# # show the users on this cluster from the routing tables # # Copyright (c) 1998 Dirk Koopman G1TLH # # # my ($self, $line) = @_; my @list = map { uc } split /\s+/, $line; # list of callsigns of nodes my @out; if (@list) { foreach my $call (sort @list) { my $uref = DXUser::get_current($call); if ($uref) { my $name = $uref->name || '?'; my $qth = $uref->qth || '?'; my $qra = $uref->qra || ''; my $route = ''; if (my $rref = Route::get($call)) { $route = '(at ' . join(',', $rref->parents) . ')'; } push @out, "$call $route $name $qth $qra", } else { push @out, $self->msg('usernf', $call); } } } else { my $node = $main::routeroot; push @out, join(' ', $self->msg('userconn'), $main::mycall); my $call; my @l; my @val = sort $node->users; foreach $call (@val) { if (@l >= 5) { push @out, sprintf "%-12s %-12s %-12s %-12s %-12s", @l; @l = (); } my $uref = Route::User::get($call); my $s = $call; if ($uref) { $s = sprintf "(%s)", $call unless $uref->here; } else { $s = "$call?"; } push @l, $s; } push @l, "" while @l < 5; push @out, sprintf "%-12s %-12s %-12s %-12s %-12s", @l; } return (1, @out);