sh/qrz now working correctly with mojo

This commit is contained in:
Dirk Koopman 2014-06-16 18:15:21 +01:00
parent aa9455d599
commit 4ae3641339
4 changed files with 97 additions and 120 deletions

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
1. Get AsyncMsg working for HTTP type ephemeral connections
1. Add CTY-2405 prefix list

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@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ sub handle
my $lth = length($s)+1;
Log('call', "$call: show/db0sdx $line");
my $conn = AsyncMsg->post($self, $target, $port, "$path$suffix", prefix => 'sdx> ', filter => \&process,
my $conn = AsyncMsg->post($self, $target, "$path$suffix", prefix => 'sdx> ', filter => \&process,
'Content-Type' => 'text/xml; charset=utf-8',
'Content-Length' => $lth,
Connection => 'Close',

View File

@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ sub handle
return (1, $self->msg('e24')) unless $Internet::allow;
return (1, "SHOW/QRZ <callsign>, e.g. SH/QRZ g1tlh") unless $line;
my $target = $Internet::qrz_url || '';
my $target = $Internet::qrz_url || '';
my $port = 80;
my $path = qq{/xml/current/?callsign=$line;username=$Internet::qrz_uid;password=$Internet::qrz_pw;agent=dxspider};
dbg("qrz: $target:$port$path") if isdbg('qrz');
Log('call', "$call: show/qrz \U$line");
my $conn = AsyncMsg->get($self, $target, $port, $path, filter=>\&filter, prefix=>'qrz> ', on_disc=>\&_on_disc);
my $conn = AsyncMsg->get($self, $target, $path, filter=>\&filter, prefix=>'qrz> ', on_disc=>\&_on_disc);
if ($conn) {
$conn->{state} = 'blank';
push @out, $self->msg('m21', "show/qrz");

View File

@ -27,102 +27,6 @@ $deftimeout = 15;
my %outstanding;
# standard http get handler
sub handle_get
my $conn = shift;
my $msg = shift;
my $state = $conn->{_asstate};
dbg("asyncmsg: $state $msg") if isdbg('async');
# no point in going on if there is no-one wanting the output anymore
my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($conn->{caller});
unless ($dxchan) {
if ($state eq 'waitreply') {
# look at the reply code and decide whether it is a success
my ($http, $code, $ascii) = $msg =~ m|(HTTP/\d\.\d)\s+(\d+)\s+(.*)|;
if ($code == 200) {
# success
$conn->{_asstate} = 'waitblank';
} elsif ($code == 302) {
# redirect
$conn->{_asstate} = 'waitlocation';
} else {
$dxchan->send("$code $ascii");
} elsif ($state eq 'waitlocation') {
my ($path) = $msg =~ m|Location:\s*(.*)|;
if ($path) {
my $newconn;
my @uri = split m|/+|, $path;
if ($uri[0] eq 'http:') {
shift @uri;
my $host = shift @uri;
my $newpath = '/' . join('/', @uri);
$newpath .= '/' if $path =~ m|/$|;
$newconn = _getpost(ref $conn, $conn->{_assort}, $conn->{caller}, $host, 80, $newpath, @{$conn->{_asargs}});
} elsif ($path =~ m|^/|) {
$newconn = _getpost(ref $conn, $conn->{_assort}, $conn->{caller}, $conn->{peerhost}, $conn->{peerport}, $path, @{$conn->{_asargs}});
if ($newconn) {
# copy over any elements in $conn that are not in $newconn
while (my ($k,$v) = each %$conn) {
dbg("async: $state copying over $k -> \$newconn") if isdbg('async');
$newconn{$k} = $v unless exists $newconn{$k};
delete $conn->{on_disconnect};
} elsif ($state eq 'waitblank') {
unless ($msg) {
$conn->{_asstate} = 'indata';
} elsif ($conn->{_asstate} eq 'indata') {
if (my $filter = $conn->{_asfilter}) {
no strict 'refs';
# this will crash if the command has been redefined and the filter is a
# function defined there whilst the request is in flight,
# but this isn't exactly likely in a production environment.
$filter->($conn, $msg, $dxchan);
} else {
my $prefix = $conn->{prefix} || '';
# simple raw handler
# Just outputs everything
sub handle_raw
my $conn = shift;
my $msg = shift;
# no point in going on if there is no-one wanting the output anymore
my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($conn->{caller});
unless ($dxchan) {
# send out the data
my $prefix = $conn->{prefix} || '';
sub new
my $pkg = shift;
@ -138,6 +42,37 @@ sub new
return $conn;
sub handle_getpost
my ($conn, $ua, $tx) = @_;
# no point in going on if there is no-one wanting the output anymore
my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($conn->{caller});
unless ($dxchan) {
my @lines = split qr{\r?\n}, $tx->res->body;
foreach my $msg(@lines) {
dbg("AsyncMsg: $conn->{_asstate} $msg") if isdbg('async');
if (my $filter = $conn->{_asfilter}) {
no strict 'refs';
# this will crash if the command has been redefined and the filter is a
# function defined there whilst the request is in flight,
# but this isn't exactly likely in a production environment.
$filter->($conn, $msg, $dxchan);
} else {
my $prefix = $conn->{prefix} || '';
# This does a http get on a path on a host and
# returns the result (through an optional filter)
@ -165,46 +100,62 @@ sub _getpost
my $sort = shift;
my $call = shift;
my $host = shift;
my $port = shift;
my $path = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $conn = $pkg->new($call, \&handle_get);
my $conn = $pkg->new($call);
$conn->{_asargs} = [@_];
$conn->{_asstate} = 'waitreply';
$conn->{_asfilter} = delete $args{filter} if exists $args{filter};
$conn->{prefix} = delete $args{prefix} if exists $args{prefix};
$conn->{prefix} ||= '';
$conn->{on_disconnect} = delete $args{on_disc} || delete $args{on_disconnect};
$conn->{path} = $path;
$conn->{host} = $host;
$conn->{port} = $port;
$conn->{host} = $conn->{peerhost} = $host;
$conn->{port} = $conn->{peerport} = delete $args{port} || 80;
$conn->{sort} = 'outgoing';
$conn->{_assort} = $sort;
$conn->{csort} = 'http';
my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;
my $s;
$s .= $host;
$s .= ":$port" unless $conn->{port} == 80;
$s .= $path;
dbg("AsyncMsg: $sort $s") if isdbg('async');
$r = $conn->connect($host, $port, on_connect=>sub {$conn->_on_getpost_connect(@_)});
my $tx = $ua->build_tx($sort => $s);
$ua->on(error => sub { $conn->_error(@_); });
# $tx->on(error => sub { $conn->_error(@_); });
# $tx->on(finish => sub { $conn->disconnect; });
$ua->start($tx => sub { $conn->handle_getpost(@_) });
return $r ? $conn : undef;
$conn->{mojo} = $ua;
return $conn if $tx;
return undef;
sub _on_getpost_connect
sub _dxchan_send
my $conn = shift;
dbg("Sending '$conn->{_assort} $conn->{path} HTTP/1.0'") if isdbg('async');
$conn->send_later("$conn->{_assort} $conn->{path} HTTP/1.0\n");
my $h = delete $args{Host} || $host;
my $u = delete $args{'User-Agent'} || "DxSpider;$main::version;$main::build;$^O;$main::mycall";
my $d = delete $args{data};
$conn->send_later("Host: $h\n");
$conn->send_later("User-Agent: $u\n");
while (my ($k,$v) = each %args) {
$conn->send_later("$k: $v\n");
$conn->send_later("\n$d") if defined $d;
my $msg = shift;
my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($conn->{caller});
$dxchan->send($msg) if $dxchan;
sub _error
my ($conn, $e, $err);
dbg("Async: $conn->host:$conn->port path $conn->{path} error $err") if isdbg('chan');
sub get
my $pkg = shift;
@ -239,10 +190,33 @@ sub raw
my $handler = delete $args{handler} || \&handle_raw;
my $conn = $pkg->new($call, $handler);
$conn->{prefix} = delete $args{prefix} if exists $args{prefix};
$conn->{prefix} ||= '';
$r = $conn->connect($host, $port, on_connect => &_on_raw_connect);
return $r ? $conn : undef;
# simple raw handler
# Just outputs everything
sub handle_raw
my $conn = shift;
my $msg = shift;
# no point in going on if there is no-one wanting the output anymore
my $dxchan = DXChannel::get($conn->{caller});
unless ($dxchan) {
# send out the data
sub _on_raw_connect
my $conn = shift;
@ -280,6 +254,7 @@ sub disconnect
$ondisc->($conn, $dxchan)
delete $conn->{mojo};
delete $outstanding{$conn};