
8476 lines
219 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgid ""
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2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:44
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "About KLog"
msgstr "O KLogu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:90
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"You can also help us by sending bug reports or small code contributions, "
"ideas or whatever you think may improve KLog."
msgstr ""
"Također nam možete pomoći šaljući izvješća o greškama ili malih doprinosa u "
"programskom kodu ili bilo što što mislite da može unaprijediti KLog."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:91 ../aboutdialog.cpp:166
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Authors"
msgstr "Autori"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:51
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "By"
msgstr "Od"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:62
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autor"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:53
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "KLog is a free logbook for hamradio operators."
msgstr "KLog je slobodna dnevnička aplikacija za radio-amatere operatere."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:58
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Please provide your review in KLog's eHam review page:"
msgstr "Molimo ocijenite KLog na eHamovoj stranici za ocjene:"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:61
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Find more information and the latest release at"
msgstr "Potražite više informacija i najnoviju inačicu na"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:85 ../aboutdialog.cpp:86
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "today"
msgstr "danas"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Main developer"
msgstr "Glavni razvijatelj programa"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:90
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "KLog is developed by a very small team and you are invited to join!"
msgstr "Klog razvija vrlo mali tim i pozvani ste da se pridružite!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:107
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"If KLog is still not in your language and you want to help us, you are "
"welcome to contact us through the <a "
"href=\"https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/klog-devel\">KLog "
"development mailing list</a>!"
msgstr ""
"Ako KLog još uvijek ne postoji na vašem jeziku i želite nam pomoći, molimo "
"obratite nam se putem <a "
"href=\"https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/klog-devel\">mailing liste "
"razvijatelja KLoga</a>!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:124
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"KLog developers have included a feature that reports some user data to the "
"KLog server with the sole purpose of identifying the number of installed "
"versions, to focus development in one direction or another taking into "
"account users' needs."
msgstr ""
"KLog razvijatelji programskog koda razvili su opciju koja šalje neke "
"korisničke podatke na KLogov poslužitelj kojima je osnovna svrha "
"identificiranje broja instaliranih inačica, kako bi razvoj mogao biti "
"usmjeren u jednom ili drugom smijeru, uzevši u obzir korisničke potrebe."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:125
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "At present, the data that is provided is the following:"
msgstr "Trenutno, podaci koji se šalju su:"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:107
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"Translators bring KLog into your language. They are really an important part "
"of the KLog development team."
msgstr ""
"Prevoditelji donose KLog u vaš jezik. Oni su važan dio tima koji razvija "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:90
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"If you want to provide support you are welcome to join the <a "
"href=\"https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/klog-devel\">KLog "
"development mailing list</a>!"
msgstr ""
"Ako nam želite pomoći slobodno se javite <a "
"href=\"https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/klog-devel\">mailing listi "
"razvijatelja KLoga</a>!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:54
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"Please be aware that this is a development release and it may contain many "
"bugs.<br>Backup your data before using this software!"
msgstr ""
"Budite svjesni da je ovo razvojna inačica i da može imati puno programskih "
"grešaka.<br>Napravite sigurnosnu kopiju vaših podataka prije korištenja ovog "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:56
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"Since 0.6.2, KLog has been fully rewritten to provide a cross-platform "
"application that runs on all major operating systems (GNU/Linux, macOS and "
"Windows) and to support new functionality."
msgstr ""
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:108 ../aboutdialog.cpp:167
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Translators"
msgstr "Prevoditelji"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:123
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Privacy advisory"
msgstr "Upozorenje o privatnosti"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:126
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:126
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "KLog version"
msgstr "Inačica KLoga"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:126
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Operating system"
msgstr "Operacijski sustav"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:127
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid ""
"Be aware that you can enable/disable this feature from the Misc tab in the "
"Setup page."
msgstr ""
"Ova opcija može biti omogućena/onemogućena iz izbornika Razno na stranici "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:165
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../aboutdialog.cpp:168
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AboutDialog|"
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privatnost"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:57
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Select the Station Callsign that you want to use to upload the log."
msgstr "Izaberite pozivni znak koji želite koristiti za učitavanje dnevnika."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:60
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid ""
"Select the start date to export the QSOs. The default date is the date of "
"the first QSO with this station callsign."
msgstr ""
"Izaberite početni datum za izvoz QSOa. Zadani datum je datum prvog QSOa sa "
"ovim pozivnim znakom."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:65
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid ""
"Select the end date to export the QSOs. The default date is the date of the "
"last QSO with this station callsign."
msgstr ""
"Izaberite krajnji datum za izvoz QSOa. Zadani datum je datum posljednjeg "
"QSOa sa ovim pozivnim znakom."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:69
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Station callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak postaje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:72
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Početni datum"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:75
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "End date"
msgstr "Krajnji datum"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:78
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Poništi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "DX"
msgstr "DX"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Datum/Vrijeme"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Pojas"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Način rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:131
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "Not defined"
msgstr "Nije definiran"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:136
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "All"
msgstr "Svi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:225
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "QSOs: "
msgstr "QSOi: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:349
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "KLog - QSOs to be uploaded to LoTW."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:350
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be sent to LoTW."
msgstr "Ova tablica prikazuje sve QSOe koji će biti poslani u LoTW."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:354
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "KLog - QSOs to be uploaded to ClubLog."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:355
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be sent to ClubLog."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:359
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "KLog - QSOs to be uploaded to eQSL.cc."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:360
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be sent to eQSL.cc."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:364
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "KLog - QSOs to be uploaded to QRZ.com."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:365
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be sent to QRZ.com."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/adiflotwexportwidget.cpp:370
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AdifLoTWExportWidget|"
msgid "This table shows the QSOs that will be exported to ADIF."
msgstr "Ova tablica prikazuje sve QSOe koji će biti izvezeni u ADIF."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:97
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Recalculate"
msgstr "Preračunaj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:98
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Click to recalculate the award status."
msgstr "Kliknite za preračunavanje statusa priznanja."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:99 ../awardswidget.cpp:294
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Select the year you want to check."
msgstr "Izaberite godinu koju želite provjeriti."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:101 ../awardswidget.cpp:122
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "QSOs"
msgstr "QSOi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:102 ../awardswidget.cpp:113
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:103
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "CQ"
msgstr "CQ"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:105
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Award"
msgstr "Priznanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:107
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Potvrđeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:110
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Worked"
msgstr "Rađeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:116
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "WAZ"
msgstr "WAZ"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:187
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Score"
msgstr "Zbroj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:188 ../awardswidget.cpp:414
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Annual"
msgstr "Godišnje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:281
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of confirmed DXCC entities."
msgstr "Broj potvrđenih DXCC entiteta."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:282
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of worked DXCC entities."
msgstr "Broj rađenih DXCC entiteta."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:283
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of confirmed WAZ zones."
msgstr "Broj potvrđenih WAZ zona."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:284
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of worked WAZ zones."
msgstr "Broj rađenih WAZ zona."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:287
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of confirmed QSOs."
msgstr "Broj potvrđenih QSOa."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:288
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of worked QSOs."
msgstr "Broj rađenih QSOa."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:290
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of QSOs worked in the selected year."
msgstr "Broj QSOa rađenih u izabranoj godini."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:291
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of DXCCs worked in the selected year."
msgstr "Broj DXCCa rađenih u izabranoj godini."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:292
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Number of CQ Zones worked in the selected year."
msgstr "Broj CQ zona rađenih u izabranoj godini."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:293
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "Score for the DXMarathon in the selected year."
msgstr "Zbroj za DXMarathon u izabranoj godini."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awardswidget.cpp:407
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "AwardsWidget|"
msgid "DX-Marathon"
msgstr "DX-Marathon"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:941
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "Country data download"
msgstr "Preuzmi podatke o zemljama"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:944
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "KLog needs country data..."
msgstr "KLog treba podatke o zemljama..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:950
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "&Download"
msgstr "&Preuzmi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:951
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "&Ignore"
msgstr "&Zanemari"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:970
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "Country data needed"
msgstr "Potrebni su potaci o zemljama"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:973
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid ""
"KLog uses the cty.csv file from https://www.country-files.com/ to get DXCC "
msgstr ""
"KLog koristi cty.csv datoteku s http://www.country-files.com/ za dobivanje "
"DXCC informacija."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:975
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid ""
"You need to download the cty.csv file if you want KLog to show you the "
"countries, locator, etc. of the QSOs you do."
msgstr ""
"Trebate preuzeti cty.csv datoteku ako želite da vam KLog prikaže zemlje, "
"lokator, itd. QSOa koje radite."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:977
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "Click on Download to download now."
msgstr "Kliknite na Preuzmi za trenutno preuzimanje."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:1058
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:1059
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "CTYPage|"
msgid ""
"I can't find the host. Please check your network and try again\n"
"Do you want to try again?"
msgstr ""
"Ne mogu naći stroj. Molim provjerite mrežu i pokušajte ponovo\n"
"Želite li probati ponovo?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:79
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Ažuriraj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:348
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitet"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:348
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Prefiks"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:466
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Pref: "
msgstr "Pref: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:467
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "CQ: "
msgstr "CQ: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:468
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "ITU: "
msgstr "ITU: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:470
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Beam: "
msgstr "Snop: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxccstatuswidget.cpp:477
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXCCStatusWidget|"
msgid "Entity not worked in this band."
msgstr "Entitet nije rađen na ovom pojasu."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:79 ../dxcluster.cpp:546
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Spoji"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:80 ../dxcluster.cpp:525 ../dxcluster.cpp:597
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:602
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Izbriši"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:157
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Click on connect to connect to the DX-Cluster"
msgstr "Kliknite spoji za spajanje na DX-Cluster"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:217
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Trying to connect to the server"
msgstr "Pokušavam se spojiti na poslužitelj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:229 ../dxcluster.cpp:235 ../dxcluster.cpp:242
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Kontest DXCluster"
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "KLog DXCluster"
msgstr "KLog DXCluster"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:75
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Click on Connect to connect to the DX-Cluster server"
msgstr "Kliknite Spoji za spajanje na DX-Cluster poslužitelj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:236
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid ""
"The connection was refused by the peer. Make sure the DXCluster server is "
"running, and check that the host name and port settings are correct."
msgstr ""
"Stroj odbija spajanje. Osigurajte da DXCluster poslužitelj radi i provjerite "
"jesu li ime stroja i port ispravni."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:243
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "The following error occurred: %1."
msgstr "Dogodila se greška: %1."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:498
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Connected to server"
msgstr "Spojen na poslužitelj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:511 ../dxcluster.cpp:515 ../dxcluster.cpp:519
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Kontest message"
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "KLog message"
msgstr "Poruka KLoga"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:511 ../dxcluster.cpp:515
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Enter your callsign to connect to the cluster:"
msgstr "Unesite pozivni znak za spajanje na klaster:"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:519
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password to connect to the cluster:\n"
"(Just hit enter for no password)"
msgstr ""
"Unesite zaporku za spajanje na klaster:\n"
"(samo Enter ako nemate zaporke)"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:528
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Not logged on, you may need to enter your callsign again."
msgstr ""
"Niste prijavljeni, možda ćete trebati ponovo unijeti svoj pozivni znak."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:532
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Enter here the commands to be sent to the DX-Cluster server."
msgstr "Unesite naredbu za poslati DX-Clusteru."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:788
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid ""
"It was not possible to open the file to save the DX-Spots for writing. "
"DX-Cluster activity will not be saved!"
msgstr ""
"Nije bilo moguće otvoriti datoteku za spremanje DX zapažanja za pisanje. "
"Aktivnost na DX-Clusteru neće biti spremljena!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:524 ../dxcluster.cpp:562 ../dxcluster.cpp:596
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Disconnect"
msgstr "Odspoji"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:230
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "The host was not found. Please check:"
msgstr "Poslužitelj nije pronađen. Molim provjerite:"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:231
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid ""
"- your network connection;\n"
"- the host name and port settings."
msgstr ""
"- vaš spoj na mrežu;\n"
"- ime poslužitelja i port."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:542
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Connection closed by the server"
msgstr "Poslužitelj je prekinuo vezu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:548
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Click on Connect to connect to the DX-Cluster server."
msgstr "Kliknite Spoji za spajanje na DX-Cluster poslužitelj."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../dxcluster.cpp:601
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DXClusterWidget|"
msgid "Send"
msgstr "Pošalji"
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:121
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Software version in DB is null"
msgstr "Inačica softvera u bazi je null"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4477
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Aircraft Scatter"
msgstr "Aircraft Scatter"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4481
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Aurora"
msgstr "Aurora"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4485
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Aurora-E"
msgstr "Aurora-E"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4489
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Back scatter"
msgstr "Back scatter"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4493
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Earth-Moon-Earth"
msgstr "Earth-Moon-Earth"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4497
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Sporadic E"
msgstr "Sporadic E"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4509
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Internet-assisted"
msgstr "Potpomognuto Internetom"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4513
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Ionoscatter"
msgstr "Ionoscatter"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4517
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Meteor scatter"
msgstr "Meteor scatter"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4521
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Terrestrial or atmospheric repeater or transponder"
msgstr "Zemaljski ili zračni repetitor ili transponder"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4525
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Rain scatter"
msgstr "Rain scatter"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4529
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satelit"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5285
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Bureau"
msgstr "Biro"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5297
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Manager"
msgstr "Manager"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6187
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "All QSOs have been updated with a DXCC and the Continent."
msgstr "Svi QSOi su bili nadopunjeni DXCCom i kontinentom."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4501
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Field Aligned Irregularities"
msgstr "Field Aligned Irregularities"
# Does this mean the query succeeded?
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:121
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Query didn't failed"
msgstr "Upit nije neuspio"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4505
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "F2 Reflection"
msgstr "F2 Reflection"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4533
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Trans-equatorial"
msgstr "Trans-equatorial"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:4537
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"DataProxy_SQLite|Common term in hamradio, do not translate if not sure"
msgid "Tropospheric ducting"
msgstr "Tropospheric ducting"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5096 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5163
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Da"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5100 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5167
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"
# I've opted for neutral gender but whether this is correct depends on the context in which this word is used.
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5104 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5171
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Requested"
msgstr "Zatraženo"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5108 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5179
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Ignore/Invalid"
msgstr "Zanemari/Nevaljalo"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5112
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Validated"
msgstr "Provjereno"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5175
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Queued"
msgstr "Poredano"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5227
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Uploaded"
msgstr "Učitano"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5231
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Do not upload"
msgstr "Ne učitavaj"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5235
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Modified"
msgstr "Ažurirano"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5289
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Direct"
msgstr "Izravno"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:5293
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "Electronic"
msgstr "Elektronički"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6186
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "KLog DXCC"
msgstr "KLog DXCC"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:9260
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid "KLog - Invalid call detected"
msgstr "KLog - Otkriven nevaljani pozivni znak"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:9266
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid ""
"An empty callsign has been detected. Do you want to export this QSO anyway "
"(click on Yes) or remove the field from the exported ADIF record?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:9271
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid ""
"An invalid callsign has been detected %1. Do you want to export this "
"callsign anyway (click on Yes) or remove the call from the exported log?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:9275
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DataProxy_SQLite|"
msgid ""
"Exporting wrong calls may create problems in the applications you are "
"potentially importing this logfile to. It may, however, be a good callsign "
"that is wrongly identified by KLog as not valid."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../downloadcty.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DownLoadCTY|"
msgid "Download of cty.csv failed with the following error code: "
msgstr "Preuzimanje cty.csv je neuspjelo s kodom greške: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../downloadcty.cpp:100
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DownLoadCTY|"
msgid "Download of cty.csv done."
msgstr "Preuzimanje cty.csv završeno."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../downloadcty.cpp:171
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "DownLoadCTY|"
msgid ""
"There is already a cty.csv file in the folder but it will be replaced with "
"the new one."
msgstr "Postojeća cty.csv datoteka u mapi bit će zamijenjena s novom."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../downloadcty.cpp:200
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "DownLoadCTY|"
msgid "Could not open %1 for writing"
msgstr "Nisam mogao otvoriti %1 za pisanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:39
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "Open Award file"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:39
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "Award files (*.awa)"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:45
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "Award file not opened"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:45
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "KLog was not able to read the award file"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:45
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy, qt-format
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "It was not possible to open the file %1 for reading."
msgstr "Nije bilo moguće otvoriti datoteku %1 za čitanje."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "AWA wrong format"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "The AWA file does not have the right format"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "AWA file does not have an <EOH> field"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../fileawardmanager.cpp:232
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileAwardManager|"
msgid "KLog - %1"
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1597
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Reading ADIF file..."
msgstr "Čitam ADIF datoteku..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1044 ../filemanager.cpp:1597
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:333 ../filemanager.cpp:463 ../filemanager.cpp:670
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Writing ADIF file..."
msgstr "Zapisujem ADIF datoteku..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:333 ../filemanager.cpp:463 ../filemanager.cpp:670
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Abort writing"
msgstr "Prekini pisanje"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3789
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Don't ask again"
msgstr "KLog - Ne pitaj ponovo"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3791
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to reuse your answer?"
msgstr "Želite li iskoristiti vaš odgovor?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3792
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"KLog will use automatically your previous answer for any other similar "
"ocurrence, if any, without asking you again."
msgstr ""
"KLog će automatski koristiti vaš prijašnji odgovor za sva slična pitanja, "
"ako ih bude, bez da vas ponovo pita."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3814
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"<ul><li>Date/Time:</i> %1</li><li>Callsign: %2</li><li>Band: "
"%3</li><li>Mode: %4</li></ul>"
msgstr ""
"<ul><li>Datum/Vrijeme:</i> %1</li><li>Pozivni znak: %2</li><li>Frekvencijski "
"pojas: %3</li><li>Način rada: %4</li></ul>"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3818
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - QSO not found"
msgstr "KLog - QSO nije pronađen"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3820
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Do you want to add this QSO to the log?:\n"
msgstr ""
"Želite li dodati ovaj QSO u dnevnik:\n"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3821
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"We have found a QSO coming from LoTW that is not in your local log.\n"
"Do you want KLog to add this QSO to the log?"
msgstr ""
"Pronašli smo QSO koji dolazi iz LoTWa a koji nije u vašem lokalnom "
"Želite li da KLog doda ovaj QSO u dnevnik?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3844
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Invalid call detected"
msgstr "KLog - Otkriven nevaljani pozivni znak"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3850
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"An empty callsign has been detected. Do you want to export this QSO anyway "
"(click on Yes) or remove the field from the exported log file?"
msgstr ""
"Otkriven je prazan pozivni znak. Želite li svejedno izvesti ovaj QSO "
"(kliknite na Da) ili odstraniti polje iz izvezene dnevničke datoteke?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3855
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"An invalid callsign has been detected %1. Do you want to export this "
"callsign anyway (click on Yes) or remove the call from the exported log file?"
msgstr ""
"Otkriven je nevaljali pozivni znak %1. Želite li svejedno izvesti ovaj "
"pozivni znak (kliknite na Da) ili odstraniti pozivni znak iz izvezene "
"dnevničke datoteke?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3859
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Exporting wrong calls may create problems in the applications you are "
"potentially importing this logfile to. It may, however, be a good callsign "
"that is wrongly identified by KLog as not valid. You can, however, edit the "
"ADIF file once the export process is finished."
msgstr ""
"Izvoz nevaljalih pozivnih znakova može izazvati probleme u aplikacijama u "
"koje ćete možda uvesti ovu dnevničku datoteku. No, to može biti i valjani "
"pozivni znak koji je KLog pogrešno identificirao kao nevaljali. Svakako "
"možete urediti ADIF datoteku nakon što je proces izvoza završen."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:248
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"The selected callsign (%1) is not valid, please check it again to export the "
msgstr ""
"Izabrani pozivni znak (%1) nije valjan, molim provjerite još jednom kako bi "
"izvezli datoteku."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:322
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "There are no QSOs pending to be exported with that station callsign."
msgstr "Nema QSOa sa tim pozivnim znakom za koje je izvoz u tijeku."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:337
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Izvoz"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:466 ../filemanager.cpp:673
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Export progress"
msgstr "Napredak izvoza"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:487 ../filemanager.cpp:696
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Writing ADIF file...\n"
" QSO: "
msgstr ""
"Zapisujem ADIF datoteku ...\n"
" QSO: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:786 ../filemanager.cpp:993
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - File not opened"
msgstr "KLog - Datoteka nije otvorena"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:787 ../filemanager.cpp:994
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "It was not possible to open the file %1 for reading."
msgstr "Nije bilo moguće otvoriti datoteku %1 za čitanje."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:788 ../filemanager.cpp:995
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog was not able to read the LoTW file"
msgstr "KLog nije mogao pročitati LoTW datoteku"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:823
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Processing LoTW ADIF file..."
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:823
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Abort processing"
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:827
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "LoTW reading"
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:871 ../filemanager.cpp:1771
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Add new QSOs?"
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:872
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to add non existing QSOs to your local log?"
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:874
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "There are some QSOs in the LoTW log that are not in your local log."
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:933
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Processing LoTW ADIF file......\n"
" QSO: %1 / %2 "
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:943
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"You have canceled the LoTW processing. The process will be stopped and your "
"log may not be completely updated."
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1044
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Reading LoTW file..."
msgstr "Čitam LoTW datoteku..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1448
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Importing LoTW ADIF file..."
msgstr "Uvozim LoTW datoteku..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1467 ../filemanager.cpp:1954
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"You have canceled the file import. The file will be removed and no data will "
"be imported."
msgstr ""
"Prekinuli ste uvoz datoteke. Datoteka će biti izbrisana i nijedan podatak "
"neće biti uvezen."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1772
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to add dupe QSOs to your local log?"
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1774
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"There are some QSOs in this logfile that may be dupes as they have same "
"call, band & mode and a very close date."
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3084
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "This QSO is not including the minimum data to consider a QSO as valid!"
msgstr "Ovaj QSO ne sadrži minimalne podatke da bi se smatrao valjanim QSOom!"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3136 ../filemanager.cpp:3161
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Click on Yes to add a default %1 for mode %2 to all QSOs with a similar "
msgstr ""
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3294
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"KLog has found one QSO without the Station Callsign defined.\n"
"Enter the Station Callsign that was used to do this QSO with %1 on %2:"
msgstr ""
"KLog je našao jedan QSO bez pozivnog znaka postaje.\n"
"Unesite pozivni znak postaje pod kojim je urađen ovaj QSO sa %1 na %2:"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3301
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"KLog has found one QSO without the Station Callsign defined.\n"
"Enter the Station Callsign that was used to do this QSO on %1:"
msgstr ""
"KLog je našao jedan QSO bez pozivnog znaka postaje.\n"
"Unesite pozivni znak postaje pod kojim je urađen ovaj QSO na %1:"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3105
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to continue with the current file?"
msgstr "Želite li nastaviti s trenutnom datotekom?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3136
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Some QSOs of this log, (i.e.: %1) seems to lack RST-TX information."
msgstr ""
"Nekim QSOima u ovoj datoteci, (npr.: %1) izgleda nedostaje RST-TX "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3136 ../filemanager.cpp:3161
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "If you select NO, maybe the QSO will not be imported."
msgstr "Ako izaberete Ne, QSO možda neće biti uvezen."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3161
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Some QSOs of this log, (i.e.: %1) seems to lack RST-RX information."
msgstr ""
"Nekim QSOima u ovoj datoteci, (npr.: %1) izgleda nedostaje RST-RX "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3231
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Apply to all QSOs in this log?"
msgstr "KLog - Primjeni na sve QSOe u ovom dnevniku?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3088
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " - The band missing and the following call: "
msgstr " - Frekvencijski pojas nedostaje i sljedeći pozivni znak: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3093
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " - The mode missing and the following call: "
msgstr " - Način rada nedostaje i sljedeći pozivni znak: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3097
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " - The date missing and the following call: "
msgstr " - Datum nedostaje i sljedeći pozivni znak: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3101
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " - The time missing and the following call: "
msgstr " - Vrijeme nedostaje i sljedeći pozivni znak: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:392 ../filemanager.cpp:497 ../filemanager.cpp:706
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"You have canceled the file export. The file will be removed and no data will "
"be exported."
msgstr ""
"Prekinuli ste izvoz datoteke. Datoteka će biti izbrisana i podaci neće biti "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:392 ../filemanager.cpp:497 ../filemanager.cpp:706
#: ../filemanager.cpp:943 ../filemanager.cpp:1467 ../filemanager.cpp:1954
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you still want to cancel?"
msgstr "Želite li još uvijek prekinuti?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1448 ../filemanager.cpp:1851
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid " QSO: "
msgstr " QSO: "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1551
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Log selection"
msgstr "KLog - Izbor dnevnika"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1552
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "There is more than one log in this logfile."
msgstr "U ovoj dnevničkoj datoteci nalazi se više od jednog dnevnika."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1552
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "All logs will be imported into the current log."
msgstr "Svi dnevnici bit će uvezeni u trenutni dnevnik."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1552
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Do you want to continue?"
msgstr "Želite li nastaviti?"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1851
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Importing ADIF file..."
msgstr "Uvozim ADIF datoteku..."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1879
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"It seems that there are some duplicated QSOs in the ADIF file you are "
"importing. Do you want to continue? (Duped QSOs will not be imported)"
msgstr ""
"Izgleda da imate duplikate QSOa u ADIF datoteci koju uvozite. Želite li "
"nastaviti? (Duplicirani QSOi neće biti uvezeni)"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:171
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Error"
msgstr "KLog - Pogreška"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:193
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "The selected log does not exist, please check it again."
msgstr "Izabrani dnevnik ne postoji, molim provjerite još jednom."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:255
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "The file %1 can't be opened."
msgstr "Datoteka %1 ne može biti otvorena."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:391 ../filemanager.cpp:496 ../filemanager.cpp:705
#: ../filemanager.cpp:942 ../filemanager.cpp:1466 ../filemanager.cpp:1953
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - User cancelled"
msgstr "KLog - Korisnik poništio"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:382
#, qt-format
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid ""
"Exporting ADIF file...\n"
" QSO: %1 / %2 "
msgstr ""
"Izvozim ADIF datoteku...\n"
" QSO: %1 / %2 "
#: ../filemanager.cpp:1878
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - Duplicated QSOs"
msgstr "KLog - Duplicirani QSOi"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3084
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "Please edit the ADIF file and make sure that it include at least:"
msgstr "Molim uredite ADIF datoteku tako da uključuje barem:"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3084
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "and"
msgstr "i"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3084
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "This QSO had:"
msgstr "Ovaj QSO je imao:"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3109
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog: Not all required data found!"
msgstr "KLog: Nisu pronađeni svi obavezni podaci!"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3137
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog: No RST TX found!"
msgstr "KLog: Nije nađen RST TX!"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3163
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog: No RST RX found!"
msgstr "KLog: Nije nađen RST RX!"
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3204 ../filemanager.cpp:3215
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - No Station callsign entered."
msgstr "KLog - pozivni znak nije unešen."
#: ../filemanager.cpp:3295 ../filemanager.cpp:3300
msgctxt "FileManager|"
msgid "KLog - QSO without Station Callsign"
msgstr "KLog - QSO bez pozivnog znaka stanice"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:74
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "10M"
msgstr "10M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:75
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "15M"
msgstr "15M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "20M"
msgstr "20M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "40M"
msgstr "40M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:78
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "80M"
msgstr "80M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:79
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "160M"
msgstr "160M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:80
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "2M"
msgstr "2M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "6M"
msgstr "6M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "12M"
msgstr "12M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "17M"
msgstr "17M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:84
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "30M"
msgstr "30M"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "70CM"
msgstr "70Cm"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:100
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Continent"
msgstr "Kontinent"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:104
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Prefiks"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:108
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "CQ"
msgstr "CQ"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:112
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "ITU"
msgstr "ITU"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:116
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Short Path"
msgstr "Kratki put"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:119
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Long Path"
msgstr "Dugi put"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:122 ../infowidget.cpp:127
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Deg"
msgstr "Stu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:352 ../infowidget.cpp:353
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Miles"
msgstr "Milje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../infowidget.cpp:359 ../infowidget.cpp:360
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "InfoWidget|"
msgid "Km"
msgstr "Km"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:167
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Welcome to Kontest!"
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Welcome to KLog!"
msgstr "Dobrodošli u KLog!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:169
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Welcome to KLog! - brought to you under the terms of the GPL!"
msgstr "Dobrodošli u KLog! - vama pružen pod odredbama GPLa!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:177
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Welcome to KLog"
msgstr "Dobrodošli u KLog"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:178
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "This looks like it's the first time you've run KLog on this computer."
msgstr "Izgleda da je ovo prvi put da ste pokrenuli KLog na ovom računalu."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:179
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"KLog is a free hamradio logging program that can run on GNU/Linux, macOS, "
"and Windows."
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:180
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "It is designed to provide general purpose DX, and contest logging."
msgstr "Namijenjen je općenitom, DX i zapisivanju kontesta."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:181
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "It supports QSL management, import and export of ADIF "
msgstr "Podržava baratanje QSLima, uvoz i izvoz ADIF "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:182
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "and Cabrillo file formats and many other features..."
msgstr "i Cabrilo datotečnih formata i mnoge druge funkcije..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:183
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Before you can start using KLog, you will be asked to:"
msgstr "Prije nego počnete koristiti KLog bit ćete upitani da:"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:184
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Acknowledge to the terms of the license."
msgstr "Prihvatite uvjete licence."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:185
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Download the DX entities information."
msgstr "Preuzmete listu DX entiteta."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:186
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid "Enter your callsign, CQ zone, etc. and main configuration."
msgstr "Unesete vaš pozivni znak, CQ zonu, itd. i glavnu konfiguraciju."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:187
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "IntroPage|"
msgid ""
"Enjoy KLog and contact the development team if you have any suggestions!"
msgstr ""
"Uživajte u KLogu i javite se razvojnom timu ako imate kakvih prijedloga!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:208
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LicPage|"
msgid "KLog License information"
msgstr "KLog podaci o licenci"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:211
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LicPage|"
msgid "Welcome to KLog!- brought to you under the terms of the GPL!"
msgstr "Dobrodošli u KLog! - vama pružen pod odredbama GPLa!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:852
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LicPage|"
msgid "Acknowledge"
msgstr "Prihvati"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:853
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LicPage|"
msgid "Be aware that KLog is free software."
msgstr "Uzmite u obzir da je KLog slobodan softver."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:103
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW password needed"
msgstr "KLog - trebam LoTW zaporku"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:104
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Please enter your LoTW password: "
msgstr "Molim unesite vašu LoTW zaporku: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:239 ../lotwutilities.cpp:368
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "There is a file already existing with the name that will be used."
msgstr "Datoteka sa tim imenom već postoji."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:240 ../lotwutilities.cpp:369
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "The file %1 already exist. Do you want to overwrite?"
msgstr "Datoteka %1 već postoji. Želite li je prebrisati?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:266 ../lotwutilities.cpp:395
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"KLog was not able to save the file %1.\n"
"Error returned: %2"
msgstr ""
"KLog nije mogao spremiti datoteku %1.\n"
"Greška: %2"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:285 ../lotwutilities.cpp:414
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Downloading data to file: %1."
msgstr "Preuzimam podatke u datoteku: %1."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:287 ../lotwutilities.cpp:416 ../lotwutilities.cpp:678
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW download"
msgstr "KLog - preuzimanje LoTW datoteke"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:322
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"This is the first date of a QSO with the callsign %1 in this log If you "
"think that in LoTW you may have previous QSOs, answer No."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:323
2021-03-20 11:09:58 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Do you want to use this date (%1) as start date?"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:512
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "The remote server redirected our connection to %1"
msgstr "Server je preusmjerio našu vezu na %1"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:513
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Do you want to follow the redirection?"
msgstr "Želite li slijediti preusmjeravanje?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:590
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "It was not possible for find the file %1 that has been just downloaded."
msgstr "Nije bilo moguće pronaći datoteku %1 koja je bila upravo preuzeta."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:657
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"It seems that LoTW has no QSO with the Station Callsign you are using (%1)."
msgstr ""
"Izgleda da LoTW nema niti jedan QSO sa pozivnim znakom koji koristite (%1)."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:663
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"Try again and send the downloaded file (%1) to the KLog developer for "
msgstr ""
"Pokušajte ponovo i pošaljite spremljenu datoteku (%1) razvijatelju KLoga na "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:679
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"KLog downloaded %1 QSOs successfully. Do you want to update your log with "
"the downloaded data?"
msgstr ""
"Klog je uspješno spremio %1 QSOa. Želite li ažurirati vaš dnevnik sa "
"preuzetim podatcima?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:58
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"Double click on the date that you want to use as the start date for "
"downloading QSOs."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:176
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Station callsign"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:177
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "There is not a single QSO in the log with that station callsign."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:178
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Are you sure that you want to use that station callsign (%1)?"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:238 ../lotwutilities.cpp:367
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW File already exists"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:265 ../lotwutilities.cpp:394
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Can't write the file"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:267 ../lotwutilities.cpp:396
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "The file %1 already exists."
msgstr "Datoteka %1 već postoji."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:321
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Start date selection"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:496
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Download error"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:498
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "There was an error (%1) while downloading the file from LoTW."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:499
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "The downloading error details are: %1"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:511
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Redirection found"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:588
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW File not found"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:589
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog can't find the downloaded file."
msgstr "KLog ne može pronaći preuzetu datoteku."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:649
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW user/password error"
msgstr "KLog - Pogreška sa LoTW korisničkim imenom/zaporkom"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:650
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "LoTW server did not recognized your user/password"
msgstr "LoTW poslužitelj nije prepoznao vaše korisničko ime/zaporku"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:651
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid ""
"Check your user and password and ensure your are using the right one before "
"trying again."
msgstr "Provjerite korisničko ime i zaporku prije nego ponovo pokušate."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:655
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW No QSOs "
msgstr "KLog - Nema QSOa u LoTWu "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:656
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "LoTW sent no QSOs"
msgstr "LoTW nije poslao niti jedan QSO"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:661
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW Unknown error"
msgstr "KLog - Nepoznata LoTW pogreška"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:662
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "KLog can't recognize the file that has been downloaded from LoTW."
msgstr "KLog ne može prepoznati datoteku preuzetu s LoTWa."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../lotwutilities.cpp:680
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LoTWUtilities|"
msgid "Now KLog will process the downloaded QSO and update your local log."
msgstr "KLog će sada obraditi preuzeti QSO i ažurirati vaš lokalni dnevnik."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../logmodel.cpp:131
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LogModel|"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../logmodel.cpp:134
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "LogModel|"
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../logmodel.cpp:137
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LogModel|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Pojas"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../logmodel.cpp:140
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LogModel|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Način rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../logmodel.cpp:143
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LogModel|"
msgid "RSTtx"
msgstr "RSTtx"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../logmodel.cpp:146
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LogModel|"
msgid "RSTrx"
msgstr "RSTrx"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../logmodel.cpp:149
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "LogModel|"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentar"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:258
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSL Send"
msgstr "QSL Poslana"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:270
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSL Rcvd"
msgstr "QSL Primljena"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:318
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "Iz&briši"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:320
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Delete a QSO"
msgstr "Izbriši QSO"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:323
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "&Edit QSO"
msgstr "&Uredi QSO"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:325
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Edit this QSO"
msgstr "Uredi ovaj QSO"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:328
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Via &bureau"
msgstr "Preko &biroa"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:330
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via bureau"
msgstr "Pošalji ovu QSL preko biroa"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:333
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "D&irect"
msgstr "&Izravno"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:335
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via direct"
msgstr "Pošalji ovu QSL izravno"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:338 ../logwindow.cpp:384 ../logwindow.cpp:392
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Via bureau"
msgstr "Preko biroa"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:340
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSL &received via bureau"
msgstr "QSL p&rimljena preko biroa"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:343 ../logwindow.cpp:388 ../logwindow.cpp:396
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Direct"
msgstr "Izravno"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:345
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSL received via direc&t"
msgstr "QSL primljena &izravno"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:348
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Check in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Provjeri u QRZ.com"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:350
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Check this callsign in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Provjeri ovaj pozivni znak u QRZ.com"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:353
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Check in DXHeat.com"
msgstr "Provjeri u DXHeat.com"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:355
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Check this callsign in DXHeat.com"
msgstr "Provjeri ovaj pozivni znak u DXHeat.com"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:358
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Delete selected QSOs"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:360
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Delete the selected QSOs"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:363
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Export to ADIF"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:364
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Export the selected QSOs to an ADIF file."
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:372
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload to LoTW"
msgstr "Učitaj u LoTW"
#: ../logwindow.cpp:373
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload the selected QSOs to LoTW"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:376
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload to ClubLog"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:377
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload the selected QSOs to ClubLog"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:380
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload to eQSL.cc"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:381
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Upload the selected QSOs to eQSL.cc"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:385
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Send these QSLs via bureau"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:389
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Send these QSLs via direct"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:393
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSLs received via bureau"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:397
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "QSLs received via direc&t"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:400
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Select none"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:401
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Remove all selections"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:404
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Select all"
msgstr ""
#: ../logwindow.cpp:405
msgctxt "LogWindow|"
msgid "Select all the QSOs"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:43 ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:341
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:726
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "&Add"
msgstr "&Dodaj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:44
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "&Clear"
msgstr "&Izbriši"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:63
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Callsign of the QSO."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:64
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Band of the QSO."
msgstr "Frekvencijski pojas QSOa."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:65
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Mode of the QSO."
msgstr "Način rada QSOa."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:66
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Date of the QSO."
msgstr "Datum QSOa."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:67
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Time of the QSO."
msgstr "Vrijeme QSOa."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:68
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Add the QSO to the log."
msgstr "Dodaj QSO u dnevnik."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:69
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Clears the QSO entry."
msgstr "Izbriši unos QSOa."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:70
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "KLog will show real time if enabled."
msgstr "KLog će pokazati stvarno vrijeme ako je omogućeno."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:71
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Real time"
msgstr ""
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:85 ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:891
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:896
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt ""
"MainQSOEntryWidget|Translator: DUPE is a common world for hams. Do not "
"translate of not sure"
msgid "DUPE"
msgstr "DUPLI"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainqsoentrywidget.cpp:722
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainQSOEntryWidget|"
msgid "&Modify"
msgstr "&Promijeni"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:141
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Starting KLog"
msgstr "Pokrećem KLog"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:115 ../mainwindow.cpp:179
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "DX Entity"
msgstr "DX entitet"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:180
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Log Window"
msgstr "&Dnevnički prozor"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:776 ../mainwindow.cpp:4643
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:653
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It seems that you have never done a backup or exported your log to ADIF."
msgstr ""
"Izgleda da nikad niste napravili sigurnosnu kopiju ili izvezli vaš dnevnik u "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:66
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - File not open"
msgstr "KLog - Datoteka nije otvorena"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:67
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It was not possible to open the debug file for writing. No debug log will be "
msgstr ""
"Nije bilo moguće otvoriti datoteku za pomoć pri otkrivanju greški za "
"pisanje. Datoteka za pomoć pri otkrivanju greški neće biti spremljena!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:114
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Status bar ..."
msgstr "Traka statusa ..."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:402
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - CTY.dat update"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:659
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It seems that the latest backup you did is older than one month."
msgstr ""
"Izgleda da je vaša posljednja sigurnosna kopija podataka starija od mjesec "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:670
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Log backup recommended!"
msgstr "Sigurnosne kopije dnevnika su preporučene!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:673
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It is a good practice to backup your full log regularly to avoid loosing "
"data in case of a problem.\n"
"Once you export your log to an ADIF file, you should copy that file to a "
"safe place, like an USB drive, cloud drive, another computer, ...\n"
"KLog will remind you to backup on a monthly basis.\n"
msgstr ""
"Dobra praksa je napraviti sigurnosnu kopiju vašeg cijelog dnevnika redovno "
"kako bi izbjegli gubitak podataka u slučaju nekog problema.\n"
"Jednom kad izvezete vaš dnevnik u ADIF datoteku, kopirajte tu datoteku na "
"sigurno mjesto, kao na primjer USB disk, cloud disk, drugo računalo, ...\n"
"KLog će vas potsjetiti da napravite sigurnosnu kopiju svakog mjeseca.\n"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:688
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Backup"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:717
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - New version detected!"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:742
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Ready"
msgstr "Spreman"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:760
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - %1 - QSOs: %2 - %3"
msgstr "KLog - %1 - QSOi: %2 - %3"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:764
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - %1 - QSOs: %2"
msgstr "KLog - %1 - QSOi: %2"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:939
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Unexpected error"
msgstr "KLog - Neočekivana pogreška"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:941
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"An unexpected error ocurred when trying to add the QSO to your log. If the "
"problem persists, please contact the developer for analysis: "
msgstr ""
"Dogodila se neočekivana pogreška prilikom dodavanja QSOa u vaš dnevnik. Ako "
"se ovaj problem opetuje, molim kontaktirajte razvijatelje softvera radi "
"analize: "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1089
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Not valid call"
msgstr "KLog - Nevaljali pozivni znak"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1092 ../mainwindow.cpp:1871
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Adding non-valid calls to the log may create problems when applying for "
"awards, exporting ADIF files to other systems or applications."
msgstr ""
"Dodavanje nevaljalih pozivnih znakova u dnevnik vam može izazvati probleme "
"prilikom apliciranja za nagrade, izvoza ADIF datoteka za druge sustave ili "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1151 ../mainwindow.cpp:1965
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Select correct entity"
msgstr "KLog - Izaberite ispravan entitet"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1152 ../mainwindow.cpp:1966
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You have selected an entity:"
msgstr "Izabrali ste entitet:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1152 ../mainwindow.cpp:1966
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "that is different from the KLog proposed entity:"
msgstr "koji se razlikuje od entiteta predloženog u KLogu:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1153
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Click on the prefix of the correct entity or Cancel to edit the QSO again."
msgstr ""
"Kliknite na prefiks ispravnog entiteta ili Poništi kako bi ponovo uređivali "
# Translated in a sense "it is not a DXCC". If the context is "there is no DXCC" the translation should say "Nema DXCCa".
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1936 ../mainwindow.cpp:1949
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No DXCC"
msgstr "Nije DXCC"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1937 ../mainwindow.cpp:1950
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nijedan"
# "right" translated as in "correct"/"valid" (rather than "to the right of")
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1967
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Click on the prefix of the right entity or Cancel to correct."
msgstr "Kliknite na prefiks ispravnog entiteta ili Poništi za ispravku."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2917
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - ClubLog error"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3036
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - eQSL error"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3292
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - %1"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7335
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "RSTrx"
msgstr "RSTrx"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7333
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "RSTtx"
msgstr "RSTtx"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3353
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you really want to exit KLog?"
msgstr "Želite li zaista izaći iz KLoga?"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3725
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&Datoteka"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3739
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Import an ADIF file into the current log."
msgstr "Uvezi ADIF datoteku u trenutni dnevnik."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3753
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export the current log to an ADIF logfile."
msgstr "Izvezi trenutni dnevnik u ADIF dnevničku datoteku."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3759
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export ALL the QSOs into one ADIF file, merging QSOs from all the logs."
msgstr ""
"Izvezi SVE QSOe u jednu ADIF datoteku, ujedinjujući QSOe iz svih datoteka."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3766
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Print your log."
msgstr "Ispišite vaš dnevnik."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3771
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog folder"
msgstr "KLog mapa"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3773
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Opens the data folder of KLog."
msgstr "Otvara mapu s KLog podacima."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3778
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "E&xit"
msgstr "&Izlaz"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3785
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Alati"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3787
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Fill in QSO data"
msgstr "Popuni QSO podatke"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3791
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Go through the log reusing previous QSOs to fill missing information in "
"other QSOs."
msgstr ""
"Prođi kroz dnevnik i iskoristi prijašnje QSOe kako bi popunio podatke koji "
"nedostaju u drugim QSOima."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3799
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Shows QSOs for which you should send your QSL and request the DX QSL."
msgstr ""
"Prikazuje QSOe za koje trebate poslati vašu QSLku i zatražiti DX QSLku."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3801
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Find My-QSLs pending to send"
msgstr "Nađi Moje-QSL za koje je slanje neodlučeno"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3805
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Shows the QSOs with pending requests to send QSLs. You should keep this "
"queue empty!"
msgstr ""
"Prikazuje QSOe sa neodlučenim zahtjevima za slanje QSLke. Trebali biste ovaj "
"red držati prazim!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4102
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Your log has not been updated."
msgstr "Vaš dnevnik nije bio ažuriran."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4103
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"No QSO was updated with the data coming from LoTW. This may be because of "
"errors in the logfile or simply because your log was already updated."
msgstr ""
"Niti jedan QSO nije bio ažuriran sa podacima iz LoTWa. To može biti zbog "
"pogrešaka u dnevničkoj datoteci ili jednostavno zato što ste već ažurirali "
"vaš dnevnik."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5995
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You need to select one station callsign to be able to send your log to "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6021
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to add this QSOs to your ClubLog existing log?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6023
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"If you don't agree, this upload will overwrite your current ClubLog existing "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3056 ../mainwindow.cpp:3071 ../mainwindow.cpp:3083
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3093 ../mainwindow.cpp:3103 ../mainwindow.cpp:6055
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6255
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - eQSL"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:209
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Upload the queued QSOs to LoTW"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:403
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog needs to update the Entities database."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:692
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The backup was done successfully"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:693
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog will remind you to backup your data again in aprox one month."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:699
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The backup was not properly done."
msgstr "Spremanje sigurnosne kopije nije bilo uspješno."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:700
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It is recommended to backup your data periodically to prevent lose or "
"corruption of your log."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2760
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"This operation shall remove definitely all the selected QSO and associated "
"data and you will not be able to recover it again."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3132
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The QRZ.com upload process has finished with an error and the log was "
"possibly not uploaded."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3152
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to mark as Uploaded all the QSOs uploaded to QRZ.com?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3151 ../mainwindow.cpp:3167 ../mainwindow.cpp:3178
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6357
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3169
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was an error while updating to Yes the QRZ.com QSO upload information."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3179
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The QRZ.com upload process has finished successfully"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3253
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Call not found in QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3131 ../mainwindow.cpp:3258
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.com error"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3259
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog has received an error from QRZ.com."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3293
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgid "You need to activate the %1 service in the eLog preferences."
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3666 ../mainwindow.cpp:5836
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgid "KLog - ADIF export"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3667
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It is important to export to ADIF and save a copy as a backup."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3671
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Saving the log was done successfully."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3679
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The ADIF export was not properly done."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3736
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Import from ADIF ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3749
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export to ADIF ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3755
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Export all logs to ADIF ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3763
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Print Log ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3794
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QSL tools ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3796
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Find QSO to QSL"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3807
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Find DX-QSLs pending to receive"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3812
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Find requested pending to receive"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3818
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "LoTW tools ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3861 ../mainwindow.cpp:3874
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Queue all the QSOs to be uploaded"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3888
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Queue all the QSO to be uploaded"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3956
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Online manual (F1) ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4260
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You have selected no callsign. KLog will complete the QSOs without a station "
"callsign defined and those with the callsign you are entering here."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4461
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Update checking result"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5938
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"TQSL finished with no error.\n"
"Do you want to mark as Sent all the QSOs uploaded to LoTW?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6057
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You need to select one station callsign to be able to send your log to "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6145 ../mainwindow.cpp:6188
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Select the Station Callsign to use when quering LoTW:"
msgstr "Izaberite pozivni znak koji želite koristiti prilikom upita u LoTW:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6163 ../mainwindow.cpp:6206
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Please check the LoTW setup"
msgstr "Molim provjerite LoTW postavke"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6164 ../mainwindow.cpp:6207
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You have not defined a LoTW user or a proper Station Callsign.\n"
"Open the LoTW tab in the Setup and configure your LoTW connection."
msgstr ""
"Niste definirali LoTW korisnika ili valjani pozivni znak.\n"
"Otvorite LoTW sekciju u Postavke i konfigurirajte podatke za LoTW."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6225 ../mainwindow.cpp:6256 ../mainwindow.cpp:6287
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Do you really want to mark ALL your QSOs to be UPLOADED? Must be done ONLY "
"IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME uploading QSOs to %1"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6225
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "ClubLog"
msgstr "ClubLog"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6235
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The log is ready to be uploaded to ClubLog."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6236
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"All the QSOs in this log has been marked as Modified in the ClubLog status "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6241
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog could not mark the full log to be sent to ClubLog"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6242 ../mainwindow.cpp:6274 ../mainwindow.cpp:6305
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Something prevented KLog from marking the QSOs as modified. Restart KLog and "
"try again before contacting the KLog developers."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6266
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The log is ready to be uploaded to eQSL.cc."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6267
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"All the QSOs in this log has been marked as Modified in the eQSL.cc status "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6273
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog could not mark the full log to be sent to eQSL"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6286
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.COM"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6287
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QRZ.COM"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6297
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The log is ready to be uploaded to QRZ.com."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6298
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"All the QSOs in this log has been marked as Modified in the QRZ.com status "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6304
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog could not mark the full log to be sent to QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6358
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You need to define a proper API Key for your QRZ.com logbook in the eLog "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7108
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Filling QSOs ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7329
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Datum/Vrijeme"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7359
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Printing the log ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7910
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - QSO received"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7947
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak postaje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7950
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Operator Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak operatera"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7992
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - WSJTX Dupe QSO"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7995
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "This QSO seems to be duplicated. Do you want to save or discard it?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8078
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Non-supported mode"
msgstr "KLog - Način rada nije podržan"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8081
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"A new mode not supported by KLog has been received from an external program "
"or radio:"
msgstr ""
"Novi način rada koji nije podržan u KLogu primljen je iz vanjskog softvera:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8081
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Do you want to keep receiving these alerts? (disabling these alerts will "
"prevent non-valid modes being detected)"
msgstr ""
"Želite li nastaviti primati ovu obavijest? (ako onemogućite ovu obavijest "
"nećete moći otkriti nevažeće načine rada)"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8235
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Recommendation:"
msgstr "Preporuka:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8235
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Periodically export your data to ADIF to prevent a potential data loss."
msgstr ""
"Povremeno izvezite podatke u ADIF kako bi spriječili potencijalni gubitak "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3835
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all queued QSOs in this log as sent to LoTW."
msgstr "Označi sve poredane QSOe u ovom dnevniku kao poslane u LoTW."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3840
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all queued QSOs as sent to LoTW."
msgstr "Označi sve poredane QSOe kao poslane u LoTW."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5430
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Sends the log to LoTW calling TQSL."
msgstr "Šalje devnik u LoTW izvršavanjem TQSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3810
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Shows DX-QSLs for which requests or QSLs have been sent with no answer."
msgstr ""
"Prikazuje DX QSL za koje je QSL bio zatražen ili je bio poslan ali odgovor "
"nije stigao."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3815
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Shows the DX-QSLs that have been requested."
msgstr "Prikaži DX QSLke koje su zatražene."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3820
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Queue all QSLs from this log to be sent"
msgstr "Stavi sve QSLe iz ovog dnevnika u red za slanje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3823
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all non-sent QSOs in this log as queued to be uploaded."
msgstr "Označi sve ne-poslane QSOe u ovom dnevniku kao poredane za učitavanje."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3825
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Queue all QSLs to be sent"
msgstr "Poredaj sve QSLke za slanje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3828
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Put all the non-sent QSOs in the queue to be uploaded."
msgstr "Stavi sve neposlane QSOe u red za učitavanje."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3837
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all queued QSOs as sent"
msgstr "Označi sve poredane QSOe kao poslane"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3916 ../mainwindow.cpp:3921
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "For updated DX-Entity data, update cty.csv."
msgstr "Za osvježene podatke o DX entitetima, osvježite cty.csv."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3925
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Stats"
msgstr "Statistike"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3928
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Show the statistics of your radio activity."
msgstr "Prikazuje statistike vaše radio aktivnosti."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3953
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Pomoć"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4054 ../mainwindow.cpp:4123
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Now you can go to the File menu to export the LoTW ADIF file and upload it "
"to LoTW."
msgstr ""
"Sada možete ići u izbornik Datoteka kako bi izveli LoTW datoteku i učitali "
"je u LoTW."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4147
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - TQSL"
msgstr "KLog - TQSL"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4151
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"TQSL is not installed or KLog can't find it. Please check the configuration."
msgstr ""
"TQSL nije instaliran ili ga KLog ne može naći. Molim provjerite "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4170
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Error #1: The process was cancelled by the user or TQSL was not configured. "
"No QSOs were uploaded."
msgstr ""
"Greška #1: Korisnik je prekinuo proces ili TQSL nije bio konfiguriran. "
"Nijedan QSO nije bio učitan."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4174
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #2: Upload was rejected by LoTW, please check your data."
msgstr "Greška #2: LotW je odbio učitavanje, molim provjerite vaše podatke."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4178
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #3: The TQSL server returned an unexpected response."
msgstr "Greška #3: TQSL poslužitelj odgovorio je neočekivanim odgovorom."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4182
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #4: There was a TQSL error."
msgstr "Greška #4: Dogodila se TQSL greška."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4186
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #5: There was a TQSLLib error."
msgstr "Greška #5: Dogodila se TQSLLib greška."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4190
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #6: It was not possible to open the input file."
msgstr "Greška #6: Nije bilo moguće otvoriti ulaznu datoteku."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4194
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #7: It was not possible to open the ouput file."
msgstr "Greška #7: Nije bilo moguće otvoriti izlaznu datoteku."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4198
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Error #8: No QSOs were processed since some QSOs were duplicates or out of "
"date range."
msgstr ""
"Greška #8: Nijedan QSO nije bio obrađen jer su neki QSOi bili duplikati ili "
"izvan granica nadnevaka."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4202
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Error #9: Some QSOs were processed, and some QSOs were ignored because they "
"were duplicates or out of date range."
msgstr ""
"Greška #9: Neki QSOi su bili obrađeni, a neki ignorirani zbog toga što su "
"bili duplikati ili izvan granica nadnevaka."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4206
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #10: Command syntax error. KLog sent a bad syntax command."
msgstr ""
"Greška #10: Greška sintakse naredbe. KLog je poslao naredbu sa pogrešnom "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4210
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #11: LoTW Connection error (no network or LoTW is unreachable)."
msgstr ""
"Greška #11: Greška spajanja na LoTW (mreža nije dostupna ili LoTW nije "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4213
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error #00: Unexpected error. Please contact the development team."
msgstr ""
"Greška #00: Neočekivana greška. Molimo kontaktirajte razvijatelje programa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4245
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The log that you have selected contains more than just one station callsign."
msgstr "Dnevnik koji ste izabrali sadrži više od samo jednog pozivnog znaka."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4245
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Please select the station callsign you want to mark as sent to LoTW:"
msgstr ""
"Molim izaberite pozivni znak postaje za koju želite označiti kao poslano u "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4248
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Station Callsign:"
msgstr "Pozivni znak postaje:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4259
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Define Station Callsign"
msgstr "Odrediti pozivni znak postaje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4260
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Enter the station callsign to use for this log or leave it empty for QSO "
"without station callsign defined:"
msgstr ""
"Unesite pozivni znak za ovaj dnevnik ili ga ostavite praznim za QSO bez "
"definiranog pozivnog znaka postaje:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4277
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - No station selected"
msgstr "KLog - Nijedna postaja nije izabrana"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4278
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"No station callsign has been selected and therefore no log will be marked"
msgstr ""
"Niti jedan pozivni znak nije izabran i kao takav niti jedan dnevnik neće "
"biti označen"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4462
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "Čestitke!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4462
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You already have the latest version."
msgstr "Već imate najnoviju inačicu."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5436
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "This function is disabled. Go to the Setup->LoTW tab to enable it."
msgstr ""
"Ova funkcija je onemogućena. Idite u Postavke->LoTW karticu i omogućite je."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5951
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "There was an error while updating to Yes the LoTW QSL sent information."
msgstr ""
"Dogodila se greška prilikom postavljanja LoTW QSL poslana podatka na Da."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4641
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You can find the KLog data folder here: "
msgstr "KLog mapa s podacima je ovdje: "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4695
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "start"
msgstr "pokrenuti"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4720
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "stop"
msgstr "zaustaviti"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5335
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"If you are sure that the database contains QSOs and KLog is not able to find "
"them, please contact the developers (see About KLog) for help."
msgstr ""
"Ako ste sigurni da baza podataka sadrži QSOe i KLog ih nije uspio pronaći, "
"molimo kontaktirajte razvijatelje programa (vidite O Klogu) za pomoć."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5721
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Logging operator's callsign."
msgstr "Snimam operaterov pozivni znak."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5722
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Callsign used over the air."
msgstr "Pozivni znak korišten u eteru."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3849
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Download from LoTW ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3854
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Download the full log from LoTW ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3859
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "ClubLog tools ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3866
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Upload the queued QSOs to ClubLog ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3872
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "eQSL tools ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3879
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Upload the queued QSOs to eQSL.cc ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3885
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QRZ.com tools ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3889
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Upload the queued QSOs to QRZ.com ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3912
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Update cty.csv"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3918
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Update Satellite Data"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3945
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Setup"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3947
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Setup ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3961
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Tips ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3972
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&About ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3979
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "About Qt ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3987
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Check updates ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4403
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "About ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5839
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "No QSOs have been exported to ADIF."
msgstr "Nijedan QSO nije bio izvezen u ADIF."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5843
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog has exported %1 QSOs to the ADIF file: %2"
msgstr "KLog je izvezao %1 QSOa u ADIF datoteku: %2"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5904
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"You need to select one station callsign to be able to send your log to LoTW."
msgstr ""
"Trebate izabrati jedan pozivni znak postaje kako biste mogli poslati vaš "
"dnevnik u LoTW."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6144 ../mainwindow.cpp:6187
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Select the Station Callsign."
msgstr "KLog - Izaberitie pozivni znak postaje."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2811
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You have requested to delete the QSO with: %1"
msgstr "Zatražili ste da izbrišete QSO sa: %1"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2761 ../mainwindow.cpp:2816
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Jeste li sigurni?"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2756
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You have requested to delete several QSOs "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:54 ../mainwindow.cpp:3895
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Check always the current callsign in QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:404
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "You can update the entities database in Tools->Update cty.csv"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:405
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to do it now?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1090
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The callsign %1 is not a valid call. Do you really want to add this callsign "
"to the log?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1868
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Not valid callsign"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:1869
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The callsign %1 is not a valid callsign. Do you really want to add this "
"callsign to the log?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2918
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The ClubLog upload process has finished with an error and the log was "
"possibly not uploaded."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2919
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Please check your credentials, your Internet connection and your Clublog "
"account. The received error code was: %1"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2939
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to mark as Uploaded all the QSOs uploaded to ClubLog?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2938 ../mainwindow.cpp:2953 ../mainwindow.cpp:2964
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2974 ../mainwindow.cpp:2984 ../mainwindow.cpp:5993
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6019 ../mainwindow.cpp:6224
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - ClubLog"
msgstr "KLog - ClubLog"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2955
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was an error while updating to Yes the ClubLog QSO upload information."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2965
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The ClubLog upload process has finished and KLog created a file (%1) in your "
"KLog folder.\n"
"Do you want KLog to remove that file?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2985 ../mainwindow.cpp:3104
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The file has not been removed."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2986 ../mainwindow.cpp:3105
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"It seems that there was something that prevented KLog from removing the "
"You can remove it manually."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3037
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The eQSL upload process has finished with an error and the log was possibly "
"not uploaded."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3038 ../mainwindow.cpp:3133
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Please check your credentials, your Internet connection and your eQSL "
"account. The received error code was: %1"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3057
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to mark as Uploaded all the QSOs uploaded to eQSL?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3073
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was an error while updating to Yes the eQSL QSO upload information."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3084
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The eQSL upload process has finished and KLog created a file (%1) in your "
"KLog folder.\n"
"Do you want KLog to remove that file?"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3352
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Exit"
msgstr "KLog - Izlaz"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3832
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mark all queued QSOs from this log as sent"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3887
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Check the current callsign in QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3967
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "&Debug ..."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4054
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "All pending QSOs of this log has been marked as queued for LoTW!"
msgstr "Svi QSOi u tijeku u ovom dnevniku označeni su kao poredani za LoTW!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4062 ../mainwindow.cpp:4128
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was a problem to mark all pending QSOs of this log as queued for LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Nastao je problem prilikom označavanja svih porednih QSOa u ovom dnevniku "
"kao poredanih za LoTW!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4091
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Your log has been updated with the LoTW downloaded QSOs."
msgstr "Vaš dnevnik je ažuriran podacima QSOa preuzetih iz LoTWa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4092
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog has updated %1 QSOs from LoTW."
msgstr "KLog je ažurirao %1 QSOa iz LOTWa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4123
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "All pending QSOs has been marked as queued for LoTW!"
msgstr "Svi poredani QSOi su označeni kao poredani za LoTW!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4305
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Do you really want to mark ALL these QSOs to be UPLOADED? Must be done ONLY "
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4319
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "All queued QSOs of this log has been marked as sent for LoTW!"
msgstr "Svi QSOi u tijeku su označeni kao poslani za LoTW!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4324
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was a problem to mark all queued QSOs of this log as sent for LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Nastao je problem prilikom označavanja svih QSOa u tijeku u ovom dnevniku "
"kao poslanih za LoTW!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4346
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "All queued QSOs has been marked as sent to LoTW!"
msgstr "Svi QSOi u tijeku su označeni kao poslani u LoTW!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4351
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"There was a problem to mark all queued QSOs of this log as sent to LoTW!"
msgstr ""
"Nastao je problem prilikom označavanja svih porednih QSOa u ovom dnevniku "
"kao poslanih u LoTW!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5335
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It seems that there are no QSOs in the database."
msgstr "Izgleda da u ovoj bazi podataka nema nijednog QSOa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7238
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Filling DXCC, CQz, ITUz, Continent in QSOs...\n"
" QSO: "
msgstr ""
"Popunjavam DXCC, CQz, ITUz, Kontinent u QSOima...\n"
" QSO: "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7331 ../mainwindow.cpp:7918
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8035
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QSO logged from WSJT-X:"
msgstr "QSO zabilježen iz WSJT-X:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:718
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "It seems that you are running this version of KLog for the first time."
msgstr "Izgleda da izvršavate ovu inačicu KLoga po prvi put."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:719
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The setup will be open to allow you to do any new setup you may need."
msgstr ""
"Postavke će biti otvotene kako biste imali priliku da podesite sve što biste "
"mogli trebati."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3647
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The logfile has been modified."
msgstr "Dnevnička datoteka je bila izmijenjena."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:3647
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to save your changes?"
msgstr "Želite li spremiti svoje izmjene?"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4696 ../mainwindow.cpp:4721
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|start or stop"
msgid ""
"UDP Server error\n"
"The UDP server failed to %1."
msgstr ""
"Greška UDP poslužitelja\n"
"UDP poslužitelj nije %1."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5724
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Status of the DX entity."
msgstr "Status DX entiteta."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5726
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Name of the DX entity."
msgstr "Ime DX entiteta."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5738
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QSO"
msgstr "QSO"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5739
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "QSL"
msgstr "QSL"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5740 ../mainwindow.cpp:6256
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "eQSL"
msgstr "eQSL"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5741 ../mainwindow.cpp:7341 ../mainwindow.cpp:7938
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentar"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5744
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Drugi"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5746
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "My Data"
msgstr "Moji podaci"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5747
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satelit"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5775
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5764
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Podaci"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5770
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Awards"
msgstr "Priznanja"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5771
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Traži"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5773
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Log"
msgstr "Dnevnik"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5774
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "DX-Cluster"
msgstr "DX-Cluster"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2724 ../mainwindow.cpp:5856 ../mainwindow.cpp:5871
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6372
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Save ADIF File"
msgstr "Spremi ADIF datoteku"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5961
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"The LoTW upload process has finished and KLog created a file (%1) in your "
"KLog folder.\n"
"Do you want KLog to remove that file?"
msgstr ""
"LoTW učitavanje je završeno i KLog je napravio datoteku (%1) u vašoj KLog "
"Želite li da KLog izbriše tu datoteku?"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:2975 ../mainwindow.cpp:3094 ../mainwindow.cpp:5971
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The file has been removed."
msgstr "Datoteka je izbrisana."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4050 ../mainwindow.cpp:4086 ../mainwindow.cpp:4117
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:4304 ../mainwindow.cpp:4313 ../mainwindow.cpp:4341
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5902 ../mainwindow.cpp:5937 ../mainwindow.cpp:5949
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:5960 ../mainwindow.cpp:5970 ../mainwindow.cpp:6161
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6204
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - LoTW"
msgstr "KLog - LoTW"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:6386
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Otvori datoteku"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7054
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid " - Needed for DXMarathon"
msgstr " - Potrebno za DXMarathon"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7108
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Abort filling"
msgstr "Prekini ispunjavanje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7327
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Broj"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7337
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Pojas"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7339 ../mainwindow.cpp:7924
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Način rada"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7354
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Print Log"
msgstr "Ispiši dnevnik"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7359
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Abort printing"
msgstr "Prekini ispis"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7375 ../mainwindow.cpp:7390
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Printing the log...\n"
" QSO: "
msgstr ""
"Ispisujem dnevnik...\n"
" QSO: "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7915
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "The following QSO data has been received from WSJT-X to be logged:"
msgstr ""
"QSO sa slijedećim podacima je primljen iz WSJT-Xa kako bi bilo zapisan u "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7921
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Freq"
msgstr "Frekv"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7928
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Time On"
msgstr "Vrijeme početka"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7932
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Time Off"
msgstr "Vrijeme kraja"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7935
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "RST TX"
msgstr "RST TX"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7935
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "RST RX"
msgstr "RST RX"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7941
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "DX-Grid"
msgstr "DX koordinata"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7944
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Local-Grid"
msgstr "Lokalna koordinata"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:7997
2021-03-20 11:09:58 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Duplicated QSOs have to match another existing QSO with the same call, band, "
"mode, date and time, taking into account the period that can be defined in "
"the settings."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8081
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"If the received mode is correct, please contact KLog development team and "
"request support for that mode"
msgstr ""
"Ako je ovaj način rada valjan, molimo javite razvijateljima KLoga i "
"zatražite podršku za ovaj način rada"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8218
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Duplicated satellite"
msgstr "KLog - Dupliciran satelit"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8220
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"A duplicated satellite has been detected in the file and will not be "
msgstr "Duplicirani satelit je otkriven u datoteci i neće biti uvezen."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8221
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Please check the satellite information file and ensure it is properly "
msgstr ""
"Molim provjerite datoteku s podacima o satelitima i osigurajte da je "
"ispravno popunjena."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8221
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid ""
"Now you will see a more detailed error that can be used for debugging..."
msgstr ""
"Sada ćete vidjeti detaljnije greške koje možete koristiti za otklanjanje "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8228
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "An unexpected error ocurred!!"
msgstr "Dogodila se nepredviđena greška!!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8228
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "If the problem persists, please contact the developers"
msgstr "Ako problem i dalje traje, molimo javite razvijateljima programa"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8228
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "for analysis:"
msgstr "za analizu:"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8230
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error in function"
msgstr "Greška u funkciji"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8231
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error code"
msgstr "Kod greške"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8232
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Error text"
msgstr "Tekst greške"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8233
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Failed query"
msgstr "Neuspio upit"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8242
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "KLog - Show errors"
msgstr "KLog - Prikaži pogreške"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../mainwindow.cpp:8244
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindow|"
msgid "Do you want to keep showing errors?"
msgstr "Želite li nastaviti viđati greške?"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:47
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputComment|"
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Komentar"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:49
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputComment|"
msgid "Add a comment for this QSO."
msgstr "Dodaj komentar za ovaj QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:52
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputComment|"
msgid "Keep this data"
msgstr "Spremiti ove podatke"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:54
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputcomment.cpp:56
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputComment|"
msgid "Data entered in this tab will be copied into the next QSO."
msgstr "Podaci uneseni u ovu karticu biti će kopirani u sljedeći QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:72
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the ClubLog upload."
msgstr "Datum ClubLog učitavanja."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the QRZ.com upload."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:74
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the eQSL sending."
msgstr "Datum slanja eQSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:75
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the eQSL reception."
msgstr "Datum prijema eQSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the LoTW sending."
msgstr "Datum slanja LoTWa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Date of the LoTW reception."
msgstr "Datum prijema LoTWa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:80
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status on QRZ.com."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status of the LoTW sending."
msgstr "Status slanja LOTWa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:84
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status of the LoTW reception."
msgstr "Status prijema LoTWa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:91
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:100
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "LoTW Sent"
msgstr "LoTW Posl"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:103
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "LoTW Rec"
msgstr "LoTW Prim"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:79
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status on ClubLog."
msgstr "Status u ClubLogu."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status of the eQSL sending."
msgstr "Status eQSL slanja."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "Status of the eQSL reception."
msgstr "Status eQSL prijema."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "ClubLog"
msgstr "ClubLog"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:94
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "eQSL Sent"
msgstr "eQSL poslana"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputeqsl.cpp:97
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputEQSL|"
msgid "eQSL Rec"
msgstr "eQSL primljena"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:75
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Primary Div"
msgstr "Primarni Pod"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Secondary Div"
msgstr "Sekundarni Pod"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "IOTA"
msgstr "IOTA"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:78
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitet"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:79
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Propagation mode"
msgstr "Propagacijski mod"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:80
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select ADIF"
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:89
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Keep propagation mode"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:91
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the primary division for this QSO."
msgstr "Izaberi primarnu podjelu za ovaj QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:92
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the secondary division for this QSO."
msgstr "Izaberi sekundrnu podjelu za ovaj QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the entity for this QSO."
msgstr "Izaberi entitet za ovaj QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:94
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the propagation mode for this QSO."
msgstr "Izaberi propagaciju za ovaj QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:95
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the IOTA continent for this QSO."
msgstr "Izaberi IOTA kontinent za ovaj QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:96
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the IOTA reference number for this QSO."
msgstr "Izaberi IOTA referentni broj za ovaj QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:97
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Keeps the same propagation mode for next QSO."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:99
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Select the appropriate ADIF field for this QSO."
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:100
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Value for the selected ADIF field."
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:136
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:175
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Not Identified"
msgstr "Nije identificiran"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:142
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Not - Not Identified"
msgstr "Nije - Nije identificiran"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:474
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "SOTA Ref"
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputothers.cpp:474
msgctxt "MainWindowInputOthers|"
msgid "Age"
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:66
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL Sent"
msgstr "QSL Poslana"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:69
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL Rec"
msgstr "QSL Prim"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:72
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL Via"
msgstr "QSL Preko"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:75
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL Msg"
msgstr "QSL Por"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:78
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Status of the QSL sending."
msgstr "Status slanja QSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:79
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Status of the QSL reception."
msgstr "Status prijema QSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:80
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL sending information."
msgstr "Informacija slanja QSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL reception information."
msgstr "Informacija prijema QSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Date of the QSL sending."
msgstr "Datum slannja QSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:84
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Date of the QSL reception."
msgstr "Datum prijema QSLa."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "Message of the QSL."
msgstr "QSL poruka."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqsl.cpp:86
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSL|"
msgid "QSL via information."
msgstr "QSL preko podaci."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:67
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "TX RST."
msgstr "TX RST."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:68
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "RX RST."
msgstr "RX RST."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:69
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:570
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "TX Frequency in MHz."
msgstr "TX frekvencija u MHz."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:70
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:609
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "RX Frequency in MHz."
msgstr "RX frekvencija u MHz."
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:71
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Power used by the contacted station."
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:72
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Name of the contacted operator."
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:73
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "QTH of the contacted station."
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:74
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Locator of the contacted station."
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:78
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgid "Watts"
msgstr "Wata"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:82
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:86
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:88
msgctxt ""
"MainWindowInputQSO|Translator: Split is a common hamradio term. Do not "
"translate unless you are sure."
msgid "Split"
msgstr ""
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:92
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:96
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "QTH"
msgstr "QTH"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "DX Locator"
msgstr "DX lokator"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:104
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Power(rx)"
msgstr "Snaga(rx)"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:108
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "RST(tx)"
msgstr "RST(tx)"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:112
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "RST(rx)"
msgstr "RST(rx)"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:130
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Freq TX"
msgstr "Frekv TX"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:135
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "Freq RX"
msgstr "Frekv RX"
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:282
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid "DX QTH locator."
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:290
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid ""
"DX QTH locator. Format should be Maidenhead like IN70AA up to 10 characters."
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:577
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid ""
"TX Frequency in MHz.\n"
"Frequency is not in a hamradio band!"
msgstr ""
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowinputqso.cpp:614
msgctxt "MainWindowInputQSO|"
msgid ""
"RX Frequency in MHz.\n"
"Frequency is not in a hamradio band!"
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:71
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
msgid "Watts"
msgstr "Wata"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
msgid "Keep this data"
msgstr "Spremiti ove podatke"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:231
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My QTH locator."
msgstr "Moj QTH lokator."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:117
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "Power"
msgstr "Snaga"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:119
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "Operator callsign"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:121
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak postaje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:124
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My Locator"
msgstr "Moj lokator"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:243
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid ""
"My QTH locator. Format should be Maidenhead like IN70AA up to 10 characters."
msgstr ""
"Moj QTH lokator. Format bi trebao biti Maidenhead kao IN70AA do 10 znakova."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:437
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My Rig"
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:437
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My Antenna"
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowmydatatab.cpp:437
msgctxt "MainWindowMyDataTab|"
msgid "My SOTA_Ref"
msgstr ""
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:89
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Keep this data"
msgstr "Spremiti ove podatke"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:94
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:419
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Other - Sat not in the list"
msgstr "Drugo - Satelit nije na listi"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:91
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Data entered in this tab will be copied into the next QSO."
msgstr "Podaci uneseni u ovu karticu biti će kopirani u sljedeći QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:97
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"Name of the Satellite if not in the list. Select: \"%1\" to enable this box. "
"(format like AO-51)."
msgstr ""
"Ime satelita ako nije na popisu. Odaberite \"%1\" kako bi omogućili ovu "
"opciju (formata kao AO-51)."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:100
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Satellite mode used."
msgstr "Satelitski način rada korišten."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:101
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Select the satellite you are using."
msgstr "Izaberite satelit koji koristite."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:102
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "UpLink band."
msgstr "UpLink frekvencijski pojas."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:103
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "DownLink band."
msgstr "DownLink frekvencijski pojas."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:104
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:277
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"Locator of the DX station. This box is synchronized with the Locator box in "
"the QSO tab."
msgstr ""
"Lokator DX postaje. Ova kućica sinkronizirana je sa kućicom Lokator u QSO "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:107
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "UpLink"
msgstr "UpLink"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:111
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "DownLink"
msgstr "DownLink"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:115
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satelit"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:119
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Način rada"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:123
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "DX Locator"
msgstr "DX lokator"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:128
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Drugo"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:133
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:137
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:287
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"Locator of the DX station. Format should be Maidenhead like IN70AA up to 10 "
msgstr ""
"Lokator DX postaje. Format bi trebao biti Maidenhead kao npr. IN70AA do 10 "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:418
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "Not Sat QSO"
msgstr "Nije satelitski QSO"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:455
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"KLog has detected a satellite name that it does not recognise. If it should "
"use one of the names of known satellites instead, please select it from the "
"list. Alternatively, please contact the development team to add the new "
"satellite name."
msgstr ""
"KLog je otkrio satelit čije ime ne poznaje. Ako je riječ o nekom od poznatih "
"satelita, molim izaberite ga s liste. Inače, molim kontaktirajte razvojni "
"tim da dodaju ime novog satelita."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:456
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "The satellite you have in your QSO is: "
msgstr "Satelit kojeg imate u QSOu je: "
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:456
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"Please be aware that the satellite name will not be saved if it is not in "
"the list, so that information may be lost!"
msgstr ""
"Pripazite na to da ime satelita neće biti spremljeno ako nije na popisu, "
"tako da informacija može biti izgubljena!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:555
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"RX Frequency in MHz.\n"
"Frequency is not in a hamradio band!"
msgstr ""
"RX frekvencija u MHz.\n"
"Frekvencija nije u radioamaterskom frekvencijskom pojasu!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:560
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "RX Frequency in MHz."
msgstr "RX frekvencija u MHz."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:614
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid ""
"TX Frequency in MHz.\n"
"Frequency is not in a hamradio band!"
msgstr ""
"TX frekvencija u MHz.\n"
"Frekvencija nije u radioamaterskom frekvencijskom pojasu!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../inputwidgets/mainwindowsattab.cpp:619
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "MainWindowSatTab|"
msgid "TX Frequency in MHz."
msgstr "TX frekvencija u MHz."
#: ../database.cpp:226 ../database.cpp:290
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Database Error"
msgstr "Greška baze podataka"
#: ../database.cpp:1500
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog DB needs to be upgraded."
msgstr "Klog baza treba se nadograditi."
#: ../database.cpp:1501
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Do you want to upgrade it now?"
msgstr "Želite li nadograditi sada?"
#: ../database.cpp:1501
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "If DB is not upgraded KLog may not work properly."
msgstr "Ako baza podataka nije nadograđena KLog možda neće ispravno raditi."
#: ../database.cpp:1540
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"Upgrading software may potentially cause problems. Backing up your DB, "
"before upgrading, is always a good idea."
msgstr ""
"Nadogradnja softvera može potencijalno izazvati probleme. Spremanje "
"sigurnosne kopije vaše datoteke prije nadogradnje je uvijek dobra ideja."
#: ../database.cpp:1541
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Do you want to backup your DB now?"
msgstr "Želite li spremiti sigurnosnu kopiju vaše baze podataka sad?"
#: ../database.cpp:1585
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The backup finished successfully."
msgstr "Spremanje sigurnosne kopije je bilo uspješno."
#: ../database.cpp:1586
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "You can find the backup in this file: %1"
msgstr "Sigurnosnu kopiju možete naći u datoteci: %1"
#: ../database.cpp:1596
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "The backup was not properly done."
msgstr "Spremanje sigurnosne kopije nije bilo uspješno."
#: ../database.cpp:1597
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "You will be sent back to the starting point."
msgstr "Bit ćete poslani na početak."
#: ../database.cpp:2083
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog - DB can't be updated automatically"
msgstr "KLog - Baza podataka ne može biti automatski nadograđena"
#: ../database.cpp:2084
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"You are upgrading from a too old KLog version and this upgrade can't be "
"upgraded automatically from that version."
msgstr ""
"Nadograđujete KLog iz inačice koja je prestara i ova nadogradnja se ne može "
"izvršiti automatski iz te inačice."
#: ../database.cpp:2222 ../database.cpp:3941 ../database.cpp:4119
#: ../database.cpp:4321 ../database.cpp:4530
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog - DB update"
msgstr "KLog - ažuriranje baze podataka"
#: ../database.cpp:2280
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"KLog has detected a previous log in the DB. All data will be migrated to a "
"newly created DX type log for you."
msgstr ""
"KLog je otkrio prijašnji dnevnik u bazi. Svi podaci bit će prenešeni u novi "
"dnevnik DX tipa."
#: ../database.cpp:2298
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog: Enter Station callsign"
msgstr "KLog: Unesite pozivni znak postaje"
#: ../database.cpp:2299
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Enter the station callsign used in this log"
msgstr "Unesite pozivni znak koji će biti korišten u ovom dnevniku"
#: ../database.cpp:2300
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak postaje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../database.cpp:3868 ../database.cpp:4050 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6168
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "QSO: "
msgstr "QSO: "
#: ../database.cpp:3942 ../database.cpp:4120 ../database.cpp:4322
#: ../database.cpp:4531
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"Canceling this update will cause data inconsistencies and possibly data "
"loss. Do you still want to cancel?"
msgstr ""
"Prekid ove nadogradnje proizvest će nekonzistentne podatke i mogući gubitak "
"podataka. Želite li još uvijek prekinuti?"
#: ../database.cpp:4251 ../database.cpp:4454
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Progress: "
msgstr "Napredak: "
#: ../database.cpp:3847 ../database.cpp:3868
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating mode information..."
msgstr "Ažuriram podatke o načinu rada..."
#: ../database.cpp:2085
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"The process to upgrade is:\n"
"- Using an old KLog version export your log to ADIF.\n"
"- Remove your logbook.dat file from your KLog folder.\n"
"- Install the new KLog version.\n"
"- Import your ADIF file.\n"
"KLog will finish when you click on OK."
msgstr ""
"Proces nadogradnje je:\n"
"- Koristeći staru inačicu KLoga izvezite datoteku u ADIF.\n"
"- Izbrišite logbook.dat datoteku iz vaše KLog mape.\n"
"- Instalirajte novu inačicu KLoga.\n"
"- Uvezite vašu ADIF datoteku.\n"
"KLog će izaći kad kliknete na OK."
#: ../database.cpp:2351
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"All the data was migrated correctly. You should now go to "
"Setup->Preferences->Logs to check that everything is okay."
msgstr ""
"Svi podaci su ispravno prenešeni. Idite u Postavljanje->Postavke->Dnevnici i "
"provjerite da je sve u redu."
#: ../database.cpp:3847 ../database.cpp:4031 ../database.cpp:4229
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../database.cpp:4431 ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6123
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Abort updating"
msgstr "Prekini ažuriranje"
#: ../database.cpp:4031 ../database.cpp:4050 ../database.cpp:4251
#: ../database.cpp:4454
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating bands information..."
msgstr "Ažuriram podatke o frekvencijskim pojasevima..."
#: ../database.cpp:4227
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating bands information in %1 status..."
msgstr "Ažuriram podatke o frekvencijskim pojasevima za %1 status..."
#: ../database.cpp:4429
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating mode information in %1 status..."
msgstr "Ažuriram podatke o načinu rada za %1 status..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awards.cpp:783
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "nNew One, work it!"
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "New One, work it!"
msgstr "Novi, odradite!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awards.cpp:787 ../awards.cpp:791 ../awards.cpp:797 ../awards.cpp:800
#: ../awards.cpp:803 ../awards.cpp:806 ../awards.cpp:812 ../awards.cpp:818
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Needed, work it!"
msgstr "Treba, odradite!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awards.cpp:794 ../awards.cpp:809 ../awards.cpp:815 ../awards.cpp:821
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Worked but not confirmed"
msgstr "Rađen ali nije potvrđen"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awards.cpp:824
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Potvrđeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../awards.cpp:828
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Not identified"
msgstr "Nije identificiran"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../main.cpp:278
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Install wizard was canceled before completing..."
msgstr "Instalacijski čarobnjak prekinut je prije kraja..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../main.cpp:279
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Do you want to remove the KLog dir from your disk?"
msgstr "Želite li izbrisati KLog mapu s vašeg diska?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../main.cpp:292
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Your KLog dir has been removed"
msgstr "Vaša KLog mapa je uklonjena"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../main.cpp:298
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"I could not remove your KLog dir. You should do it manually if you want it "
"removed from your hard disk."
msgstr ""
"Nisam mogao ukloniti vašu KLog mapu. Izbrišite je ručno ako je želite "
"ukloniti s vašeg čvrstog diska."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../main.cpp:305
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"Your KLog dir could not be removed. You should do it manually if you want it "
"removed from your hard disk."
msgstr ""
"Vaša KLog mapa nije mogla biti izbrisana. Učinite to ručno ako je želite "
"ukloniti s vašeg čvrstog diska."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../main.cpp:311
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Remember that your KLog dir is on your system..."
msgstr "Podsjetite se da je vaša KLog mapa na vašem sustavu..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../main.cpp:292 ../main.cpp:298 ../main.cpp:305 ../main.cpp:311
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Thank you for running KLog!"
msgstr "Hvala što koristite KLog!"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6123
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating information..."
msgstr "Ažuriram podatke..."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../dataproxy_sqlite.cpp:6168
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "Updating DXCC and Continent information..."
msgstr "Ažuriram podatke o DXCC i kontinentima..."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../utilities.cpp:1406
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"A wrong callsign has been found: %1. Please enter a new callsign or confirm "
"that the current one is a good callsign."
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../utilities.cpp:1411
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid ""
"An empty callsign has been detected. If it is possible, please enter the "
"right call."
msgstr ""
"Otkriven je prazan pozivni znak. Ako ste u mogućnosti, molim unesite "
"ispravan pozivni znak."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../utilities.cpp:1414
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "QObject|"
msgid "KLog - Not valid callsign found"
msgstr "KLog - Pronađen nevaljali pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:50
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Clear"
msgstr "&Izbriši"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:52 ../searchwidget.cpp:764
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Select All"
msgstr "Označi &sve"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:53
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Search"
msgstr "&Traži"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:51
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Export Highlighted"
msgstr "Izv&ezi označeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:54
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "All logs"
msgstr "Svi dnevnici"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:159
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Clear the searches."
msgstr "Očisti potrage."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:160
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Export the search result to an ADIF file."
msgstr "Izvezi rezultat potraga u ADIF datoteku."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:161
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Select/Unselect all the QSOs shown."
msgstr "Označi/neoznači sve prikazane QSOe."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:162
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Search in the log."
msgstr "Traži u dnevniku."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:163
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Search in all logs."
msgstr "Traži u svim dnevnicima."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:166
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Select the Station Callsign used to do this QSO."
msgstr "Unesite pozivni znak korišten za ovaj QSO."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:368
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "All in log"
msgstr "Sve u dnevniku"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:369
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Not defined"
msgstr "Nije definiran"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:772
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "&Clear selection"
msgstr "&Izbriši selekciju"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:832
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Save File"
msgstr "Spremi Datoteku"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:250
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "You have requested to delete the QSO with: %1"
msgstr "Zatražili ste da izbrišete QSO sa: %1"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:164
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid ""
"Enter the callsign to search for. Enter '*' to show all the QSOs... it may "
"be slow in big logs!"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../searchwidget.cpp:255
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SearchWidget|"
msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Jeste li sigurni?"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Datum/Vrijeme"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:202
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Pojas"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:207
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Način rada"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:213
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL Sent"
msgstr "QSL Poslana"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:217
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:315
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL Rcvd"
msgstr "QSL Primljena"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak postaje"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:85 ../searchwindow.cpp:90 ../searchwindow.cpp:196
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Call"
msgstr "Znak"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:191
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Date/time"
msgstr "Datum/vrijeme"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:223
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Station callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak postaje"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:294
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL Send"
msgstr "Pošalji QSL"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:368
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "&Delete"
msgstr "Iz&briši"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:369
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Delete a QSO"
msgstr "Izbriši QSO"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:372
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "&Edit QSO"
msgstr "&Uredi QSO"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:373
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Edit this QSO"
msgstr "Uredi ovaj QSO"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:376
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via &bureau"
msgstr "Preko &biroa"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:377
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via bureau"
msgstr "Pošalji ovu QSL preko biroa"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:380
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "D&irect"
msgstr "&Izravno"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:381
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via direct"
msgstr "Pošalji ovu QSL izravno"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:384
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via bureau"
msgstr "Preko biroa"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:385
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL &received via bureau"
msgstr "QSL p&rimljena preko biroa"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:388
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Direct"
msgstr "Izravno"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:389
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL received via direc&t"
msgstr "QSL primljena &izravno"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:392
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Check in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Provjeri u QRZ.com"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:393
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Check this callsign in QRZ.com"
msgstr "Provjeri ovaj pozivni znak u QRZ.com"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:396
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Check in DXHeat.com"
msgstr "Provjeri u DXHeat.com"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:397
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Check this callsign in DXHeat.com"
msgstr "Provjeri ovaj pozivni znak u DXHeat.com"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:400
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "&Request my QSL"
msgstr "Za&traži moju QSL"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:401
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Mark my QSL as requested"
msgstr "Označi moju QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:404
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via Direct and mark DX QSL as requested"
msgstr "Izravno i označi DX QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:405
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via direct and mark DX QSL as requested"
msgstr "Pošalji ovu QSL izravno i označi DX QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:408
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via Bureau and mark DX QSL as requested"
msgstr "Preko biroa i označi DX QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:409
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Send this QSL via bureau and mark DX QSL as requested"
msgstr "Pošalji ovu QSL preko biroa i označi DX QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:412
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "&Request the QSL"
msgstr "Za&traži QSL"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:413
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Mark the QSL as requested"
msgstr "Označi QSL zatraženom"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:416
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Via bureau and mark my QSL as requested"
msgstr "Preko biroa i označi moju QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:417
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL received via bureau and mark my QSL as requested"
msgstr "QSL primljena preko biroa i označi moju QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:420
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Direc&t and mark as my QSL requested"
msgstr "&Izravno i označi moju QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:421
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "QSL received via direct and mark my QSL as requested"
msgstr "QSL primljena izravno i označi moju QSL kao zatraženu"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:657
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "Needed QSO to send the QSL"
msgstr "QSO za koji treba poslati QSL"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:665
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "My QSL requested to be sent"
msgstr "Moja QSL zatražena za slanje"
#: ../searchwindow.cpp:670 ../searchwindow.cpp:675
msgctxt "SearchWindow|"
msgid "DX QSL pending to be received"
msgstr "Prijem DX QSLa u tijeku"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:205 ../setupdialog.cpp:385
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "User data"
msgstr "Korisnički podaci"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:206 ../setupdialog.cpp:397
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Bands/Modes"
msgstr "Frekvencijski pojasevi/Načini rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:403
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "DX-Cluster"
msgstr "DX-Cluster"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:208 ../setupdialog.cpp:409
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Boje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:209 ../setupdialog.cpp:415
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Misc"
msgstr "Razno"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:210
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "World Editor"
msgstr "Urednik svijeta"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:217
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Satellites"
msgstr "Sateliti"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:218
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "HamLib"
msgstr "HamLib"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:360
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid ""
"Do you want to add one log in the Logs tab or exit KLog?\n"
"(Click Yes to add a log or No to exit KLog)"
msgstr ""
"Želite li dodati jednu dnevničku datoteku u kartici Dnevnici ili izići iz "
"(Kliknite da za dodavanje datoteke ili Ne za izlaz iz KLoga)"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:454
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "DB has not been moved to new path."
msgstr "Baza podataka nije bila pomaknuta u novu putanju."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:455
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid ""
"Go to the Misc tab and click on Move DB\n"
" or the DB will not be moved to the new location."
msgstr ""
"Idite u karticu Razno i kliknite na Makni bazu\n"
" ili baza podataka neće biti pomaknuta na novu lokaciju."
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:223
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Poništi"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:224
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:207
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "D&X-Cluster"
msgstr "D&X-Cluster"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:212
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "eLog"
msgstr ""
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:216
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "WSJT-X"
msgstr "WSJT-X"
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:242
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:359
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "You need to enter at least one log in the Logs tab."
msgstr "Trebate unijeti barem jedan dnevnik na kartici Dnevnici."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:464
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "You need to enter at least a valid callsign."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:465
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Go to the User tab and enter valid callsign."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:477
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "You have not selected the kind of log you want."
msgstr "Niste izabrali kakvu vrstu dnevnika želite."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:478
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid ""
"You will be redirected to the Log tab.\n"
"Please add and select the kind of log you want to use."
msgstr ""
"Bit ćete preusmjereni na karticu Dnevnici.\n"
"Izaberite vrstu dnevnika kakvu želite koristiti."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:211 ../setupdialog.cpp:391
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "Logs"
msgstr "Dnevnici"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setupdialog.cpp:421
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupDialog|"
msgid "World"
msgstr "Svijet"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:69
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitet"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "CQ"
msgstr "CQ"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:77
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "ITU"
msgstr "ITU"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:85
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Zemljopisna širina"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:89
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Zemljopisna dužina"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:93
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "UTC"
msgstr "UTC"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:97
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Main prefix"
msgstr "Glavni prefiks"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:103
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "ARRL ID"
msgstr "ARRL ID"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:113
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Comma separated possible prefixes, e.g. EA1, EA2, ..."
msgstr "Mogući prefiksi odvojeni zarezom, npr. EA1, EA2, ..."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:111
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Prefixes"
msgstr "Prefiksi"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:71
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Name of the Entity."
msgstr "Ime entiteta."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:75
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "CQ zone."
msgstr "CQ Zona."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:79
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "ITU zone."
msgstr "ITU Zona."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:87
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:91
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Longitude of the Entity."
msgstr "Zemljopisna dužina entiteta."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:95
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Local time difference to UTC."
msgstr "Razlika lokalnog vremena od UTCa."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:99
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Main prefix of the entity."
msgstr "Primarni prefiks entiteta."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:105
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "ARRL ID."
msgstr "ARRL ID."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:116
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Date of the deletion."
msgstr "Datum brisanja."
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:118
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Izbrisan"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:120
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Poništi"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:121
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
#: ../setuppages/setupentitydialog.cpp:209
msgctxt "SetupEntityDialog|"
msgid "Entity Dialog"
msgstr "Dialog entiteta"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagebandmode.cpp:42
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageBandMode|"
msgid "Bands"
msgstr "Frekvencijski pojasevi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagebandmode.cpp:46
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageBandMode|"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Načini rada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:44
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "New One"
msgstr "Novi"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:45
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Needed in this band"
msgstr "Potrebno na ovom frekvencijskom pojasu"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:46
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Worked in this band"
msgstr "Rađen na ovom frekvencijskom pojasu"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:47
#| msgid "Confirmed"
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Confirmed in this band"
msgstr "Potvrđeno na ovom frekvencijskom pojasu"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:48
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Zadano"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:49
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "WSJT-X palette"
msgstr "WSJT-X paleta"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:50
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Default palette"
msgstr "Uobičajena paleta"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:52
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Color when the DXCC is an ATNO (All Time New One)."
msgstr "Boja kad je DXCC ATNO (All Time New One)."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:55
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "DXCC is confirmed in this band."
msgstr "DXCC je potvrđen na ovom pojasu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:56
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Default color."
msgstr "Uobičajena boja."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:57
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Sets a palette of colors similar to the one used in WSJT-X."
msgstr "Postavlja paletu boja sličnu onoj korištenoj u WSJT-X."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:58
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Sets the default palette."
msgstr "Postavlja uobičajenu paletu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:53
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid ""
"This DXCC was worked before in another band but not in the selected band. It "
"may be needed due to the CQ, ITU, Grid, ..."
msgstr ""
"DXCC je već urađena na drugom frekvencijskom pojasu. Možda je potrebna zbog "
"CQ, ITU, lokatora, ..."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:54
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Worked DXCC, but not confirmed in this band."
msgstr "DXCC odrađen, ali nije potvrđen na ovom opsegu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagecolors.cpp:168
msgctxt "SetupPageColors|"
msgid "Choose a color"
msgstr "Izaberite boju"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:76
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Dodaj"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:77
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Izbriši"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:79
#| msgid "Show HF spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show &HF spots"
msgstr "Prikazati &HF zapažanja"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:80
#| msgid "Show V/UHF spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show V/&UHF spots"
msgstr "Prikazati V/&UHF zapažanja"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:81
#| msgid "Show WARC spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show W&ARC spots"
msgstr "Prikazati W&ARC zapažanja"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:82
#| msgid "Show worked spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show &worked spots"
msgstr "Prikazati od&rađena zapažanja"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:83
#| msgid "Show confirmed spots"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show &confirmed spots"
msgstr "Prikazati p&otvrđena zapažanja"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:84
#| msgid "Show ANN/FULL messages"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show ANN/&FULL messages"
msgstr "Prikazati ANN/&FULL poruke"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:85
#| msgid "Show WWV messages"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show WW&V messages"
msgstr "Prikatati &WWV poruke"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:86
#| msgid "Show WCY messages"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Show WC&Y messages"
msgstr "Prikazati WC&Y poruke"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:87
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Save DX Cluster activity"
msgstr "Spremi aktivnost na DX klasteru"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:88
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Saves all the DX-Cluster activity to a file in the KLog folder"
msgstr "Sprema svu aktivnost na DX klasteru u datuteku u KLogovoj mapi"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:91
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "DX Spots"
msgstr "DX zapažanja"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:102
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Drugi"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:109
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Poruke"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:168
#| msgid "Kontest: Add a DXCluster server"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid "KLog: Add a DXCluster server"
msgstr "KLog: Dodaj DX-Cluster poslužitelj"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagedxcluster.cpp:169
#| msgid ""
#| "Add the address followed by the :port\n"
#| "Example: dxfun.com:8000\n"
#| "If no port is specified, 41112 will be used by default.:"
msgctxt "SetupPageDxCluster|"
msgid ""
"Add the address followed by the :port\n"
"Example: dxfun.com:8000\n"
"If no port is specified, 41112 will be used by default:"
msgstr ""
"Dodaj adresu iza koje je :port\n"
"Primjer: dxfun.com:8000\n"
"Ako ne dodate port, 41112 se podrazumijeva:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:44
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "ClubLog password"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:45
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "ClubLog email"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:49
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Enter the email you used to register in ClubLog."
msgstr "Unesite e-mail s kojim ste registrirani u ClubLogu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:50
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password ClubLog here. Warning: The password will be save on "
"clear in the KLog config file!! (If you don't want to enter the password, "
"KLog will ask you when it is needed.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:56
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Send QSOs in real time"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:57
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Activate ClubLog"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:58
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Send each QSO to ClubLog in real time, as they are added (or modified) in "
msgstr ""
"Šalji svaki QSO u ClubLog u realnom vremenu, kako su dodavani (ili "
"mijenjani) u KLogu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:59
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Starts the ClubLog support in KLog."
msgstr "Pokreće ClubLog podršku u KLogu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:64
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Activate eQSL.cc"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:65
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Enter your username of eQSL.cc."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:66
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password eQSL.cc here. Warning: The password will be save on "
"clear in the KLog config file!! (If you don't want to enter the password, "
"KLog will ask you when it is needed.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:69
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "eQSL.cc password"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:70
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "eQSL.cc user"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:72
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "ClubLog"
msgstr "ClubLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "eQSL.cc"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:100
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:103
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter the user of your QRZ.com account. You need to be subscribed to QRZ.com "
"to use this service."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:105
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "User"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:108
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password QRZ.com here. Warning: The password will be save on "
"clear in the KLog config file!! (If you don't want to enter the password, "
"KLog will ask you when it is needed.)"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:111
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Password"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:112
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Activate QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:113
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Check automatically"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:114
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Check in Qrz.com all Calls as they are entered"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:117
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "LogBook Key"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:119
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"LogBook Key for QSO uploading. You can get this key in your QRZ.com logbook "
"webpage. Remember that you need a QRZ.com subscription to use this feature."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:143
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "LoTW"
msgstr "LoTW"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:144
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Upload"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:145
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Download"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:153
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "TQSL path"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:154
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Use TQSL"
msgstr "Koristi TQSL"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:155
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "LoTW password"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:156
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "LoTW user"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:158
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Enter your LoTW user."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:159
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enter your password LoTW here. Warning: The password will be save on clear "
"in the KLog config file!! (If you don't want to enter the password, KLog "
"will ask you when it is needed.)"
msgstr ""
"Unesite zaporku za LoTW. Upozorenje: Zaporka će biti spremljena nešifrirana "
"u KLog-ovoj datoteci s postavkama! (Ako ne želite unijeti zaporku, KLog će "
"vas pitati kad je bude trebao.)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:160
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Path to the TQSL software."
msgstr "Putanja do TQSL programa."
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:161
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid ""
"Enable the LoTW integration with TQSL. You will need to have TQSL installed"
msgstr "Omogući LoTW integraciju preko TQSLa. Morate imati TQSL instaliran"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageelog.cpp:508
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageELog|"
msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Izaberite datoteku"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:79
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Activate HamLib"
msgstr "Aktiviraj HamLib"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:80
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid ""
"Activates the hamlib support that will enable the connection to a radio."
msgstr "Aktivira hamlib podršku koja omogućava spajanje na radio."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Read-Only mode"
msgstr "Samo čitaj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid ""
"If enabled, the KLog will read Freq/Mode from the radio but will never send "
"any command to the radio."
msgstr ""
"Ako je omogućeno, KLog će čitati frekvenciju i način rada od radija ali mu "
"nikad neće slati nikakvu naredbu."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:100
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Radio"
msgstr "Radio"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:102
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select your rig."
msgstr "Izaberite vaš uređaj."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:106
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Defines the interval to poll the radio in msecs."
msgstr "Definira interval provjere radio uređaja u milisekundama."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:112
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Poll interval"
msgstr "Interval provjere"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:124
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Port"
msgstr "Port"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:126
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid ""
"Select the serial port. Only the serial ports that are detected are shown."
msgstr "Izaberi setijski port. Samo detektirani portovi su prikazani."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:130
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Scan"
msgstr "Pretraži"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:131
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Click to identify the serial ports available in your computer."
msgstr ""
"Kliknite da bi označili raspoložive serijske portove na vašem računalu."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:136
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Bauds"
msgstr "Bauda"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:138
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial port speed."
msgstr "Izaberite brzinu serijskog porta."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:145
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "5 bits"
msgstr "5 bita"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:145
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "6 bits"
msgstr "6 bita"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:145
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "7 bits"
msgstr "7 bita"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:145
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "8 bits"
msgstr "8 bita"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:147
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Data bits"
msgstr "Podatkovnih bitova"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:149
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial data bits."
msgstr "Izaberite broj serijskih podatkovnih bitova."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:156
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "None"
msgstr "Nijedan"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:156
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Hardware"
msgstr "Sklopovlje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:156
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Software XON/XOFF"
msgstr "Softverski XON/XOFF"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:158
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Flow control"
msgstr "Kontrola toka"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:160
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial flow control"
msgstr "Izaberite kontrolu serijskog toka"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:166
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "No parity"
msgstr "Bez pariteta"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:166
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Even"
msgstr "Paran"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:166
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Odd"
msgstr "Neparan"
# There is Croatian translation for "space" but I think in this context (setting a serial port) it is better to leave this in the original English.
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:166
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Space"
msgstr "Space"
# There is Croatian translation for "mark" but I think in this context (setting a serial port) it is better to leave this in the original English
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:166
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Mark"
msgstr "Mark"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:168
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Parity"
msgstr "Paritet"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:170
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial parity."
msgstr "Izaberite paritet serijskog porta."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:177
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "1 bit"
msgstr "1 bit"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:177
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "1.5 bits"
msgstr "1,5 bita"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:177
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "2 bits"
msgstr "2 bita"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:179
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Stop bits"
msgstr "Stop bita"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagehamlib.cpp:181
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageHamLib|"
msgid "Select the serial stop bits."
msgstr "Izaberite broj serijskih stop bita."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:70
#| msgid "New"
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Novo"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:71
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "Ur&edi"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:72
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "Izb&risati"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:228
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:229
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Do you really want to remove this log?"
msgstr "Želite li zaista ukloniti ovaj dnevnik?"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:344
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Operators"
msgstr "Operateri"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:659
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "An error has occurred showing the following error code:"
msgstr "Nastupila je greška sa sljedećim kodom:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:262
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#3)"
msgstr "Dnevnik nije bio izbrisan (#3)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:75
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Add a new log."
msgstr "Dodaj novi dnevnik."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:79
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Edit the selected log."
msgstr "Uredi izabrani dnevnik."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:80
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Remove the selected log."
msgstr "Izbriši izabrani dnevnik."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:230
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "All the QSOs from this log will also be deleted..."
msgstr "Svi QSOi iz ovog dnevnika će biti izbrisani..."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:269
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#2)"
msgstr "Dnevnik nije bio izbrisan (#2)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:276
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#1)"
msgstr "Dnevnik nije bio izbrisan (#1)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:350
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "QSOs"
msgstr "QSOi"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:534
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "The new log could not be created."
msgstr "Nije bilo moguće otvoriti novi dnevnik."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:662
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "KLog - SetupPageLogs"
msgstr "KLog - SetupPageLogs"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:335
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:341
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Station Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak postaje"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:347
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Komentari"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogs.cpp:338
msgctxt "SetupPageLogs|"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:100
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "&Ok"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:101
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Poništi"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:95
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Date"
msgstr "&Datum"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:96
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Station Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak po&staje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:97
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "&Operators"
msgstr "&Operateri"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:98
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "Comm&ent"
msgstr "Kom&entar"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:163
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "Callsign used for this log."
msgstr "Pozivni znak korišten za ovaj dnevnik."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:164
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "Comma separated list of operators: callsign1, callsign2."
msgstr "Lista operatera odvojenih zarezom: pozivni1, pozivni2."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:166
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid "Start date of this log."
msgstr "Datum početka ovog dnevnika."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:167
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid ""
"Add a comment about this log. If filled, it will be shown in the main KLog "
"title to identify the log."
msgstr ""
"Unesite komentar o ovom dnevniku. Ako je unešen, bit će prikazan u KLogu za "
"identifikaciju dnevnika."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagelogsnew.cpp:584
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageLogsNew|"
msgid ""
"You need to enter a valid callsign in the Station Callsign box.\n"
"The log will not be opened."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:38
#| msgid "Imperial system"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Imperial system"
msgstr "&Imperialni sustav"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:39
#| msgid "Log in real time"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Log in real time"
msgstr "&Dnevnik u stvarnom vremenu"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:40
#| msgid "Time in UTC"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Time in UTC"
msgstr "Vrijeme u U&TC"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:41
#| msgid "Save ADIF on exit"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Save ADIF on exit"
msgstr "&Spremi ADIF Datoteku pri izlasku"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:42
#| msgid "Use this default filename"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Use this &default filename"
msgstr "Koristi ovu &podrazumijevanu datoteku"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:43
#| msgid "Mark QSO to send QSL when QSL is received"
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Mark &QSO to send QSL when QSL is received"
msgstr "Označi &QSO za slanje QSL kad je QSL primljena"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:44
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Complete QSO with previous data"
msgstr "Popuni QSO prijašnjim podacima"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:49
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Manage DX-Marathon"
msgstr "Upravljanje DX Marathonom"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:50
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Activate the application debug log"
msgstr "Aktivirajte poruke za otkrivanje greški u aplikaciji"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:53
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Delete always temp ADIF file after uploading QSOs"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:62
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Move DB"
msgstr "Makni bazu podataka"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:87
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"In seconds, enter the time range to consider a duplicate if same call, band "
"and mode is entered."
msgstr ""
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:134
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Check it for Imperial system (Miles instead of Kilometers)."
msgstr "Označite za imperijalni sustav (milje umjesto kilometara)."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:138
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Select to use the following name for the logfile without being asked for it "
msgstr ""
"Označite za korištenje sljedećeg imena za dnevničku datoteku bez da ste za "
"to ponovo upitani."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:140
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select if you want to manage DX-Marathon."
msgstr "Označite ako želite upravljati DX Marathonom."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:141
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "This is the default file where ADIF data will be saved."
msgstr "Ovo je zadana datoteka u koju će se spremati ADIF podaci."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:142
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "This is the directory where the database (logbook.dat) will be saved."
msgstr "Ovo je mapa u koju će se spremiti baza podataka (logbook.dat)."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:144
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Click to change the path of the database."
msgstr "Kliknite za promjenu putanje baze podataka."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:146
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Activates the application debug log. This may be useful if something is not "
"working as expected. A debug file will be created in the KLog directory."
msgstr ""
"Aktivira poruke za otkrivanje greški u aplikaciji. Ovo može biti korisno ako "
"nešto ne radi kako treba. Datoteka će biti zapisana u KLogovoj mapi."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:148
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Click to mark as Queued (to be sent) all the eQSL (LoTW and eQSL) in all the "
"new QSO by default."
msgstr ""
"Kliknite kako bi uobičajeno označili kao poredane (za slanje) sve eQSL (LoTW "
"i eQSL) u svim novim QSOima."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:149
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Delete Always the adif file created after uploading QSOs"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:163
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Dupe time range:"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:472
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Please specify an existing directory where the database (logbook.dat) will "
"be saved."
msgstr ""
"Molim odaberite postojeću mapu gdje će baza podataka (logbook.dat) biti "
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:466
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "This is the directory where DB (logbook.dat) will be saved."
msgstr "Ovo je mapa u koju će baza podataka (logbook.dat) biti spremljena."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:52
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Mark sent eQSL && LoTW in new QSO as queued"
msgstr "Označite poslane eQSL i LoTW u novim QSOima kao poredane"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:143
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Click to change the default ADIF file."
msgstr "Kliknite za promjenu zadane ADIF datoteke."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:145
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Click to move the DB to the new directory."
msgstr "Kliknite za micanje baze podataka u novu mapu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:435
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select Directory"
msgstr "Izaberite mapu"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:493
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "KLog - Move DB"
msgstr "KLog - Pomakni bazu podataka"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:512
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "File moved"
msgstr "Datoteka maknuta"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:523
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "File copied"
msgstr "Datoteka kopirana"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:541
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "File already exist."
msgstr "Datoteka već postoji."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:542
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"The destination file already exist and KLog will not replace it. Please "
"remove the file from the destination folder before moving the file with KLog "
"to make sure KLog can copy the file."
msgstr ""
"Odredišna datoteka već postoji i KLog je neće prebrisati. Molim izbrišite "
"odredišnu datoteku prije micanja datoteke u KLogu kako biste osigurali da "
"KLog može kopirati datoteku."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:547
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "File NOT copied"
msgstr "Datoteka NIJE kopirana"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:548
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "The file was not copied due to an unknown problem."
msgstr "Datoteka nije kopirana uslijed nepoznatog problema."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:562
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"The target directory does not exist. Please select an existing directory."
msgstr "Ciljna mapa ne postoji. Molim izaberite postojeću mapu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:45
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Show the Station &Callsign used in the search box"
msgstr "Pokazati pozivni znakl &postaju korištenu u kućici za pretraživanje"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:47
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Check for new versions automatically"
msgstr "&Provjeri za nove verzije automatski"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:129
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"QSOs will be marked as pending to send a QSL if you receive the DX QSL and "
"have not sent yours."
msgstr ""
"QSOi će biti označeni kao neriješeni za slanje QSLke ako primite DX QSLku a "
"niste poslali vašu."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:132
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"Check if there is a new release of KLog available every time you start KLog."
msgstr ""
"Provjeri je li dostupna nova inačica KLoga svaki put kad pokreneš KLog."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:48
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "&Provide Info for statistics"
msgstr "&Pruži podatke za statistiku"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:130
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "The search box will also show the callsign on the air to do the QSO."
msgstr ""
"Polje za pretraživanje će također pokazati pozivnu oznaku u eteru za uraditi "
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:133
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid ""
"If new version checking is selected, KLog will send the developer your "
"callsign, KLog version and Operating system to help in improving KLog."
msgstr ""
"Ako označite provjeru nove inačice, KLog će razvijatelju progama poslati "
"vašu pozivnu oznaku, inačicu KLoga i operacijski sustav u svrhu "
"unaprijeđivanja KLoga."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:135
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select to use real time."
msgstr "Označite da koristite stvarno vrijeme."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:136
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select to use UTC time."
msgstr "Izaberite za korištenje UTC vremena."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:137
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Select if you want to save to ADIF on exit."
msgstr "Označite ako želite snimiti u ADIF formatu prije izlaska."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:139
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Complete the current QSO with previous QSO data."
msgstr "Popuni trenutni QSO podacima prijašnjeg QSOa."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:60 ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:61
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Razgledavanje"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagemisc.cpp:270
msgctxt "SetupPageMisc|"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Otvori datoteku"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:64
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "&New"
msgstr "&Novo"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:65
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "Ur&edi"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:66
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "Izb&risati"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:67
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "&Import"
msgstr "&Uvoz"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:68
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "E&xport"
msgstr "&Izvoz"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:70
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Add a new satellite."
msgstr "Dodaj novi satelit."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:71
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Edit the selected satellite."
msgstr "Uredi izabrani satelit."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:72
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Remove the selected satellite."
msgstr "Izbriši izabrani satelit."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:74
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Export your current satellites to a file."
msgstr "Izvezite vaše trenutne satelite u datoteku."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:76
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Select the sat you want to open."
msgstr "Izaberite satelit koji želite otvoriti."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:212
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:213
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Do you really want to remove this satellite?"
msgstr "Želite li zaista izbrisati ovaj satelit?"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:73
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid ""
"Import a satellites file. It will replace the satellites you have in the "
"current list."
msgstr ""
"Uvezi datoteku sa satelitima. To će zamijeniti satelite koje trenutno imate "
"na listi."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:214
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "This satellite will no be longer available to be selected ..."
msgstr "Ovaj satelit više neće moći biti izabran ..."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:246
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Sat has not been removed. (#3)"
msgstr "Satelit nije bio izbrisan (#3)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:253
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Sat has not been removed. (#2)"
msgstr "Satelit nije bio izbrisan (#2)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:260
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Sat has not been removed. (#1)"
msgstr "Satelit nije bio izbrisan (#1)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:320
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:323
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Short"
msgstr "Kratko"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:326
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"
# Leaving original here makes more sense
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:329
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Uplink"
msgstr "Uplink"
# Leaving original here makes more sense
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:332
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Downlink"
msgstr "Downlink"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:335
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Načini rada"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:560
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "An error has occurred showing the following error code:"
msgstr "Nastupila je greška sa sljedećim kodom:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:563
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "KLog - SetupPageSats"
msgstr "KLog - SetupPageSats"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:573
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Open Satellites File"
msgstr "Otvori datoteku sa satelitima"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:592
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "KLog warning"
msgstr "Klog upozorenje"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:594
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid ""
"An unexpected error ocurred while importing the satellite data.\n"
"It may be caused because the file you are trying to import does not have the "
"right format."
msgstr ""
"Dogodila se neočekivana pogreška prilikom uvoza podataka o satelitima.\n"
"Moguće je da datoteka koju pokušavate uvesti nije u ispravnom obliku."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:597
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid ""
"Please check the format or contact the developer for analysis with the error "
"code: "
msgstr ""
"Molim provjerite format ili kontaktirajte razvijatelja za analizu koda "
"greške: "
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesats.cpp:664
msgctxt "SetupPageSats|"
msgid "Save Satellites File"
msgstr "Spremi datoteku sa satelitima"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:47
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Short name"
msgstr "Kratko ime"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:48
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Sat name"
msgstr "Ime satelita"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:49
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "UpLink"
msgstr "UpLink"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:50
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "DownLink"
msgstr "DownLink"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:51
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Načini rada"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:57
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "&Ok"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:58
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Poništi"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:104
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid ""
"Enter the short name. Try to use the LoTW short name so you can upload your "
"QSO to LoTW afterwards."
msgstr ""
"Unesite kratko ime. Pokušajte koristiti kratko ime sa LoTWa kako biste "
"poslije mogli učitati QSOe u LoTW."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:105
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Enter the name of the satellite."
msgstr "Unesite ime satelita."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:106
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Enter the uplink frequencies in this format: 144.300"
msgstr "Unesite uplink frekvenciju u ovom formatu: 144.300"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:107
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Enter the downlink frequencies in this format: 144.300"
msgstr "Unesite downlink frekvenciju u ovom formatu: 144.300"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:108
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid "Enter the modes in this format: USB"
msgstr "Unesite načine rada u ovom formatu: USB"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesatsnew.cpp:387
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageSatsNew|"
msgid ""
"Some of the data you have entered is not correct; the satellite can't be "
msgstr ""
"Neki od podataka koje ste unijeli nije valjan; satelit ne može biti dodan."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Date"
msgstr "&Datum"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:95
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Station Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak po&staje"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:96
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Operators"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:97
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "Comm&ent"
msgstr "Kom&entar"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:99
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Ok"
msgstr "&Ok"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:100
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Poništi"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:162
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "Callsign used for this log."
msgstr "Pozivni znak korišten za ovaj dnevnik."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:163
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "Comma separated list of operators: callsign1, callsign2."
msgstr "Lista operatera odvojenih zarezom: pozivni1, pozivni2."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:165
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid "Start date of this log."
msgstr "Datum početka ovog dnevnika."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:166
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid ""
"Add a comment about this log. If filled, it will be shown in the main KLog "
"title to identify the log."
msgstr ""
"Unesite komentar o ovom dnevniku. Ako je unešen, bit će prikazan u KLogu za "
"identifikaciju dnevnika."
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisionnew.cpp:582
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisionNew|"
msgid ""
2021-03-17 14:26:26 +00:00
"You need to enter a valid callsign in the Station Callsign box.\n"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
"The log will not be opened."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:56
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "&Remove"
msgstr "Izb&risati"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:57
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Import new"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:58
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Import an AWA file with the subdivision details."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:61
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Remove the selected references."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:63
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Select the references you want to open."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:123
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "KLog"
msgstr "KLog"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:124
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Do you really want to remove the data of this entity?"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:125
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "All the subdivision information for this entity will be deleted..."
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:157
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#3)"
msgstr "Dnevnik nije bio izbrisan (#3)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:164
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#2)"
msgstr "Dnevnik nije bio izbrisan (#2)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:171
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Log has not been removed. (#1)"
msgstr "Dnevnik nije bio izbrisan (#1)"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:221
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "ID"
msgstr "ID"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:224
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Ime"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:227
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Short Name"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:230
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "CQ Zone"
msgstr "CQ Zona"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:233
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "ITU Zone"
msgstr "ITU Zona"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:236
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:239
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "Start Date"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:242
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "End Date"
msgstr ""
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:245
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:385
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "An error has occurred showing the following error code:"
msgstr "Nastupila je greška sa sljedećim kodom:"
#: ../setuppages/setuppagesubdivisions.cpp:388
msgctxt "SetupPageSubdivisions|"
msgid "KLog - SetupPageSubdivisions"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:36
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Start UDP Server"
msgstr "Pokreni UDP poslužitelj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:68
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Automatically log QSOs from WSJT-X"
msgstr "Automatski zapisuj QSOe iz WSJT-X"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:69
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Allow WSJT-X to send logged QSOs to KLog"
msgstr "Dozvoli WSJT-X da šalje QSOe za zapisivanje u KLog"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:70
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"QSOs logged in WSJT-X will be sent to KLog and KLog will ask before logging "
"into KLog unless \"%1\" is selected"
msgstr ""
"QSOi zapisani u WSJT-X biti će poslani u KLog i KLog će pitati prije "
"upisivanja u KLog osim ako je \"%1\" označeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"KLog will automatically log any QSO coming from WSJT-X without any manual "
msgstr ""
"Klog će automatski zapisivati nadolazeće QSOe iz WSJT-X bez ikakve ručne "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Update status information from WSJT-X"
msgstr "Obnovi informaciju o statusu iz WSJT-X"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"KLog will automatically show and update data coming from WSJT-X (DX "
"callsign, Report, mode, ...)"
msgstr ""
"KLog će automatski prikazati i ažurirati podatke koji dolaze iz WSJT-X (DX "
"pozivni znak, izvještaj, način rada...)"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "UDP port number where the UDP Server will listen for packets."
msgstr "UDP port na kojem će UDP poslužitelj slušati za pakete."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"Make sure it is the same port that the other programs are sending the data "
"to. Default port is 2237."
msgstr ""
"Budite sigurni da je isto port na koji i ostali programi šalju podatke. "
"Uobičajeni port je 2237."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:94
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"UDP Server will receive QSOs sent from other programs like WSJT-X allowing "
"you to log in KLog automatically from those programs."
msgstr ""
"UDP poslužitelj će primiti QSOe poslane iz drugih programa kao na primjer "
"WSJT-X što će vam omogućiti automatsko zapisivanje iz tih programa u KLog."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:101
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "UDP Port"
msgstr "UDP Port"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:111 ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:113
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Select the interface to listen for UDP datagrams coming from WSJT-X."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:112
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "Network interface"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:121
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid "QSOs notification timeout (milisecs)"
msgstr "Istek QSO obavijesti (milisekunde)"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageudp.cpp:122
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUDP|"
msgid ""
"Miliseconds that the notification of QSOs received from WSJTX will be shown."
msgstr ""
"Milisekunde za koje će obavijest QSOa pristiglih iz QSJTX biti prikazana."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:41
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Personal data"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Personal data"
msgstr "Osobni &podaci"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:42
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Station data"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Station &data"
msgstr "Podaci &postaje"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Name"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Name"
msgstr "&Ime"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Address"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Address"
msgstr "&Adresa"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "City"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Cit&y"
msgstr "&Grad"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:84
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Zip Code"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Zip Code"
msgstr "&Poštanski kod"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Prov/State"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Pro&v/State"
msgstr "Županija/&Regija"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:86
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Country"
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Countr&y"
msgstr "&Zemlja"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:140
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:141
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:142
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your information for rig"
msgstr "Unesite podatke o vašoj postaji"
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:143
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:144
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:145
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your information for antenna"
msgstr "Unesite podatke o vašoj anteni"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:71
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your name."
msgstr "Unesite vaše ime."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:72
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your address - 1st line."
msgstr "Unesite vašu adresu - 1. red."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your address - 2nd line."
msgstr "Unesite vašu adresu - 2. red."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:74
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your address - 3rd line."
msgstr "Unesite vašu adresu - 3. red."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:75
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your address - 4th line."
msgstr "Unesite vašu adresu - 4. red."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your city."
msgstr "Unesite vaš grad."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your zip code."
msgstr "Unesite vaš poštanski kod."
# In Croatian language both "country" and "state" translate to "država", there is no concept similar to that of US states as being parts of the country.
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:78
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your province or state."
msgstr "Unesite vašu pokrajinu ili županiju."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:79
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your country."
msgstr "Unesite vašu državu."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:146
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter your power information."
msgstr "Unesite potatke o vašoj snazi."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:148
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Rig 1"
msgstr "&Radio uređaj 1"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:149
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "R&ig 2"
msgstr "R&adio uređaj 2"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:150
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Ri&g 3"
msgstr "Ra&dio uređaj 3"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:151
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Antenna &1"
msgstr "Antena &1"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:152
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Antenna &2"
msgstr "Antena &2"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:153
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Antenna &3"
msgstr "Antena &3"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:154
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Po&wer"
msgstr "&Snaga"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:187
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter the station callsign that will be used for logging."
msgstr ""
"Unesite pozivni znak postaje koji će biti korišten za zapisivanje dnevnika."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:189
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid ""
"Enter the locator of your station. Alternatively, KLog can use an "
"approximate locator based on your callsign."
msgstr ""
"Unesite lokator vaše postaje. Alternativno, KLog može koristiti približan "
"lokator na osnovu vašeg pozivnog znaka."
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:192
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Callsign"
msgstr ""
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:193
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Operators"
msgstr "&Operatori"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:194
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&CQ Zone"
msgstr "&CQ Zona"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:195
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&ITU Zone"
msgstr "&ITU Zona"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:196
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:383
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Locator"
msgstr "&Lokator"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:379
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "&Locator (not valid)"
msgstr "&Lokator (neispravan)"
2021-06-11 06:25:58 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageuserdata.cpp:188
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageUserDataPage|"
msgid "Enter the operators (comma separated if more than one)."
msgstr "Unesite operatere (odvojene zarezom ako je više od jednog)."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:121
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "KLog will not be able to show entities information."
msgstr "KLog neće moći prikazati podatke o entitetima."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:207
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Prefiks"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:209
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitet"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:111
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid ""
"An entities information file (cty.csv) has been detected in your KLog folder "
"and will be loaded."
msgstr ""
"Datoteka s podacima o entitetima (cty.csv) pronađena u vašoj KLog mapi bit "
"će učitana."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:55
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Dodaj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:56
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Izbriši"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:57
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Uredi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:59
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Export World"
msgstr "Izvezi svijet"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:60
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Import World"
msgstr "Uvezi svijet"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:66
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:67
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:68
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:72
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Still not implemented."
msgstr "Još neimplementirano."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Import a new cty.csv file"
msgstr "Uvezi novu cty.csv datoteku"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:120
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid ""
"No entities information file (cty.csv) has been detected in your KLog folder."
msgstr ""
"Datoteka s podacima o entitetima (cty.csv) ne postoji u vašoj KLog mapi."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:211
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "ARRL ID"
msgstr "ARRL ID"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:213
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Continent"
msgstr "Kontinent"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:215
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "CQ Zone"
msgstr "CQ Zona"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:217
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "ITU Zone"
msgstr "ITU Zona"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:219
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "UTC"
msgstr "UTC"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:221
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Latitude"
msgstr "Širina"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:223
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Longitude"
msgstr "Dužina"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:226
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Deleted"
msgstr "Izbrisano"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:229
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Since Date"
msgstr "Od datuma"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:231
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "To Date"
msgstr "Do datuma"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:327
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Otvori datoteku"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:327
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "BigCTY (*.csv)"
msgstr "VelikiCTY (*.csv)"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:336
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Entities information has been updated."
msgstr "Podaci o entitetima su ažurirani."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../setuppages/setuppageworldeditor.cpp:342
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SetupPageWorldEditor|"
msgid "Entities information has not been updated."
msgstr "Podaci o entitetima nisu ažurirani."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:45
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid ""
"The following QSOs are those QSOs that you have received the LoTW "
msgstr "Za ove QSOe ste primili LoTW potvrdu."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:46
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:56
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "DX"
msgstr "DX"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:56
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "Date/Time"
msgstr "Datum/Vrijeme"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:56
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Pojas"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../widgets/showadifimportwidget.cpp:56
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "ShowAdifImportWidget|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Način rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../showerrordialog.cpp:35
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "ShowErrorDialog|"
msgid "KLog Message"
msgstr "KLog poruka"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:43
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:61
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "KLog update"
msgstr "KLog nadogradnja"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:76
#, qt-format
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid ""
"<center><h2>KLog new version (%1) is available! </h2></center><br>There is a "
"new version of KLog available.<br><br><b>You can get the new version "
"from:<br><br><center><a "
msgstr ""
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "Congratulations!"
msgstr "Čestitke!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "Your KLog has been updated."
msgstr "Vaš KLog je ažuriran."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../softwareupdatedialog.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "SoftwareUpdateDialog|"
msgid "You already have the latest version."
msgstr "Već imate najnoviju inačicu."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:68
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StartWizard|"
msgid "KLog - The free hamradio logging program"
msgstr "KLog - slobodna dnevnička aplikacija za radio-amatere"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:94
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StartWizard|"
msgid "Quit Setup"
msgstr "Izađi iz postavljanja"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../startwizard.cpp:94
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StartWizard|"
msgid "Setup is not complete yet. Are you sure you want to quit setup?"
msgstr ""
"Postavljanje nije završeno. Jeste li sigurni da želite izaći iz postavljanja?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:106
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per year"
msgstr "QSOi po godini"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:107
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "DXCC per year"
msgstr "DXCC po godini"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:108
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "CQ zones per year"
msgstr "CQ zone po godini"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:109
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per band"
msgstr "QSOi po frekv. pojasu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:110
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per mode"
msgstr "QSOi po načinu rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:111
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per DXCC"
msgstr "QSOi po DXCCu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:112
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per Continent"
msgstr "QSOi po kontinentu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:113
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per hour"
msgstr "QSOi po satu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:114
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "QSO per month"
msgstr "QSOi po mjesecu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:115
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Worked / Confirmed status"
msgstr "Odrađen / potvrđen status"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:116
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Worked / Sent status"
msgstr "Odrađen / poslan status"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:117
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Sent / Confirmed status"
msgstr "Poslan / potvrđen status"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:118
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Satellite grid status"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../statisticswidget.cpp:119
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatisticsWidget|"
msgid "Satellite DXCC status"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:72
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "CQ Zones per year"
msgstr "CQ zona po godini"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "CQ zones"
msgstr "CQ zone"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "CQ zones per year"
msgstr "CQ zone po godini"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:94
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statscqzperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:94
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsCQZPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Years: %1/%2"
msgstr "Godine: %1/%2"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:54
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Show confirmed only"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:56
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|LEO means Low Earth Orbiting and it is a well known "
"word for hams. Do not translate if not sure."
msgid "Only LEO sats"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:72
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Broj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:109
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:110
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:111
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Pojas"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:112
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Način rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:113
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:114
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satelit"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:115
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Potvrđeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsdxccsonsatswidget.cpp:144
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsDXCCOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:72
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Chart title"
msgstr "Naslov dijagrama"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "DXCC Entities"
msgstr "DXCC Entiteti"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "DXCC Entities per year"
msgstr "DXCC Entiteti po godini"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:91
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsentitiesperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:91
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsEntitiesPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Entities: "
msgstr "Entiteti: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:51
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Show confirmed only"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:53
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt ""
"StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|LEO means Low Earth Orbiting and it is a well known "
"word for hams. Do not translate if not sure."
msgid "Only LEO sats"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:69
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Broj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:106
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Callsign"
msgstr "Pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:107
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:108
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Band"
msgstr "Pojas"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:109
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Način rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:110
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Grid"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:111
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Satellite"
msgstr "Satelit"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:112
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed"
msgstr "Potvrđeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsgridsonsatswidget.cpp:141
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsGridsOnSatsWidget|"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ne"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per band"
msgstr "QSOi po pojasu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Bands"
msgstr "Pojasevi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per band distribution"
msgstr "Raspodjela QSOa po opsezima"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperbandbarchartwidget.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerBandBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Bands: "
msgstr "Pojasevi: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:72
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:86
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per continent"
msgstr "QSOi po kontinentu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:76
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Continents"
msgstr "Kontinenti"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:95
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospercontinentbarchartwidget.cpp:95
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerContinentBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Hours: "
msgstr "Sati: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per DXCC"
msgstr "QSOa po DXCC"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:79
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:163
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "DXCC"
msgstr "DXCC"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperdxccbarchartwidget.cpp:164
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerDXCCBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Top ten DXCC per QSO"
msgstr "Gornjih deset DXCCa po QSOu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per hour"
msgstr "QSOa po satu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Hours"
msgstr "Sati"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:86
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs at hour"
msgstr "QSOa na sat"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:96
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperhourbarchartwidget.cpp:96
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerHourBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Hours: "
msgstr "Sati: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per mode"
msgstr "QSOi po načinu rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Modes"
msgstr "Načini rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per mode distribution"
msgstr "Raspodjela QSOa po načinu rada"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermodebarchartwidget.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerModeBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Modes: "
msgstr "Načini rada: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:73
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per month"
msgstr "QSOa po mjesecu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Jan"
msgstr "Sij"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Feb"
msgstr "Velj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Mar"
msgstr "Ožu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Apr"
msgstr "Tra"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "May"
msgstr "Svi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Jun"
msgstr "Lip"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Jul"
msgstr "Srp"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Sep"
msgstr "Ruj"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Oct"
msgstr "Lis"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Nov"
msgstr "Stu"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Dec"
msgstr "Pro"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:83
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Aug"
msgstr "Kol"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Months"
msgstr "Mjeseci"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:86
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs at Month"
msgstr "QSOi na mjesec"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:96
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsospermonthbarchartwidget.cpp:96
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerMonthBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Months: "
msgstr "Mjeseci: "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ... "
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ... "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:77
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs"
msgstr "QSOi"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:73
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSOs per year"
msgstr "QSOi po godini"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "Reading data ..."
msgstr "Učitavam podatke ..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsqsosperyearbarchartwidget.cpp:93
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsQSOsPerYearBarChartWidget|"
msgid "QSO: %1/%2"
msgstr "QSO: %1/%2"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statssentconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:65
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsSentConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Sent - %1"
msgstr "Poslano - %1"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statssentconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:66
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsSentConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed - %2"
msgstr "Potvrđeno - %2"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statssentconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsSentConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Sent / Confirmed status"
msgstr "Poslan / potvrđen status"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsworkedconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:65
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsWorkedConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Worked, not confirmed - %1"
msgstr "Odrađeno, nije potvrđeno - %1"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsworkedconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:66
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsWorkedConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Confirmed - %2"
msgstr "Potvrđeno - %2"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsworkedconfirmedpiechartwidget.cpp:81
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsWorkedConfirmedPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Worked / Confirmed status"
msgstr "Odrađen / potvrđen status"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsworkedsentpiechartwidget.cpp:65
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsWorkedSentPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Worked - %1"
msgstr "Rađeno - %1"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsworkedsentpiechartwidget.cpp:66
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "StatsWorkedSentPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Sent - %2"
msgstr "Poslano - %2"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../charts/statsworkedsentpiechartwidget.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "StatsWorkedSentPieChartWidget|"
msgid "Worked / Sent status"
msgstr "Odrađen / poslan status"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:50
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid "KLog tips"
msgstr "KLog savjeti"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:67
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Idući"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:68
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Prethodni"
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu Tools->Fill in QSO data
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:155
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #1:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can use <a "
"href=\"#ToolsFillInQSO\">Tools->Fill in QSO data</a> to automatically read "
"the full log to fill the DXCC, CQ, ITU zones and continent?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #1:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete koristiti <a "
"href=\"#ToolsFillInQSO\">Alati->Popuni QSO podatke</a>kako bi automatski "
"pročitali cijeli dnevnik i popunili DXCC, CQ, ITU zone i kontinent?"
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu Tools->QSL tools...->Find QSO to QSL
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:163
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #3:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can use <a "
"href=\"#ToolsFindQSO2QSL\">Tools->QSL tools...->Find QSO to QSL</a> to look "
"for all those QSO that you should send your QSL because you still need to "
"confirm that DXCC and you have still not send your QSL card?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #3:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete koristiti <a "
"href=\"#ToolsFindQSO2QSL\">Alati->Nađi QSO za QSL</a> za pronalaženje svih "
"QSOa za koje bi trebali poslati vašu QSLku jer još uvijek trebate potvrditi "
"taj DXCC a još uvijek niste poslali vašu QSL kartu?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu Tools->Fill in DXCC data
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:159
#, fuzzy
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"<b>Tip #2:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can find the QSLs that you still "
"need to send with <a href=\"#ToolsSendPendingQSL\">Tools->QSL tools...->Find "
"My-QSLs pending to send</a>.<bR>This tool will list you in the search box "
"all the QSOs with the QSL-Sent marked as <i>Requested</i>."
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"<b>Savjet #7:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete naći QSLe koje još uvijek trebate "
"poslati korištenjem <a href=\"#ToolsSendPendingQSL\">Alati->QSL "
"alati...->Nađi Moje-QSL za koje je slanje neodlučeno</a>.<bR>Ovaj će vam "
"alat pokazati u kućici za pretraživanje sve QSOe sa QSL-Poslana označenim "
"kao <i>Zatražena</i>. {2:?}"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu File->Export Requested QSL to ADIF...
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:167
#, fuzzy
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"<b>Tip #4:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can enter a '*' in the search box, "
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
"in the search window to search for all the QSOs done with one specific "
"station callsign?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #5:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete unijeti '*' u polje za pretragu, "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"u prozoru za pretragu kako biste našli sve QSOe sa određenom postajom? {4:?}"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:170
#, fuzzy
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"<b>Tip #5:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can find the file containing all "
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
"your log and other information in the logbook.dat file and the klogrc file, "
"containing the KLog config file in the KLog folder by opening the <a "
"href=\"#FileOpenKLogFolder\">File->KLog folder</a> menu?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #6:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete naći datoteku koja sadrži vaš "
"dnevnik i ostale podatke u datoteci logbook.dat i klogrc datoteku, koja "
"sadrži KLog konfiguraciju u KLog mapi otvarajući izbornik <a "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"href=\"#FileOpenKLogFolder\">Datoteka->KLog mapa</a>? {5:?}"
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu File->KLog folder
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:176
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #6:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can upload your QSO marked as queued "
"to LoTW via TQSL with <a href=\"#ToolsUploadLoTW\">Tools->LoTW tools "
"...->Sends the log to LoTW calling TQSL.</a> ?<br><br>You have to configure "
"TQSL in the preferences to be able to use this functionality."
msgstr ""
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu QSL tools...->Find My-QSLs pending to send
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:180
#, fuzzy
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"<b>Tip #7:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can see the QSO that confirms one "
"specific DXCC entity in one specific band by poiting your mouse over that "
"band in the DXCC widget?"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
"<b>Savjet #20:</b><br>Jeste li znali...<br>Možete vidjeti QSO koji potvrđuje "
"određeni DXCC entitet na određenom frekvencijskom pojasu držeći miša iznad "
"tog frekvencijskog pojasa u DXCC alatki? {7:?}"
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu QSL tools...->Find DX-QSLs pending to receive
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:184
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #8:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can find the QSLs that you are still "
"waiting for with <a href=\"#ToolsReceivePendingQSL\">Tools->QSL "
"tools...->Find DX-QSLs pending to receive</a>.<bR>This tool will list you in "
"the search box all the QSOs with the QSL-Sent marked as <i>Sent</i> but you "
"have still not received the QSL card from the DX."
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #8:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete naći QSLke koje još uvijek "
"očekujete korištenjem <a href=\"#ToolsReceivePendingQSL\">Alati->QSL "
"alati...->Nađi DX-QSL za koje je prijem neodlučen</a>.<bR>Ovaj će vam alat "
"pokazati u kućici za pretraživanje sve QSOe sa QSL-Poslana označene kao "
"<i>Poslana</i> za koje još niste primili QSL karticu od DX postaje."
#. Translator: Please make sure that the name of the link is coherent with the menu QSL tools...->Find requested pending to receive
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:188
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #9:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can find the QSLs that you are still "
"waiting for with <a href=\"#ToolsReceiveRecPendingQSL\">Tools->QSL "
"tools...->Find requested pending to receive</a>.<bR>This tool will list you "
"in the search box all the QSOs with the QSL-Rec marked as <i>Requested</i> "
"but you have still not received the QSL card from the DX."
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #9:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete naći QSLke koje još uvijek "
"očekujete korištenjem <a href=\"#ToolsReceiveRecPendingQSL\">Alati->QSL "
"alati...->Nađi zatražene neodlučene za prijem</a>.<bR>Ovaj će vam alat "
"pokazati u kućici za pretraživanje sve QSOe sa QSL-Primljena označene kao "
"<i>Zatražena</i> za koje još niste primili QSL karticu od DX postaje."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:191
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #10:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can subscribe to the <a "
"href=https://t.me/klogchat>English KLog Telegram group</a> to discuss about "
"KLog in English?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #10:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete se pretplatiti na <a "
"href=https://t.me/klogchat>englesku KLog Telegram grupu</a> za diskusije o "
"KLogu na engleskom jeziku?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:194
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #11:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can subscribe to the <a "
"href=https://t.me/KLogES>Spanish Telegram group</a> to discuss about KLog in "
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #11:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete se pretplatiti na <a "
"href=https://t.me/KLogES>španjolsku KLog Telegram grupu</a> za diskusije o "
"KLogu na španjolskom jeziku?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:197
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #12:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can subscribe to <a "
"href=https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/klog-users>KLog-users mailing "
"list</a> to discuss via email about KLog in English?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #12:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete se pretplatiti na <a "
"href=https://lists.nongnu.org/mailman/listinfo/klog-users>KLog-users mailing "
"listu</a> za e-mail diskusije o KLogu na engleskom jeziku?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:200
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #13:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can <a "
"href=https://twitter.com/_ea4k>follow EA4K on twitter</a> to get updates "
"about KLog?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #13:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete <a "
"href=https://twitter.com/_ea4k>pratiti EA4K na twitteru</a> kako bi dobili "
"obavijesti o KLogu?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:203
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #14:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can write your own <a "
"href=https://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/3118>review in eHam.net about "
"KLog</a> to help other users to decide to use KLog?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #14:</b><br>Znate li..<br>Možete napisati vlastitu <a "
"href=https://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/3118>recenziju o KLogu na "
"eHam.net</a> kako bi pomogli drugim korisnicima odlučiti da koriste KLog?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:206
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #15:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can join the development team by "
"simply <a href=https://www.klog.xyz/contact>Contacting us</a>?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #15:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete se pridružiti razvojnom timu "
"jednostavno tako da nas <a "
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:209
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #16:</b><br>Do you know...<br>That there are many ways to contribute "
"to KLog and some of them are listed in the <a "
"href=https://www.klog.xyz/contrib>KLog Contribute</a> page?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #16:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Postoji mnogo načina na koje možete "
"doprinijeti KLogu a neki od njih navedeni su na <a "
"href=https://www.klog.xyz/contrib>KLog Doprinesi</a> stranici?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:212
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #17:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can support translating KLog into "
"your language? Please check <a "
"href=https://www.klog.xyz/contrib/translations>KLog Translations</a> page."
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #17:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete pomoći prijevodu KLoga na vaš "
"jezik? Molim pogledajte <a "
"href=https://www.klog.xyz/contrib/translations>KLog Prijevodi</a> stranicu."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:215
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #18:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can double-click on an entity name "
"in the DXCC table and all the QSOs with that DXCC Entity will be shown in "
"the search box?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #18:</b><br>Znate li...<br>Možete dvostruko kliknuti na ime "
"entiteta u DXCC tablici i svi QSOi s tim DXCC entitetom bit će prikazani u "
"kućici za pretraživanje?"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../tipsdialog.cpp:218
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "TipsDialog|"
msgid ""
"<b>Tip #19:</b><br>Do you know...<br>You can right-click on a QSO and select "
"<i>Check in QRZ.com</i> to check that callsign in QRZ.com?"
msgstr ""
"<b>Savjet #19:</b><br>Jeste li znali...<br>Možete napraviti desni klik na "
"QSO i izabrati <i>Provjeri na QRZ.com</i> kako biste provjerili taj pozivni "
"znak na QRZ.com?"
# Učitavam podatke o satelitima...
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "Reading Satellites data file..."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:239
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "The Satellites information has been updated."
msgstr "Podatci o satelitima su ažurirani."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:257
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Otvori datoteku"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../updatesatsdata.cpp:259
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "UpdateSatsData|"
msgid "Sat Data"
msgstr "Sat podaci"
#: ../world.cpp:199
msgctxt "World|"
msgid "Entity"
msgstr "Entitet"
#: ../world.cpp:200
msgctxt "World|"
msgid "Continent"
msgstr "Kontinent"
#: ../world.cpp:1237
msgctxt "World|"
msgid "Abort reading"
msgstr "Prekini čitanje"
#: ../world.cpp:1237
msgctxt "World|"
msgid "Reading cty.csv..."
msgstr "Čitam cty.csv..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:35
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "World map"
msgstr "Karta svijeta"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:230
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "View"
msgstr "Pogled"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:231
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "Zoom In(25%)"
msgstr "Povećaj(25%)"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:235
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "Zoom Out(25%)"
msgstr "Umanji(25%)"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:239
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "Normal Size"
msgstr "Izvorna veličina"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../worldmapwidget.cpp:242
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "WorldMapWidget|"
msgid "Fit to window"
msgstr "Prilagodi prozoru"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:96 ../elogclublog.cpp:183
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Host not found!"
msgstr "Stroj nije nađen!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:102 ../elogclublog.cpp:188
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Timeout error!"
msgstr "Greška prekoračenja vremena!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:136
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid ""
"This error may be caused for the QSO being duplicated or, if removing, "
"trying to remove a non existing QSO."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:142
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Undefined error number (#%1)... "
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:134 ../elogclublog.cpp:143
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "KLog - clublog"
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "KLog - ClubLog"
msgstr "KLog - ClubLog"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:133
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "QSO dupe or not existing (#%1)... "
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:135 ../elogclublog.cpp:144
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "We have received an undefined error from Clublog (%1)"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:193
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Undefined error..."
msgstr "Nedefinirana pogreška..."
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:591
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Callsign missing"
msgstr "Nedostaje pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:595
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Invalid callsign"
msgstr "Nevaljali pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:599
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Skipping SWL callsign"
msgstr "Preskačem SWL pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:603
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#| msgid "Callsign is your ow call"
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Callsign is your own call"
msgstr "Pozivni znak je vaš vlastiti pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:607
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Invalid callsign with no DXCC mapping"
msgstr "Nevaljali pozivni znak bez DXCC veze"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:611
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Updated QSO"
msgstr "QSO ažuriran"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:615
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Invalid ADIF record"
msgstr "Nevaljali ADIF zapis"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:619
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Missing ADIF record"
msgstr "Nedostajeći ADIF zapis"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:623
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Test mode - parameters ok, no action taken"
msgstr "Test način rada - parametri su u redu, nikakva akcija nije poduzeta"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:145
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid ""
"Please check your config in the setup and contact the KLog development team "
"if you can't fix it. ClubLog uploads will be disabled."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:627
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Excessive API Usage"
msgstr "Prekomjereno korištenje APIa"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:631
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Interna pogreška"
# I am not sure about the context, this is the masculine version of "rejected"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:635
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Rejected"
msgstr "Odbačen"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:639
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "QSO Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplicirani QSO"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:643
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "QSO Modified"
msgstr "QSO ažuriran"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:647
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Missing Login"
msgstr "Nedostaje Login"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:651
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "QSO OK"
msgstr "QSO OK"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:655 ../elogclublog.cpp:679
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Upload denied"
msgstr "Snimanje podataka na poslužitelj odbijeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:659
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "No callsign selected"
msgstr "Niti jedan pozivni znak nije označen"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:663
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "No match found"
msgstr "Ništa podudarajuće nije nađeno"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:667
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Dropped QSO"
msgstr "Ispušten QSO"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:671
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:675
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Login rejected"
msgstr "Login odbijen"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogclublog.cpp:683
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogClubLog|"
msgid "Rejected: Callsign is your own call"
msgstr "Odbijeno: pozivni znak je vaš vlastiti pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:82
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Host not found!"
msgstr "Stroj nije nađen!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:85
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Timeout error!"
msgstr "Greška prekoračenja vremena!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:88
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Undefined error number (#%1)"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:94
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "We have received the following error from QRZ.com (%1)"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:538
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Not valid KEY found"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:539
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid ""
"Please configure your QRZ.com API key. You will find it in your QRZ.com "
"Logbook settings webpage.\n"
"You need a QRZ.com subscription to use this feature."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:617
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.com password needed"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:617
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Please enter your QRZ.com password: "
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:93 ../elogqrzlog.cpp:537
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "KLog - QRZ.com"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../elogqrzlog.cpp:686
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "eLogQrzLog|"
msgid "Callsign missing"
msgstr "Nedostaje pozivni znak"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:111
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "Host not found!"
msgstr "Stroj nije nađen!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:117
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, fuzzy
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "Timeout error!"
msgstr "Greška prekoračenja vremena!"
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:123
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "Undefined error number (#%1)... "
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:182
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "eQSL Error: User or password incorrect"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:188
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "eQSL Warning: At least one of the uplodaded QSOs is duplicated."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:193
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "eQSL: All the QSOs were properly uploaded."
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:247
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - eQSL.cc password needed"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:247
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "Please enter your eQSL.cc password: "
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:90 ../eqslutilities.cpp:124
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "KLog - eQSL"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:90
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid ""
"eQSL has sent the following message:\n"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:125
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
#, qt-format
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid "We have received an undefined error from eQSL (%1)"
msgstr ""
2021-05-21 22:16:53 +00:00
#: ../eqslutilities.cpp:126
2021-03-16 14:20:44 +00:00
msgctxt "eQSLUtilities|"
msgid ""
"Please check your config in the setup and contact the KLog development team "
"if you can't fix it. eQSL uploads will be disabled."
msgstr ""