2021-09-04 05:26:24 +02:00

9385 lines
251 KiB

msgid ""
msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Language: ca_ES\n"
"X-Qt-Contexts: true\n"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:44
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "About KLog"
msgstr "Quant al KLog"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:91
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"You can also help us by sending bug reports or small code contributions, "
"ideas or whatever you think may improve KLog."
msgstr ""
"També ens podeu ajudar enviant informes d'error o col·laboracions petites de "
"codi, idees o el que penseu que podria millorar el KLog."
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:92 ../aboutdialog.cpp:165
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autors"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:51
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "By"
msgstr "Per"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:62
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:53
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "KLog is a free logbook for hamradio operators."
msgstr ""
"El KLog és un llibre de registre lliure per a operadors de radioafició."
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:58
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Please provide your review in KLog's eHam review page:"
msgstr ""
"Si us plau, proporcioneu comentaris a la pàgina de revisions del KLog a eHam:"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:85 ../aboutdialog.cpp:86 ../aboutdialog.cpp:87
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "today"
msgstr "avui"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:85
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Main developer"
msgstr "Desenvolupador principal"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:91
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "KLog is developed by a very small team and you are invited to join!"
msgstr ""
"El KLog està desenvolupat per un equip molt petit i esteu convidat a "
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:123
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"KLog developers have included a feature that reports some user data to the "
"KLog server with the sole purpose of identifying the number of installed "
"versions, to focus development in one direction or another taking into "
"account users' needs."
msgstr ""
"Els desenvolupadors del KLog han inclòs una funcionalitat que informa de "
"diverses dades de l'usuari al servidor del KLog amb l'únic propòsit "
"d'identificar el nombre de versions instal·lades, per tal d'enfocar el "
"desenvolupament en una direcció o una altra tenint en compte les necessitats "
"dels usuaris."
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:124
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "At present, the data that is provided is the following:"
msgstr "Actualment, les dades proporcionades són les següents:"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:107
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"Translators bring KLog into your language. They are really an important part "
"of the KLog development team."
msgstr ""
"Els traductors adapten el KLog al vostre idioma. Són una part important de "
"l'equip de desenvolupament del KLog."
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:61
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Find more information and the latest release at"
msgstr "Podeu trobar més informació i l'últim llançament a"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:54
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"Please be aware that this is a development release and it may contain many "
"bugs.<br>Backup your data before using this software!"
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que aquest és un llançament de desenvolupament i pot "
"contenir molts errors.<br>Feu una còpia de seguretat de les dades abans "
"d'usar aquest programari!"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:56
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"Since 0.6.2, KLog has been fully rewritten to provide a cross-platform "
"application that runs on all major operating systems (GNU/Linux, macOS and "
"Windows) and to support new functionality."
msgstr ""
"Des de la versió 0.6.2, el KLog s'ha reescrit completament per a "
"proporcionar una aplicació multiplataforma que s'executa a tots els sistemes "
"operatius principals (GNU/Linux, macOS i Windows) i per a implementar "
"funcionalitats noves."
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:91
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"If you want to provide support you are welcome to join the <a "
"href=\"https://groups.io/g/klog\">KLog mailing list</a>!"
msgstr ""
"Si us agradaria col·laborar, agrairem que us subscribiu a la <a "
"href=\"https://groups.io/g/klog\">llista de correu del KLog</a>!"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:107
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"If KLog is still not in your language and you want to help us, you are "
"welcome to contact us through the <a href=\"https://groups.io/g/klog\">KLog "
"mailing list</a>!"
msgstr ""
"Si el KLog encara no està en el vostre idioma i voleu ajudar-nos, agrairem "
"que contacteu amb la <a href=\"https://groups.io/g/klog\">llista de correu "
"del KLog</a>!"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:108 ../aboutdialog.cpp:166
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Translators"
msgstr "Traductors"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:122
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Privacy advisory"
msgstr "Avís de privadesa"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:125
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:125
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "KLog version"
msgstr "Versió del KLog"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:125
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Operating system"
msgstr "Sistema operatiu"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:126
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"Be aware that you can enable/disable this feature from the Misc tab in the "
"Setup page."
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que podeu activar/desactivar aquesta funcionalitat des de "
"la pestanya Varis de la pàgina de Configuració."
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:164
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:167
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privadesa"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:62
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Select the Station Callsign that you want to use to upload the log."
msgstr ""
"Seleccioneu l'indicatiu de l'estació de la qual voleu usar per pujar el "
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:65
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid ""
"Select the start date to export the QSOs. The default date is the date of "
"the first QSO with this station callsign."
msgstr ""
"Seleccioneu la data d'inici a exportar els QSO. La data predeterminada és la "
"data del primer QSO amb aquest indicatiu d'estació."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:70
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid ""
"Select the end date to export the QSOs. The default date is the date of the "
"last QSO with this station callsign."
msgstr ""
"Seleccioneu la data de fi a exportar els QSO. La data predeterminada és la "
"data del darrer QSO amb aquest indicatiu d'estació."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:74
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Station callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'estació"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Data d'inici"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:80
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "End date"
msgstr "Data final"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "D'acord"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel·la"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:93
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "DX"
msgstr "DX"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:93
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Data/hora"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:93
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Banda"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:93
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:136
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Not defined"
msgstr "No s'ha definit"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:141
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Tot"
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:244
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "QSOs: "
msgstr "QSO: "
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:368
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "KLog - QSOs to be uploaded to LoTW."
msgstr "KLog - QSO que es pujaran a LoTW."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:369
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be sent to LoTW."
msgstr "Aquesta taula mostra els QSO que s'enviaran al LoTW."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:373
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "KLog - QSOs to be uploaded to ClubLog."
msgstr "KLog - QSO que es pujaran a ClubLog."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:374
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be sent to ClubLog."
msgstr "Aquesta taula mostra els QSO que s'enviaran a ClubLog."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:378
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "KLog - QSOs to be uploaded to eQSL.cc."
msgstr "KLog - QSO que es pujaran a l'eQSL.cc."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:379
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be sent to eQSL.cc."
msgstr "Aquesta taula mostra els QSO que s'enviaran a l'eQSL.cc."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:383
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "KLog - QSOs to be uploaded to QRZ.com."
msgstr "KLog - QSO que es pujaran al QRZ.com."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:384
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be sent to QRZ.com."
msgstr "Aquesta taula mostra els QSO que s'enviaran a QRZ.com."
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:389
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be exported to ADIF."
msgstr "Aquesta taula mostra els QSO que s'exportaran a ADIF."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:97
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Recalculate"
msgstr "Torna a calcular"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:98
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Click to recalculate the award status."
msgstr "Cliqueu per tornar a calcular l'estat dels diplomes."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:99 ../awardswidget.cpp:294
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Select the year you want to check."
msgstr "Seleccioneu l'any que voleu comprovar."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:101 ../awardswidget.cpp:122
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "QSOs"
msgstr "QSO"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:102 ../awardswidget.cpp:113
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:103
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "CQ"
msgstr "CQ"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:105
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Award"
msgstr "Diploma"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:107
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Confirmat"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:110
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Worked"
msgstr "Treballat"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:116
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "WAZ"
msgstr "WAZ"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:187
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Score"
msgstr "Puntuació"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:188 ../awardswidget.cpp:415
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Annual"
msgstr "Anual"
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:281
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of confirmed DXCC entities."
msgstr "Nombre d'entitats DXCC confirmades."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:282
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of worked DXCC entities."
msgstr "Nombre d'entitats DXCC treballades."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:283
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of confirmed WAZ zones."
msgstr "Nombre de zones WAZ confirmades."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:284
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of worked WAZ zones."
msgstr "Nombre de zones WAZ treballades."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:287
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of confirmed QSOs."
msgstr "Nombre de QSO confirmats."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:288
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of worked QSOs."
msgstr "Nombre de QSO treballats."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:290
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of QSOs worked in the selected year."
msgstr "Nombre de QSO treballats durant l'any seleccionat."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:291
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of DXCCs worked in the selected year."
msgstr "Nombre de DXCC treballades durant l'any seleccionat."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:292
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of CQ Zones worked in the selected year."
msgstr "Nombre de zones CQ treballades durant l'any seleccionat."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:293
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Score for the DXMarathon in the selected year."
msgstr "Puntuació per al DXMarathon a l'any seleccionat."
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:408
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "DX-Marathon"
msgstr "DX-Marathon"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:941
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "Country data download"
msgstr "Baixa les dades de països"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:944
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "KLog needs country data..."
msgstr "El KLog necessita dades de països..."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:950
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "&Download"
msgstr "&Baixa"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:951
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "&Ignore"
msgstr "&Ignora"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:970
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "Country data needed"
msgstr "Cal les dades de països"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:973
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid ""
"KLog uses the cty.csv file from https://www.country-files.com/ to get DXCC "
msgstr ""
"El KLog usa el fitxer «cty.csv» de https://www.country-files.com/ per "
"aconseguir la informació de les DXCC."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:975
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid ""
"You need to download the cty.csv file if you want KLog to show you the "
"countries, locator, etc. of the QSOs you do."
msgstr ""
"Cal baixar el fitxer «cty.csv» si voleu que el KLog mostri els països, el "
"localitzador, etc. dels QSO que feu."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:977
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "Click on Download to download now."
msgstr "Cliqueu a Baixa per baixar ara."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:1058
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:1059
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid ""
"I can't find the host. Please check your network and try again\n"
"Do you want to try again?"
msgstr ""
"No s'ha pogut trobar la màquina. Reviseu la configuració de xarxa i proveu "
"de nou\n"
"Voleu tornar-ho a intentar?"
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:85
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Actualitza"
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:134
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid ""
"It seems that the dxcc status in your database is not updated and KLog can't "
"find any dxcc information. You can try to fix this by updating the log."
msgstr ""
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:135
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Do you want to update your DXCC status?"
msgstr ""
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:538
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitat"
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:538
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Prefix"
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:656
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Pref: "
msgstr "Pref: "
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:657
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "CQ: "
msgstr "CQ: "
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:658
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "ITU: "
msgstr "ITU: "
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:660
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Beam: "
msgstr "Raig: "
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:667
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Entity not worked in this band."
msgstr "L'entitat no ha treballat en aquesta banda."
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:79 ../dxcluster.cpp:548
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connecta"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:80 ../dxcluster.cpp:527 ../dxcluster.cpp:599
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:604
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Neteja"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:157
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Click on connect to connect to the DX-Cluster"
msgstr "Cliqueu a Connecta per connectar al DX-Cluster"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:231 ../dxcluster.cpp:237 ../dxcluster.cpp:244
#| msgid "Kontest DXCluster"
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "KLog DXCluster"
msgstr "DXCluster del KLog"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:75
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Click on Connect to connect to the DX-Cluster server"
msgstr "Cliqueu a Connecta per connectar al servidor de DX-Cluster"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:218
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Trying to connect to the server"
msgstr "S'intenta connectar amb el servidor"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:238
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid ""
"The connection was refused by the peer. Make sure the DXCluster server is "
"running, and check that the host name and port settings are correct."
msgstr ""
"La connexió ha estat rebutjada pel servidor. Assegureu-vos que el servidor "
"de DXCluster està executant-se i comproveu que la configuració del nom de la "
"màquina i el port sigui correcta."
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:245
#, qt-format
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "The following error occurred: %1."
msgstr "Ha ocorregut el següent error: %1."
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:500
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Connected to server"
msgstr "Connectat al servidor"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:513 ../dxcluster.cpp:517 ../dxcluster.cpp:521
#| msgid "Kontest message"
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "KLog message"
msgstr "Missatge del KLog"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:513 ../dxcluster.cpp:517
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Enter your callsign to connect to the cluster:"
msgstr "Introduïu el vostre indicatiu per connectar al clúster:"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:521
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password to connect to the cluster:\n"
"(Just hit enter for no password)"
msgstr ""
"Introduïu la contrasenya per connectar al clúster:\n"
"(premeu retorn si no hi ha contrasenya)"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:530
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Not logged on, you may need to enter your callsign again."
msgstr ""
"No esteu connectat, cal tornar a introduir el vostre indicatiu un altre cop."
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:534
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Enter here the commands to be sent to the DX-Cluster server."
msgstr "Introduïu aquí les ordres a enviar al servidor DX-Cluster."
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:790
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid ""
"It was not possible to open the file to save the DX-Spots for writing. "
"DX-Cluster activity will not be saved!"
msgstr ""
"No ha estat possible obrir per escriptura el fitxer a on desar els avisos de "
"DX. No es desarà l'activitat del DX-Cluster!"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:526 ../dxcluster.cpp:564 ../dxcluster.cpp:598
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Desconnecta"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:232
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "The host was not found. Please check:"
msgstr "No s'ha trobat la màquina. Comproveu:"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:233
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid ""
"- your network connection;\n"
"- the host name and port settings."
msgstr ""
"- la connexió de xarxa;\n"
"- la configuració del nom de màquina i el port."
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:544
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Connection closed by the server"
msgstr "Connexió tancada pel servidor"
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:550
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Click on Connect to connect to the DX-Cluster server."
msgstr "Feu clic a Connecta per connectar al servidor DX-Cluster."
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:603
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Envia"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:127
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Software version in DB is null"
msgstr "La versió del programari a la BD és nul"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4689
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Aircraft Scatter"
msgstr "Aircraft Scatter"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4693
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Aurora"
msgstr "Aurora"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4697
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Aurora-E"
msgstr "Aurora-E"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4701
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Back scatter"
msgstr "Back scatter"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4705
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Earth-Moon-Earth"
msgstr "Terra-Lluna-Terra"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4709
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Sporadic E"
msgstr "Sporadic E"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4721
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Internet-assisted"
msgstr "Assistit per Internet"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4725
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Ionoscatter"
msgstr "Ionoscatter"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4729
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Meteor scatter"
msgstr "Meteor scatter"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4733
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Terrestrial or atmospheric repeater or transponder"
msgstr "Repetidor o transponedor terrestre o atmosfèric"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4737
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Rain scatter"
msgstr "Rain scatter"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4741
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satèl·lit"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5497
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Bureau"
msgstr "Bureau"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5509
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Manager"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6424
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "All QSOs have been updated with a DXCC and the Continent."
msgstr "S'han actualitzat tots els QSO amb un DXCC i el continent."
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4713
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Field Aligned Irregularities"
msgstr "Field Aligned Irregularities"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:127
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Query didn't failed"
msgstr "No ha fallat la consulta"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4717
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "F2 Reflection"
msgstr "F2 Reflection"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4745
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Trans-equatorial"
msgstr "Trans-equatorial"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4749
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Tropospheric ducting"
msgstr "Tropospheric ducting"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5308 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5375
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sí"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5312 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5379
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5316 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5383
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Requested"
msgstr "Sol·licitat"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5320 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5391
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Ignore/Invalid"
msgstr "Ignora/No vàlid"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5324
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Validated"
msgstr "Validat"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5387
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Queued"
msgstr "En cua"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5439
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Uploaded"
msgstr "Pujat"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5443
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Do not upload"
msgstr "No pujat"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5447
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Modificat"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5501
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Direct"
msgstr "Directe"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5505
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Electrònic"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6423
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "KLog DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC del KLog"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:9645
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "KLog - Invalid call detected"
msgstr "KLog - S'ha detectat un indicatiu no vàlid"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:9651
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid ""
"An empty callsign has been detected. Do you want to export this QSO anyway "
"(click on Yes) or remove the field from the exported ADIF record?"
msgstr ""
"S'ha detectat un indicatiu buit. Voleu exportar igualment aquest QSO (clic a "
"Sí) o eliminar el camp del registre ADIF exportat?"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:9656
#, qt-format
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid ""
"An invalid callsign has been detected %1. Do you want to export this "
"callsign anyway (click on Yes) or remove the call from the exported log?"
msgstr ""
"S'ha detectat un indicatiu no vàlid %1. Voleu exportar igualment aquest "
"indicatiu (clic a Sí) o eliminar l'indicatiu del fitxer de registre exportat?"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:9660
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid ""
"Exporting wrong calls may create problems in the applications you are "
"potentially importing this logfile to. It may, however, be a good callsign "
"that is wrongly identified by KLog as not valid."
msgstr ""
"L'exportació d'indicatius incorrectes pot crear problemes potencials a les "
"aplicacions a les quals s'importa aquest fitxer de registre. Tanmateix, "
"podria ser un indicatiu correcte que el KLog ha identificat incorrectament "
"com a no vàlid."
#: ../downloadcty.cpp:88
msgctxt "DownLoadCTY|"
msgid "Download of cty.csv failed with the following error code: "
msgstr "La baixada del «cty.csv» ha fallat amb el codi d'error següent: "
#: ../downloadcty.cpp:100
msgctxt "DownLoadCTY|"
msgid "Download of cty.csv done."
msgstr "La baixada de «cty.csv» ha finalitzat."
#: ../downloadcty.cpp:171
msgctxt "DownLoadCTY|"
msgid ""
"There is already a cty.csv file in the folder but it will be replaced with "
"the new one."
msgstr ""
"Ja hi ha un fitxer «cty.csv» a la carpeta, però se substituirà pel nou."
#: ../downloadcty.cpp:200
#, qt-format
msgctxt "DownLoadCTY|"
msgid "Could not open %1 for writing"
msgstr "No s'ha pogut obrir %1 per a escriptura"
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:39
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "Open Award file"
msgstr "Obre un fitxer de diplomes"
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:39
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "Award files (*.awa)"
msgstr "Fitxers de diplomes (*.awa)"
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:45
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "Award file not opened"
msgstr "El fitxer de diplomes no s'ha obert"
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:45
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "KLog was not able to read the award file"
msgstr "El KLog no ha pogut llegir el fitxer de diplomes"
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:45
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "It was not possible to open the file %1 for reading."
msgstr "No ha estat possible obrir el fitxer %1 per a lectura."
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:88
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "AWA wrong format"
msgstr "Format AWA incorrecte"
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:88
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "The AWA file does not have the right format"
msgstr "El fitxer AWA no té el format correcte"
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:88
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "AWA file does not have an <EOH> field"
msgstr "El fitxer AWA no té un camp <EOH>"
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:232
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "KLog - %1"
msgstr "KLog - %1"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1597
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Reading ADIF file..."
msgstr "S'està llegint el fitxer ADIF..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1044 ../filemanager.cpp:1597
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:333 ../filemanager.cpp:463 ../filemanager.cpp:670
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Writing ADIF file..."
msgstr "Escrivint el fitxer ADIF..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:333 ../filemanager.cpp:463 ../filemanager.cpp:670
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Abort writing"
msgstr "Interromp l'escriptura"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:823
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Processing LoTW ADIF file..."
msgstr "S'està processant el fitxer ADIF de LoTW..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:823
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Abort processing"
msgstr "S'interromp el procés"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:827
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "LoTW reading"
msgstr "Lectura de LoTW"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:871 ../filemanager.cpp:1771
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Add new QSOs?"
msgstr "KLog - Afegeixo els QSO nous?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:872
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to add non existing QSOs to your local log?"
msgstr "Voleu afegir els QSO no existents al vostre registre local?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:874
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "There are some QSOs in the LoTW log that are not in your local log."
msgstr ""
"Hi ha diversos QSO en el registre del LoTW que no estan el vostre registre "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:933
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Processing LoTW ADIF file......\n"
" QSO: %1 / %2 "
msgstr ""
"S'està processant el fitxer ADIF de LoTW......\n"
" QSO: %1 / %2 "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:943
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"You have canceled the LoTW processing. The process will be stopped and your "
"log may not be completely updated."
msgstr ""
"Heu cancel·lat el procés de LoTW. El procés s'aturarà i el vostre registre "
"podria no estar completament actualitzat."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1772
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to add dupe QSOs to your local log?"
msgstr "Voleu afegir els QSO duplicats al vostre registre local?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1774
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"There are some QSOs in this logfile that may be dupes as they have same "
"call, band & mode and a very close date."
msgstr ""
"Hi ha diversos QSO en aquest fitxer de registre que poden ser duplicats atès "
"que tenen el mateix indicatiu, banda i mode i una data molt propera."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3133 ../filemanager.cpp:3158
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Click on Yes to add a default %1 for mode %2 to all QSOs with a similar "
msgstr ""
"Feu clic a Sí per afegir un %1 predeterminat per al mode %2 a tots els QSO "
"amb un problema semblant."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3786
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Don't ask again"
msgstr "KLog - No ho tornis a preguntar"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3788
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to reuse your answer?"
msgstr "Voleu reutilitzar la resposta?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3789
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"KLog will use automatically your previous answer for any other similar "
"ocurrence, if any, without asking you again."
msgstr ""
"El KLog usarà automàticament la resposta anterior per a altres ocurrències "
"similars, si n'hi ha, sense tornar-ho a preguntar."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3811
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"<ul><li>Date/Time:</i> %1</li><li>Callsign: %2</li><li>Band: "
"%3</li><li>Mode: %4</li></ul>"
msgstr ""
"<ul><li>Data/Hora:</i> %1</li><li>Indicatiu: %2</li><li>Banda: "
"%3</li><li>Mode: %4</li></ul>"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3815
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - QSO not found"
msgstr "KLog - No s'ha trobat el QSO"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3817
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Do you want to add this QSO to the log?:\n"
msgstr ""
"Voleu afegir aquest QSO al registre?:\n"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3818
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"We have found a QSO coming from LoTW that is not in your local log.\n"
"Do you want KLog to add this QSO to the log?"
msgstr ""
"S'ha trobat un QSO que ve del LoTW que no és al vostre registre local.\n"
"Voleu que el KLog afegeixi aquest QSO al registre?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3841
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Invalid call detected"
msgstr "KLog - S'ha detectat un indicatiu no vàlid"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3847
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"An empty callsign has been detected. Do you want to export this QSO anyway "
"(click on Yes) or remove the field from the exported log file?"
msgstr ""
"S'ha detectat un indicatiu buit. Voleu exportar igualment aquest QSO (clic a "
"Sí) o eliminar el camp del fitxer de registre exportat?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3852
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"An invalid callsign has been detected %1. Do you want to export this "
"callsign anyway (click on Yes) or remove the call from the exported log file?"
msgstr ""
"S'ha detectat un indicatiu no vàlid %1. Voleu exportar igualment aquest "
"indicatiu (clic a Sí) o eliminar l'indicatiu del fitxer de registre exportat?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3856
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Exporting wrong calls may create problems in the applications you are "
"potentially importing this logfile to. It may, however, be a good callsign "
"that is wrongly identified by KLog as not valid. You can, however, edit the "
"ADIF file once the export process is finished."
msgstr ""
"L'exportació d'indicatius incorrectes pot crear problemes potencials a les "
"aplicacions a les quals s'importa aquest fitxer de registre. Tanmateix, "
"podria ser un indicatiu correcte que el KLog ha identificat incorrectament "
"com a no vàlid. En qualsevol cas podreu editar el fitxer ADIF una vegada "
"acabi el procés d'exportació."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:248
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"The selected callsign (%1) is not valid, please check it again to export the "
msgstr ""
"L'indicatiu (%1) seleccionat no és vàlid, comproveu-ho de nou per a exportar "
"el registre."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:322
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "There are no QSOs pending to be exported with that station callsign."
msgstr "No hi ha cap QSO pendent d'exportar amb aquest indicatiu d'estació."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:337
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Exporta"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:466 ../filemanager.cpp:673
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Export progress"
msgstr "Progrés de l'exportació"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:487 ../filemanager.cpp:696
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Writing ADIF file...\n"
" QSO: "
msgstr ""
"S'està escrivint el fitxer ADIF...\n"
" QSO: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1044
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Reading LoTW file..."
msgstr "S'està llegint el fitxer LoTW..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1467 ../filemanager.cpp:1954
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"You have canceled the file import. The file will be removed and no data will "
"be imported."
msgstr ""
"Heu cancel·lat la importació del fitxer. El fitxer s'eliminarà i no "
"s'importarà cap dada."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3081
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "This QSO is not including the minimum data to consider a QSO as valid!"
msgstr ""
"Aquest QSO no inclou les dades mínimes per a considerar-se un QSO vàlid!"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3102
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to continue with the current file?"
msgstr "Voleu continuar amb el fitxer actual?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3085
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " - The band missing and the following call: "
msgstr " - Manca la banda i l'indicatiu següent: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3090
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " - The mode missing and the following call: "
msgstr " - Manca el mode i l'indicatiu següent: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3094
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " - The date missing and the following call: "
msgstr " - Manca la data i l'indicatiu següent: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3098
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " - The time missing and the following call: "
msgstr " - Manca l'hora i l'indicatiu següent: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:392 ../filemanager.cpp:497 ../filemanager.cpp:706
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"You have canceled the file export. The file will be removed and no data will "
"be exported."
msgstr ""
"Heu cancel·lat l'exportació del fitxer. El fitxer s'eliminarà i no "
"s'exportarà cap dada."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:171
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Error"
msgstr "KLog - Error"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:193
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "The selected log does not exist, please check it again."
msgstr "El registre seleccionat no existeix, comproveu-ho de nou."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:255
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "The file %1 can't be opened."
msgstr "El fitxer «%1» no s'ha pogut obrir."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:391 ../filemanager.cpp:496 ../filemanager.cpp:705
#: ../filemanager.cpp:942 ../filemanager.cpp:1466 ../filemanager.cpp:1953
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - User cancelled"
msgstr "KLog - L'usuari ha cancel·lat"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:392 ../filemanager.cpp:497 ../filemanager.cpp:706
#: ../filemanager.cpp:943 ../filemanager.cpp:1467 ../filemanager.cpp:1954
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you still want to cancel?"
msgstr "Encara voleu cancel·lar?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1448 ../filemanager.cpp:1851
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " QSO: "
msgstr " QSO: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:786 ../filemanager.cpp:993
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - File not opened"
msgstr "KLog - Fitxer no obert"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:787 ../filemanager.cpp:994
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "It was not possible to open the file %1 for reading."
msgstr "No ha estat possible obrir el fitxer %1 per a lectura."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:788 ../filemanager.cpp:995
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog was not able to read the LoTW file"
msgstr "El KLog no ha pogut llegir el fitxer del LoTW"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1448
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Importing LoTW ADIF file..."
msgstr "S'està important el fitxer ADIF del LoTW..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1551
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Log selection"
msgstr "KLog - Selecció de registre"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1552
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "There is more than one log in this logfile."
msgstr "Hi ha més d'un registre en aquest fitxer de registre."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1552
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "All logs will be imported into the current log."
msgstr "S'importaran tots els registres al registre actual."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1552
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to continue?"
msgstr "Voleu continuar?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1851
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Importing ADIF file..."
msgstr "S'està important el fitxer ADIF..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1878
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Duplicated QSOs"
msgstr "KLog - QSO duplicats"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1879
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"It seems that there are some duplicated QSOs in the ADIF file you are "
"importing. Do you want to continue? (Duped QSOs will not be imported)"
msgstr ""
"Sembla que hi ha diversos QSO duplicats al fitxer ADIF que s'està important. "
"Voleu continuar? (Els QSO duplicats no s'importaran)"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3291
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"KLog has found one QSO without the Station Callsign defined.\n"
"Enter the Station Callsign that was used to do this QSO with %1 on %2:"
msgstr ""
"El KLog ha trobat un QSO sense un identificador definit d'estació.\n"
"Introduïu l'identificador d'estació que es va usar per fer aquest QSO amb %1 "
"a %2:"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3298
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"KLog has found one QSO without the Station Callsign defined.\n"
"Enter the Station Callsign that was used to do this QSO on %1:"
msgstr ""
"El KLog ha trobat un QSO sense un identificador definit d'estació.\n"
"Introduïu l'identificador d'estació que es va usar per fer aquest QSO a %1:"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3133
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Some QSOs of this log, (i.e.: %1) seems to lack RST-TX information."
msgstr ""
"Sembla que manca la informació RST-TX a diversos QSO d'aquest registre (p. "
"ex.: %1)."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:382
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Exporting ADIF file...\n"
" QSO: %1 / %2 "
msgstr ""
"S'està exportant el fitxer ADIF...\n"
" QSO: %1 / %2 "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3133 ../filemanager.cpp:3158
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "If you select NO, maybe the QSO will not be imported."
msgstr "Si seleccioneu No, potser no s'importaran els QSO."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3158
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Some QSOs of this log, (i.e.: %1) seems to lack RST-RX information."
msgstr ""
"Sembla que manca la informació RST-RX a diversos QSO d'aquest registre (p. "
"ex.: %1)."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3228
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Apply to all QSOs in this log?"
msgstr "KLog - Aplico a totes els QSO d'aquest registre?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3081
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Please edit the ADIF file and make sure that it include at least:"
msgstr "Editeu el fitxer ADIF i assegureu-vos que inclou, com a mínim:"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3081
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "and"
msgstr "i"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3081
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "This QSO had:"
msgstr "Aquest QSO té:"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3106
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog: Not all required data found!"
msgstr "KLog: No s'han trobat totes les dades necessàries!"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3134
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog: No RST TX found!"
msgstr "KLog: No s'ha trobat RST TX!"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3160
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog: No RST RX found!"
msgstr "KLog: No s'ha trobat RST RX!"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3201 ../filemanager.cpp:3212
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - No Station callsign entered."
msgstr "KLog - No s'ha introduït l'identificador de l'estació."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3292 ../filemanager.cpp:3297
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - QSO without Station Callsign"
msgstr "KLog - QSO sense identificador de l'estació"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:74
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "10M"
msgstr "10M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:75
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "15M"
msgstr "15M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "20M"
msgstr "20M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "40M"
msgstr "40M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:78
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "80M"
msgstr "80M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:79
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "160M"
msgstr "160M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:80
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "2M"
msgstr "2M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "6M"
msgstr "6M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "12M"
msgstr "12M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "17M"
msgstr "17M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:84
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "30M"
msgstr "30M"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:85
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "70CM"
msgstr "70CM"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:100
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Continent"
msgstr "Continent"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:104
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Prefix"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:108
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "CQ"
msgstr "CQ"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:112
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "ITU"
msgstr "ITU"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:116
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Short Path"
msgstr "Camí curt"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:119
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Long Path"
msgstr "Camí llarg"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:122 ../infowidget.cpp:127
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Deg"
msgstr "Graus"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:352 ../infowidget.cpp:353
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Miles"
msgstr "Milles"
#: ../infowidget.cpp:359 ../infowidget.cpp:360
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Km"
msgstr "Km"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:167
#| msgid "Welcome to Kontest!"
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Welcome to KLog!"
msgstr "Us donem la benvinguda al KLog!"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:169
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Welcome to KLog! - brought to you under the terms of the GPL!"
msgstr ""
"Us donem la benvinguda al KLog! - Distribuït segons els termes de la GPL!"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:177
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Welcome to KLog"
msgstr "Us donem la benvinguda al KLog"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:178
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "This looks like it's the first time you've run KLog on this computer."
msgstr ""
"Sembla que aquesta és la primera vegada que s'executa el KLog en aquest "
#: ../startwizard.cpp:179
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid ""
"KLog is a free hamradio logging program that can run on GNU/Linux, macOS, "
"and Windows."
msgstr ""
"El KLog és un programa lliure d'enregistrament de radioafició que es pot "
"executar en el GNU/Linux, macOS, i Windows."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:180
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "It is designed to provide general purpose DX, and contest logging."
msgstr ""
"Està dissenyat per proporcionar un enregistrament de caràcter general de DX "
"i per a concursos."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:181
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "It supports QSL management, import and export of ADIF "
msgstr "Permet la gestió de QSL, importació i exportació d'ADIF "
#: ../startwizard.cpp:182
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "and Cabrillo file formats and many other features..."
msgstr "de fitxer ADIF i Cabrillo, i moltes altres funcionalitats..."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:183
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Before you can start using KLog, you will be asked to:"
msgstr "Abans de començar a usar el KLog, us demanarem:"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:184
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Acknowledge to the terms of the license."
msgstr "Reconeixement dels termes de la llicència."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:185
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Download the DX entities information."
msgstr "Baixada de la informació de les entitats DX."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:186
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Enter your callsign, CQ zone, etc. and main configuration."
msgstr ""
"Introduïu el vostre identificador, zona CQ, etc. i configuració principal."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:187
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid ""
"Enjoy KLog and contact the development team if you have any suggestions!"
msgstr ""
"Gaudiu del KLog i contacteu amb l'equip de desenvolupament si teniu "
"qualsevol suggeriment!"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:208
msgctxt "LicPage|"
msgid "KLog License information"
msgstr "Informació de la llicència del KLog"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:211
msgctxt "LicPage|"
msgid "Welcome to KLog!- brought to you under the terms of the GPL!"
msgstr ""
"Us donem la benvinguda al KLog! - Distribuït segons els termes de la GPL!"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:852
msgctxt "LicPage|"
msgid "Acknowledge"
msgstr "Reconeixement"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:853
msgctxt "LicPage|"
msgid "Be aware that KLog is free software."
msgstr "Tingueu present que el KLog és programari lliure."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:106
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW password needed"
msgstr "KLog - Cal la contrasenya del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:107
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Please enter your LoTW password: "
msgstr "Introduïu la contrasenya del LoTW: "
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:247 ../lotwutilities.cpp:376
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "There is a file already existing with the name that will be used."
msgstr "Ja hi ha un fitxer existent amb el nom que s'usarà."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:248 ../lotwutilities.cpp:377
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "The file %1 already exist. Do you want to overwrite?"
msgstr "El fitxer %1 ja existeix. Voleu sobreescriure'l?"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:274 ../lotwutilities.cpp:403
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"KLog was not able to save the file %1.\n"
"Error returned: %2"
msgstr ""
"El KLog no ha pogut desar el fitxer %1.\n"
"Error retornat: %2"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:293 ../lotwutilities.cpp:422
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Downloading data to file: %1."
msgstr "S'estan baixant les dades al fitxer: %1."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:295 ../lotwutilities.cpp:424 ../lotwutilities.cpp:687
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW download"
msgstr "KLog - Baixada del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:330
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"This is the first date of a QSO with the callsign %1 in this log If you "
"think that in LoTW you may have previous QSOs, answer No."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta és la primera data d'un QSO amb l'indicatiu %1 en aquest registre. "
"Si penseu que podeu tenir QSO anteriors al LoTW, contesteu No."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:331
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Do you want to use this date (%1) as start date?"
msgstr "Voleu usar aquesta data (%1) com a data d'inici?"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:520
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "The remote server redirected our connection to %1"
msgstr "El el servidor remot ha redireccionat la connexió a %1"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:521
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Do you want to follow the redirection?"
msgstr "Voleu seguir la redirecció?"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:598
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "It was not possible for find the file %1 that has been just downloaded."
msgstr "No ha estat possible trobar el fitxer %1 que s'acaba de baixar."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:666
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"It seems that LoTW has no QSO with the Station Callsign you are using (%1)."
msgstr ""
"Sembla que el LoTW no té cap QSO amb l'indicatiu d'estació que esteu usant "
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:672
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"Try again and send the downloaded file (%1) to the KLog developer for "
msgstr ""
"Torneu a intentar-ho i envieu el fitxer baixat (%1) al desenvolupador del "
"KLog per a la seva anàlisi."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:688
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"KLog downloaded %1 QSOs successfully. Do you want to update your log with "
"the downloaded data?"
msgstr ""
"El KLog ha baixat correctament %1 QSO. Voleu actualitzar el registre amb les "
"dades baixades?"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:61
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"Double click on the date that you want to use as the start date for "
"downloading QSOs."
msgstr ""
"Feu clic doble a la data que vulgueu usar com a data d'inici per a baixar "
"els QSO."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:182
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Station callsign"
msgstr "KLog - Indicatiu d'estació del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:183
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "There is not a single QSO in the log with that station callsign."
msgstr ""
"No hi ha cap QSO individual al registre amb aquest indicatiu d'estació."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:184
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Are you sure that you want to use that station callsign (%1)?"
msgstr "Segur que voleu usar aquest indicatiu d'estació (%1)?"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:246 ../lotwutilities.cpp:375
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW File already exists"
msgstr "KLog - El fitxer del LoTW ja existeix"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:273 ../lotwutilities.cpp:402
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Can't write the file"
msgstr "KLog - No s'ha pogut escriure el fitxer del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:275 ../lotwutilities.cpp:404
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "The file %1 already exists."
msgstr "El fitxer %1 ja existeix."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:329
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Start date selection"
msgstr "KLog - Selecció de la data d'inici del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:504
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Download error"
msgstr "KLog - Error de baixada del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:506
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "There was an error (%1) while downloading the file from LoTW."
msgstr "S'ha produït un error (%1) en baixar el fitxer des del LoTW."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:507
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "The downloading error details are: %1"
msgstr "Els detalls de l'error de la baixada són: %1"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:519
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Redirection found"
msgstr "KLog - S'ha trobat una redirecció del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:596
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW File not found"
msgstr "KLog - No s'ha trobat el fitxer del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:597
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog can't find the downloaded file."
msgstr "No s'ha pogut trobar el fitxer baixat."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:658
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW user/password error"
msgstr "KLog - Error d'usuari/contrasenya del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:659
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "LoTW server did not recognized your user/password"
msgstr "El servidor LoTW no ha reconegut l'usuari/contrasenya"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:660
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"Check your user and password and ensure your are using the right one before "
"trying again."
msgstr ""
"Verifiqueu l'usuari i la contrasenya i assegureu-vos que esteu usant els "
"correctes abans de tornar a provar-ho."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:664
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW No QSOs "
msgstr "KLog - LoTW no QSO "
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:665
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "LoTW sent no QSOs"
msgstr "El LoTW no ha enviat cap QSO"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:670
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Unknown error"
msgstr "KLog - Error desconegut del LoTW"
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:671
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog can't recognize the file that has been downloaded from LoTW."
msgstr "El KLog no ha pogut reconèixer el fitxer que s'ha baixat des del LoTW."
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:689
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Now KLog will process the downloaded QSO and update your local log."
msgstr ""
"Ara el KLog processarà els QSO baixats i actualitzarà el registre local."
#: ../logwindow.cpp:289
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSL Send"
msgstr "QSL enviada"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:301
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSL Rcvd"
msgstr "QSL rebuda"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:350
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "&Suprimeix"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:352
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Delete a QSO"
msgstr "Suprimeix un QSO"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:355
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "&Edit QSO"
msgstr "&Edita QSO"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:357
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Edit this QSO"
msgstr "Edita aquest QSO"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:360
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Via &bureau"
msgstr "Via &bureau"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:362
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via bureau"
msgstr "Envia aquesta QSL via bureau"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:365
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "D&irect"
msgstr "D&irecta"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:367
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via direct"
msgstr "Envia aquesta QSL via directa"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:370 ../logwindow.cpp:416 ../logwindow.cpp:424
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Via bureau"
msgstr "Via bureau"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:372
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSL &received via bureau"
msgstr "QSL &rebuda via bureau"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:375 ../logwindow.cpp:420 ../logwindow.cpp:428
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Direct"
msgstr "Directa"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:377
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSL received via direc&t"
msgstr "QSL rebuda via direc&ta"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:380
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Check in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Comprova a QRZ.com"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:382
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Check this callsign in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Comprova aquest identificador a QRZ.com"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:385
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Check in DXHeat.com"
msgstr "Comprova a DXHeat.com"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:387
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Check this callsign in DXHeat.com"
msgstr "Comprova aquest identificador a DXHeat.com"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:390
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Delete selected QSOs"
msgstr "Suprimeix els QSO seleccionats"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:392
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Delete the selected QSOs"
msgstr "Suprimeix els QSO seleccionats"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:395
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Export to ADIF"
msgstr "Exporta a ADIF"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:396
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Export the selected QSOs to an ADIF file."
msgstr "Exporta els QSO seleccionats a un fitxer ADIF."
#: ../logwindow.cpp:404
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload to LoTW"
msgstr "Puja al LoTW"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:405
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload the selected QSOs to LoTW"
msgstr "Puja els QSO seleccionats al LoTW"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:408
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload to ClubLog"
msgstr "Puja a ClubLog"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:409
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload the selected QSOs to ClubLog"
msgstr "Puja els QSO seleccionats a ClubLog"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:412
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload to eQSL.cc"
msgstr "Puja a l'eQSL.cc"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:413
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload the selected QSOs to eQSL.cc"
msgstr "Puja els QSO seleccionats a l'eQSL.cc"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:417
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Send these QSLs via bureau"
msgstr "Envia aquestes QSL via bureau"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:421
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Send these QSLs via direct"
msgstr "Envia aquestes QSL via directa"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:425
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSLs received via bureau"
msgstr "QSL rebudes via bureau"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:429
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSLs received via direc&t"
msgstr "QSL rebudes via direc&ta"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:432
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Select none"
msgstr "No en seleccionis cap"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:433
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Remove all selections"
msgstr "Elimina totes les seleccions"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:436
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Selecciona-ho tot"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:437
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Select all the QSOs"
msgstr "Selecciona tots els QSO"
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:44 ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:401
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:806
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Afegeix"
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:45
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "&Clear"
msgstr "&Neteja"
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:73
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Callsign of the QSO."
msgstr "Indicatiu del QSO."
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:74
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Band of the QSO."
msgstr "Banda del QSO."
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:75
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Mode of the QSO."
msgstr "Mode del QSO."
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Date of the QSO."
msgstr "Data del QSO."
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Time of the QSO."
msgstr "Hora del QSO."
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:78
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Add the QSO to the log."
msgstr "Afegeix el QSO al registre."
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:79
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Clears the QSO entry."
msgstr "Neteja l'entrada QSO."
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:80
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "KLog will show real time if enabled."
msgstr "El KLog mostrarà l'hora real si està activada."
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Real time"
msgstr "Temps real"
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:98 ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:981
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu"
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:801
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "&Modify"
msgstr "&Modifica"
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:986
msgctxt ""
"MainQSOEntryWidget|Translator: DUPE is a common world for hams. Do not "
"translate of not sure"
msgid "DUPE"
msgstr "DUPE"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:141
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Starting KLog"
msgstr "S'està iniciant el KLog"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:115 ../mainwindow.cpp:179
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "DX Entity"
msgstr "Entitat DX"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:180
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Log Window"
msgstr "&Finestra del registre"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:784 ../mainwindow.cpp:4650
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:660
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It seems that you have never done a backup or exported your log to ADIF."
msgstr ""
"Sembla que mai s'ha fet una còpia de seguretat o s'ha exportat el registre a "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:666
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It seems that the latest backup you did is older than one month."
msgstr ""
"Sembla que la darrera còpia de seguretat que s'ha fet és anterior a un mes."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:677
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Log backup recommended!"
msgstr "Es recomana una còpia de seguretat del registre!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:680
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It is a good practice to backup your full log regularly to avoid loosing "
"data in case of a problem.\n"
"Once you export your log to an ADIF file, you should copy that file to a "
"safe place, like an USB drive, cloud drive, another computer, ...\n"
"KLog will remind you to backup on a monthly basis.\n"
msgstr ""
"És una bona pràctica fer regularment una còpia de seguretat del registre "
"complet per a evitar perdre dades en cas d'algun problema.\n"
"Un cop feta l'exportació del registre a una fitxer ADIF, caldria copiar "
"aquest fitxer en un lloc segur, com una unitat USB, una unitat al núvol, un "
"altre ordinador,...\n"
"El KLog us recordarà que feu una còpia de seguretat mensualment.\n"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:749
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Llest"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:949
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"An unexpected error ocurred when trying to add the QSO to your log. If the "
"problem persists, please contact the developer for analysis: "
msgstr ""
"S'ha produït un error inesperat en intentar afegir el QSO al registre. Si el "
"problema persisteix, contacteu amb el desenvolupador per a una anàlisi: "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1160 ../mainwindow.cpp:1975
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You have selected an entity:"
msgstr "Heu seleccionat una entitat:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1160 ../mainwindow.cpp:1975
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "that is different from the KLog proposed entity:"
msgstr "que és diferent de l'entitat proposada pel KLog:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1161
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Click on the prefix of the correct entity or Cancel to edit the QSO again."
msgstr ""
"Feu clic al prefix de l'entitat correcta o Cancel·la per tornar a editar el "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1976
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Click on the prefix of the right entity or Cancel to correct."
msgstr "Feu clic al prefix de l'entitat correcta o Cancel·la per corregir."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6259 ../mainwindow.cpp:6290 ../mainwindow.cpp:6321
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Do you really want to mark ALL your QSOs to be UPLOADED? Must be done ONLY "
"IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME uploading QSOs to %1"
msgstr ""
"Segur que voleu marcar TOTS els vostres QSO per a ser PUJATS? NOMÉS cal "
"fer-ho SI AQUESTA ÉS LA PRIMERA VEGADA que pugeu QSO al %1"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6259
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "ClubLog"
msgstr "ClubLog"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6320
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.COM"
msgstr "KLog - QRZ.COM"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6321
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QRZ.COM"
msgstr "QRZ.com"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7150
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Filling QSOs ..."
msgstr "Omplint els QSO..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7368
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "RSTrx"
msgstr "RSTrx"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7366
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "RSTtx"
msgstr "RSTtx"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6179 ../mainwindow.cpp:6222
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Select the Station Callsign to use when quering LoTW:"
msgstr "Seleccioneu l'indicatiu d'estació a usar per consultar el LoTW:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6197 ../mainwindow.cpp:6240
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Please check the LoTW setup"
msgstr "Comproveu la configuració del LoTW"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6198 ../mainwindow.cpp:6241
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You have not defined a LoTW user or a proper Station Callsign.\n"
"Open the LoTW tab in the Setup and configure your LoTW connection."
msgstr ""
"No s'ha definit cap usuari del LoTW o un indicatiu d'estació adequat.\n"
"Obriu la pestanya del LoTW a l'arranjament i configureu la connexió del LoTW."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3377
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you really want to exit KLog?"
msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu sortir del KLog?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:404
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - CTY.dat update"
msgstr "KLog - Actualització de CTY.dat"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:695
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Backup"
msgstr "KLog - Còpia de seguretat"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:724
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - New version detected!"
msgstr "KLog - S'ha detectat una versió nova!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3758
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Fitxer"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3772
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Import an ADIF file into the current log."
msgstr "Importa un fitxer ADIF al registre actual."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3786
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export the current log to an ADIF logfile."
msgstr "Exporta el registre actual a un fitxer ADIF."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3792
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export ALL the QSOs into one ADIF file, merging QSOs from all the logs."
msgstr ""
"Exporta tots els QSO a un fitxer ADIF, fusionant els QSO de tots els "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3799
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Print your log."
msgstr "Imprimeix el registre."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3804
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog folder"
msgstr "Carpeta del KLog"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3806
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Opens the data folder of KLog."
msgstr "Obre la carpeta de dades del KLog."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3818
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "S&urt"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3825
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Eines"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3827
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Fill in QSO data"
msgstr "Omple les dades QSO"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3831
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Go through the log reusing previous QSOs to fill missing information in "
"other QSOs."
msgstr ""
"Recorre el registre reutilitzant els QSO anteriors per omplir informació que "
"manqui en altres QSO."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3839
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Shows QSOs for which you should send your QSL and request the DX QSL."
msgstr ""
"Mostra els QSO pels quals cal enviar la vostra QSL i sol·licitar la DX QSL."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3841
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Find My-QSLs pending to send"
msgstr "Cerca les meves QSL pendents d'enviar"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3845
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Shows the QSOs with pending requests to send QSLs. You should keep this "
"queue empty!"
msgstr ""
"Mostra els QSO amb sol·licituds pendents d'enviar les QSL. Cal mantenir "
"buida aquesta cua!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3875
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all queued QSOs in this log as sent to LoTW."
msgstr ""
"Marca tots els QSO posats en cua d'aquest registre com a enviats al LoTW."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3880
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all queued QSOs as sent to LoTW."
msgstr "Marca tots els QSO posats en cua com a enviats al LoTW."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5460
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Sends the log to LoTW calling TQSL."
msgstr "Envia el registre al LoTW cridant el TQSL."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3956 ../mainwindow.cpp:3961
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "For updated DX-Entity data, update cty.csv."
msgstr "Per a dades DX-Entity actualitzades, actualitzeu el «cty.csv»."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:54 ../mainwindow.cpp:3935
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Check always the current callsign in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Comprova sempre l'indicatiu actual a QRZ.com"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:406
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You can update the entities database in Tools->Update cty.csv"
msgstr ""
"Podeu actualitzar la base de dades d'entitats a Eines -> Actualitza el "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:407
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to do it now?"
msgstr "Voleu fer-ho ara?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1098
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The callsign %1 is not a valid call. Do you really want to add this callsign "
"to the log?"
msgstr ""
"L'indicatiu %1 no és un indicatiu vàlid. Esteu segur que voleu afegir aquest "
"indicatiu al registre?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1877
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Not valid callsign"
msgstr "KLog - Indicatiu no vàlid"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1878
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The callsign %1 is not a valid callsign. Do you really want to add this "
"callsign to the log?"
msgstr ""
"L'indicatiu %1 no és un indicatiu vàlid. Esteu segur que voleu afegir aquest "
"indicatiu al registre?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3965
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Stats"
msgstr "Estadístiques"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3968
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Show the statistics of your radio activity."
msgstr "Mostra les estadístiques de la vostra activitat de ràdio."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3990
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Ajuda"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4089
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Do you really want to mark ALL the QSOs of this log to be UPLOADED? Must be "
"done ONLY IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME uploading these QSOs to LoTW."
msgstr ""
"Segur que voleu marcar TOTS els QSO d'aquest registre per a ser PUJATS? "
"NOMÉS cal fer-ho SI AQUESTA ÉS LA PRIMERA VEGADA que pugeu aquests QSO al "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4167
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Do you really want to mark ALL pending QSOs to be UPLOADED? Must be done "
"ONLY IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME uploading these QSOs to LoTW."
msgstr ""
"Segur que voleu marcar TOTS els QSO pendents per a ser PUJATS? NOMÉS cal "
"fer-ho SI AQUESTA ÉS LA PRIMERA VEGADA que pugeu aquests QSO al LoTW."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4205
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - TQSL"
msgstr "KLog - TQSL"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4209
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"TQSL is not installed or KLog can't find it. Please check the configuration."
msgstr ""
"El TQSL no està instal·lat o el KLog no l'ha pogut trobar. Comproveu la "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4228
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Error #1: The process was cancelled by the user or TQSL was not configured. "
"No QSOs were uploaded."
msgstr ""
"Error núm. 1: L'usuari ha cancel·lat el procés o el TQSL no estava "
"configurat. No s'ha pujat cap QSO."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4232
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #2: Upload was rejected by LoTW, please check your data."
msgstr "Error núm. 2: El LoTW ha rebutjat la pujada, comproveu les dades."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4236
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #3: The TQSL server returned an unexpected response."
msgstr "Error núm. 3: El servidor TQSL ha retornat una resposta inesperada."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4240
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #4: There was a TQSL error."
msgstr "Error núm. 4: Hi ha hagut un error del TQSL."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4244
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #5: There was a TQSLLib error."
msgstr "Error núm. 5: Hi ha hagut un error del TQSLLib."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4248
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #6: It was not possible to open the input file."
msgstr "Error núm. 6: No ha estat possible obrir el fitxer d'entrada."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4252
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #7: It was not possible to open the ouput file."
msgstr "Error núm. 7: No ha estat possible obrir el fitxer de sortida."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4256
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Error #8: No QSOs were processed since some QSOs were duplicates or out of "
"date range."
msgstr ""
"Error núm. 8: No s'ha processat cap QSO ja que alguns QSO estaven duplicats "
"o fora de l'interval de dates."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4260
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Error #9: Some QSOs were processed, and some QSOs were ignored because they "
"were duplicates or out of date range."
msgstr ""
"Error núm. 9: S'han processat alguns QSO, i alguns QSO s'han ignorat perquè "
"estaven duplicats o fora de l'interval de dates."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4264
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #10: Command syntax error. KLog sent a bad syntax command."
msgstr ""
"Error núm. 10: Error de sintaxi de l'ordre. El KLog ha enviat una ordre amb "
"sintaxi incorrecta."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4268
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #11: LoTW Connection error (no network or LoTW is unreachable)."
msgstr ""
"Error núm. 11: Error de connexió al LoTW (no hi ha xarxa o el LoTW no és "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4271
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #00: Unexpected error. Please contact the development team."
msgstr ""
"Error núm. 00: Error inesperat. Contacteu amb l'equip de desenvolupament."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4303
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The log that you have selected contains more than just one station callsign."
msgstr "El registre que heu seleccionat conté més d'un indicatiu d'estació."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4303
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Please select the station callsign you want to mark as sent to LoTW:"
msgstr "Seleccioneu l'indicatiu d'estació que voleu marcar com enviat a LoTW:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4306
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Station Callsign:"
msgstr "Indicatiu d'estació:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4317
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Define Station Callsign"
msgstr "Defineix l'indicatiu d'estació"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4318
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Enter the station callsign to use for this log or leave it empty for QSO "
"without station callsign defined:"
msgstr ""
"Introduïu l'indicatiu d'estació emprat en aquest registre o deixeu-ho buit "
"pels QSO sense indicatiu d'estació definit:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4335
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - No station selected"
msgstr "KLog - No s'ha seleccionat cap estació"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4336
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"No station callsign has been selected and therefore no log will be marked"
msgstr ""
"No s'ha seleccionat cap indicatiu, i per tant no es marcarà cap registre"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4508
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "Enhorabona!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4508
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You already have the latest version."
msgstr "Ja teniu la versió més recent."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4648
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You can find the KLog data folder here: "
msgstr "Podeu trobar la carpeta de dades del KLog aquí: "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4702
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "start"
msgstr "començar"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4727
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "stop"
msgstr "aturar"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5363
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"If you are sure that the database contains QSOs and KLog is not able to find "
"them, please contact the developers (see About KLog) for help."
msgstr ""
"Si esteu segur que la base de dades conté QSO i el KLog no és capaç de "
"trobar-los, contacteu amb els desenvolupadors (vegeu Quant al KLog) per "
"sol·licitar ajuda."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5749
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Logging operator's callsign."
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'operador del registre."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5750
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Callsign used over the air."
msgstr "Indicatiu usat a l'aire."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5938
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You need to select one station callsign to be able to send your log to LoTW."
msgstr ""
"Cal seleccionar un indicatiu d'estació per ser capaç d'enviar el vostre "
"registre al LoTW."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6029
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You need to select one station callsign to be able to send your log to "
msgstr ""
"Cal seleccionar un indicatiu d'estació per ser capaç d'enviar el vostre "
"registre a ClubLog."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6055
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to add this QSOs to your ClubLog existing log?"
msgstr "Voleu afegir aquests QSO al vostre registre existent del ClubLog?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6057
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"If you don't agree, this upload will overwrite your current ClubLog existing "
msgstr ""
"Si no hi esteu d'acord, aquesta pujada sobreescriurà el vostre registre "
"actual existent a ClubLog."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3080 ../mainwindow.cpp:3095 ../mainwindow.cpp:3107
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3117 ../mainwindow.cpp:3127 ../mainwindow.cpp:6089
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6289
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - eQSL"
msgstr "KLog - eQSL"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6091
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You need to select one station callsign to be able to send your log to "
msgstr ""
"Cal seleccionar un indicatiu d'estació per ser capaç d'enviar el vostre "
"registre a l'eQSL.cc."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6178 ../mainwindow.cpp:6221
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Select the Station Callsign."
msgstr "KLog - Selecció de l'indicatiu d'estació."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6269
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The log is ready to be uploaded to ClubLog."
msgstr "Aquest registre està preparat per pujar-se al ClubLog."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6270
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"All the QSOs in this log has been marked as Modified in the ClubLog status "
msgstr ""
"Tots els QSO d'aquest registre s'han marcat com a Modificats en el camp "
"s'estat del ClubLog"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6275
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog could not mark the full log to be sent to ClubLog"
msgstr "El KLog no ha pogut marcar el registre complet per a enviar al ClubLog"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6276 ../mainwindow.cpp:6308 ../mainwindow.cpp:6339
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Something prevented KLog from marking the QSOs as modified. Restart KLog and "
"try again before contacting the KLog developers."
msgstr ""
"Quelcom ha evitat que el KLog marqui els QSO com a modificats. Reinicieu el "
"KLog i torneu-ho a provar abans de contactar amb els desenvolupadors del "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6300
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The log is ready to be uploaded to eQSL.cc."
msgstr "Aquest registre està preparat per pujar-se a l'eQSL.cc."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6301
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"All the QSOs in this log has been marked as Modified in the eQSL.cc status "
msgstr ""
"Tots els QSO d'aquest registre s'han marcat com a Modificats en el camp "
"s'estat de l'eQSL.cc"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6307
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog could not mark the full log to be sent to eQSL"
msgstr "El KLog no ha pogut marcar el registre complet per a enviar a l'eQSL"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8074
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QSO logged from WSJT-X:"
msgstr "QSO enregistrat des del WSJT-X:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:725
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It seems that you are running this version of KLog for the first time."
msgstr "Sembla que esteu executant aquesta versió del KLog per primera vegada."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:726
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The setup will be open to allow you to do any new setup you may need."
msgstr ""
"S'obrirà la configuració per permetre establir qualsevol paràmetre nou que "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2941
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - ClubLog error"
msgstr "KLog - Error del ClubLog"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3060
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - eQSL error"
msgstr "KLog - Error d'eQSL"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3316
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - %1"
msgstr "KLog - %1"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3680
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The logfile has been modified."
msgstr "El fitxer de registre s'ha modificat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3680
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to save your changes?"
msgstr "Voleu desar els canvis?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3699 ../mainwindow.cpp:5870
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - ADIF export"
msgstr "KLog - Exportació ADIF"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3889
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Download from LoTW ..."
msgstr "Baixa des del LoTW..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3894
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Download the full log from LoTW ..."
msgstr "Baixa el registre complet des del LoTW..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3899
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "ClubLog tools ..."
msgstr "Eines del ClubLog..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3906
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Upload the queued QSOs to ClubLog ..."
msgstr "Puja els QSO en la cua a ClubLog..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3912
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "eQSL tools ..."
msgstr "Eines d'eQSL..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3919
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Upload the queued QSOs to eQSL.cc ..."
msgstr "Puja els QSO en la cua a l'eQSL.cc..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3925
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QRZ.com tools ..."
msgstr "Eines de QRZ.com..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3929
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Upload the queued QSOs to QRZ.com ..."
msgstr "Puja els QSO en la cua a QRZ.com..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3952
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Update cty.csv"
msgstr "Actualitza el «cty.csv»"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3958
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Update Satellite Data"
msgstr "Actualitza les dades dels satèl·lits"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3993
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Online manual (F1) ..."
msgstr "Manual en línia (F1)..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3998
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Tips ..."
msgstr "&Consells..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4009
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&About ..."
msgstr "&Quant a..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4016
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "About Qt ..."
msgstr "Quant a les Qt..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4024
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Check updates ..."
msgstr "Comprova si hi ha actualitzacions..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4137
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Your log has been updated with the LoTW downloaded QSOs."
msgstr "El registre s'ha actualitzat amb els QSO baixats del LoTW."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4138
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog has updated %1 QSOs from LoTW."
msgstr "El KLog ha actualitzat %1 QSO des del LoTW."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4318
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You have selected no callsign. KLog will complete the QSOs without a station "
"callsign defined and those with the callsign you are entering here."
msgstr ""
"No heu seleccionat cap indicatiu. El KLog marcarà els QSO sense cap "
"indicatiu d'estació definit i aquells amb l'indicatiu que introduïu aquí."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4449
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "About ..."
msgstr "Quant a..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4507
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Update checking result"
msgstr "KLog - Resultat de la comprovació d'actualitzacions"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4703 ../mainwindow.cpp:4728
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|start or stop"
msgid ""
"UDP Server error\n"
"The UDP server failed to %1."
msgstr ""
"Error del servidor UDP\n"
"El servidor UDP ha fallat en %1."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5752
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Status of the DX entity."
msgstr "Estat de l'entitat DX."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5754
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Name of the DX entity."
msgstr "Nom de l'entitat DX."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5772
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QSO"
msgstr "QSO"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5773
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QSL"
msgstr "QSL"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5774 ../mainwindow.cpp:6290
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "eQSL"
msgstr "eQSL"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5775 ../mainwindow.cpp:7374 ../mainwindow.cpp:7977
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentari"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5778
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Altres"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5780
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "My Data"
msgstr "Les meves dades"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5781
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satèl·lit"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5809
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5798
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Informació"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:66
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - File not open"
msgstr "KLog - Fitxer no obert"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:67
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It was not possible to open the debug file for writing. No debug log will be "
msgstr ""
"No s'ha pogut obrir per escriptura el fitxer de depuració. No es desarà cap "
"fitxer de depuració!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:114
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Status bar ..."
msgstr "Barra d'estat..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:768
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - %1 - QSOs: %2 - %3"
msgstr "KLog - %1 - QSO: %2 - %3"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:772
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - %1 - QSOs: %2"
msgstr "KLog - %1 - QSO: %2"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:947
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Unexpected error"
msgstr "KLog - Error inesperat"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1097
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Not valid call"
msgstr "KLog - Indicatiu no vàlid"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1100 ../mainwindow.cpp:1880
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Adding non-valid calls to the log may create problems when applying for "
"awards, exporting ADIF files to other systems or applications."
msgstr ""
"Afegir indicatius no vàlids al registre pot crear problemes en sol·licitar "
"diplomes, exportar a fitxers ADIF o a altres sistemes o aplicacions."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1159 ../mainwindow.cpp:1974
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Select correct entity"
msgstr "KLog - Seleccioneu l'entitat correcta"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1945 ../mainwindow.cpp:1958
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No DXCC"
msgstr "Sense DXCC"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1946 ../mainwindow.cpp:1959
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Sense"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2844
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You have requested to delete the QSO with: %1"
msgstr "Heu demanat suprimir el QSO amb: %1"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2793 ../mainwindow.cpp:2849
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Esteu segur?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:405
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog needs to update the Entities database."
msgstr "Cal actualitzar la base de dades d'entitats del KLog."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2788
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You have requested to delete several QSOs "
msgstr "Heu sol·licitat suprimir diversos QSO "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2942
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The ClubLog upload process has finished with an error and the log was "
"possibly not uploaded."
msgstr ""
"El procés de pujada al ClubLog ha finalitzat amb un error i possiblement el "
"registre no s'ha pujat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2943
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Please check your credentials, your Internet connection and your Clublog "
"account. The received error code was: %1"
msgstr ""
"Comproveu les vostres credencials, la connexió a Internet i el vostre compte "
"al ClubLog. El codi d'error ha estat: %1"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2963
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to mark as Uploaded all the QSOs uploaded to ClubLog?"
msgstr "Voleu marcar com a pujats tots els QSO pujats al ClubLog?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2962 ../mainwindow.cpp:2977 ../mainwindow.cpp:2988
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2998 ../mainwindow.cpp:3008 ../mainwindow.cpp:6027
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6053 ../mainwindow.cpp:6258
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - ClubLog"
msgstr "KLog - ClubLog"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2979
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was an error while updating to Yes the ClubLog QSO upload information."
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un error en actualitzar a Sí la informació de pujada del QSO al "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2989
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The ClubLog upload process has finished and KLog created a file (%1) in your "
"KLog folder.\n"
"Do you want KLog to remove that file?"
msgstr ""
"El procés de pujada al ClubLog ha finalitzat i el KLog ha creat un fitxer "
"(%1) a la carpeta del KLog.\n"
"Voleu que el KLog elimini aquest fitxer?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3009 ../mainwindow.cpp:3128
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The file has not been removed."
msgstr "El fitxer no s'ha eliminat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3010 ../mainwindow.cpp:3129
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It seems that there was something that prevented KLog from removing the "
"You can remove it manually."
msgstr ""
"Sembla que hi ha hagut quelcom que ha evitat que el KLog elimini el fitxer\n"
"El podeu eliminar manualment."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3061
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The eQSL upload process has finished with an error and the log was possibly "
"not uploaded."
msgstr ""
"El procés de pujada a l'eQSL ha finalitzat amb un error i possiblement el "
"registre no s'ha pujat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3062 ../mainwindow.cpp:3157
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Please check your credentials, your Internet connection and your eQSL "
"account. The received error code was: %1"
msgstr ""
"Comproveu les vostres credencials, la connexió a Internet i el vostre compte "
"a l'eQSL. El codi d'error ha estat: %1"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3081
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to mark as Uploaded all the QSOs uploaded to eQSL?"
msgstr "Voleu marcar com a pujats tots els QSO pujats a l'eQSL?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3097
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was an error while updating to Yes the eQSL QSO upload information."
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un error en actualitzar a Sí la informació de pujada del QSO a "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3108
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The eQSL upload process has finished and KLog created a file (%1) in your "
"KLog folder.\n"
"Do you want KLog to remove that file?"
msgstr ""
"El procés de pujada a l'eQSL ha finalitzat i el KLog ha creat un fitxer (%1) "
"a la carpeta del KLog.\n"
"Voleu que el KLog elimini aquest fitxer?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3376
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Exit"
msgstr "KLog - Sortida"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3769
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Import from ADIF ..."
msgstr "&Importa des d'ADIF..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3782
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export to ADIF ..."
msgstr "Exporta a ADIF..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3788
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export all logs to ADIF ..."
msgstr "Exporta tots els registres a ADIF..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3796
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Print Log ..."
msgstr "Im&primeix el registre..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3834
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QSL tools ..."
msgstr "Eines QSL..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3836
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Find QSO to QSL"
msgstr "Cerca QSO a les QSL"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3847
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Find DX-QSLs pending to receive"
msgstr "Cerca les DX-QSL pendents de rebre"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3850
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Shows DX-QSLs for which requests or QSLs have been sent with no answer."
msgstr ""
"Mostra les DX-QSL que s'han sol·licitat o els QSL enviats que no tenen "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3852
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Find requested pending to receive"
msgstr "Cerca sol·licituds pendents de rebre"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3855
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Shows the DX-QSLs that have been requested."
msgstr "Mostra les DX-QSL que s'han sol·licitat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3858
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "LoTW tools ..."
msgstr "Eines LoTW..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3860
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Queue all QSLs from this log to be sent"
msgstr "Posa a la cua per a enviar tots els QSL d'aquest registre"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3863
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all non-sent QSOs in this log as queued to be uploaded."
msgstr ""
"Marca tots els QSO no enviats en aquest registre com a posats en cua per "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3865
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Queue all QSLs to be sent"
msgstr "Posa a la cua per a enviar tots els QSL"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3868
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Put all the non-sent QSOs in the queue to be uploaded."
msgstr "Posa tots els QSO no enviats a la cua per pujar."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3872
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all queued QSOs from this log as sent"
msgstr "Marca tots els QSO posats en cua d'aquest registre com a enviats"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3877
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all queued QSOs as sent"
msgstr "Marca tots els QSO posats en cua com a enviats"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3927
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Check the current callsign in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Comprova l'indicatiu actual a QRZ.com"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4004
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Debug ..."
msgstr "&Depura..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4101
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "All pending QSOs of this log has been marked as queued for LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Tots els QSO pendents d'aquest registre s'han marcat com a posats en cua per "
"al LoTW!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4107
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was a problem to mark all pending QSOs of this log as queued for LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un problema en marcar tots els QSO pendents d'aquest registre "
"com a posats en cua per al LoTW!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4149
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Your log has not been updated."
msgstr "El registre no s'ha actualitzat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4150
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"No QSO was updated with the data coming from LoTW. This may be because of "
"errors in the logfile or simply because your log was already updated."
msgstr ""
"No s'ha actualitzat cap QSO amb les dades provinents del LoTW. Això pot "
"passar per errors al fitxer de registre o senzillament perquè el registre ja "
"estava actualitzat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4180
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "All pending QSOs has been marked as queued for LoTW!"
msgstr "Tots els QSO pendents s'han marcat com a posats en cua per al LoTW!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4391
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "All queued QSOs has been marked as sent to LoTW!"
msgstr "Tots els QSO posats en cua s'han marcat com a enviats al LoTW!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4371
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was a problem to mark all queued QSOs of this log as sent to LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un problema en marcar tots els QSO posats en cua d'aquest "
"registre com a enviats al LoTW!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5363
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It seems that there are no QSOs in the database."
msgstr "Sembla que no hi ha cap QSO a la base de dades."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5466
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "This function is disabled. Go to the Setup->LoTW tab to enable it."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta funció està desactivada. Aneu a la Configuració -> Pestanya LoTW per "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5804
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Awards"
msgstr "Diplomes"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5805
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Cerca"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5807
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Log"
msgstr "Registre"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5808
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "DX-Cluster"
msgstr "DX-Cluster"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5873
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No QSOs have been exported to ADIF."
msgstr "No s'ha exportat cap QSO a ADIF."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5877
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog has exported %1 QSOs to the ADIF file: %2"
msgstr "El KLog ha exportat %1 QSO al fitxer ADIF: %2"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2756 ../mainwindow.cpp:5890 ../mainwindow.cpp:5905
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6406
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Save ADIF File"
msgstr "Desa el fitxer ADIF"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5985
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "There was an error while updating to Yes the LoTW QSL sent information."
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un error en actualitzar a Sí la informació d'enviament QSL al "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5995
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The LoTW upload process has finished and KLog created a file (%1) in your "
"KLog folder.\n"
"Do you want KLog to remove that file?"
msgstr ""
"El procés de pujada al LoTW ha finalitzat i el KLog ha creat un fitxer (%1) "
"a la carpeta del KLog.\n"
"Voleu que el KLog elimini aquest fitxer?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2999 ../mainwindow.cpp:3118 ../mainwindow.cpp:6005
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The file has been removed."
msgstr "El fitxer s'ha eliminat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7362
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Data/hora"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7949
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - QSO received"
msgstr "KLog - S'ha rebut un QSO"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7986
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'estació"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7989
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Operator Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'operador"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8036
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Duplicated QSOs have to match another existing QSO with the same call, band, "
"mode, date and time, taking into account the period that can be defined in "
"the settings."
msgstr ""
"Els QSO duplicats cal que coincideixin amb un altre QSO existent amb el "
"mateix indicatiu, banda, mode, data i hora, atenint en compte que el període "
"es pot definir a la configuració."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8118
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Non-supported mode"
msgstr "KLog - Mode no implementat"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8121
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"A new mode not supported by KLog has been received from an external program "
"or radio:"
msgstr ""
"El KLog ha rebut un mode nou no admès des d'un programa extern o ràdio:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8121
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Do you want to keep receiving these alerts? (disabling these alerts will "
"prevent non-valid modes being detected)"
msgstr ""
"Voleu mantenir la recepció d'aquestes alertes? (la desactivació d'aquestes "
"alertes evitarà que es detectin els modes no vàlids)"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8271
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Native Error"
msgstr "Error nadiu"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8275
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Recommendation:"
msgstr "Recomanació:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8275
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Periodically export your data to ADIF to prevent a potential data loss."
msgstr ""
"Exporteu periòdicament les dades a ADIF per a evitar la pèrdua potencial de "
"les dades."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4088 ../mainwindow.cpp:4097 ../mainwindow.cpp:4132
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4166 ../mainwindow.cpp:4175 ../mainwindow.cpp:4361
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4386 ../mainwindow.cpp:5936 ../mainwindow.cpp:5971
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5983 ../mainwindow.cpp:5994 ../mainwindow.cpp:6004
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6195 ../mainwindow.cpp:6238
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW"
msgstr "KLog - LoTW"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:209
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Upload the queued QSOs to LoTW"
msgstr "Puja els QSO en la cua a LoTW"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:699
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The backup was done successfully"
msgstr "La còpia de seguretat s'ha efectuat correctament"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:700
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog will remind you to backup your data again in aprox one month."
msgstr ""
"El KLog us recordarà que feu una còpia de seguretat de les dades "
"aproximadament dins un mes."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:706
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The backup was not properly done."
msgstr "La còpia de seguretat no s'ha efectuat correctament."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:707
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It is recommended to backup your data periodically to prevent lose or "
"corruption of your log."
msgstr ""
"És recomanable fer periòdicament còpia de seguretat de les dades per a "
"evitar la pèrdua o la corrupció del registre."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2792
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"This operation shall remove definitely all the selected QSO and associated "
"data and you will not be able to recover it again."
msgstr ""
"Aquesta operació eliminarà definitivament els QSO seleccionats i les dades "
"associades i no les podreu tornar a recuperar."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3156
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The QRZ.com upload process has finished with an error and the log was "
"possibly not uploaded."
msgstr ""
"El procés de pujada a QRZ.com ha finalitzat amb un error i possiblement el "
"registre no s'ha pujat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3176
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to mark as Uploaded all the QSOs uploaded to QRZ.com?"
msgstr "Voleu marcar com a pujats tots els QSO pujats a QRZ.com?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3175 ../mainwindow.cpp:3191 ../mainwindow.cpp:3202
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6391
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.com"
msgstr "KLog - QRZ.com"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3193
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was an error while updating to Yes the QRZ.com QSO upload information."
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un error en actualitzar a Sí la informació de pujada del QSO a "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3203
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The QRZ.com upload process has finished successfully"
msgstr "El procés de pujada a QRZ.com ha finalitzat correctament"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3277
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Call not found in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Indicatiu no trobat a QRZ.com"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3155 ../mainwindow.cpp:3282
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.com error"
msgstr "KLog - Error de QRZ.com"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3283
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog has received an error from QRZ.com."
msgstr "El KLog ha rebut un error des de QRZ.com."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3317
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You need to activate the %1 service in the eLog preferences."
msgstr "Cal activar el servei %1 a les preferències de l'eLog."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3700
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It is important to export to ADIF and save a copy as a backup."
msgstr ""
"És important exportar a ADIF i desar una còpia com a còpia de seguretat."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3704
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Saving the log was done successfully."
msgstr "El desament del registre s'ha fet correctament."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3712
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The ADIF export was not properly done."
msgstr "El desament ADIF no s'ha efectuat correctament."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3811
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Settings ..."
msgstr "Configuració..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3901 ../mainwindow.cpp:3914
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Queue all the QSOs to be uploaded"
msgstr "Posa a la cua tots els QSO per a pujar"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3928
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Queue all the QSO to be uploaded"
msgstr "Posa a la cua tots els QSO per a pujar"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4101 ../mainwindow.cpp:4180
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Now you can upload them to LoTW."
msgstr "Ara els podeu pujar al LoTW."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4185
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "There was a problem to mark all pending QSOs as queued for LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un problema en marcar tots els QSO pendents com a posats en cua "
"per al LoTW!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4366
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "All queued QSOs of this log has been marked as sent to LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Tots els QSO posats en cua d'aquest registre s'han marcat com a enviats al "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4396
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "There was a problem to mark all queued QSOs as sent to LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un problema en marcar tots els QSO posats en cua com a enviats "
"al LoTW!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5972
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"TQSL finished with no error.\n"
"Do you want to mark as Sent all the QSOs uploaded to LoTW?"
msgstr ""
"El TQSL ha finalitzat sense cap error.\n"
"Voleu marcar com a enviats tots els QSO pujats al LoTW?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6331
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The log is ready to be uploaded to QRZ.com."
msgstr "Aquest registre està preparat per pujar-se a QRZ.com."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6332
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"All the QSOs in this log has been marked as Modified in the QRZ.com status "
msgstr ""
"Tots els QSO d'aquest registre s'han marcat com a Modificats en el camp "
"s'estat de QRZ.com"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6338
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog could not mark the full log to be sent to QRZ.com"
msgstr "El KLog no ha pogut marcar el registre complet per a enviar a QRZ.com"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6392
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You need to define a proper API Key for your QRZ.com logbook in the eLog "
msgstr ""
"Cal definir una clau adequada de l'API per al vostre llibre de registre de "
"QRZ.com a les preferències de l'eLog."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6420
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Obre un fitxer"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7096
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid " - Needed for DXMarathon"
msgstr " - Necessari per DXMarathon"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7150
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Abort filling"
msgstr "Interromp l'ompliment"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7271
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Filling DXCC, CQz, ITUz, Continent in QSOs...\n"
" QSO: "
msgstr ""
"S'està omplint DXCC, CQz, ITUz, continent al QSO...\n"
" QSO: "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7360
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Número"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7364 ../mainwindow.cpp:7957
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7370
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Banda"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7372 ../mainwindow.cpp:7963
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7387
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Print Log"
msgstr "Imprimeix el registre"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7392
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Abort printing"
msgstr "Interromp la impressió"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7392
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Printing the log ..."
msgstr "S'està imprimint el registre..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7408 ../mainwindow.cpp:7423
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Printing the log...\n"
" QSO: "
msgstr ""
"S'està imprimint el registre...\n"
" QSO: "
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7954
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The following QSO data has been received from WSJT-X to be logged:"
msgstr "S'han rebut les dades QSO següents des del WSJT-X per a enregistrar:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7960
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Freq"
msgstr "Freq"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7967
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Time On"
msgstr "Hora d'inici"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7971
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Time Off"
msgstr "Hora final"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7974
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "RST TX"
msgstr "RST TX"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7974
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "RST RX"
msgstr "RST RX"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7980
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "DX-Grid"
msgstr "DX-Grid"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7983
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Local-Grid"
msgstr "Local-Grid"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8031
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - WSJTX Dupe QSO"
msgstr "KLog - QSO duplicat del WSJTX"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8034
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "This QSO seems to be duplicated. Do you want to save or discard it?"
msgstr "Sembla que aquest QSO és duplicat. El voleu desar o descartar?"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8121
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"If the received mode is correct, please contact KLog development team and "
"request support for that mode"
msgstr ""
"Si el mode rebut és correcte, contacteu amb l'equip de desenvolupament del "
"KLog i sol·liciteu la implementació d'aquest mode"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8258
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Duplicated satellite"
msgstr "KLog - Satèl·lit duplicat"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8260
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"A duplicated satellite has been detected in the file and will not be "
msgstr "S'ha detectat un satèl·lit duplicat al fitxer i no s'importarà."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8261
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Please check the satellite information file and ensure it is properly "
msgstr ""
"Comproveu el fitxer d'informació del satèl·lit i assegureu que estigui "
"correctament omplert."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8261
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Now you will see a more detailed error that can be used for debugging..."
msgstr "Ara veureu un error més detallat que es pot usar per a la depuració..."
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8268
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "An unexpected error ocurred!!"
msgstr "Hi ha hagut un error inesperat!!"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8268
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "If the problem persists, please contact the developers"
msgstr "Si el problema persisteix, contacteu amb els desenvolupadors"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8268
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "for analysis:"
msgstr "per a l'anàlisi:"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8270
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error in function"
msgstr "Error a la funció"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8272
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error text"
msgstr "Text de l'error"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8273
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Failed query"
msgstr "Ha fallat la consulta"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8282
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Show errors"
msgstr "KLog - Mostra els errors"
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8284
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to keep showing errors?"
msgstr "Voleu mantenir la visualització dels errors?"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:47
msgctxt "MainWindowInputComment|"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentari"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:49
msgctxt "MainWindowInputComment|"
msgid "Add a comment for this QSO."
msgstr "Afegeix un comentari per a aquest QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:52
msgctxt "MainWindowInputComment|"
msgid "Keep this data"
msgstr "Mantén aquestes dades"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:54
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:56
msgctxt "MainWindowInputComment|"
msgid "Data entered in this tab will be copied into the next QSO."
msgstr ""
"Les dades introduïdes en aquesta pestanya es copiaran en el QSO següent."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:72
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the ClubLog upload."
msgstr "Data de la pujada al ClubLog."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:73
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the QRZ.com upload."
msgstr "Data de la pujada a QRZ.com."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:74
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the eQSL sending."
msgstr "Data de l'enviament de la eQSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:75
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the eQSL reception."
msgstr "Data de la recepció de la eQSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:76
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the LoTW sending."
msgstr "Data de l'enviament del LoTW."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:77
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the LoTW reception."
msgstr "Data de la recepció del LoTW."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:80
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status on QRZ.com."
msgstr "Estat al QRZ.com."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:83
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status of the LoTW sending."
msgstr "Estat de l'enviament del LoTW."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:84
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status of the LoTW reception."
msgstr "Estat de la recepció del LoTW."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:91
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "QRZ.com"
msgstr "QRZ.com"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:100
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "LoTW Sent"
msgstr "LoTW enviat"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:103
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "LoTW Rec"
msgstr "LoTW rebut"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:79
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status on ClubLog."
msgstr "Estat al ClubLog."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:81
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status of the eQSL sending."
msgstr "Estat de l'enviament de la eQSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:82
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status of the eQSL reception."
msgstr "Estat de la recepció de la eQSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:88
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "ClubLog"
msgstr "ClubLog"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:94
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "eQSL Sent"
msgstr "eQSL enviada"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:97
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "eQSL Rec"
msgstr "eQSL rebuda"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:76
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Primary Div"
msgstr "Div principal"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:77
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Secondary Div"
msgstr "Div secundària"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:78
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "IOTA"
msgstr "IOTA"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:79
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitat"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:80
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Propagation mode"
msgstr "Mode de propagació"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:81
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Altres"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:90
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Keep propagation mode"
msgstr "Mantén el mode de propagació"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:92
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the primary division for this QSO."
msgstr "Selecciona la divisió primària per aquest QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:93
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the secondary division for this QSO."
msgstr "Selecciona la divisió secundària per aquest QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:94
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the entity for this QSO."
msgstr "Selecciona l'entitat per aquest QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:95
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the propagation mode for this QSO."
msgstr "Selecciona el mode de propagació per aquest QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:96
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the IOTA continent for this QSO."
msgstr "Seleccioneu el continent IOTA per aquest QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:97
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the IOTA reference number for this QSO."
msgstr "Seleccioneu el número de referència IOTA per aquest QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:98
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Keeps the same propagation mode for next QSO."
msgstr "Mantén el mateix mode de propagació per al QSO següent."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:100
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the appropriate ADIF field for this QSO."
msgstr "Selecciona el camp apropiat de l'ADIF per a aquest QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:101
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Value for the selected ADIF field."
msgstr "Valor per al camp ADIF seleccionat."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:137
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:183
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Not Identified"
msgstr "No identificat"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:143
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Not - Not Identified"
msgstr "Not - No identificat"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:490
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "SOTA Ref"
msgstr "Referència SOTA"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:490
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Age"
msgstr "Antiguitat"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:490
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "VUCC grids"
msgstr "Quadrícules VUCC"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:66
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL Sent"
msgstr "QSL enviada"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:69
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL Rec"
msgstr "QSL rebuda"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:72
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL Via"
msgstr "QSL via"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:75
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL Msg"
msgstr "Missatge QSL"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:78
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Status of the QSL sending."
msgstr "Estat de l'enviament de la QSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:79
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Status of the QSL reception."
msgstr "Estat de la recepció de la QSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:80
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL sending information."
msgstr "Informació d'enviament de la QSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:81
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL reception information."
msgstr "Informació de recepció de la QSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:83
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Date of the QSL sending."
msgstr "Data de l'enviament de la QSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:84
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Date of the QSL reception."
msgstr "Data de la recepció de la QSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:85
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Message of the QSL."
msgstr "Missatge de la QSL."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:86
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL via information."
msgstr "QSL via informació."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:68
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "TX RST."
msgstr "TX RST."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:69
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "RX RST."
msgstr "RX RST."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:70
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:554
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "TX Frequency in MHz."
msgstr "Freqüència de TX en MHz."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:71
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:607
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "RX Frequency in MHz."
msgstr "Freqüència de RX en MHz."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:72
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Power used by the contacted station."
msgstr "Potència usada per l'estació contactada."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:73
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Name of the contacted operator."
msgstr "Nom de l'operador contactat."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:74
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "QTH of the contacted station."
msgstr "QTH de l'estació contactada."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:75
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Locator of the contacted station."
msgstr "Localitzador de l'estació contactada."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:79
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Watts"
msgstr "Watts"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:83
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:87
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:89
msgctxt ""
"MainWindowInputQSO|Translator: Split is a common hamradio term. Do not "
"translate unless you are sure."
msgid "Split"
msgstr "Split"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:93
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:97
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "QTH"
msgstr "QTH"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:101
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "DX Locator"
msgstr "Localitzador DX"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:105
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Power(rx)"
msgstr "Potència (rx)"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:109
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "RST(tx)"
msgstr "RST (tx)"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:113
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "RST(rx)"
msgstr "RST(rx)"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:131
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Freq TX"
msgstr "Freq TX"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:136
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Freq RX"
msgstr "Freq RX"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:279
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "DX QTH locator."
msgstr "Localitzador QTH de DX."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:287
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid ""
"DX QTH locator. Format should be Maidenhead like IN70AA up to 10 characters."
msgstr ""
"Localitzador DX QTH. El format hauria de ser «Maidenhead» semblant a IN70AA "
"de fins a 10 caràcters."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:568
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid ""
"TX Frequency in MHz.\n"
"Frequency is not in a hamradio band!"
msgstr ""
"Freqüència TX en MHz.\n"
"La freqüència no es en una banda de radioafició!"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:612
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid ""
"RX Frequency in MHz.\n"
"Frequency is not in a hamradio band!"
msgstr ""
"Freqüència RX en MHz.\n"
"La freqüència no es en una banda de radioafició!"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:72
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "Watts"
msgstr "Watts"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:74
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "Keep this data"
msgstr "Mantén aquestes dades"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:212
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My QTH locator."
msgstr "El meu localitzador QTH."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:76
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Potència"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:78
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "Operator callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'operador"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:80
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'estació"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:83
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My Locator"
msgstr "El meu localitzador"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:224
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid ""
"My QTH locator. Format should be Maidenhead like IN70AA up to 10 characters."
msgstr ""
"El meu localitzador QTH. El format hauria de ser «Maidenhead» (p. ex. "
"IN70AA) de fins a 10 caràcters."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:467
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My Rig"
msgstr "El meu equip"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:467
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My Antenna"
msgstr "La meva antena"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:467
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My SOTA_Ref"
msgstr "La meva referència SOTA"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:467
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My VUCC_GRIDS"
msgstr "Les meves Quadrícules_VUCC"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:92
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Keep this data"
msgstr "Mantén aquestes dades"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:100
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"Name of the Satellite if not in the list. Select: \"%1\" to enable this box. "
"(format like AO-51)."
msgstr ""
"Nom del satèl·lit si no és a la llista. Seleccioneu: «%1» per activar aquest "
"quadre. (format semblant AO-51)."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:103
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Satellite mode used."
msgstr "Mode usat de satèl·lit."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:104
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Select the satellite you are using."
msgstr "Seleccioneu el satèl·lit que esteu usant."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:105
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "UpLink band."
msgstr "Banda de pujada (UpLink)."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:106
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "DownLink band."
msgstr "Banda de baixada (DownLink)."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:107
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:289
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"Locator of the DX station. This box is synchronized with the Locator box in "
"the QSO tab."
msgstr ""
"Localitzador de l'estació DX. Aquest quadre està sincronitzat amb el quadre "
"Localitzador de la pestanya QSO."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:110
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "UpLink"
msgstr "Pujada"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:114
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "DownLink"
msgstr "Baixada"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:118
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satèl·lit"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:122
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:126
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "DX Locator"
msgstr "Localitzador DX"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:131
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Altres"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:136
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:140
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:299
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"Locator of the DX station. Format should be Maidenhead like IN70AA up to 10 "
msgstr ""
"Localitzador de l'estació DX. El format hauria de ser «Maidenhead» (p. ex. "
"IN70AA) de fins a 10 caràcters."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:434
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Not Sat QSO"
msgstr "QSO sense satèl·lit"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:471
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"KLog has detected a satellite name that it does not recognise. If it should "
"use one of the names of known satellites instead, please select it from the "
"list. Alternatively, please contact the development team to add the new "
"satellite name."
msgstr ""
"El KLog ha detectat un nom de satèl·lit que no reconeix. En el seu lloc, "
"caldria usar un dels noms coneguts de satèl·lit. Seleccioneu-lo de la "
"llista. Alternativament, contacteu amb l'equip de desenvolupament per afegir "
"el nom nou de satèl·lit."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:472
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"Please be aware that the satellite name will not be saved if it is not in "
"the list, so that information may be lost!"
msgstr ""
"Tingueu en compte que el nom del satèl·lit no es desarà si no és a la "
"llista, i per tant, aquesta informació es podria perdre!"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:581
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"RX Frequency in MHz.\n"
"Frequency is not in a hamradio band!"
msgstr ""
"Freqüència RX en MHz.\n"
"La freqüència no es en una banda de radioafició!"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:586
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "RX Frequency in MHz."
msgstr "Freqüència de RX en MHz."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:650
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"TX Frequency in MHz.\n"
"Frequency is not in a hamradio band!"
msgstr ""
"Freqüència TX en MHz.\n"
"La freqüència no es en una banda de radioafició!"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:655
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "TX Frequency in MHz."
msgstr "Freqüència de TX en MHz."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:97
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:435
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Other - Sat not in the list"
msgstr "Altres - El satèl·lit no és a la llista"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:94
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:96
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Data entered in this tab will be copied into the next QSO."
msgstr ""
"Les dades introduïdes en aquesta pestanya es copiaran en el QSO següent."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:472
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "The satellite you have in your QSO is: "
msgstr "El satèl·lit que hi ha al QSO és: "
#: ../widgets/onlinemessagewidget.cpp:38
#, qt-format
msgctxt "OnlineMessageWidget|"
msgid "The server returned the following error: %1"
msgstr "El servidor ha retornat l'error següent: %1"
#: ../widgets/onlinemessagewidget.cpp:170
msgctxt "OnlineMessageWidget|"
msgid "Not identified"
msgstr "No identificat"
#: ../database.cpp:226 ../database.cpp:290
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Database Error"
msgstr "Error de base de dades"
#: ../database.cpp:1500
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog DB needs to be upgraded."
msgstr "La BD del KLog necessita actualitzar-se."
#: ../database.cpp:1501
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Do you want to upgrade it now?"
msgstr "La voleu actualitzar ara?"
#: ../database.cpp:1501
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "If DB is not upgraded KLog may not work properly."
msgstr "Si la BD no s'actualitza, el KLog podria no funcionar adequadament."
#: ../database.cpp:1540
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"Upgrading software may potentially cause problems. Backing up your DB, "
"before upgrading, is always a good idea."
msgstr ""
"L'actualització de programari pot provocar problemes potencials. Sempre és "
"una bona idea fer un còpia de seguretat de la BD."
#: ../database.cpp:1541
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Do you want to backup your DB now?"
msgstr "Voleu fer ara una còpia de seguretat de la BD?"
#: ../database.cpp:1585
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The backup finished successfully."
msgstr "La còpia de seguretat ha finalitzat correctament."
#: ../database.cpp:1586
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "You can find the backup in this file: %1"
msgstr "Podeu trobar la còpia de seguretat en aquest fitxer: %1"
#: ../database.cpp:1596
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The backup was not properly done."
msgstr "La còpia de seguretat no s'ha efectuat correctament."
#: ../database.cpp:1597
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "You will be sent back to the starting point."
msgstr "Retornareu al punt d'inici."
#: ../database.cpp:2083
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog - DB can't be updated automatically"
msgstr "KLog - No s'ha pogut actualitzar automàticament la BD"
#: ../database.cpp:2084
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"You are upgrading from a too old KLog version and this upgrade can't be "
"upgraded automatically from that version."
msgstr ""
"S'està actualitzant des d'una versió massa antiga del KLog i aquesta "
"actualització no es pot fer automàticament des d'aquesta versió."
#: ../database.cpp:2222 ../database.cpp:3941 ../database.cpp:4119
#: ../database.cpp:4321 ../database.cpp:4530
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog - DB update"
msgstr "KLog - Actualitza la BD"
#: ../database.cpp:2280
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"KLog has detected a previous log in the DB. All data will be migrated to a "
"newly created DX type log for you."
msgstr ""
"El KLog ha detectat un registre anterior a la BD. Es migraran totes les "
"dades a un registre de tipus DX creat de nou."
#: ../database.cpp:2298
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog: Enter Station callsign"
msgstr "KLog: Introduïu l'indicatiu de l'estació"
#: ../database.cpp:2299
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Enter the station callsign used in this log"
msgstr "Introduïu l'indicatiu emprat en aquest registre"
#: ../database.cpp:2300 ../utilities.cpp:1954
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'estació"
#: ../database.cpp:3868 ../database.cpp:4050 ../database.cpp:8119
#: ../database.cpp:8359 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6405
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSO: "
msgstr "QSO: "
#: ../database.cpp:3942 ../database.cpp:4120 ../database.cpp:4322
#: ../database.cpp:4531
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"Canceling this update will cause data inconsistencies and possibly data "
"loss. Do you still want to cancel?"
msgstr ""
"La cancel·lació d'aquesta actualització provocarà inconsistència de dades i "
"possiblement pèrdua de dades. Encara voleu cancel·lar?"
#: ../database.cpp:4251 ../database.cpp:4454
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Progress: "
msgstr "Progrés: "
#: ../database.cpp:8026
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating DXCC award information..."
msgstr "Actualització de la informació dels diplomes DXCC..."
#: ../database.cpp:8119
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating DXCC Award information..."
msgstr "Actualització de la informació dels diplomes DXCC..."
#: ../database.cpp:8265
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating WAZ award information..."
msgstr "Actualització de la informació dels diplomes WAZ..."
#: ../database.cpp:8359
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating WAZ Award information..."
msgstr "Actualització de la informació dels diplomes WAZ..."
#: ../database.cpp:3847 ../database.cpp:3868
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating mode information..."
msgstr "Actualitzant informació del mode..."
#: ../database.cpp:2085
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"The process to upgrade is:\n"
"- Using an old KLog version export your log to ADIF.\n"
"- Remove your logbook.dat file from your KLog folder.\n"
"- Install the new KLog version.\n"
"- Import your ADIF file.\n"
"KLog will finish when you click on OK."
msgstr ""
"El procés per actualitzar és:\n"
"- Usant una versió antiga del KLog, exportar el registre a ADIF.\n"
"- Eliminar el fitxer «logbook.dat» de la carpeta del KLog.\n"
"- Instal·lar la versió nova del KLog.\n"
"- Importar el fitxer ADIF.\n"
"El KLog finalitzarà quan feu clic a D'acord."
#: ../database.cpp:2351
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"All the data was migrated correctly. You should now go to "
"Setup->Preferences->Logs to check that everything is okay."
msgstr ""
"Totes les dades s'han migrat correctament. Ara cal anar a Configuració -> "
"Preferències -> Registres per a comprovar que tot és correcte."
#: ../database.cpp:3847 ../database.cpp:4031 ../database.cpp:4229
#: ../database.cpp:4431 ../database.cpp:8026 ../database.cpp:8265
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6360
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Abort updating"
msgstr "Interromp l'actualització"
#: ../database.cpp:4031 ../database.cpp:4050 ../database.cpp:4251
#: ../database.cpp:4454
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating bands information..."
msgstr "Actualitzant informació de bandes..."
#: ../database.cpp:4227
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating bands information in %1 status..."
msgstr "Actualitzant informació de bandes en %1..."
#: ../database.cpp:4429
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating mode information in %1 status..."
msgstr "Actualitzant informació dels modes en %1..."
#: ../awards.cpp:894
#| msgid "nNew One, work it!"
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "New One, work it!"
msgstr "Un de nou, treballeu-ho!"
#: ../awards.cpp:898 ../awards.cpp:902 ../awards.cpp:908 ../awards.cpp:911
#: ../awards.cpp:914 ../awards.cpp:917 ../awards.cpp:923 ../awards.cpp:929
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Needed, work it!"
msgstr "Necessari, treballeu-ho!"
#: ../awards.cpp:905 ../awards.cpp:920 ../awards.cpp:926 ../awards.cpp:932
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Worked but not confirmed"
msgstr "Treballat però no confirmat"
#: ../awards.cpp:935
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Confirmat"
#: ../awards.cpp:939
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Not identified"
msgstr "No identificat"
#: ../main.cpp:266
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog is already running."
msgstr "KLog ja s'està executant."
#: ../main.cpp:266
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "It is allowed to run only one instance."
msgstr "Es permet executar només una instància."
#: ../main.cpp:337
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Install wizard was canceled before completing..."
msgstr "L'assistent d'instal·lació s'ha cancel·lat abans de finalitzar..."
#: ../main.cpp:338
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Do you want to remove the KLog dir from your disk?"
msgstr "Voleu eliminar el directori del KLog del disc?"
#: ../main.cpp:351
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Your KLog dir has been removed"
msgstr "S'ha eliminat el directori del KLog"
#: ../main.cpp:357
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"I could not remove your KLog dir. You should do it manually if you want it "
"removed from your hard disk."
msgstr ""
"No s'ha pogut eliminar el directori del KLog. Caldria fer-ho manualment si "
"el voleu eliminar del disc dur."
#: ../main.cpp:364
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"Your KLog dir could not be removed. You should do it manually if you want it "
"removed from your hard disk."
msgstr ""
"No s'ha pogut eliminar el directori del KLog. Caldria fer-ho manualment si "
"el voleu eliminar del disc dur."
#: ../main.cpp:370
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Remember that your KLog dir is on your system..."
msgstr "Recordeu que el directori del KLog és al vostre sistema..."
#: ../main.cpp:351 ../main.cpp:357 ../main.cpp:364 ../main.cpp:370
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Thank you for running KLog!"
msgstr "Moltes gràcies per usar el KLog!"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6360
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating information..."
msgstr "S'està actualitzant la informació..."
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6405
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating DXCC and Continent information..."
msgstr "S'està actualitzant la informació dels DXCC i del continent..."
#: ../utilities.cpp:1452
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"A wrong callsign has been found: %1. Please enter a new callsign or confirm "
"that the current one is a good callsign."
msgstr ""
"S'ha trobat un indicatiu incorrecte: %1. Introduïu un indicatiu nou o "
"confirmeu que l'actual és un indicatiu correcte."
#: ../utilities.cpp:1457
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"An empty callsign has been detected. If it is possible, please enter the "
"right call."
msgstr ""
"S'ha detectat un indicatiu buit. Introduïu l'indicatiu correcte, si és "
#: ../utilities.cpp:1460
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog - Not valid callsign found"
msgstr "KLog - S'ha trobat un indicatiu no vàlid"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1710
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1712
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Indicatiu"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1714
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "RSTtx"
msgstr "RSTtx"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1716
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "RSTrx"
msgstr "RSTrx"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1718
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Banda"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1720
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Comentari"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1722
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1724
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "CQz"
msgstr "CQz"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1726
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "ITUz"
msgstr "ITUz"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1728
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1730
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adreça"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1732
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Age"
msgstr "Antiguitat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1734
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "County"
msgstr "Comtat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1736
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "A_Index"
msgstr "A_Índex"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1738
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Ant_Az"
msgstr "Ant_Az"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1740
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Ant_El"
msgstr "Ant_El"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1742
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Ant_Path"
msgstr "Ant_Camí"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1744
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "ARRL_SECT"
msgstr "ARRL_SECT"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1746
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Award_Submitted"
msgstr "Diploma_enviat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1748
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Award_granted"
msgstr "Diploma_atorgat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1750
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Band_RX"
msgstr "Banda_RX"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1752
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "CheckContest"
msgstr "ComprovacióConcurs"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1754
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Class"
msgstr "Classe"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1756
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "ClubLog SDate"
msgstr "ClubLog SDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1758
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "ClubLog status"
msgstr "ClubLog estat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1760
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Continent"
msgstr "Continent"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1762
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Contacted Op"
msgstr "OP Contactat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1764
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Contest Id"
msgstr "ID concurs"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1766
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Country"
msgstr "País"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1768
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Credit Submitted"
msgstr "Crèdit Enviat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1770
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Credit granted"
msgstr "Crèdit Atorgat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1772
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate if unsure, common hamradio term."
msgid "Dark Dok"
msgstr "DOK de DARC"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1788
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate if unsure, common hamradio term."
msgid "Fists"
msgstr "FISTS"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1790
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate if unsure, common hamradio term."
msgid "Fists CC"
msgstr "FISTS CC"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1842
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate if unsure, common hamradio term."
msgid "My Fists"
msgstr "El meu FISTS"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1880
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate if unsure, common hamradio term."
msgid "Nr bursts"
msgstr "Núm ràfegues"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1882
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate if unsure, common hamradio term."
msgid "Nr pings"
msgstr "Núm «pings»"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1930
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Sat mode"
msgstr ""
#: ../utilities.cpp:1958
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate if unsure, common hamradio term."
msgid "SWL"
msgstr "SWL"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1968
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate, it is a hamradio group name."
msgid "Ten-Ten"
msgstr "Ten-Ten"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1774
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Distance"
msgstr "Distància"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1776
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Email"
msgstr "Correu electrònic"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1778
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "EQ_Call"
msgstr "EQ_Call"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1780
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "eQSL RDate"
msgstr "eQSL RDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1782
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "eQSL SDate"
msgstr "eQSL SDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1784
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "eQSL Rcvd"
msgstr "eQSL rebuda"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1786
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "eQSL Sent"
msgstr "eQSL enviada"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1792
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Force Init"
msgstr "Force Init"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1794
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Freq"
msgstr "Freq"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1796
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Freq RX"
msgstr "Freq RX"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1798
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Gridsquare"
msgstr "Gridsquare"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1800
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Guest OP"
msgstr "OP convidat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1802
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "HRDLog SDate"
msgstr "HRDLog SDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1804
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "HRDLog status"
msgstr "HRDLog estat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1806
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "IOTA"
msgstr "IOTA"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1808
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "IOTA Island id"
msgstr "ID illa IOTA"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1810
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "K Index"
msgstr "K Índex"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1812
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Lat"
msgstr "Lat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1814
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Lon"
msgstr "Lon"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1816
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "LoTW RDate"
msgstr "LoTW RDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1818
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "LoTW SDate"
msgstr "LoTW SDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1820
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "LoTW Rcvd"
msgstr "LoTW rebut"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1822
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "LoTW Sent"
msgstr "LoTW enviat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1824
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Max Bursts"
msgstr "Màx ràfegues"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1826
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Multiplier"
msgstr "Multiplicador"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1828
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "MS Shower"
msgstr "Pluja MS"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1830
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Antenna"
msgstr "La meva antena"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1832
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My City"
msgstr "La meva ciutat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1834
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Cnty"
msgstr "El meu comtat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1836
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Country"
msgstr "El meu país"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1838
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My CQz"
msgstr "La meva CQz"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1840
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My DXCC"
msgstr "El meu DXCC"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1844
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Gridsquare"
msgstr "El meu Gridsquare"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1846
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My IOTA"
msgstr "El meu IOTA"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1848
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My IOTA island id"
msgstr "El meu ID d'illa IOTA"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1850
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My ITUz"
msgstr "La meva ITUz"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1852
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Lat"
msgstr "La meva Lat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1854
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Lon"
msgstr "La meva Lon"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1856
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Name"
msgstr "El meu nom"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1858
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Postal code"
msgstr "El meu codi postal"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1860
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Rig"
msgstr "El meu equip"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1862
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Sig"
msgstr "El meu SIG"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1864
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Sig Info"
msgstr "La informació del meu SIG"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1866
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My SOTA ref"
msgstr "La meva referència SOTA"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1868
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My State"
msgstr "El meu estat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1870
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My Street"
msgstr "El meu carrer"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1872
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My USACA counties"
msgstr "El meu comtats USACA"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1874
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "My VUCC grids"
msgstr "Les meves quadrícules VUCC"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1876
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1878
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Notes"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1884
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Operator"
msgstr "Operador"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1886
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Owner Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'operador"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1888
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Pfx"
msgstr "Pfx"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1890
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Points"
msgstr "Punts"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1892
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Precedence"
msgstr "Precedència"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1894
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Prop Mode"
msgstr "Mode prop"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1896
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Public Key"
msgstr "Clau pública"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1898
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QRZcom SDate"
msgstr "QRZcom SDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1900
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QRZcom status"
msgstr "QRZcom estat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1902
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSL msg"
msgstr "Missatge QSL"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1904
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSL RDate"
msgstr "QSL RDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1906
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSL SDate"
msgstr "QSL SDate"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1908
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSL Rcvd"
msgstr "QSL rebuda"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1910
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSL Sent"
msgstr "QSL enviada"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1912
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSL rcvd via"
msgstr "QSL rebuda via"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1914
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSL sent via"
msgstr "QSL enviada via"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1916
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSL via"
msgstr "QSL via"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1918
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSO complete"
msgstr "QSO completa"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1920
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSO random"
msgstr "QSO aleatòria"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1922
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QTH"
msgstr "QTH"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1924
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Region"
msgstr "Regió"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1926
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Rig"
msgstr "Equip"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1928
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "RX Pwr"
msgstr "Potència RX"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1932
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Sat name"
msgstr "Nom sat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1934
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "SFI"
msgstr "SFI"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1936
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Sig"
msgstr "SIG"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1938
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Sig Info"
msgstr "Info del SIG"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1940
msgctxt "QObject|Do not translate if unsure, common hamradio term."
msgid "Silent key"
msgstr "Silent key"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1942
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "SKCC"
msgstr "SKCC"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1944
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "SOTA Ref"
msgstr "Referència SOTA"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1946
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "SRX String"
msgstr "Cadena SRX"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1948
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "SRX"
msgstr "SRX"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1950
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "STX String"
msgstr "Cadena STX"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1952
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "State"
msgstr "Estat"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1956
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Submode"
msgstr "Submode"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1960
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "UKSMG"
msgstr "UKSMG"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1962
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "USACA counties"
msgstr "Comtats USACA"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1964
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "VE prov"
msgstr "VE prov"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1966
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "VUCC grids"
msgstr "Quadrícules VUCC"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1970
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "TX Pwr"
msgstr "Potència TX"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1972
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Web"
msgstr "Web"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1974
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSO Date off"
msgstr "Data fi QSO"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1976
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Transmitter id"
msgstr "ID transmissor"
#: ../utilities.cpp:1978
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Log number"
msgstr "Número de registre"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:50
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Clear"
msgstr "&Neteja"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:52 ../searchwidget.cpp:762
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Select All"
msgstr "&Selecciona-ho tot"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:53
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Search"
msgstr "&Cerca"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:51
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Export Highlighted"
msgstr "&Exporta els ressaltats"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:54
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "All logs"
msgstr "Tots els registres"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:157
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Clear the searches."
msgstr "Neteja les cerques."
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:158
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Export the search result to an ADIF file."
msgstr "Exporta el resultat de la cerca a un fitxer ADIF."
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:159
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Select/Unselect all the QSOs shown."
msgstr "Selecciona/Desselecciona tots els QSO mostrats."
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:160
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Search in the log."
msgstr "Cerca al registre."
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:161
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Search in all logs."
msgstr "Cerca a tots els registres."
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:162
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid ""
"Enter the callsign to search for. Enter '*' to show all the QSOs... it may "
"be slow in big logs!"
msgstr ""
"Introduïu l'indicatiu a cercar. Introduïu «*» per a mostrar tots els QSO... "
"pot ser lent als registres grans!"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:164
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Select the Station Callsign used to do this QSO."
msgstr "Seleccioneu l'indicatiu d'estació usat per fer aquest QSO."
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:366
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "All in log"
msgstr "A tot el registre"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:367
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Not defined"
msgstr "No s'ha definit"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:770
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Clear selection"
msgstr "&Neteja la selecció"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:830
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Save File"
msgstr "Desa fitxer"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:248
#, qt-format
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "You have requested to delete the QSO with: %1"
msgstr "Heu demanat suprimir el QSO amb: %1"
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:253
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Esteu segur?"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Data/hora"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:202
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Banda"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:207
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:213
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL Sent"
msgstr "QSL enviada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:217
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:315
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL Rcvd"
msgstr "QSL rebuda"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'estació"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:196
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Trucada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:191
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Date/time"
msgstr "Data/hora"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:223
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Station callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'estació"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:294
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL Send"
msgstr "QSL enviada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:369
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "&Suprimeix"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:370
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Delete a QSO"
msgstr "Suprimeix un QSO"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:373
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "&Edit QSO"
msgstr "&Edita QSO"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:374
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Edit this QSO"
msgstr "Edita aquest QSO"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:377
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via &bureau"
msgstr "Via &bureau"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:378
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via bureau"
msgstr "Envia aquesta QSL via bureau"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:381
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "D&irect"
msgstr "D&irecta"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:382
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via direct"
msgstr "Envia aquesta QSL via directa"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:385
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via bureau"
msgstr "Via bureau"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:386
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL &received via bureau"
msgstr "QSL &rebuda via bureau"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:389
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Direct"
msgstr "Directa"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:390
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL received via direc&t"
msgstr "QSL rebuda via direc&ta"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:393
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Check in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Comprova a QRZ.com"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:394
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Check this callsign in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Comprova aquest identificador a QRZ.com"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:397
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Check in DXHeat.com"
msgstr "Comprova a DXHeat.com"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:398
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Check this callsign in DXHeat.com"
msgstr "Comprova aquest identificador a DXHeat.com"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:401
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "&Request my QSL"
msgstr "&Sol·licita la meva QSL"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:402
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Mark my QSL as requested"
msgstr "Marca la meva QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:405
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via Direct and mark DX QSL as requested"
msgstr "Via directa i marca la DX QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:406
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via direct and mark DX QSL as requested"
msgstr "Envia aquesta QSL via directa i marca la DX QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:409
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via Bureau and mark DX QSL as requested"
msgstr "Via bureau i marca la DX QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:410
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via bureau and mark DX QSL as requested"
msgstr "Envia aquesta QSL via bureau i marca la DX QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:413
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "&Request the QSL"
msgstr "&Sol·licita la QSL"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:414
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Mark the QSL as requested"
msgstr "Marca la QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:417
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via bureau and mark my QSL as requested"
msgstr "Via bureau i marca la meva QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:418
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL received via bureau and mark my QSL as requested"
msgstr "QSL rebuda via bureau i marca la meva QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:421
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Direc&t and mark as my QSL requested"
msgstr "Direc&ta i marca la meva QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:422
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL received via direct and mark my QSL as requested"
msgstr "QSL rebuda via directa i marca la meva QSL com a sol·licitada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:656
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Needed QSO to send the QSL"
msgstr "QSO necessari per enviar la QSL"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:664
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "My QSL requested to be sent"
msgstr "La meva QSL sol·licitada per enviar"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:669 ../searchwindow.cpp:674
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "DX QSL pending to be received"
msgstr "QSL del DX pendent de rebre"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:84 ../setupdialog.cpp:265
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "User data"
msgstr "Dades de l'usuari"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:85 ../setupdialog.cpp:277
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Bands/Modes"
msgstr "Bandes/modes"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:283
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "DX-Cluster"
msgstr "DX-Cluster"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:88 ../setupdialog.cpp:289
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Colors"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:89 ../setupdialog.cpp:295
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Varis"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:90
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "World Editor"
msgstr "Editor mundial"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:335
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid ""
"Go to the Misc tab and click on Move DB\n"
" or the DB will not be moved to the new location."
msgstr ""
"Aneu a la pestanya Varis i feu clic a Mou la BD\n"
" o la BD no es mourà a la ubicació nova."
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:103
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel·la"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:97
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Satellites"
msgstr "Satèl·lits"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:98
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "HamLib"
msgstr "HamLib"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:92
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "eLog"
msgstr "eLog"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:104
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "D'acord"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:87
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "D&X-Cluster"
msgstr "D&X-Cluster"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:86
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Log widget"
msgstr "Giny de registre"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:96
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "WSJT-X"
msgstr "WSJT-X"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:121
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Configuració"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:238
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "You need to enter at least one log in the Logs tab."
msgstr "Com a mínim cal introduir un registre a la pestanya Registres."
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:239
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid ""
"Do you want to add one log in the Logs tab or exit KLog?\n"
"(Click Yes to add a log or No to exit KLog)"
msgstr ""
"Voleu afegir un registre a la pestanya de Registres o sortir del KLog?\n"
"(Feu clic a Sí per afegir un registre o No per a sortir del KLog)"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:334
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "DB has not been moved to new path."
msgstr "La BD no s'ha mogut al camí nou."
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:344
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "You need to enter at least a valid callsign."
msgstr "Com a mínim cal introduir un indicatiu vàlid com a mínim."
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:345
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Go to the User tab and enter valid callsign."
msgstr "Aneu a la pestanya Usuari i introduïu un indicatiu vàlid."
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:358
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid ""
"You will be redirected to the Log tab.\n"
"Please add and select the kind of log you want to use."
msgstr ""
"Sereu redirigit a la pestanya Registre.\n"
"Afegiu i seleccioneu la classe de registre que voleu usar."
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:357
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "You have not selected the kind of log you want."
msgstr "No heu seleccionat la classe de registre que voleu."
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:91 ../setupdialog.cpp:271
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Registres"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:301
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "World"
msgstr "Mundial"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:69
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitat"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "CQ"
msgstr "CQ"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:77
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "ITU"
msgstr "ITU"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:85
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Latitud"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:89
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Longitud"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:93
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "UTC"
msgstr "UTC"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:97
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Main prefix"
msgstr "Prefix principal"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:103
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "ARRL ID"
msgstr "ARRL ID"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:113
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Comma separated possible prefixes, e.g. EA1, EA2, ..."
msgstr "Prefixos possibles separats per comes, p. ex. EA1, EA2, ..."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:111
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Prefixes"
msgstr "Prefixos"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:71
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Name of the Entity."
msgstr "Nom de l'entitat."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:75
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "CQ zone."
msgstr "Zona CQ."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:79
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "ITU zone."
msgstr "Zona ITU."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:87
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:91
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Longitude of the Entity."
msgstr "Longitud de l'entitat."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:95
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Local time difference to UTC."
msgstr "Diferència de l'hora local respecte a UTC."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:99
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Main prefix of the entity."
msgstr "Prefix principal de l'entitat."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:105
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "ARRL ID."
msgstr "ARRL ID."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:116
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Date of the deletion."
msgstr "Data de la supressió."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:118
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Suprimit"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:120
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel·la"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:121
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "D'acord"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:209
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Entity Dialog"
msgstr "Diàleg d'entitat"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagebandmode.cpp:42
msgctxt "SetupPageBandMode|"
msgid "Bands"
msgstr "Bandes"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagebandmode.cpp:46
msgctxt "SetupPageBandMode|"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Modes"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:45
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "New One"
msgstr "Un de nou"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:46
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Needed in this band"
msgstr "Necessari en aquesta banda"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:47
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Worked in this band"
msgstr "Treballat en aquesta banda"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:48
#| msgid "Confirmed"
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Confirmed in this band"
msgstr "Confirmat en aquesta banda"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:49
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predeterminat"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:50
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "WSJT-X palette"
msgstr "Paleta WSJT-X"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:51
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Default palette"
msgstr "Paleta predeterminada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:52 ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:300
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Dark Mode"
msgstr "Mode fosc"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:54
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Color when the DXCC is an ATNO (All Time New One)."
msgstr ""
"Color quan el DXCC és un ATNO («All Time New One», Un de nou de tots els "
"temps )."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:57
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "DXCC is confirmed in this band."
msgstr "El DXCC està confirmat en aquesta banda."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:58
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Default color."
msgstr "Color predeterminat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:59
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Sets a palette of colors similar to the one used in WSJT-X."
msgstr "Estableix una paleta de colors semblant a la usada al WSJT-X."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:60
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Sets the default palette."
msgstr "Estableix la paleta predeterminada."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:281
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Light Mode"
msgstr "Mode clar"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:55
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid ""
"This DXCC was worked before in another band but not in the selected band. It "
"may be needed due to the CQ, ITU, Grid, ..."
msgstr ""
"Aquest DXCC va funcionar abans en una altra banda però no en la banda "
"seleccionada. Pot haver estat necessari pel CQ, ITU, Grid, ..."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:56
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Worked DXCC, but not confirmed in this band."
msgstr "DXCC treballat, però no confirmat en aquesta banda."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:61
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Sets the Dark Mode"
msgstr "Estableix el mode fosc"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:174
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Choose a color"
msgstr "Escolliu un color"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:76
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Afegeix"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:77
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Suprimeix"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:79
#| msgid "Show HF spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show &HF spots"
msgstr "Mostra els avisos en &HF"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:80
#| msgid "Show V/UHF spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show V/&UHF spots"
msgstr "Mostra els avisos en V/&UHF"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:81
#| msgid "Show WARC spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show W&ARC spots"
msgstr "Mostra els avisos en W&ARC"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:82
#| msgid "Show worked spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show &worked spots"
msgstr "Mostra els a&visos treballats"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:83
#| msgid "Show confirmed spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show &confirmed spots"
msgstr "Mostra els avisos &confirmats"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:84
#| msgid "Show ANN/FULL messages"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show ANN/&FULL messages"
msgstr "Mostra els missatges ANN/&FULL"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:85
#| msgid "Show WWV messages"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show WW&V messages"
msgstr "Mostra els missatges WW&V"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:86
#| msgid "Show WCY messages"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show WC&Y messages"
msgstr "Mostra els missatges WC&Y"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:87
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Save DX Cluster activity"
msgstr "Desa l'activitat del DX Cluster"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:88
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Saves all the DX-Cluster activity to a file in the KLog folder"
msgstr "Desa tota l'activitat del DX Cluster a un fitxer a la carpeta del KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:91
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "DX Spots"
msgstr "Avisos DX"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:102
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Altres"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:109
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Missatges"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:168
#| msgid "Kontest: Add a DXCluster server"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "KLog: Add a DXCluster server"
msgstr "KLog: Afegeix un servidor DXCluster"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:169
#| msgid ""
#| "Add the address followed by the :port\n"
#| "Example: dxfun.com:8000\n"
#| "If no port is specified, 41112 will be used by default.:"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid ""
"Add the address followed by the :port\n"
"Example: dxfun.com:8000\n"
"If no port is specified, 41112 will be used by default:"
msgstr ""
"Afegeix l'adreça seguida de :port\n"
"Exemple: dxfun.com:8000\n"
"Si no s'especifica port, s'usarà 41112 de forma predeterminada:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:44
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "ClubLog password"
msgstr "Contrasenya del ClubLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:45
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "ClubLog email"
msgstr "Correu electrònic del ClubLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:49
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Enter the email you used to register in ClubLog."
msgstr "Introduïu el correu electrònic usat per registrar-se al ClubLog."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:50
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password ClubLog here. Warning: The password will be save on "
"clear in the KLog config file!! (If you don't want to enter the password, "
"KLog will ask you when it is needed.)"
msgstr ""
"Introduïu aquí la contrasenya per al ClubLog. Avís: La contrasenya es desarà "
"en text tal qual al fitxer de configuració del KLog! (Si no voleu introduir "
"la contrasenya, el KLog la preguntarà quan sigui necessària)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:56
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Send QSOs in real time"
msgstr "Envia els QSO en temps real"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:57
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Activate ClubLog"
msgstr "Activa el ClubLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:58
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Send each QSO to ClubLog in real time, as they are added (or modified) in "
msgstr ""
"Envia cada QSO al ClubLog en temps real, quan s'afegeixin (o es modifiquin) "
"en el KLog."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:59
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Starts the ClubLog support in KLog."
msgstr "Inicia l'admissió del ClubLog al KLog."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:64
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Activate eQSL.cc"
msgstr "Activa l'eQSL.cc"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:65
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Enter your username of eQSL.cc."
msgstr "Introduïu el nom d'usuari de l'eQSL.cc."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:66
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password eQSL.cc here. Warning: The password will be save on "
"clear in the KLog config file!! (If you don't want to enter the password, "
"KLog will ask you when it is needed.)"
msgstr ""
"Introduïu aquí la contrasenya per a l'eQSL.cc. Avís: La contrasenya es "
"desarà en text tal qual al fitxer de configuració del KLog! (Si no voleu "
"introduir la contrasenya, el KLog la preguntarà quan sigui necessària)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:69
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "eQSL.cc password"
msgstr "Contrasenya de l'eQSL.cc"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:70
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "eQSL.cc user"
msgstr "Usuari de l'eQSL.cc"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:72
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "ClubLog"
msgstr "ClubLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "eQSL.cc"
msgstr "eQSL.cc"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:100
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "QRZ.com"
msgstr "QRZ.com"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:103
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter the user of your QRZ.com account. You need to be subscribed to QRZ.com "
"to use this service."
msgstr ""
"Introduïu l'usuari del vostre compte a QRZ.com. Cal estar subscrit a QRZ.com "
"per a usar aquest servei."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:105
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "User"
msgstr "Usuari"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:108
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password QRZ.com here. Warning: The password will be save on "
"clear in the KLog config file!! (If you don't want to enter the password, "
"KLog will ask you when it is needed.)"
msgstr ""
"Introduïu aquí la contrasenya per a QRZ.com. Avís: La contrasenya es desarà "
"en text tal qual al fitxer de configuració del KLog! (Si no voleu introduir "
"la contrasenya, el KLog la preguntarà quan sigui necessària)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:111
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Contrasenya"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:112
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Activate QRZ.com"
msgstr "Activa QRZ.com"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:113
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Check automatically"
msgstr "Comprova automàticament"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:114
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Check in Qrz.com all Calls as they are entered"
msgstr "Comprova a QRZ.com tots els indicatius a mesura que s'entrin"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:117
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "LogBook Key"
msgstr "Clau del LogBook"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:119
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"LogBook Key for QSO uploading. You can get this key in your QRZ.com logbook "
"webpage. Remember that you need a QRZ.com subscription to use this feature."
msgstr ""
"Clau del LogBook per a pujar QSO. Aquesta clau es pot aconseguir a la pàgina "
"web del vostre «logbook» de QRZ.com. Recordeu que cal una subscripció a "
"QRZ.com per a usar aquesta funcionalitat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:143
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "LoTW"
msgstr "LoTW"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:144
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr "Pujada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:145
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Baixada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:153
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "TQSL path"
msgstr "Camí al TQSL"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:154
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Use TQSL"
msgstr "Usa el TQSL"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:155
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "LoTW password"
msgstr "Contrasenya de LoTW"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:156
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "LoTW user"
msgstr "Usuari de LoTW"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:158
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Enter your LoTW user."
msgstr "Introduïu l'usuari de LoTW."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:159
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password LoTW here. Warning: The password will be save on clear "
"in the KLog config file!! (If you don't want to enter the password, KLog "
"will ask you when it is needed.)"
msgstr ""
"Introduïu aquí la contrasenya per al LoTW. Avís: La contrasenya es desarà en "
"text tal qual al fitxer de configuració del KLog! (Si no voleu introduir la "
"contrasenya, el KLog la preguntarà quan sigui necessària)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:160
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Path to the TQSL software."
msgstr "Camí al programari del TQSL."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:161
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enable the LoTW integration with TQSL. You will need to have TQSL installed"
msgstr "Activa la integració LoTW amb el TQSL. Cal tenir instal·lat el TQSL"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:508
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Selecció de fitxer"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:167
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Activate HamLib"
msgstr "Activa la HamLib"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:168
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid ""
"Activates the hamlib support that will enable the connection to a radio."
msgstr ""
"Activa la implementació de la «hamlib» que activarà la connexió a la ràdio."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:169
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Read-Only mode"
msgstr "Mode de només lectura"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:170
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid ""
"If enabled, the KLog will read Freq/Mode from the radio but will never send "
"any command to the radio."
msgstr ""
"Si està activat, el KLog llegirà la freqüència i el mode des de la ràdio "
"però mai enviarà cap ordre a la ràdio."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:196
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Radio"
msgstr "Ràdio"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:198
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select your rig."
msgstr "Seleccioneu el vostre equip."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:203
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Defines the interval to poll the radio in msecs."
msgstr "Defineix l'interval de sondeig de la ràdio en ms."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:208
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Poll interval"
msgstr "Interval de sondeig"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:229 ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:310
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:230
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid ""
"Select the serial port. Only the serial ports that are detected are shown."
msgstr "Seleccioneu el port sèrie. Només es mostren els ports sèrie detectats."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:232
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Escaneja"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:233
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Click to identify the serial ports available in your computer."
msgstr "Feu clic per identificar els ports sèrie disponibles a l'ordinador."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:223
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Bauds"
msgstr "Bauds"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:108
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Test: OK"
msgstr "Prova: Correcta"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:115
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Test: NOK"
msgstr "Prova: No correcta"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:171
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Prova"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:172
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Click to test the connection to the radio"
msgstr "Feu clic per a provar la connexió a la ràdio"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:174 ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:306
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Enter the hostname or address of the radio."
msgstr "Introduïu el nom de la màquina o l'adreça de la ràdio."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:175
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Set de network port of the radio."
msgstr "Estableix el port de xarxa de la ràdio."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:177
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Serial radio"
msgstr "Ràdio sèrie"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:178
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Network radio"
msgstr "Ràdio en xarxa"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:225
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial port speed."
msgstr "Seleccioneu la velocitat del port sèrie."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:243
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "5 bits"
msgstr "5 bits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:243
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "6 bits"
msgstr "6 bits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:243
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "7 bits"
msgstr "7 bits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:243
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "8 bits"
msgstr "8 bits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:245
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Data bits"
msgstr "Bits de dades"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:247
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial data bits."
msgstr "Seleccioneu els bits de dades del sèrie."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:253
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Cap"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:253
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Maquinari"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:253
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Software XON/XOFF"
msgstr "Programari XON/XOFF"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:255
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Flow control"
msgstr "Control de flux"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:257
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial flow control"
msgstr "Seleccioneu el control de flux del sèrie"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:263
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "No parity"
msgstr "Sense paritat"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:263
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Even"
msgstr "Parells"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:263
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Odd"
msgstr "Senars"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:263
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Espai"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:263
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Mark"
msgstr "Marca"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:265
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Parity"
msgstr "Paritat"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:267
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial parity."
msgstr "Seleccioneu la paritat del sèrie."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:273
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "1 bit"
msgstr "1 bit"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:273
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "1.5 bits"
msgstr "1.5 bits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:273
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "2 bits"
msgstr "2 bits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:275
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Stop bits"
msgstr "Bits de parada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:277
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial stop bits."
msgstr "Seleccioneu els bits d'aturada del sèrie."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:304
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Host/Address"
msgstr "Màquina/Adreça"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:312
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Enter the port of the radio."
msgstr "Estableix el port de la ràdio."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogview.cpp:41
msgctxt "SetupPageLogView|"
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Camps"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:70
#| msgid "New"
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Nou"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:71
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "&Edita"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:72
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "&Elimina"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:228
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:229
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Do you really want to remove this log?"
msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquest registre?"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:344
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Operadors"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:350
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "QSOs"
msgstr "QSO"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:659
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "An error has occurred showing the following error code:"
msgstr "Hi ha hagut un error en mostrar el codi d'error següent:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:262
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#3)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el registre. (#3)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:75
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Add a new log."
msgstr "Afegeix un registre nou."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:79
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Edit the selected log."
msgstr "Edita el registre seleccionat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:80
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Remove the selected log."
msgstr "Elimina el registre seleccionat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:230
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "All the QSOs from this log will also be deleted..."
msgstr "Tots els QSO d'aquest registre també se suprimiran..."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:269
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#2)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el registre. (#2)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:276
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#1)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el registre. (#1)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:534
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "The new log could not be created."
msgstr "No s'ha pogut crear el registre nou."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:662
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "KLog - SetupPageLogs"
msgstr "KLog - SetupPageLogs"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:335
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:341
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu de l'estació"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:347
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Comentaris"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:338
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:100
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "D'ac&ord"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:101
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Cancel·la"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:95
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Date"
msgstr "&Data"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:96
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Station Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu d'e&stació"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:97
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Operators"
msgstr "&Operadors"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:98
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "Comm&ent"
msgstr "Com&entari"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:163
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "Callsign used for this log."
msgstr "Indicatiu usat per aquest registre."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:164
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "Comma separated list of operators: callsign1, callsign2."
msgstr "Llista separada per comes dels operadors: indicatiu1, indicatiu2."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:166
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "Start date of this log."
msgstr "Data inicial d'aquest registre."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:167
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid ""
"Add a comment about this log. If filled, it will be shown in the main KLog "
"title to identify the log."
msgstr ""
"Afegiu un comentari quant a aquest registre. Si està omplert, es mostrarà al "
"títol principal del KLog per a identificar el registre."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:584
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid ""
"You need to enter a valid callsign in the Station Callsign box.\n"
"The log will not be opened."
msgstr ""
"Cal introduir un indicatiu vàlid a la casella d'indicatiu d'estació.\n"
"El registre no s'obrirà."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:38
#| msgid "Imperial system"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Imperial system"
msgstr "Sistema &imperial"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:39
#| msgid "Log in real time"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Log in real time"
msgstr "&Registre en temps real"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:40
#| msgid "Time in UTC"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Time in UTC"
msgstr "Hora en U&TC"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:41
#| msgid "Save ADIF on exit"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Save ADIF on exit"
msgstr "De&sa l'ADIF en sortir"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:42
#| msgid "Use this default filename"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Use this &default filename"
msgstr "Usa aquest nom de fitxer pre&determinat"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:43
#| msgid "Mark QSO to send QSL when QSL is received"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Mark &QSO to send QSL when QSL is received"
msgstr "Marca el &QSO per enviar QSL quan es rebi la QSL"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:44
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Complete QSO with previous data"
msgstr "Completa QSO amb dades prèvies"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:49
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Manage DX-Marathon"
msgstr "Gestiona una marató DX"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:50
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Activate the application debug log"
msgstr "Activa el registre de depuració de l'aplicació"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:53
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Delete always temp ADIF file after uploading QSOs"
msgstr "&Suprimeix sempre el fitxer ADIF temporal després de pujar els QSO"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:62
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Move DB"
msgstr "Mou la BD"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:87
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"In seconds, enter the time range to consider a duplicate if same call, band "
"and mode is entered."
msgstr ""
"Introduïu l'interval horari, en segons, per a considerar un duplicat si "
"s'introdueix els mateixos indicatius, bandes i modes."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:134
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Check it for Imperial system (Miles instead of Kilometers)."
msgstr "Activeu-ho per al sistema imperial (milles en lloc de kilòmetres)."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:138
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Select to use the following name for the logfile without being asked for it "
msgstr ""
"Seleccioneu l'ús del nom següent com a fitxer de registre sense tornar-ho a "
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:140
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select if you want to manage DX-Marathon."
msgstr "Seleccioneu si voleu gestionar la marató DX."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:141
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "This is the default file where ADIF data will be saved."
msgstr "Aquests és el fitxer predeterminat a on es desaran les dades ADIF."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:142
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "This is the directory where the database (logbook.dat) will be saved."
msgstr "Aquest és el directori a on es desarà la base de dades (logbook.dat)."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:144
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Click to change the path of the database."
msgstr "Cliqueu per canviar el camí a la base de dades."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:146
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Activates the application debug log. This may be useful if something is not "
"working as expected. A debug file will be created in the KLog directory."
msgstr ""
"Activa el registre de depuració de l'aplicació. Això pot ser útil si hi ha "
"quelcom que no funciona com s'espera. Es crearà un fitxer de depuració en el "
"directori del KLog."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:148
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Click to mark as Queued (to be sent) all the eQSL (LoTW and eQSL) in all the "
"new QSO by default."
msgstr ""
"Cliqueu per canviar com a posat a la cua (per enviar) tots els eQSL (LoTW i "
"eQSL) a tots els QSO nous de manera predeterminada."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:149
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Delete Always the adif file created after uploading QSOs"
msgstr "Suprimeix sempre el fitxer ADIF creat després de pujar els QSO"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:163
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Dupe time range:"
msgstr "Interval de temps dels «dupe»:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:472
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Please specify an existing directory where the database (logbook.dat) will "
"be saved."
msgstr ""
"Especifiqueu un directori existent a on es desarà la base de dades "
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:466
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "This is the directory where DB (logbook.dat) will be saved."
msgstr "Aquest és el directori a on es desarà la BD (logbook.dat)."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:52
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Mark sent eQSL && LoTW in new QSO as queued"
msgstr "Marca els eQSL enviats i LoTW als QSO nous com a posats a la cua"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:143
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Click to change the default ADIF file."
msgstr "Cliqueu per canviar el fitxer ADIF predeterminat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:145
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Click to move the DB to the new directory."
msgstr "Cliqueu per moure la BD a un directori nou."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:435
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select Directory"
msgstr "Selecció de directori"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:493
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "KLog - Move DB"
msgstr "KLog - Mou la BD"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:512
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "File moved"
msgstr "S'ha mogut el fitxer"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:523
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "File copied"
msgstr "S'ha copiat el fitxer"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:541
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "File already exist."
msgstr "El fitxer ja existeix."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:542
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"The destination file already exist and KLog will not replace it. Please "
"remove the file from the destination folder before moving the file with KLog "
"to make sure KLog can copy the file."
msgstr ""
"El fitxer de destinació ja existeix i el KLog no el substituirà. Suprimiu el "
"fitxer de la carpeta de destinació abans de moure el fitxer amb el KLog per "
"assegurar que el KLog pot copiar el fitxer."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:547
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "File NOT copied"
msgstr "NO s'ha copiat el fitxer"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:548
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "The file was not copied due to an unknown problem."
msgstr "No s'ha copiat el fitxer degut a un problema desconegut."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:562
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"The target directory does not exist. Please select an existing directory."
msgstr ""
"El directori de destinació no existeix. Seleccioneu un directori existent."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:45
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Show the Station &Callsign used in the search box"
msgstr "Mostra l'indi&catiu d'estació usat al quadre de cerca"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:47
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Check for new versions automatically"
msgstr "&Comprova automàticament si hi ha versions noves"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:129
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"QSOs will be marked as pending to send a QSL if you receive the DX QSL and "
"have not sent yours."
msgstr ""
"Els QSO es marcaran com a pendents d'enviar una QSL si rebeu el DX QSL i no "
"heu enviat el vostre."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:132
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Check if there is a new release of KLog available every time you start KLog."
msgstr ""
"Comprova si hi ha un llançament nou disponible del KLog cada vegada que "
"s'iniciï el KLog."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:48
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Provide Info for statistics"
msgstr "&Proporciona informació per a estadístiques"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:130
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "The search box will also show the callsign on the air to do the QSO."
msgstr "El quadre de cerca també mostrà l'indicatiu a l'aire per fer el QSO."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:133
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"If new version checking is selected, KLog will send the developer your "
"callsign, KLog version and Operating system to help in improving KLog."
msgstr ""
"Si s'ha seleccionat la comprovació de versió nova, el KLog enviarà al "
"desenvolupador el vostre indicatiu, la versió del KLog i el sistema operatiu "
"per ajudar a millorar el KLog."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:135
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select to use real time."
msgstr "Seleccioneu-ho per emprar temps real."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:136
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select to use UTC time."
msgstr "Seleccioneu-ho per emprar l'hora UTC."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:137
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select if you want to save to ADIF on exit."
msgstr "Seleccioneu si voleu desar a l'ADIF en sortir."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:139
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Complete the current QSO with previous QSO data."
msgstr "Completa el QSO actual amb dades de QSO anteriors."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:60 ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:61
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Explora"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:270
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Obre fitxer"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:64
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Nou"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:65
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "&Edita"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:66
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "&Elimina"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:67
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "&Import"
msgstr "&Importa"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:68
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "E&xport"
msgstr "E&xporta"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:70
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Add a new satellite."
msgstr "Afegeix un satèl·lit nou."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:71
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Edit the selected satellite."
msgstr "Edita el satèl·lit seleccionat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:72
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Remove the selected satellite."
msgstr "Elimina el satèl·lit seleccionat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:74
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Export your current satellites to a file."
msgstr "Exporta els satèl·lits actuals a un fitxer."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:76
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Select the sat you want to open."
msgstr "Seleccioneu el satèl·lit que voleu obrir."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:212
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:213
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Do you really want to remove this satellite?"
msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu eliminar aquest satèl·lit?"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid ""
"Import a satellites file. It will replace the satellites you have in the "
"current list."
msgstr ""
"Importa un fitxer de satèl·lits. Substituirà els satèl·lits que hi ha a la "
"llista actual."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:214
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "This satellite will no be longer available to be selected ..."
msgstr ""
"Aquest satèl·lit ja no tornarà a estar disponible per a ser seleccionat..."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:246
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Sat has not been removed. (#3)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el satèl·lit. (#3)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:253
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Sat has not been removed. (#2)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el satèl·lit. (#2)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:260
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Sat has not been removed. (#1)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el satèl·lit. (#1)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:320
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:323
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Short"
msgstr "Curt"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:326
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:329
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Uplink"
msgstr "Pujada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:332
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Downlink"
msgstr "Baixada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:335
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Modes"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:560
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "An error has occurred showing the following error code:"
msgstr "Hi ha hagut un error en mostrar el codi d'error següent:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:563
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "KLog - SetupPageSats"
msgstr "KLog - Pàgina de configuració de satèl·lits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:573
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Open Satellites File"
msgstr "Obre el fitxer de satèl·lits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:592
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "KLog warning"
msgstr "Avís del KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:594
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid ""
"An unexpected error ocurred while importing the satellite data.\n"
"It may be caused because the file you are trying to import does not have the "
"right format."
msgstr ""
"Hi ha hagut un error inesperat en importar les dades dels satèl·lits.\n"
"Pot ser degut a que el fitxer que esteu intentant importar no té el format "
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:597
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid ""
"Please check the format or contact the developer for analysis with the error "
"code: "
msgstr ""
"Verifiqueu el format o contacteu amb el desenvolupador per a un anàlisi amb "
"el codi d'error: "
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:664
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Save Satellites File"
msgstr "Desa el fitxer de satèl·lits"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:47
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "Nom curt"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:48
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Sat name"
msgstr "Nom del satèl·lit"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:49
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "UpLink"
msgstr "Pujada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:50
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "DownLink"
msgstr "Baixada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:51
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Modes"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:57
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "D'ac&ord"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:58
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Cancel·la"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:104
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid ""
"Enter the short name. Try to use the LoTW short name so you can upload your "
"QSO to LoTW afterwards."
msgstr ""
"Introduïu el nom curt. Intenteu usar el nom curt LoTW per a que pugueu pujar "
"després el QSO a LoTW."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:105
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Enter the name of the satellite."
msgstr "Introduïu el nom del satèl·lit."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:106
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Enter the uplink frequencies in this format: 144.300"
msgstr "Introduïu les freqüències de pujada en aquest format: 144.300"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:107
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Enter the downlink frequencies in this format: 144.300"
msgstr "Introduïu les freqüències de baixada en aquest format: 144.300"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:108
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Enter the modes in this format: USB"
msgstr "Introduïu els modes aquest format: USB"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:385
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid ""
"Some of the data you have entered is not correct; the satellite can't be "
msgstr ""
"Alguna dada que heu introduït no és correcta; no s'ha pogut afegir el "
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:94
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Date"
msgstr "&Data"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:95
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Station Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu d'e&stació"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:96
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Operators"
msgstr "&Operadors"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:97
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "Comm&ent"
msgstr "Com&entari"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:99
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "D'ac&ord"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:100
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Cancel·la"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:162
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "Callsign used for this log."
msgstr "Indicatiu usat per aquest registre."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:163
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "Comma separated list of operators: callsign1, callsign2."
msgstr "Llista separada per comes dels operadors: indicatiu1, indicatiu2."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:165
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "Start date of this log."
msgstr "Data inicial d'aquest registre."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:166
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid ""
"Add a comment about this log. If filled, it will be shown in the main KLog "
"title to identify the log."
msgstr ""
"Afegiu un comentari quant a aquest registre. Si està omplert, es mostrarà al "
"títol principal del KLog per a identificar el registre."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:582
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid ""
"You need to enter a valid callsign in the Station Callsign box.\n"
"The log will not be opened."
msgstr ""
"Cal introduir un indicatiu vàlid a la casella d'indicatiu d'estació.\n"
"El registre no s'obrirà."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:56
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "&Elimina"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:57
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Import new"
msgstr "Importa nou"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:58
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Import an AWA file with the subdivision details."
msgstr "Importa un fitxer AWA amb detalls de les subdivisions."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:61
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Remove the selected references."
msgstr "Elimina les referències seleccionades."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:63
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Select the references you want to open."
msgstr "Seleccioneu les referències que voleu obrir."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:123
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:124
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Do you really want to remove the data of this entity?"
msgstr "Esteu segur que voleu eliminar les dades d'aquesta entitat?"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:125
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "All the subdivision information for this entity will be deleted..."
msgstr "S'eliminarà tota la informació de subdivisions d'aquesta entitat..."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:157
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#3)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el registre. (#3)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:164
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#2)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el registre. (#2)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:171
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#1)"
msgstr "No s'ha eliminat el registre. (#1)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:221
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:224
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:227
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Short Name"
msgstr "Nom curt"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:230
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "CQ Zone"
msgstr "Zona CQ"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:233
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "ITU Zone"
msgstr "Zona ITU"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:236
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Suprimit"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:239
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Start Date"
msgstr "Data d'inici"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:242
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "End Date"
msgstr "Data final"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:245
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:385
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "An error has occurred showing the following error code:"
msgstr "Hi ha hagut un error en mostrar el codi d'error següent:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:388
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "KLog - SetupPageSubdivisions"
msgstr "KLog - SetupPageSubdivisions"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:36
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Start UDP Server"
msgstr "Inicia el servidor UDP"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:68
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Automatically log QSOs from WSJT-X"
msgstr "Registra automàticament els QSO des del WSJT-X"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:69
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Allow WSJT-X to send logged QSOs to KLog"
msgstr "Permet que el WSJT-X enviï QSO enregistrats al KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:70
#, qt-format
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"QSOs logged in WSJT-X will be sent to KLog and KLog will ask before logging "
"into KLog unless \"%1\" is selected"
msgstr ""
"Els QSO enregistrats al WSJT-X s'enviaran al KLog i el KLog preguntarà abans "
"d'enregistrar al KLog a menys que se seleccioni «%1»"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"KLog will automatically log any QSO coming from WSJT-X without any manual "
msgstr ""
"El KLog enregistrarà automàticament qualsevol QSO provinent del WSJT-X sense "
"cap confirmació manual."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:76
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Update status information from WSJT-X"
msgstr "Actualitza la informació d'estat des del WSJT-X"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:77
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"KLog will automatically show and update data coming from WSJT-X (DX "
"callsign, Report, mode, ...)"
msgstr ""
"El KLog mostrarà i actualitzarà automàticament les dades provinents del "
"WSJT-X (indicatiu DX, informe, mode, ...)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:93
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "UDP port number where the UDP Server will listen for packets."
msgstr "Número de port UDP a on el servidor UDP escoltarà els paquets."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:93
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"Make sure it is the same port that the other programs are sending the data "
"to. Default port is 2237."
msgstr ""
"Assegureu-vos que és el mateix port al qual els altres programes estan les "
"dades. El port predeterminat és 2237."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:94
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"UDP Server will receive QSOs sent from other programs like WSJT-X allowing "
"you to log in KLog automatically from those programs."
msgstr ""
"El servidor UDP rebrà els QSO enviats des d'altres programes com el WSJT-X, "
"permetent enregistrar-los automàticament al KLog des d'aquests programes."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:101
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "UDP Port"
msgstr "Port UDP"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:111 ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:113
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Select the interface to listen for UDP datagrams coming from WSJT-X."
msgstr ""
"Seleccioneu la interfície a escoltar els datagrames UDP provinents de WSJT-X."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:112
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Network interface"
msgstr "Interfície de xarxa"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:121
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "QSOs notification timeout (milisecs)"
msgstr "Temps d'expiració de les notificacions dels QSO (mil·lisegons)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:122
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"Miliseconds that the notification of QSOs received from WSJTX will be shown."
msgstr ""
"Mil·lisegons en que es mostrarà la notificació dels QSO rebuts des del WSJTX."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:41
#| msgid "Personal data"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Personal data"
msgstr "Dades &personals"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:42
#| msgid "Station data"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Station &data"
msgstr "&Dades de l'estació"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:81
#| msgid "Name"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Name"
msgstr "&Nom"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:82
#| msgid "Address"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Address"
msgstr "&Adreça"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:83
#| msgid "City"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Cit&y"
msgstr "Ci&utat"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:84
#| msgid "Zip Code"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Zip Code"
msgstr "Codi &postal"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:85
#| msgid "Prov/State"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Pro&v/State"
msgstr "Pro&v/Estat"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:86
#| msgid "Country"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Countr&y"
msgstr "Paí&s"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:140
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:141
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:142
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your information for rig"
msgstr "Introduïu la informació de l'equip"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:143
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:144
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:145
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your information for antenna"
msgstr "Introduïu la informació de l'antena"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:71
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your name."
msgstr "Introduïu el vostre nom."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:72
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your address - 1st line."
msgstr "Introduïu l'adreça - 1a línia."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your address - 2nd line."
msgstr "Introduïu l'adreça - 2a línia."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:74
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your address - 3rd line."
msgstr "Introduïu l'adreça - 3a línia."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:75
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your address - 4th line."
msgstr "Introduïu l'adreça - 4a línia."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:76
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your city."
msgstr "Introduïu la ciutat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:77
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your zip code."
msgstr "Introduïu el codi postal."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:78
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your province or state."
msgstr "Introduïu la província o l'estat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:79
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your country."
msgstr "Introduïu el país."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:146
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your power information."
msgstr "Introduïu la informació de potència."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:148
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Rig 1"
msgstr "&Equip 1"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:149
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "R&ig 2"
msgstr "E&quip 2"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:150
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Ri&g 3"
msgstr "Eq&uip 3"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:151
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Antenna &1"
msgstr "Antena &1"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:152
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Antenna &2"
msgstr "Antena &2"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:153
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Antenna &3"
msgstr "Antena &3"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:154
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Po&wer"
msgstr "Po&tència"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:187
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter the station callsign that will be used for logging."
msgstr "Introduïu l'indicatiu de l'estació que s'usarà per l'enregistrament."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:189
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid ""
"Enter the locator of your station. Alternatively, KLog can use an "
"approximate locator based on your callsign."
msgstr ""
"Introduïu l'indicatiu de la vostra estació. Alternativament, el KLog pot "
"usar un indicatiu aproximat a partir del vostre indicatiu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:192
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Callsign"
msgstr "Indi&catiu"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:193
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Operators"
msgstr "&Operadors"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:194
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&CQ Zone"
msgstr "Zona &CQ"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:195
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&ITU Zone"
msgstr "Zona &ITU"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:196
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:383
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Locator"
msgstr "&Localitzador"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:379
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Locator (not valid)"
msgstr "&Localitzador (no vàlid)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:188
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter the operators (comma separated if more than one)."
msgstr "Introduïu els operadors (separats per comes si hi ha més d'un)."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:121
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "KLog will not be able to show entities information."
msgstr "El KLog no serà capaç de mostra la informació de les entitats."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:207
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Prefix"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:209
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitat"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:111
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid ""
"An entities information file (cty.csv) has been detected in your KLog folder "
"and will be loaded."
msgstr ""
"S'ha detectat un fitxer d'informació d'entitats (cty.csv) a la carpeta del "
"KLog i es carregarà."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:55
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Afegeix"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:56
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Suprimeix"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:57
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Edita"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:59
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Export World"
msgstr "Exporta el món"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:60
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Import World"
msgstr "Importa el món"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:66
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:67
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:68
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:72
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Still not implemented."
msgstr "Encara no està implementat."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Import a new cty.csv file"
msgstr "Importa un fitxer «cty.csv» nou"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:120
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid ""
"No entities information file (cty.csv) has been detected in your KLog folder."
msgstr ""
"No s'ha detectat cap fitxer d'informació d'entitats (cty.csv) a la carpeta "
"del KLog."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:211
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "ARRL ID"
msgstr "ARRL ID"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:213
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Continent"
msgstr "Continent"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:215
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "CQ Zone"
msgstr "Zona CQ"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:217
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "ITU Zone"
msgstr "Zona ITU"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:219
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "UTC"
msgstr "UTC"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:221
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Latitud"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:223
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Longitud"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:226
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Suprimit"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:229
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Since Date"
msgstr "Des de la data"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:231
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "To Date"
msgstr "Fins a la data"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:327
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Obre fitxer"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:327
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "BigCTY (*.csv)"
msgstr "BigCTY (*.csv)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:336
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Entities information has been updated."
msgstr "S'ha actualitzat la informació de les entitats."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:342
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Entities information has not been updated."
msgstr "No s'ha actualitzat la informació de les entitats."
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:45
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid ""
"The following QSOs are those QSOs that you have received the LoTW "
msgstr "Els QSO següents són els que heu rebut la confirmació LoTW."
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:46
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "D'acord"
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:56
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "DX"
msgstr "DX"
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:56
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Data/hora"
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:56
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Banda"
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:56
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#: ../showerrordialog.cpp:35
msgctxt "ShowErrorDialog|"
msgid "KLog Message"
msgstr "Missatge del KLog"
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:43
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "D'acord"
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:61
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "KLog update"
msgstr "Actualització del KLog"
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:76
#, qt-format
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid ""
"<center><h2>KLog new version (%1) is available! </h2></center><br>There is a "
"new version of KLog available.<br><br><b>You can get the new version "
"from:<br><br><center><a "
msgstr ""
"<center><h2>Hi ha una versió (%1) nova disponible del KLog! "
"</h2></center><br>Hi ha una versió nova disponible del KLog.<br><br><b>Podeu "
"aconseguir la versió nova a:<br><br><center><a "
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:81
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "Enhorabona!"
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:81
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "Your KLog has been updated."
msgstr "S'ha actualitzat el KLog."
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:81
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "You already have the latest version."
msgstr "Ja teniu la versió més recent."
#: ../startwizard.cpp:68
msgctxt "StartWizard|"
msgid "KLog - The free hamradio logging program"
msgstr "KLog - El programa lliure d'enregistrament de radioafició"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:94
msgctxt "StartWizard|"
msgid "Quit Setup"
msgstr "Surt de la configuració"
#: ../startwizard.cpp:94
msgctxt "StartWizard|"
msgid "Setup is not complete yet. Are you sure you want to quit setup?"
msgstr ""
"La configuració encara no està completa. Esteu segur que voleu sortir de la "
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:106
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per year"
msgstr "QSO per any"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:107
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "DXCC per year"
msgstr "DXCC per any"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:108
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "CQ zones per year"
msgstr "Zones CQ per any"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:109
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per band"
msgstr "QSO per banda"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:110
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per mode"
msgstr "QSO per mode"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:111
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per DXCC"
msgstr "QSO per DXCC"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:112
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per Continent"
msgstr "QSO per continent"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:113
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per hour"
msgstr "QSO per hora"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:114
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per month"
msgstr "QSO per mes"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:115
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Worked / Confirmed status"
msgstr "Estat Treballat / Confirmat"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:116
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Worked / Sent status"
msgstr "Estat Treballat / Enviat"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:117
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Sent / Confirmed status"
msgstr "Estat Enviat / Confirmat"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:118
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Satellite grid status"
msgstr "Estat de la quadrícula dels satèl·lits"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:119
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Satellite DXCC status"
msgstr "Estat de la DXCC dels satèl·lits"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:120
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Grids per band status"
msgstr "Quadrícules per estat de la banda"
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:121
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "DXCC per band status"
msgstr "DXCC per estat de la banda"
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:72
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "CQ Zones per year"
msgstr "Zones CQ per any"
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "CQ zones"
msgstr "Zones CQ"
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "CQ zones per year"
msgstr "Zones CQ per any"
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:94
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:94
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Years: %1/%2"
msgstr "Anys: %1/%2"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:58
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Show confirmed only"
msgstr "Mostra només els confirmats"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:60
msgctxt ""
"StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|LEO means Low Earth Orbiting and it is a well known "
"word for hams. Do not translate if not sure."
msgid "Only LEO sats"
msgstr "Només el satèl·lits LEO"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Número"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:113
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:114
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:115
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Banda"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:116
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:117
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:118
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satèl·lit"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:119
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Confirmat"
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:148
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Chart title"
msgstr "Títol del gràfic"
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:80
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:80
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:86
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "DXCC Entities"
msgstr "Entitats DXCC"
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:87
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "DXCC Entities per year"
msgstr "Entitats DXCC per any"
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:95
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:95
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Entities: "
msgstr "Entitats: "
#: ../charts/statsfieldperbandwidget.cpp:45
#: ../charts/statsfieldperbandwidget.cpp:114
msgctxt "StatsFieldPerBandWidget|"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Tot"
#: ../charts/statsfieldperbandwidget.cpp:61
msgctxt "StatsFieldPerBandWidget|"
msgid "Mode: "
msgstr "Mode: "
#: ../charts/statsfieldperbandwidget.cpp:88
msgctxt "StatsFieldPerBandWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Banda"
#: ../charts/statsfieldperbandwidget.cpp:89
msgctxt "StatsFieldPerBandWidget|"
msgid "Worked"
msgstr "Treballat"
#: ../charts/statsfieldperbandwidget.cpp:90
msgctxt "StatsFieldPerBandWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Confirmat"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:55
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Show confirmed only"
msgstr "Mostra només els confirmats"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:57
msgctxt ""
"StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|LEO means Low Earth Orbiting and it is a well known "
"word for hams. Do not translate if not sure."
msgid "Only LEO sats"
msgstr "Només el satèl·lits LEO"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:73
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Número"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:110
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:111
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:112
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Banda"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:113
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Mode"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:114
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Quadrícula"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:115
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satèl·lit"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:116
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Confirmat"
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:145
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:73
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per band"
msgstr "QSO per banda"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Bands"
msgstr "Bandes"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per band distribution"
msgstr "QSO per distribució de banda"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:93
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:93
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Bands: "
msgstr "Bandes: "
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:72
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:86
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per continent"
msgstr "QSO per continent"
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:85
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Continents"
msgstr "Continents"
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:95
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:95
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Hours: "
msgstr "Hores: "
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per DXCC"
msgstr "QSO per DXCC"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:167
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:168
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Top ten DXCC per QSO"
msgstr "Els deu DXCC més importants per QSO"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:76
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per hour"
msgstr "QSO per hora"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:80
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:80
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:88
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Hores"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:89
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs at hour"
msgstr "QSO per hora"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:99
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:99
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Hours: "
msgstr "Hores: "
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per mode"
msgstr "QSO per mode"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:86
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Modes"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:87
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per mode distribution"
msgstr "QSO per distribució de mode"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:97
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:97
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Modes: "
msgstr "Modes: "
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:73
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per month"
msgstr "QSO per mes"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Gen"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Feb"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Mar"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Abr"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Mai"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Jun"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Jul"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Set"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Oct"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Nov"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Des"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Ago"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:85
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Months"
msgstr "Mesos"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:86
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs at Month"
msgstr "QSO per mes"
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:95
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:95
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Months: "
msgstr "Mesos: "
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades... "
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:77
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs"
msgstr "QSO"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:73
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per year"
msgstr "QSO per any"
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:93
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint les dades..."
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:93
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSO: %1/%2"
msgstr "QSO: %1/%2"
#: ../charts/statssentconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:65
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsSentConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Sent - %1"
msgstr "Enviat - %1"
#: ../charts/statssentconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:66
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsSentConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed - %2"
msgstr "Confirmat - %2"
#: ../charts/statssentconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:81
msgctxt "StatsSentConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Sent / Confirmed status"
msgstr "Estat Enviat / Confirmat"
#: ../charts/statsworkedconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:70
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsWorkedConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Worked, not confirmed - %1"
msgstr "Treballat, no confirmat - %1"
#: ../charts/statsworkedconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:71
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsWorkedConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed - %2"
msgstr "Confirmat - %2"
#: ../charts/statsworkedconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:86
msgctxt "StatsWorkedConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Worked / Confirmed status"
msgstr "Estat Treballat / Confirmat"
#: ../charts/statsworkedsentpiechartwidget.cpp:65
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsWorkedSentPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Worked - %1"
msgstr "Treballat - %1"
#: ../charts/statsworkedsentpiechartwidget.cpp:66
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsWorkedSentPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Sent - %2"
msgstr "Enviat - %2"
#: ../charts/statsworkedsentpiechartwidget.cpp:82
msgctxt "StatsWorkedSentPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Worked / Sent status"
msgstr "Estat Treballat / Enviat"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:50
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid "KLog tips"
msgstr "Consells del KLog"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:67
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Següent"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:68
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Anterior"
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu Tools->Fill in QSO data
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:156
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #1:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can use <a "
"href=\"#ToolsFillInQSO\">Tools->Fill in QSO data</a> to automatically read "
"the full log to fill the DXCC, CQ, ITU zones and continent?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 1:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>poseu usar <a "
"href=\"#ToolsFillInQSO\">Eines -> Omple les dades QSO</a> per llegir "
"automàticament el registre complet per a omplir les zones DXCC, CQ, ITU i el "
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu Tools->QSL tools...->Find QSO to QSL
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:164
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #3:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can use <a "
"href=\"#ToolsFindQSO2QSL\">Tools->QSL tools...->Find QSO to QSL</a> to look "
"for all those QSO that you should send your QSL because you still need to "
"confirm that DXCC and you have still not send your QSL card?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 3:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu usar <a "
"href=\"#ToolsFindQSO2QSL\">Eines->Eines QSL...->Cerca QSO a les QSL</a> per "
"cercar tots aquells QSO als que hauríeu d'enviar la vostra QSL perquè encara "
"cal confirmar que el DXCC i vós encara no heu enviat la targeta QSL?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:201
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #13:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can <a "
"href=https://twitter.com/_ea4k>follow EA4K on twitter</a> to get updates "
"about KLog?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 13:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu <a "
"href=https://twitter.com/_ea4k>seguir a EA4K al Twitter</a> per aconseguir "
"notícies quant al KLog?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:216
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #18:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can double-click on an entity name "
"in the DXCC table and all the QSOs with that DXCC Entity will be shown in "
"the search box?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 18:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu fer un clic doble a un nom "
"d'entitat a la taula de DXCC i tots els QSO amb una entitat DXCC es "
"mostraran al quadre de cerca?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:219
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #19:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can right-click on a QSO and select "
"<i>Check in QRZ.com</i> to check that callsign in QRZ.com?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 19:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu fer clic amb el botó dret "
"a un QSO i seleccionar <i>Comprova a QRZ.com</i> per comprovar aquest "
"identificador a QRZ.com?"
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu Tools->Fill in DXCC data
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:160
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #2:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can find the QSLs that you still "
"need to send with <a href=\"#ToolsSendPendingQSL\">Tools->QSL tools...->Find "
"My-QSLs pending to send</a>.<bR>This tool will list you in the search box "
"all the QSOs with the QSL-Sent marked as <i>Requested</i>."
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 2:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu trobar les QSL que encara "
"cal enviar amb <a href=\"#ToolsSendPendingQSL\">Eines->Eines QSL...->Cerca "
"les meves QSL pendents d'enviar</a>.<bR>Aquesta eina llistarà al quadre de "
"cerca tots els QSO amb la QSL-Sent marcada com a <i>Sol·licitada</i>."
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu File->Export Requested QSL to ADIF...
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:168
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #4:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can enter a '*' in the search box, "
"in the search window to search for all the QSOs done with one specific "
"station callsign?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 4:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu introduir un «*» al quadre "
"de cerca de la finestra de cerca per a cercar tots els QSO efectuats amb un "
"indicatiu d'estació específic?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:171
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #5:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can find the file containing all "
"your log and other information in the logbook.dat file and the klogrc file, "
"containing the KLog config file in the KLog folder by opening the <a "
"href=\"#FileOpenKLogFolder\">File->KLog folder</a> menu?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 5:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu trobar el fitxer que conté "
"tot el vostre registre i altra informació al fitxer «logbook.dat», i al "
"«klogrc» que conté el fitxer de configuració del KLog, a la carpeta del KLog "
"obrint el menú <a href=\"#FileOpenKLogFolder\">Fitxer->Carpeta del KLog</a>?"
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu File->KLog folder
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:177
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #6:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can upload your QSO marked as queued "
"to LoTW via TQSL with <a href=\"#ToolsUploadLoTW\">Tools->LoTW tools "
"...->Sends the log to LoTW calling TQSL.</a> ?<br><br>You have to configure "
"TQSL in the preferences to be able to use this functionality."
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 6:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu pujar els QSO marcats com a "
"posats en cua del LoTW via el TQSL amb <a "
"href=\"#ToolsUploadLoTW\">Eines->Eines LoTW...->Envia el registre al LoTW "
"cridant el TQSL.</a> ?<br><br>Cal configurar el TQSL a les preferències per "
"a poder usar aquesta característica."
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu QSL tools...->Find My-QSLs pending to send
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:181
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #7:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can see the QSO that confirms one "
"specific DXCC entity in one specific band by poiting your mouse over that "
"band in the DXCC widget?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 7:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu veure el QSO que confirma "
"una entitat DXCC específica a una banda específica apuntant el ratolí sobre "
"aquesta banda al giny del DXCC?"
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu QSL tools...->Find DX-QSLs pending to receive
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:185
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #8:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can find the QSLs that you are still "
"waiting for with <a href=\"#ToolsReceivePendingQSL\">Tools->QSL "
"tools...->Find DX-QSLs pending to receive</a>.<bR>This tool will list you in "
"the search box all the QSOs with the QSL-Sent marked as <i>Sent</i> but you "
"have still not received the QSL card from the DX."
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 8:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu trobar les QSL que encara "
"esteu esperant amb <a href=\"#ToolsReceivePendingQSL\">Eines->Eines "
"QSL...->Cerca les DX-QSL pendents de rebre</a>.<bR>Aquesta eina llistarà al "
"quadre de cerca tots els QSO amb la QSL-Sent marcada com a <i>Enviada</i> "
"però que encara no heu rebut la targeta QSL des del DX."
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu QSL tools...->Find requested pending to receive
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:189
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #9:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can find the QSLs that you are still "
"waiting for with <a href=\"#ToolsReceiveRecPendingQSL\">Tools->QSL "
"tools...->Find requested pending to receive</a>.<bR>This tool will list you "
"in the search box all the QSOs with the QSL-Rec marked as <i>Requested</i> "
"but you have still not received the QSL card from the DX."
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 9:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu trobar les QSL que encara "
"esteu esperant amb <a href=\"#ToolsReceiveRecPendingQSL\">Eines->Eines "
"QSL...->Cerca sol·licituds pendents de rebre</a>.<bR>Aquesta eina llistarà "
"al quadre de cerca tots els QSO amb la QSL-Rec marcada com a "
"<i>Sol·licitada</i> però que encara no heu rebut la targeta QSL des del DX."
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:192
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #10:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can subscribe to the <a "
"href=https://t.me/klogchat>English KLog Telegram group</a> to discuss about "
"KLog in English?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 10:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu subscriure's al <a "
"href=https://t.me/klogchat>grup de Telegram del KLog en anglès</a> per "
"conversar en anglès quant al KLog?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:195
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #11:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can subscribe to the <a "
"href=https://t.me/KLogES>Spanish Telegram group</a> to discuss about KLog in "
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 11:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu subscriure's al <a "
"href=//https://t.me/KLogES>grup de Telegram en castellà</a> per conversar en "
"castellà quant al KLog?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:198
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #12:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can subscribe to <a "
"href=https://groups.io/g/klog>KLog mailing list</a> to discuss via email "
"about KLog in English?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 12:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu subscriure's a la <a "
"href=https://groups.io/g/klog>llista de correu del KLog</a> per a conversar "
"a través del correu quant al KLog en anglès?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:204
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #14:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can write your own <a "
"href=https://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/3118>review in eHam.net about "
"KLog</a> to help other users to decide to use KLog?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 14:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu escriure els vostres "
"propis <a href=https://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/3118>comentaris a "
"eHam.net quant al KLog</a> per ajudar als altres a decidir-se a usar el KLog?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:207
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #15:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can join the development team by "
"simply <a href=https://www.klog.xyz/contact>Contacting us</a>?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 15:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu unir-vos a l'equip de "
"desenvolupament senzillament <a "
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:210
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #16:</b><br>Do you know...<br>That there are many ways to contribute "
"to KLog and some of them are listed in the <a "
"href=https://www.klog.xyz/contrib>KLog Contribute</a> page?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 16:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>hi ha moltes maneres de "
"col·laborar amb el KLog i varies estan llistades a la pàgina de <a "
"href=https://www.klog.xyz/contrib>col·laboració del KLog</a>?"
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:213
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #17:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can support translating KLog into "
"your language? Please check <a "
"href=https://www.klog.xyz/contrib/translations>KLog Translations</a> page."
msgstr ""
"<b>Consell núm. 17:</b><br>Sabíeu que...<br>podeu ajudar a traduir el KLog "
"al vostre idioma? Si us plau, reviseu la pàgina de <a "
"href=https://www.klog.xyz/contrib/translations>traduccions del KLog</a>."
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:85
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "Reading Satellites data file..."
msgstr "S'estan llegint el fitxer de les dades de satèl·lits..."
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:85
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:239
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "The Satellites information has been updated."
msgstr "S'ha actualitzat la informació dels satèl·lits."
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:257
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Obre un fitxer"
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:259
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "Sat Data"
msgstr "Dades de satèl·lit"
#: ../world.cpp:199
msgctxt "World|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitat"
#: ../world.cpp:200
msgctxt "World|"
msgid "Continent"
msgstr "Continent"
#: ../world.cpp:1188
msgctxt "World|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Interromp la lectura"
#: ../world.cpp:1188
msgctxt "World|"
msgid "Reading cty.csv..."
msgstr "S'està llegint el «cty.csv»..."
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:35
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "World map"
msgstr "Mapa mundial"
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:230
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Vista"
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:231
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "Zoom In(25%)"
msgstr "Apropa (25%)"
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:235
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "Zoom Out(25%)"
msgstr "Allunya (25%)"
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:239
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "Normal Size"
msgstr "Mida normal"
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:242
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "Fit to window"
msgstr "Ajusta a la finestra"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:96 ../elogclublog.cpp:181
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Host not found!"
msgstr "No s'ha trobat la màquina!"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:102 ../elogclublog.cpp:186
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Timeout error!"
msgstr "Error de temps excedit!"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:136
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid ""
"This error may be caused for the QSO being duplicated or, if removing, "
"trying to remove a non existing QSO."
msgstr ""
"Aquest error pot estar provocat per una duplicitat del QSO, o si s'elimina, "
"intenteu eliminar un QSO inexistent."
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:142
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Undefined error number (#%1)... "
msgstr "Número d'error indefinit (#%1)... "
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:134 ../elogclublog.cpp:143
#| msgid "KLog - clublog"
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "KLog - ClubLog"
msgstr "KLog - ClubLog"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:133
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "QSO dupe or not existing (#%1)... "
msgstr "QSO duplicat o no existent (#%1)... "
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:135 ../elogclublog.cpp:144
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "We have received an undefined error from Clublog (%1)"
msgstr "S'ha rebut un error no definit des del Clublog (%1)"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:191
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Undefined error..."
msgstr "Error no definit..."
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:589
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Callsign missing"
msgstr "Manca l'indicatiu"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:593
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Invalid callsign"
msgstr "Indicatiu no vàlid"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:597
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Skipping SWL callsign"
msgstr "S'omet l'indicatiu SWL"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:601
#| msgid "Callsign is your ow call"
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Callsign is your own call"
msgstr "L'indicatiu és el vostre propi indicatiu"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:605
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Invalid callsign with no DXCC mapping"
msgstr "Indicatiu no vàlid sense correspondència amb DXCC"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:609
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Updated QSO"
msgstr "QSO actualitzat"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:613
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Invalid ADIF record"
msgstr "Enregistrament ADIF no vàlid"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:617
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Missing ADIF record"
msgstr "Manca enregistrament ADIF"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:621
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Test mode - parameters ok, no action taken"
msgstr "Mode Test - paràmetres correctes, sense acció"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:145
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid ""
"Please check your config in the setup and contact the KLog development team "
"if you can't fix it. ClubLog uploads will be disabled."
msgstr ""
"Si us plau, comproveu la configuració a la configuració i contacteu amb "
"l'equip de desenvolupament del KLog si no ho podeu corregir. Les pujades al "
"ClubLog es desactivaran."
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:625
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Excessive API Usage"
msgstr "Ús excessiu de l'API"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:629
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Error intern"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:633
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Rebutjat"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:637
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "QSO Duplicate"
msgstr "QSO duplicat"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:641
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "QSO Modified"
msgstr "QSO modificat"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:645
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Missing Login"
msgstr "Manca inici de sessió"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:649
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "QSO OK"
msgstr "QSO OK"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:653 ../elogclublog.cpp:677
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Upload denied"
msgstr "Pujada denegada"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:657
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "No callsign selected"
msgstr "No s'ha seleccionat cap indicatiu"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:661
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "No match found"
msgstr "Cap coincidència"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:665
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Dropped QSO"
msgstr "QSO eliminat"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:669
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "D'acord"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:673
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Login rejected"
msgstr "S'ha rebutjat l'inici de sessió"
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:681
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Rejected: Callsign is your own call"
msgstr "Rebutjat: L'indicatiu és el vostre propi indicatiu"
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:87
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Host not found!"
msgstr "No s'ha trobat la màquina!"
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:90
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Timeout error!"
msgstr "Error de temps excedit!"
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:93
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Undefined error number (#%1)"
msgstr "Número d'error indefinit (#%1)"
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:99
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "We have received the following error from QRZ.com (%1)"
msgstr "S'ha rebut l'error següents des de QRZ.com (%1)"
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:544
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Not valid KEY found"
msgstr "No s'ha trobat cap clau vàlida"
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:545
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid ""
"Please configure your QRZ.com API key. You will find it in your QRZ.com "
"Logbook settings webpage.\n"
"You need a QRZ.com subscription to use this feature."
msgstr ""
"Configureu la clau API de QRZ.com. La trobareu a la pàgina web de "
"configuració del vostre «logbook» de QRZ.com.\n"
"Cal una subscripció a QRZ.com per a usar aquesta funcionalitat."
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:623
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.com password needed"
msgstr "KLog - Cal la contrasenya de QRZ.com"
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:623
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Please enter your QRZ.com password: "
msgstr "Introduïu la contrasenya de QRZ.com: "
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:98 ../elogqrzlog.cpp:543
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.com"
msgstr "KLog - QRZ.com"
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:692
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Callsign missing"
msgstr "Manca l'indicatiu"
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:115
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "Host not found!"
msgstr "No s'ha trobat la màquina!"
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:121
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "Timeout error!"
msgstr "Error de temps excedit!"
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:127
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "Undefined error number (#%1)... "
msgstr "Número d'error indefinit (#%1)... "
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:186
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "eQSL Error: User or password incorrect"
msgstr "Error d'eQSL: Usuari o contrasenya incorrectes"
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:192
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "eQSL Warning: At least one of the uplodaded QSOs is duplicated."
msgstr "Avís d'eQSL: Com a mínim hi ha un QSO pujat que està duplicat."
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:197
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "eQSL: All the QSOs were properly uploaded."
msgstr "eQSL: Tots els QSO s'han pujat adequadament."
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:251
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - eQSL.cc password needed"
msgstr "KLog - Cal la contrasenya d'eQSL.cc"
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:251
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "Please enter your eQSL.cc password: "
msgstr "Introduïu la contrasenya d'eQSL.cc: "
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:94 ../eqslutilities.cpp:128
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - eQSL"
msgstr "KLog - eQSL"
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:94
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid ""
"eQSL has sent the following message:\n"
msgstr ""
"eQSL ha enviat el missatge següent:\n"
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:129
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "We have received an undefined error from eQSL (%1)"
msgstr "S'ha rebut un error no definit des de l'eQSL (%1)"
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:130
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid ""
"Please check your config in the setup and contact the KLog development team "
"if you can't fix it. eQSL uploads will be disabled."
msgstr ""
"Si us plau, comproveu la configuració a la configuració i contacteu amb "
"l'equip de desenvolupament del KLog si no ho podeu corregir Les pujades a "
"l'eQSL es desactivaran."