# # the help subsystem # # apropos - this does a grep on the command file and returns the commands # that contain the string searched for # # Copyright (c) 1998 - Dirk Koopman G1TLH # # $Id$ # my ($self, $line) = @_; my @out; my $lang = $self->lang; $lang = 'en' if !$lang; my $in; $line = 'help' unless $line; $line =~ s/\W//g; # remove dubious characters my ($priv, $cmd, $desc); my %cmd; my $defh = new IO::File; unless ($defh->open("$main::localcmd/Commands_en.hlp")) { unless($defh->open("$main::cmd/Commands_en.hlp")) { return (1, $self->msg('helpe1')); } } my $h; if ($lang ne 'en') { $h = new IO::File; unless ($h->open("$main::localcmd/Commands_$lang.hlp")) { unless($h->open("$main::cmd/Commands_$lang.hlp")) { undef $h; } } } # do english help my $include; foreach $in (<$defh>) { next if $in =~ /^\#/; chomp $in; $in =~ s/\r$//; if ($in =~ /^===/) { $cmd{$cmd} = "$cmd $desc" if $include; $include = 0; $in =~ s/=== //; ($priv, $cmd, $desc) = split /\^/, $in; next if $priv > $self->priv; # ignore subcommands that are of no concern next unless $cmd =~ /$line/i || $desc =~ /$line/i; next if $cmd =~ /-$/o; $include = 1; next; } $include =~ 1 if $cmd =~ /$line/i; } $cmd{$cmd} = "$cmd $desc" if $include; $defh->close; # override with any not english help if ($h) { my $include; foreach $in (<$h>) { next if $in =~ /^\#/; chomp $in; $in =~ s/\r$//; if ($in =~ /^===/) { $cmd{$cmd} = "$cmd $desc" if $include; $include = 0; $in =~ s/=== //; ($priv, $cmd, $desc) = split /\^/, $in; next if $priv > $self->priv; # ignore subcommands that are of no concern next unless $cmd =~ /$line/i || $desc =~ /$line/i; next if $cmd =~ /-$/o; $include = 1; next; } $include =~ 1 if $cmd =~ /$line/i; } $cmd{$cmd} = "$cmd $desc" if $include; $h->close; } push @out, map {$cmd{$_}} sort keys %cmd; push @out, $self->msg('helpe2', $line) if @out == 0; return (1, @out);