t ;
# format a spot for user output in list mode
sub formatl
my @dx = @_;
my $t = ztime($dx[2]);
my $d = cldate($dx[2]);
return sprintf "%8.1f %-11s %s %s %-28.28s%7s>", $dx[0], $dx[1], $d, $t, $dx[3], "<$dx[4]" ;
# return all the spots from a day's file as an array of references
# the parameter passed is a julian day
sub readfile
my @spots;
my $fh = $fp->open(@_);
if ($fh) {
my $in;
while (<$fh>) {
push @spots, [ split '\^' ];
return @spots;
# enter the spot for dup checking and return true if it is already a dup
sub dup
my ($freq, $call, $d, $text) = @_;
# dump if too old
return 2 if $d < $main::systime - $dupage;
$freq = sprintf "%.1f", $freq; # normalise frequency
chomp $text;
$text = substr($text, 0, $duplth) if length $text > $duplth;
my $dupkey = "$freq|$call|$d|$text";
return 1 if exists $dup{$dupkey};
$dup{$dupkey} = $d * 60; # in seconds (to the nearest minute)
return 0;
# called every hour and cleans out the dup cache
sub process
my $cutoff = $main::systime - $dupage;
while (my ($key, $val) = each %dup) {
delete $dup{$key} if $val < $cutoff;
sub listdups
my @out;
for (sort { $dup{$a} <=> $dup{$b} } keys %dup) {
my $val = $dup{$_};
push @out, "$_ = $val (" . cldatetime($val) . ")";
return @out;