2019-02-15 21:18:08 +00:00

270 lines
12 KiB

dataproxy_sqlite.h - description
begin : feb 2015
copyright : (C) 2015 by Jaime Robles
email : jaime@robles.es
* This file is part of KLog. *
* *
* KLog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* *
* KLog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with KLog. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *
* *
#include <QString>
#include <QStringList>
#include <QObject>
//#include <QtGlobal>
#include "dataproxy.h"
#include "database.h"
class DataProxy_SQLite : public DataProxy {
DataProxy_SQLite(const QString _softVersion, const QString _parentFunction);
QString getSoftVersion();
QString getDBVersion();
bool reconnectDB();
void createLogModel();
void createLogPanel();
bool haveAtLeastOneLog();
QStringList getColumnNamesFromTableLog();
int getIdFromModeName(const QString& _modeName);
int getIdFromBandName(const QString& _bandName);
int getSubModeIdFromSubMode(const QString _subModeName);
int getModeIdFromSubModeId(const int _sm);
QStringList getBands();
QStringList getModes();
QStringList sortBandNamesBottonUp(const QStringList _qs);
QStringList getBandIDs();
QStringList getModesIDs();
QStringList getBandsInLog(const int _log);
QStringList getModesInLog(const int _log);
int getMostUsedBand(const int _log);
int getMostUsedMode(const int _log);
QString getNameFromBandId (const int _id);
QString getNameFromModeId (const int _id);
QString getNameFromSubModeId (const int _id);
QString getSubModeFromId (const int _id);
QString getNameFromSubMode (const QString _sm); // Checks if a submode is deprecated TODO: CHeck if really needed
//QString getNameFromSubMode (const QString _sm); // DEPRECATED
bool isModeDeprecated (const QString _sm);
QString getFreqFromBandId(const int _id);
int getBandIdFromFreq(const double _n);
QString getBandNameFromFreq(const double _n);
double getLowLimitBandFromBandName(const QString _sm);
double getLowLimitBandFromBandId(const QString _sm);
bool isThisFreqInBand(const QString b, const QString fr);
int getLastQSOid();
bool addQSOFromWSJTX(const QString _dxcall, const double _freq, const QString _mode,
const QString _dx_grid, const QString _time_off, const QString _report_sent, const QString _report_rec,
const QString _tx_power, const QString _comments, const QString _name, const QString _time_on,
const int _dxcc, const QString _opQrz, const QString _stQrz, const QString _myLoc, const int _logN);
bool deleteQSO(const int _qsoId);
int isWorkedB4(const QString _qrz, const int _currentLog);
bool isThisQSODuplicated(const QString _qrz, const QString _date, const QString _time, const int _band, const int _mode);
int getDuplicatedQSOId(const QString _qrz, const QString _date, const QString _time, const int _band, const int _mode);
bool isDXCCConfirmed(const int _dxcc, const int _currentLog);
bool isQSLReceived(const int _qsoId);
bool isQSLSent(const int _qsoId);
bool qslSentViaDirect(const int _qsoId, const QString _updateDate);
bool qslSentViaBureau(const int _qsoId, const QString _updateDate);
bool qslRecViaBureau(const int _qsoId, const QString _updateDate);
bool qslRecViaBureau(const int _qsoId, const QString _updateDate, const bool _queueSentQSL);
bool qslRecViaDirect(const int _qsoId, const QString _updateDate);
bool qslRecViaDirect(const int _qsoId, const QString _updateDate, const bool _queueSentQSL);
bool qslSentAsRequested(const int _qsoId, const QString _updateDate);
bool qslRecAsRequested(const int _qsoId, const QString _updateDate);
bool setClubLogSent(const int _qsoId, const QString _st, const QString _updateDate);
bool isHF(const int _band);
bool isWARC(const int _band);
bool isVHF(const int _band);
bool isUHF(const int _band);
int getBandFromId(const int _qsoId);
int getModeFromId(const int _qsoId);
int getDXCCFromId(const int _qsoId);
int getCQZFromId(const int _qsoId);
QString getCallFromId(const int _qsoId);
QStringList getClubLogRealTimeFromId(const int _qsoId);
// Complete with previous
QString getNameFromQRZ(const QString _call);
QString getQTHFromQRZ(const QString _call);
QString getLocatorFromQRZ(const QString _call);
QString getIOTAFromQRZ(const QString _call);
QString getQSLViaFromQRZ(const QString _call);
// /Complete with previous
bool updateAwardDXCC();
bool updateAwardWAZ();
int getContinentIdFromContinentShortName(const QString _n);
QString getContinentShortNameFromEntity(const int _n);
int getContinentIdFromEntity(const int _n);
QStringList getContinentShortNames();
bool isValidContinentShortName(const QString _n);
int getCQzFromPrefix(const QString _p);
int getCQzFromEntity(const int _n);
int getITUzFromEntity(const int _n);
int getITUzFromPrefix(const QString _p);
QString getEntityNameFromId(const int _n);
QString getEntityMainPrefix(const int _entityN);
bool isNewCQz(int _c);
bool isNewEntity(int _e);
double getLongitudeFromEntity(const int _e);
double getLatitudeFromEntity(const int _e);
int getDXCCFromPrefix(const QString _p);
QString getEntityPrefixes(const int _enti);
QStringList getEntitiesNames();
QStringList getEntitiesIds();
int getHowManyEntities();
int getMaxEntityID(bool limit = true); // limit = true implies that it will only shouw ARRL valid DXCC (i.e. will not count Sicily)
QStringList getOperatingYears(const int _currentLog);
void compressDB();
bool unMarkAllQSO(); // Unmarks all the marked QSO
bool lotwSentQueue(const QString _updateDate, const int _currentLog); // Mark LOTW QSL SENT as Q (Queued)
bool lotwSentYes(const QString _updateDate, const int _currentLog, const QString _station); // Update LOTW QSL SENT marked as Q as Y (Queued)
bool clearLog();
// Stats
int getQSOonYear(const int _year, const int _logNumber);
int getDXCConYear(const int _year, const int _logNumber);
int getCQzonYear(const int _year, const int _logNumber);
int getQSOsWithDXCC(const int _dxcc, const int _logNumber);
int getQSOsAtHour(const int _hour, const int _log);
int getQSOsOnMonth(const int _month, const int _log);
int getHowManyQSOInLog(const int _log);
int getHowManyConfirmedQSLInLog(const int _log);
int getHowManyQSLSentInLog(const int _log);
int getQSOsWithContinent(const QString _cont, const int _logNumber);
int getQSOsInBand(const QString _band, const int _log);
int getQSOsInMode(const QString _mode, const int _log);
// Stats - end
bool newDXMarathon(const int _dxcc, const int _cq, const int _year, const int _logNumber);
QStringList getContestNames();
QStringList getContestCat(const int _catn);
QStringList getContestOverlays();
int getContestTypeN(const int _co, const int _catop, const int _catas, const int _catpo, const int _catba, const int _catov, const int _catmo);
QStringList getDataFromContestType(const int _n);
int getLogTypeNumber(const QString _logType);
QString getLogTypeName(const int _logType);
QString getLogTypeOfUserLog(const int _logN);
int getLogNumberFromQSOId(const int _qsoId);
QStringList getBandNames();
QStringList getPropModeList();
bool clearSatList();
bool addSatellite(const QString _arrlId, const QString _name, const QString _downLink, const QString _upLink, const QString _mode, int id = -1);
int getDBSatId(const QString _arrlId);
QStringList getSatellitesList();
QString getSatelliteUplink(const QString _sat);
QString getSatelliteDownlink(const QString _sat);
QString getSatelliteMode(const QString _sat);
QString getSatelliteFullUplink(const QString _sat);
QString getSatelliteFullDownlink(const QString _sat);
QString getSatelliteFullMode(const QString _sat);
QString getSatelliteName(const QString _sat);
QString getSateliteArrlIdFromId(const int _id);
QStringList getQSLRcvdList();
QStringList getQSLSentList();
QStringList getClubLogStatusList();
QStringList getQSLViaList();
QStringList getValidCatOptions(const int _currentCat, const int _lowerCa);
bool fillEmptyDXCCInTheLog();
int getNumberOfManagedLogs();
QStringList getListOfManagedLogs();
int getMaxLogNumber();
QString getStationCallSignFromLog(const int _log);
QStringList getStationCallSignsFromLog(const int _log);
QString getOperatorsFromLog(const int _log);
QString getCommentsFromLog(const int _log);
QString getLogDateFromLog(const int _log);
QString getLogTypeNFromLog(const int _log);
bool addNewLog (const QStringList _qs);
bool doesThisLogExist(const int _log);
bool updateISONames(); // Update the entities ISO 3166names for the flags
QString getISOName(const int _n);
bool setDXCCAwardStatus(const int _qsoId);
bool setWAZAwardStatus(const int _qsoId);
void getFoundInLog(const QString _txt, const int _log=-1);
//bool queryPrepare(const QString _query);
//bool queryBind(const QString _field, const QString value);
//bool queryExec();
bool dbCreated;
DataBase *db;
QStringList sortBandIdBottonUp(const QStringList _qs);
double getFreqFromRange(QString _fr); //May even receive: 145.900-146.00 and should return the mid in the range (145.950)
QStringList getColumnNamesFromTable(const QString _tableName);
int getPrefixId(const QString _qrz);
QString changeSlashAndFindPrefix(const QString _qrz);
bool searching;
int executionN;
Utilities *util;
//QSqlQuery preparedQuery;
//QSqlRelationalTableModel *logModel;
void qsoFound(const QStringList _qs); // Each: QString with format: Fieldname:value
void queryError(QString functionFailed, QString errorCodeS, int errorCodeN, QString failedQuery); // To alert about any failed query execution