djk 21e7642d21 well on the way to having a working cluster database
can receive spots, talks and announces now
moved the pcnn routines to a new file
1998-07-18 23:05:28 +00:00

137 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

# grep for expressions in various fields of the dx file
use FileHandle;
use DXUtil;
use DXDebug;
use Spot;
# initialise spots file
#print "reading in spot data ..";
#$t = time;
#$count = Spot->init();
#$t = time - $t;
#print "done ($t secs)\n";
$field = $ARGV[0];
$expr = $ARGV[1];
$time = time;
for (;;) {
print "expr: ";
$expr = <STDIN>;
last if $expr =~ /^q/i;
chomp $expr;
print "doing field $field with /$expr/\n";
sub b
my @spots;
my @dx;
my $ref;
my $count;
my $i;
my $t = time;
@spots = Spot::search($expr);
if ($spots[0] eq "error") {
print $spots[1];
foreach $ref (@spots) {
@dx = @$ref;
my $t = ztime($dx[2]);
my $d = cldate($dx[2]);
print "$dx[0] $dx[1] $d $t $dx[4] <$dx[3]>\n";
$t = time - $t;
print "$count records found, $t secs\n";
sub search
my ($expr, $from, $to) = @_;
my $eval;
my @out;
my @spots;
my $ref;
my $i;
$expr =~ s/\$f(\d)/zzzref->[$1]/g; # swap the letter n for the correct field name
$expr =~ s/[\@\$\%\{\}]//g; # remove any other funny characters
$expr =~ s/\&\w+\(//g; # remove subroutine calls
$expr =~ s/eval//g; # remove eval words
$expr =~ s/zzzref/\$ref/g; # put back the $ref
print "expr = $expr\n";
# build up eval to execute
$eval = qq(my \$c;
for (\$c = \$#spots; \$c >= 0; \$c--) {
\$ref = \$spots[\$c];
if ($expr) {
push(\@out, \$ref);
my @today = Julian::unixtoj(time);
for ($i = 0; $i < 60; ++$i) {
my @now = Julian::sub(@today, $i);
my @spots;
my $fp = Spot->open(@now);
if ($fp) {
my $fh = $fp->{fh};
my $in;
foreach $in (<$fh>) {
chomp $in;
push @spots, [ split('\^', $in) ];
my $ref;
eval $eval;
return ("error", $@) if $@;
# execute it
return @out;
sub loada
while (<IN>) {
my @dx = split /\^/;
next if $time - $dx[2] > (84600 * 60);
unshift @spots, [ @dx ];
sub a
foreach $ref (@spots) {
if ($$ref[$field] =~ /$expr/i) {
my @dx = @$ref;
my $t = ztime($dx[2]);
my $d = cldate($dx[2]);
print "$dx[0] $dx[1] $d $t $dx[4] <$dx[3]>\n";