started docs

This commit is contained in:
djk 1998-12-02 19:27:28 +00:00
parent 6ff342e3d9
commit 1c42110560
3 changed files with 275 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
<title>CPAN and perl installation</title>
<h2>CPAN and perl installation</h2>
<title>CPAN and perl installation</title>
<h2>CPAN and perl installation</h2>
<address><a href=""></a></address>
<!-- Created: Wed Dec 2 16:40:25 GMT 1998 -->
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Wed Dec 2 18:12:42 GMT 1998
<!-- hhmts end -->
<p>I have captured a typical CPAN load here for your information. The details may be slightly
different, but it should give you a vague idea of how it all goes together.
<p>Please note note warnings about loading libnet
[root@rufus djk]# perl -MCPAN -e shell
We have to reconfigure due to following uninitialized parameters:
@ -404,7 +413,15 @@ with spaces. If you do not have a host available for any of the
services, then enter a single space, followed by <CR>. To accept the
default, hit <CR>
Enter a list of available NNTP hosts : [news]
*** DO NOT ACCEPT THE DEFAULTS!!! (ed), please enter &lt;space>&lt;cr> ***<br>
Enter a list of available NNTP hosts : [news]
Enter a list of available SMTP hosts : [mailhost]
Enter a list of available POP3 hosts : []
Enter a list of available SNPP hosts : []
@ -778,8 +795,8 @@ Appending installation info to /usr/lib/perl5/i386-linux/5.00404/perllocal.pod
cpan> q
Lockfile removed.
<h5>Version: $Id$</h5>
<h5>Version: $Id$</h5>

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
<address><a href=""></a></address>
<!-- Created: Wed Dec 2 18:22:33 GMT 1998 -->
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Wed Dec 2 18:28:15 GMT 1998
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<p>The DXSpider dx cluster system is written in perl5 as an exercise in self-training
for both protocol research and teaching myself perl.
<p>This document will contain all the instructions for its installation and use -
<li> <a href="install.html">Installation</a> of the main cluster software.
<li> Installing the lastest version of <a href="cpan.html">CPAN</a>.

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@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
<title>Installing Spider</title>
<h2>Installing Spider</h2>
<address><a href=""></a></address>
<!-- Created: Wed Dec 2 16:40:25 GMT 1998 -->
<!-- hhmts start -->
Last modified: Wed Dec 2 18:19:38 GMT 1998
<!-- hhmts end -->
<p>This version of dxspider requires perl5 (it is written entirely in perl5 and
makes extensive use of perl objects). This program is known to work with
RedHat 5.1 perl5_004.</p>
<p>In addition to the standard perl5 distribution you will require to load the
the following modules:-</p>
<li> <a href="cpan.html">CPAN</a> - this has a load of the standard extra stuff in it. To load it type:-
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Bundle::CPAN
cpan> q
<p>Please sure there were no errors, be particularly careful when installing
libwww stuff, I would suggest 'no host lookups' and pressing &lt;space> and
enter for each of the offered default hostnames. </p>
<p>I have monitored a typical load of <a href="cpan.html">CPAN</a> which you can
look at <a href="cpan.html">here</a></p>
<li> Date::Parse, MLDBM, IO::Select
<p>As you have so carefully loaded it, I suggest you use the CPAN system
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install Date::Parse
cpan> install MLDBM
cpan> install IO::Select
<p>In order to use IO::Select you will need to </p>
# cd /root/.cpan/build/IO-1.20
# make install UNINST=1
<p>The 'cd' is to the place where CPAN sets up its local cache. The example
shown is for Linux defaults.</p>
<li> select a user to run the cluster as UNDER _NO_ CIRCUMSTANCES USE ROOT.
<p>I say again DO NOT USE root.</p>
<p>Pick an existing user or create a new one. Don't care which. I don't know
your security requirements.</p>
<li> login as root (I shall use 'jim' for any examples).<br>
<li> type in the following:-
# cd ~jim
# tar xvfz spider-x.x.tar.gz
# ln -s ~jim/spider /spider
# groupadd -g 251 spider (or another number)
# vi /etc/group (or your favorite editor)
<p>add jim (or whatever) and root to the group spider
it should look something like:-</p>
# chown -R jim.spider spider
# find . -type d -exec chmod 2775 {} \;
# find . -type f -exec chmod 775 {} \;
<p>This last step allows various users of group spider to have write
access to all the directories. Not really needed for now but will
be useful when web interfaces start to appear.</p>
<li> if you have any users that require network logins, set them up as real
users with useradd -m &lt;callsign>. Alter the default .bashrc so that it
contains just one line (assuming you use the default bash shell).
exec /spider/perl/ &lt;callsign> telnet
<p>Don't forget to give them a real password. This is really for network
cluster logins. The telnet argument does two things, it sets the EOL
convention to \n rather than AX25's \r and it automatically reduces
the privilege of the &lt;callsign> to a 'safe[r]' level.</p>
<li> for incoming AX25 connections you are expected to have got the AX25
utilities setup, tested and working. See the AX25-HOWTO for more info
on this - it really is outside the scope of this document. I would
recommend using ax25-utils-2.1.42a-5.i386.rpm or above as a starting
point. DXSpider uses ax25d for incoming connections. You need to have
entries like this:-
NOCALL * * * * * * L
default * * * * * * - jim /spider/perl/ %u ax25
NOCALL * * * * * * L
default * * * * * * - jim /spider/perl/ %u ax25
<p>where ether and bbs are appropriate KNOWN WORKING axport and nrport
names respectively.</p>
<p>Obviously you can use different names, callsigns or whatever for your
purposes, but it is up to you to get it to work. </p>
<p>Note I use BPQ over ethernet which why I have the port names I have.</p>
<li>Find your <tt>netrom_call</tt> and <tt>ax25_call</tt> programs (which on
my system live in <tt>/usr/sbin</tt> and chmod them so that they are SUID <tt>root</tt>
# chown root ax25_call netrom_call
# chmod 4775 ax25_call netrom_call
<p>This has to be done to allow you to specify the correct callsigns on outgoing connects</p>
<li> login as jim (or whatever)
$ startx (much easier to use X)
$ cd /spider
$ mkdir local
$ mkdir local_cmd
$ cp perl/ local
$ cd local
$ vi
<p>now alter your cluster callsign, sysop callsign and other user info
as you wish. Note that this a perl file which will parsed and executed
as part of the cluster. If you get it wrong then perl will complain
when you start the cluster process.</p>
<p>DON'T alter the (or any other file) in /spider/perl, they are
overwritten with every release. Any files or commands you place in
/spider/local or /spider/local_cmd will automagically be used in preference
to the ones in /spider/perl EVEN whilst the cluster is running!</p>
$ cd ../perl
<p>now create the basic user file with you as the sysop.</p>
<p>try and run the cluster program and see whether all the various rivets are
flying in approximate formation...</p>
DXSpider DX Cluster Version x.x
Copyright (c) 1998 Dirk Koopman G1TLH
loading prefixes ...
loading band data ...
loading user file system ...
starting listener ...
reading existing message headers
reading cron jobs
orft we jolly well go ...
<li> now log in again or start another rxvt or xterm
<p>you should now see a normal cluster prompt.</p>
<p>at the cluster prompt:-</p>
G1JIM de GB7JIM 10-Sep-98 1000Z> set/node GB7XXX
<p>for every dxcluster you expect to connect to or from.</p>
G1JIM de GB7JIM 10-Sep-98 1001Z> shutdown
<p>The cluster and the client should both go back to prompts
<p>Restart the cluster.
<p>The callsigns should be the sysop callsign and the cluster callsign
as per your modified You can check that the cluster
connections will work by:-
$ gb7xxx (doesn't have to be uppercase).
PC38^GB7JIM^~ <- the cluster thinks this is a cluster
^C <- to get out
<h5>Version: $Id$</h5>