Dirk Koopman d2b28488d7 extend the Web interface protocol further
Also clarify things like the ultimate hostname if it is an IP based system.
This means that stuff coming in on the web will be identified by the IP
address that they connect to, rather than the IP address of the channel. Basically
a Web interface is a proxy and therefore the connection object needs the address
of the web server, but things like DX spots need the proxy address.
2017-10-26 19:02:50 +01:00

166 lines
3.7 KiB

# the DX command
# this is where the fun starts!
# Copyright (c) 1998 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
my ($self, $line) = @_;
my @f = split /\s+/, $line, 3;
my $spotter = $self->call;
my $spotted;
my $freq;
my @out;
my $valid = 0;
my $localonly;
return (1, $self->msg('e5')) if $self->remotecmd || $self->inscript;
return (1, $self->msg('e28')) unless $self->registered;
my @bad;
if (@bad = BadWords::check($line)) {
$self->badcount(($self->badcount||0) + @bad);
LogDbg('DXCommand', "$self->{call} swore: $line (with words:" . join(',', @bad) . ")");
# do we have at least two args?
return (1, $self->msg('dx2')) unless @f >= 2;
# as a result of a suggestion by Steve K9AN, I am changing the syntax of
# 'spotted by' things to "dx by g1tlh <freq> <call>" <freq> and <call>
# can be in any order
if ($f[0] =~ /^by$/i) {
return (1, $self->msg('e5')) unless $main::allowdxby || $self->priv;
$spotter = uc $f[1];
$line =~ s/\s*$f[0]\s+$f[1]\s+//;
# $line = $f[2];
@f = split /\s+/, $line, 3;
return (1, $self->msg('dx2')) unless @f >= 2;
# get the freq and callsign either way round
if (is_freq($f[1]) && $f[0] =~ m{^[\w\d]+(?:/[\w\d]+){0,2}$}) {
$spotted = uc $f[0];
$freq = $f[1];
} elsif (is_freq($f[0]) && $f[1] =~ m{^[\w\d]+(?:/[\w\d]+){0,2}$}) {
$freq = $f[0];
$spotted = uc $f[1];
} else {
return (1, $self->msg('dx3'));
# check some other things
# remove ssid from calls
my $callnoid = $self->call;
$callnoid =~ s/-\d+$//;
my $spotternoid = $spotter;
$spotternoid =~ s/-\d+$//;
if ($DXProt::baddx->in($spotted)) {
if ($DXProt::badspotter->in($callnoid)) {
LogDbg('DXCommand', "$self->{call} badspotter with $callnoid ($line)");
if ($callnoid ne $spotternoid && $DXProt::badspotter->in($spotternoid)) {
LogDbg('DXCommand', "$self->{call} badspotter with $spotternoid ($line)");
# make line the rest of the line
$line = $f[2] || " ";
@f = split /\s+/, $line;
# bash down the list of bands until a valid one is reached
my $bandref;
my @bb;
my $i;
# first in KHz
foreach $bandref (Bands::get_all()) {
@bb = @{$bandref->band};
for ($i = 0; $i < @bb; $i += 2) {
if ($freq >= $bb[$i] && $freq <= $bb[$i+1]) {
$valid = 1;
last L1;
unless ($valid) {
# try again in MHZ
$freq = $freq * 1000 if $freq;
foreach $bandref (Bands::get_all()) {
@bb = @{$bandref->band};
for ($i = 0; $i < @bb; $i += 2) {
if ($freq >= $bb[$i] && $freq <= $bb[$i+1]) {
$valid = 1;
last L2;
push @out, $self->msg('dx1', $freq) unless $valid;
# check we have a callsign :-)
if ($spotted le ' ') {
push @out, $self->msg('dx2');
$valid = 0;
return (1, @out) unless $valid;
my $ipaddr;
if ($self->conn && $self->conn->peerhost) {
my $addr = $self->hostname;
$ipaddr = $addr unless !is_ipaddr($addr) || $addr =~ /^127\./ || $addr =~ /^::[0-9a-f]+$/;
} elsif ($self->inscript) {
$ipaddr = "script";
# Store it here (but only if it isn't baddx)
my $t = (int ($main::systime/60)) * 60;
return (1, $self->msg('dup')) if Spot::dup($freq, $spotted, $t, $line, $spotter);
my @spot = Spot::prepare($freq, $spotted, $t, $line, $spotter, $main::mycall, $ipaddr);
if ($freq =~ /^69/ || $localonly) {
# heaven forfend that we get a 69Mhz band :-)
if ($freq =~ /^69/) {
$self->badcount(($self->badcount||0) + 1);
$self->dx_spot(undef, undef, @spot);
return (1);
} else {
if (@spot) {
# store it
# send orf to the users
if ($ipaddr) {
DXProt::send_dx_spot($self, DXProt::pc61($spotter, $freq, $spotted, $line, $ipaddr), @spot);
} else {
DXProt::send_dx_spot($self, DXProt::pc11($spotter, $freq, $spotted, $line), @spot);
return (1, @out);