2011-12-22 23:51:10 +00:00

489 lines
9.9 KiB

# This has been taken from the 'Advanced Perl Programming' book by Sriram Srinivasan
# I am presuming that the code is distributed on the same basis as perl itself.
# I have modified it to suit my devious purposes (Dirk Koopman G1TLH)
package Msg;
use strict;
use DXUtil;
use AnyEvent;
use AnyEvent::Handle;
use AnyEvent::Socket;
use DXDebug;
use Timer;
use vars qw(%conns $noconns $cnum $total_in $total_out);
$total_in = $total_out = 0;
$cnum = 0;
# Generalised initializer
sub new
my ($pkg, $rproc) = @_;
my $obj = ref($pkg);
my $class = $obj || $pkg;
my $conn = {
rproc => $rproc,
inqueue => [],
outqueue => [],
state => 0,
lineend => "\r\n",
csort => 'telnet',
timeval => 60,
blocking => 0,
cnum => (($cnum < 999) ? (++$cnum) : ($cnum = 1)),
dbg("Connection created ($noconns)") if isdbg('connll');
return bless $conn, $class;
sub set_error
my $conn = shift;
my $callback = shift;
$conn->{eproc} = $callback;
sub set_eof
my $conn = shift;
my $callback = shift;
$conn->{sock}->on_eof(sub {$callback});
sub set_rproc
my $conn = shift;
my $callback = shift;
$conn->{rproc} = $callback;
# save it
sub conns
my $pkg = shift;
my $call = shift;
my $ref;
if (ref $pkg) {
$call = $pkg->{call} unless $call;
return undef unless $call;
dbg("changing $pkg->{call} to $call") if isdbg('connll') && exists $pkg->{call} && $call ne $pkg->{call};
delete $conns{$pkg->{call}} if exists $pkg->{call} && exists $conns{$pkg->{call}} && $pkg->{call} ne $call;
$pkg->{call} = $call;
$ref = $conns{$call} = $pkg;
dbg("Connection $pkg->{cnum} $call stored") if isdbg('connll');
} else {
$ref = $conns{$call};
return $ref;
# this is only called by any dependent processes going away unexpectedly
sub pid_gone
my ($pkg, $pid) = @_;
my @pid = grep {$_->{pid} == $pid} values %conns;
foreach my $p (@pid) {
&{$p->{eproc}}($p, "$pid has gorn") if exists $p->{eproc};
sub ax25
my $conn = shift;
return $conn->{csort} eq 'ax25';
sub peerhost
my $conn = shift;
$conn->{peerhost} ||= 'ax25' if $conn->ax25;
$conn->{peerhost} ||= $conn->{sock}->peerhost if $conn->{sock} && $conn->{sock}->isa('IO::Socket::INET');
$conn->{peerhost} ||= 'UNKNOWN';
return $conn->{peerhost};
# Send side routines
sub connect {
my ($pkg, $to_host, $to_port, $rproc) = @_;
# Create a connection end-point object
my $conn = $pkg;
unless (ref $pkg) {
$conn = $pkg->new($rproc);
$conn->{peerhost} = $to_host;
$conn->{peerport} = $to_port;
$conn->{sort} = 'Outgoing';
my $sock = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
connect => [$to_host, $to_port],
on_connect => sub {my $h = shift; $conn->{peerhost} = shift;},
on_eof => sub {$conn->disconnect},
on_error => sub {$conn->disconnect},
keepalive => 1,
linger => 0,
$conn->{sock} = $sock;
return $conn;
sub start_program
my ($conn, $line, $sort) = @_;
my $pid;
# local $^F = 10000; # make sure it ain't closed on exec
# my ($a, $b) = $io_socket->socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, PF_UNSPEC);
# if ($a && $b) {
# $a->autoflush(1);
# $b->autoflush(1);
# $pid = fork;
# if (defined $pid) {
# if ($pid) {
# close $b;
# $conn->{sock} = $a;
# $conn->{csort} = $sort;
# $conn->{lineend} = "\cM" if $sort eq 'ax25';
# $conn->{pid} = $pid;
# if ($conn->{rproc}) {
# my $callback = sub {$conn->_rcv};
# Msg::set_event_handler ($a, read => $callback);
# }
# dbg("connect $conn->{cnum}: started pid: $conn->{pid} as $line") if isdbg('connect');
# } else {
# $^W = 0;
# dbgclose();
# STDIN->close;
# STDOUT->close;
# STDOUT->close;
# *STDIN = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'r') or die;
# *STDOUT = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'w') or die;
# *STDERR = IO::File->new_from_fd($b, 'w') or die;
# close $a;
# unless ($main::is_win) {
# # $SIG{HUP} = 'IGNORE';
# alarm(0);
# }
# exec "$line" or dbg("exec '$line' failed $!");
# }
# } else {
# dbg("cannot fork for $line");
# }
# } else {
# dbg("no socket pair $! for $line");
# }
return $pid;
sub disconnect
my $conn = shift;
return if exists $conn->{disconnecting};
$conn->{disconnecting} = 1;
my $sock = delete $conn->{sock};
$conn->{state} = 'E';
$conn->{timeout}->del if $conn->{timeout};
# be careful to delete the correct one
my $call;
if ($call = $conn->{call}) {
my $ref = $conns{$call};
delete $conns{$call} if $ref && $ref == $conn;
$call ||= 'unallocated';
dbg("Connection $conn->{cnum} $call disconnected") if isdbg('connll');
# get rid of any references
for (keys %$conn) {
if (ref($conn->{$_})) {
delete $conn->{$_};
if (defined($sock)) {
shutdown($sock->{fh}, 2);
unless ($main::is_win) {
kill 'TERM', $conn->{pid} if exists $conn->{pid};
sub _send_stuff
my $conn = shift;
my $rq = $conn->{outqueue};
my $sock = $conn->{sock};
while (@$rq) {
my $data = shift @$rq;
my $lth = length $data;
my $call = $conn->{call} || 'none';
if (isdbg('raw')) {
if (isdbg('raw')) {
dbgdump('raw', "$call send $lth: ", $lth);
if (defined $sock && !$sock->destroyed) {
$total_out = $lth;
} else {
dbg("_send_stuff $call ending data ignored: $data");
sub send_later {
my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
my $rq = $conn->{outqueue};
my $sock = $conn->{sock};
# this is done like this because enqueueing may be going on independently of
# sending (whether later or now)
sub send_now { goto &send_later; }
sub send_raw
my ($conn, $msg) = @_;
push @{$conn->{outqueue}}, $msg;
sub enqueue {
my $conn = shift;
push (@{$conn->{outqueue}}, defined $_[0] ? $_[0] : '');
sub _err_will_block {
return 0;
sub close_on_empty
my $conn = shift;
$conn->{sock}->on_drain(sub {$conn->disconnect;});
# Receive side routines
sub new_server {
@_ == 4 || die "Msg->new_server (myhost, myport, login_proc\n";
my ($pkg, $my_host, $my_port, $login_proc) = @_;
my $self = $pkg->new($login_proc);
$self->{sock} = tcp_server $my_host, $my_port, sub { $self->new_client(@_); }, sub { return 256; };
die "Could not create socket: $! \n" unless $self->{sock};
return $self;
sub nolinger
my $conn = shift;
my $sock = $conn->{sock};
# $sock->linger(0);
# $sock->keepalive(1);
sub dequeue
my $conn = shift;
if ($conn->{msg} =~ /\n/) {
my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $conn->{msg};
if ($conn->{msg} =~ /\n$/) {
delete $conn->{msg};
} else {
$conn->{msg} = pop @lines;
for (@lines) {
&{$conn->{rproc}}($conn, defined $_ ? $_ : '');
sub _rcv { # Complement to _send
my $conn = shift; # $rcv_now complement of $flush
# Find out how much has already been received, if at all
my ($msg, $offset, $bytes_to_read, $bytes_read);
my $sock = $conn->{sock};
return unless defined($sock);
my @lines;
$msg = $sock->{rbuf};
$bytes_read = length $msg || 0;
$sock->{rbuf} = '';
if ($bytes_read > 0) {
$total_in += $bytes_read;
if (isdbg('raw')) {
my $call = $conn->{call} || 'none';
dbgdump('raw', "$call read $bytes_read: ", $msg);
if ($conn->{echo}) {
my @ch = split //, $msg;
my $out;
for (@ch) {
if (/[\cH\x7f]/) {
$out .= "\cH \cH";
$conn->{msg} =~ s/.$//;
} else {
$out .= $_;
$conn->{msg} .= $_;
if (defined $out) {
} else {
$conn->{msg} .= $msg;
unless ($conn->{disable_read}) {
$conn->dequeue if exists $conn->{msg};
sub new_client {
my $server_conn = shift;
my $sock = shift;
my $peerhost = shift;
my $peerport = shift;
if ($sock) {
my $conn = $server_conn->new($server_conn->{rproc});
$conn->{sock} = AnyEvent::Handle->new(
fh => $sock,
on_eof => sub {$conn->disconnect},
on_error => sub {$conn->disconnect},
keepalive => 1,
linger => 0,
$conn->{blocking} = 0;
my ($rproc, $eproc) = &{$server_conn->{rproc}} ($conn, $conn->{peerhost} = $peerhost, $conn->{peerport} = $peerport);
dbg("accept $conn->{cnum} from $conn->{peerhost} $conn->{peerport}") if isdbg('connll');
$conn->{sort} = 'Incoming';
if ($eproc) {
$conn->{eproc} = $eproc;
if ($rproc) {
$conn->{rproc} = $rproc;
$conn->{sock}->on_read(sub {$conn->_rcv});
} else { # Login failed
&{$conn->{eproc}}($conn, undef) if exists $conn->{eproc};
} else {
dbg("Msg: error on accept ($!)") if isdbg('err');
sub close_server
my $conn = shift;
undef $conn->{sock};
# close all clients (this is for forking really)
sub close_all_clients
foreach my $conn (values %conns) {
sub disable_read
my $conn = shift;
return defined $_[0] ? $conn->{disable_read} = $_[0] : $_[0];
sub sleep
my ($pkg, $interval) = @_;
my $cv = AnyEvent->condvar;
my $wait_a_bit = AnyEvent->timer(
after => $interval,
cb => sub {$cv->send},
sub set_event_handler
my $sock = shift;
my %args = @_;
my ($pkg, $fn, $line) = caller;
my $s;
foreach (my ($k,$v) = each %args) {
$s .= "$k => $v, ";
$s =~ s/[\s,]$//;
dbg("Msg::set_event_handler called from ${pkg}::${fn} line $line doing $s");
sub echo
my $conn = shift;
return defined $_[0] ? $conn->{echo} = $_[0] : $_[0];
my $conn = shift;
my $call = $conn->{call} || 'unallocated';
my $host = $conn->{peerhost} || '';
my $port = $conn->{peerport} || '';
dbg("Connection $conn->{cnum} $call [$host $port] being destroyed") if isdbg('connll');