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<TITLE>The DXSpider User Filtering Primer v1.0: Accept filters </TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s7">7.</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7">Accept filters </A></H2>
<P>An accept filter line means that if a spot matches pass it on to the user, send
it down the line to the next rule or to the user, and trash, dump, all other
spots that do not match to the next filter line. </P>
Syntax: accept/spots [0-9] &lt;pattern>
<P>Any of the following patterns may be used in this line ...</P>
freq &lt;range>
on &lt;range>
info &lt;string>
call &lt;prefixes>
call_dxcc &lt;numbers>
call_itu &lt;numbers>
call_zone &lt;numbers>
call_state &lt;state2-letter abbreviations>
by &lt;prefixes>
by_dxcc &lt;numbers>
by_itu &lt;numbers>
by_zone &lt;numbers>
by_state &lt;state2-letter abbreviations>
origin &lt;prefixes> Used primarily be SYSOPS, not by users and not discussed.
channel &lt;prefixes> Used primarily be SYSOPS, not by users and not discussed.
<P>Using these patterns, we can accept spots based upon ...</P>
Frequency of the spot
Call sign of the spot (country or zone)
Call sign of the spotter (country or zone)
Contents of the "information field" which comes with the spot
<H2><A NAME="ss7.1">7.1</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.1">Filters to accept spots based on frequency</A>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] freq &lt;range>
accept/spot [0-9] on &lt;range>
<P>Important: as noted before, both <EM>freq</EM> and <EM>on</EM> are exactly
the same and can be used interchangeably.</P>
<P>For range, you can specify a frequency like 7040, a range of frequencies
like 0/30000 ( the whole HF spectrum) or use any of the band/region names
defined in the SHOW/BANDS command (see above).</P>
<P>This will pass on a HF spots only from 0 to 30,000 kHz and dump all others.</P>
accept/spot 1 on 0/30000
<P>This passes on all spots in the frequency range 144000 -> 148000 kHz and trash
all others.</P>
accept/spot 2 freq 2m
<P>This rule will only pass on spots on 6m, 4m, 2m, and 220 and reject all
accept/spot 3 on vhf
<P>This rule will pass on all spots on the 160m, 80m, 60m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m,
15m, 12m, 10m bands and all spots on 70cm and 23cm bands only. All other
spots are trashed.</P>
accept/spot 4 freq hf and freq uhf
<H2><A NAME="ss7.2">7.2</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.2">Sub-bands as part of range</A>
<P>In conjunction with range, you can use the following sub-band names: CW, RTTY,
DATA, SSB, and SSTV by using a back-slash [(band or region)/sub-band] as part
of the range definition. </P>
<P>Examples ...</P>
<P>This rule will only accept and pass on HF phone spots rejecting all others</P>
accept/spot 0 freq hf/ssb
<P>This filter rule will accept all HF CW spots but will not include DATA and
RTTY spots in the CW range. In addition all other spots will be dumped.</P>
accept/spot 1 on hf/cw and not (on hf/data or on hf/rtty)
<H2><A NAME="ss7.3">7.3</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.3">Filters to accept spots based on info</A>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] info &lt;string>
<P>This filter is used to key on information contained in the information section
of the spot. One could use this to accept any spots containing IOTA, QSL OP or
any other "key-word" used in the information string of the spot. </P>
<P>Examples ...</P>
<P>This filter will accept spots containing IOTA information only and reject all
accept/spot 0 info IOTA
<P>This filter will accept only 10m SSB spots, but will still permit any spots
that contain iota information in addition - rejecting all other spots.</P>
accept/spot 1 on 10m/ssb and info iota
<P>This next filter will accept spots asking or containing QSL information and dump
all other spots</P>
accept/spot 2 info QSL
<P>Note: The following series of filters are based on <EM>call</EM> and
<EM>by</EM>. Call always references the call sign of the spotted DX station.
By always references the call sign of the spotting station.</P>
<H2><A NAME="ss7.4">7.4</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.4">Filters to accept spots based on call</A>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call &lt;prefixes>
<P>This filter is misleading in a way. It is strictly based on the spotted call
sign letters or numbers entered and not based on countries or DXCC entities. </P>
<P>Examples ...</P>
<P>This filter will accept spots for G1AAA, GJ2BBB, and GW3CCC and reject all
others, including M0AAA.</P>
accept/spot 0 call G
<P>This next filter will accept spots for PA3AAA and reject spots for PB4BBB as
well as all others.</P>
accept/spot 1 call PA
<P>This filter will accept spots for call signs beginning with "K", i.e., K1AA,
KC4AAA, KH6DDD and reject spots for W3BG and N3RD as well as all other
accept/spot 2 call K
<H2><A NAME="ss7.5">7.5</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.5">Filters to accept spots based on call_dxcc</A>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call_dxcc &lt;numbers or prefixes>
<P>This filter is based on DXCC entities and uses either the country prefixes or
the DXCC entity number found by using the command <EM>show/prefix</EM>. See
example of <EM>show/prefix</EM> above.</P>
<P>Examples ...</P>
accept/spot 0 call_dxcc 226,197
accept/spot 0 call_dxcc ve,w
<P>(Both will work) These spot filters will accept all spots for US and Canada
stations and trash all others.</P>
<P>The folowing spot filter will accept all spots for US stations and yet reject
any spots for W3FM who is always being spotted by Europeans and filling up my
accept/spot 1 call_dxcc w not call w3fm
<H2><A NAME="ss7.6">7.6</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.6">Filters to accept spots based on call_itu</A>
<P>Similarly, call_itu and call_zone use ITU regions that can also be obtained
using the <EM>show/prefix</EM> command (see above.)</P>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call_itu &lt;numbers>
<P>Example ...</P>
<P>This spot filter will accept all spots for ITU region 7 and reject all
accept/spot 0 call_itu 7
<H2><A NAME="ss7.7">7.7</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.7">Filters to accept spots based on call_zone</A>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call_zone &lt;numbers>
<P>This filter is based on CQ zones and uses the CQ zone number found by using
the command <EM>show/prefix</EM> (see above.)</P>
<P>Example ...</P>
<P>This spot filter will accept all spots for CQ zone 5 and reject all others.</P>
accept/spot 0 call_zone 5
<H2><A NAME="ss7.8">7.8</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.8">Filters to accept spots based on call_state</A>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call_state &lt;state2-letter postal codes>
<P>This filter is based on state of the call spotted for those call signs contained
in the usdb database. </P>
<P>Example ...</P>
<P>This spot filter will accept all spots of stations located in the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and reject all others. It's the PA QSO Party
accept/spot 0 call_state pa
<H2><A NAME="ss7.9">7.9</A> <A HREF="filtering_en.html#toc7.9">Filters to accept spots based on by</A>
<P><EM>by</EM> filters are similar to and function exactly as call filters except
that they act on the spotting station call sign and not the spotted call sign</P>
<P>So ...</P>
<P>This filter is similar to and functions like the call &lt;prefixes&gt; (See above)
except that it accepts spots generated by the spotting call sign and dumps all
other spots.</P>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] by &lt;prefixes>
<P>This filter is based on DXCC entities and uses the DXCC entity number found
by using the command <EM>show/prefix</EM> and it accepts spots generated
within the spotting DXCC entity and rejects other spots.</P>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] by_dxcc &lt;numbers>
<P>This next filter is based on ITU regions and uses the ITU region number found by
using the command <EM>show/prefix</EM> (see above), except that it accepts
spots generated by a spotting call sign within the ITU region and rejects all
other spots.</P>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call_itu &lt;numbers>
<P>This filter is based on CQ zones and uses the CQ zone number found by using
the command <EM>show/prefix</EM> (see above), except that it accepts spots
generated by a spotting call sign within the CQ zone and rejects all other
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] call_zone &lt;numbers>
<P>This filters is based on the state location of the spotting station found
by using the command <EM>show/usdb</EM> and accepts only those spots
generated by stations from the states(s) specified rejecting all other spots.</P>
Syntax: accept/spot [0-9] by_state &lt;state2-letter postal codes>
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