(Critical is something like crashes and so on) * No critical bugs known... but maybe there are some... Working in the help Dialog. Find another class than the QTextBrowser or adapt the QtextBrowser to get the text properly shown * Copy: Operator name, station, power and locator saved for next QSO entry (via setup) (TNX Jonas Stein) * Filters: Select a DXCC entity and a band to find QSO to QSL. * Check iterators and change by indexes as in modifyQso. * Check the ADIF QSL_VIA compatibility (B, D, E, M, ...) * URGENT: rewrite the hamlib support code!!! * URGENT: The way the awards are deleted is not very smart. * When importing a Log, if the imported includes the seconds, dont loose them. It implies to add seconds support to KLog for all the QSO * Improve the way the cty.dat is downloaded, specially the GUI as it is not nice. The list calls to writeconf and readconf when a award is deleted so if a user makes any modification in any other field in the setup GUI, it is saved! URGENT: * To add a button to active the Hamlib once it has been disabled if it was actived in the setup. * Check what to do with the "/M" stations. Now they are not counted as a DXCC entity. * AWARDS: worked/confirmed reference delete a QSO includes delete a reference is worked? * OPTIMIZATION: Work with the log in a QList and just show in the QTreeWidget (model/view) * OPTIMIZATION: When QSL Managing, it is slow between you accept/send a QSL and you can continue... What is done in between??? * OPTIMIZATION: When clicking over OK button, it re-paint the loglist completely. I should just "add" a new QSO and not re-reading the whole log. * OPTIMIZATION: The showLogList() should be in background! to allow the update while using KLog at the same time * OPTIMIZATION: Check in the QSL-rec functions the confirmed/dxcc.confirmed/notconfirmed... there is no need to check if it is confirmed before setting as not confirmed! * OPTIMIZATION: Define a data struct to group all the hamlib/rig control information around. * OPTIMIZATION: re-Write the getEntityFromCall() to getEntityFromCall(const QString& call) to secure it and not depend on the textedit content * BUG??????????: To check if remarks is also copied when "complete from previous QSO" as today it IS copied. * BUG: RST is a String, Aurora QSOs must be 59A (TNX SM5CNQ) * BUG: When adding an award, if the file is not in the .klog dir, it does not work. * BUG: Re-Write the hamlib support! * BUG: In case the number of the call (like in EA4TV/6 or in UA1AA/9) changes the DX Entity, KLog does not recognise it. * BUG: The first time you enter a call (although you have already loaded a logfile) KLog does not shows the correct entity band state for that entity. It only happens with the first call in a use of KLog. I still don't know why! * BUG: when loading a log, the console shows erros about the range of the dates. It seems to be a bug of Qt, not of KLog but it still needs a check. (I have already checked it but I have not found a way to solve it. Dates are OK and checked while managed.). Maybe related with the lack of date if no QSL has been sent or received? * BUG: In readQso() If the QSO was QSL received and the user deleted, the dxcc&waz status should be updated. NEW FEATURE: Add a needed tab in the botton box. Needed spots would be added there. User can also add spots there. Maybe I can add two tabs, one for user added and another for automatic needed spots. To check the Debian package as I think icons are not being included (s390/0.3.01) http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.php?&pkg=klog&ver=0.3.0-1&arch=s390&stamp=1099872133&file=log&as=raw * Possible fix: To solve the year 2000 date "problem" when importing data from TLF... if the last two digits of the QSO date is "older" than the actual date, then we are importing a 19xx date QSO. (TNX Fermin) Another solution could be just to ask the user about the first two digits when finding a 2-digit year. URGENT: * To add a button to active the Hamlib once it has been disabled if it was actived in the setup. There are so many thinks to do in KLog: * Working in the dxpot class to add a bandmap from the dxcluster * To implement the remove award slot in Setup Class * showIfPreviouslyWorked(): Create the new tab, ... and read the comments in the klog.cpp file * Add a box or whatever to show talks and announces from the DX-Cluster * Working in the class qslneeded * V/UHF support (locators, distances, Grids...) * Reviewing the workflow/diagram of QSL rec/sent * It is not possible to log the QSO without using the mouse. (it is not possible to reach the Name and QTH with tabs) (P.H. Rankin H.) * It is necesary to run klog from a directory with icons to have them in the rightButton actions. * I think this is a KLog - bug which has still to be fixed. And perhaps, if there is a field that KLog cannot import, there should be an error message, best thing if it can sort out the wrong field...but a general error should be ok at first. (DL5PD) * Maybe a new feature to export QSOs between two dates to a file. * Add a way to group the "NEW ONES" when the user executes the Tools->Find QSO to QSL to priorize the NEW ONES. * Multi call support, the same user can log with several calls (OPERATOR). * When showing QSO to QSL search and display as "needed" the QRZ that is a new one, has not been confirmed in ANY band. * Make the cty.dat QMessage to display an URL "clickable" (setTextFormat(RichText)) * Include a way to find duplicate QSO (QSO with same QRZ/date/time/band). * Include a message box (maybe another tab...maybe like the log/cluster... to write KLog messages to the user). For example, when reading the log if there is any inconsistence... freq!=band or other... Just a way to communicate with the user. * Include a TIP on the start of KLog. Showing there is a mailinglist... ;-) * Include another tag in the bottom box to add a list of needed DXSpots to void loosing them if the DXCluster traffic is high (something like a bandmap of contest software) ;-) * Include in the DXCluster menu some kind of filters to filter the DXCluster spots by band, mode, ... only spots from my continent. * Add in the menu some kind of IARU band plan just as information * To include a "Send to DX-Cluster" button so it is possible to automaticaly send a QSO as a spot to the DX-Cluster. Maybe it is necessary to ask for the frecuency and comments ;-) * Add a tag to control the rig via Hamlib. Enter frecuency, modes, ... * Make configurable the date period (when using two digits for the year) to know if we are importing a 19xx or a 2xxx year. It could solve the problem of TLF log imports. * Two timers to save QSO duration. (TNX: P.H. Rankin Hansen) * Mode selection by keyboard (use of acelerators). (TNX: P.H. Rankin Hansen) * Be able to configure the modes that are going to use. (TNX: P.H. Rankin Hansen) * A kind of association between "band+mode+power"... to ease operation (TNX: P.H. Rankin Hansen) * Control 2 VFO and allow saving freqs.. * Save the frecuency if hamlib is being used * A "bye" message when disconnecting from cluster to "announce KLog" Maybe a ann/local message * a way to make KLog to tell you what QSOs are with a needed and you have not send the QSL. * When importing from TLF save STX and SRX (serials tx/rx in contest). * Second frecuency when working satellite. > 6. Although I can imagine it is not that easy to realize, how about > getting klog to work together with a callbook or at least with > qrz.com or something else, to get name and qth by just entering the > callsign, that would be for sure a great improvement (similar to ham > office under windows). What do you think about it? Rainer Dohmen, DL5PD. * To select an Entity and show the QSOs with that Entity * When QSL managing, it would be nice to have the state of the QSO selection in other place than just the color as when selected it is not noticed. * Doc for KLog * QSL "contribution$" needed? support * Import/export from/to tlf(only export is missing), xlog, cabrillo * Awards: managing awards as IOTA, WAS, WAZ, WAE, TPEA, ... * Satellite support * Protect KLog against bad formatted data (ie IOTA in the QSO class) * Add in the setup the possibility to create the station and from the log to select the rig you are using to do the QSO. (P.H. Rankin H.) * Power is an int when reading from klogrc but an string in the rest of the program. * Contest calendar from Internet? 1. cty.dat isn't copied to users directory on first startup. 2. /usr/share/klog/cty.dat *does not exist* in .deb package. 3. Can not specify frequency--example: 14.233MHz 4. Tab doesn't move from one part of Klog to the next: 5. from callsign/mode/freq box will not skip [tab] to RST box. Wish list: 1. Simple log screen where I can quickly tab from one field to next with the TAB button on keyboard to include the following entries: NAME/CITY/STATE-PROVINCE/COUNTRY/RST(auto-switch between CW/SSB)/FREQUENCY/MODE/POWER then seperate areas for further details like Remarks/QSL/WAS/WAC/etc 2. Enable manual entry for Modes and Frequency. Example: psk64 12.1055MHz (for those who want exact inafo) 3. Start/stop qso time duration. 4. Add splash screen asking for log file to open. 5. Help documentation under the HELP menu. 8. Add more import options for other logs like winlog and log-eqf data! �It would be wonderful to be able to import my old log-eqf data into klog. WISHLIST - It will be so good for me if the statistics about DXCC, WAZ and other could work by bands, modes and "mixed", depending on actual award rules. 5. For me personal (perhaps also for others) I would like to have the activation order changed, that means: first, you enter the callsign, for sure, that is alright. After that, at least in real time mode, it would be handy to switch directly to the name, and then to the qth of the station going to be logged. Perhaps before, you can edit the signal report, but you should definitly skip the step of "power", "band" and "mode" at the beginning, because you don't change it that much during a contest for example. QRZ, Name, QTH Printing: Labels / direct to card. Readed in eHam from OH7JJT ADIF not supported: CNTY & MY_CNTY: I still don't know how to work with it. Is it a String, Number, combination... I think that the ADIF forum should work on it. All the EQSL fields: under discussion on the ADIF forum All the LOTW fields.