Alexandru Csete 58b527320c Change frequency display concept.
Due to user demand the main frequency control and display widget now displays
the receiver frequency and not the hardware frequency. Changes to the shown
frequewncy will still lead to hardware tuning though, but now taking the filter
offset into account.
2013-04-21 00:36:58 +02:00

172 lines
5.5 KiB

/* -*- c++ -*- */
* Copyright 2011-2013 Alexandru Csete OZ9AEC.
* Gqrx is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* Gqrx is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Gqrx; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <QDockWidget>
#include <QSettings>
#include "qtgui/agc_options.h"
#include "qtgui/demod_options.h"
#include "qtgui/nb_options.h"
namespace Ui {
class DockRxOpt;
/*! \brief Dock window with receiver options.
* \ingroup UI
* This dock widget encapsulates the receiver options. The controls
* are grouped in a tool box that allows packing many controls in little space.
* The UI itself is in the dockrxopt.ui file.
* This class also provides the signal/slot API necessary to connect
* the encapsulated widgets to the rest of the application.
class DockRxOpt : public QDockWidget
/*! \brief Mode selector entries. */
enum rxopt_mode_idx {
MODE_OFF = 0, /*!< Demodulator completely off. */
MODE_RAW = 1, /*!< Raw I/Q passthrough. */
MODE_AM = 2, /*!< Amplitude modulation. */
MODE_NFM = 3, /*!< Narrow band FM. */
MODE_WFM_MONO = 4, /*!< Broadcast FM (mono). */
MODE_WFM_STEREO = 5, /*!< Broadcast FM (stereo). */
MODE_LSB = 6, /*!< Lower side band. */
MODE_USB = 7, /*!< Upper side band. */
MODE_CWL = 8, /*!< CW using LSB filter. */
MODE_CWU = 9 /*!< CW using USB filter. */
explicit DockRxOpt(qint64 filterOffsetRange = 90000, QWidget *parent = 0);
void readSettings(QSettings *settings);
void saveSettings(QSettings *settings);
void setFilterOffset(qint64 freq_hz);
void setFilterOffsetRange(qint64 range_hz);
void setFilterParam(int lo, int hi);
void setCurrentFilter(int index);
int currentFilter();
void setHwFreq(qint64 freq_hz);
void setCurrentDemod(int demod);
int currentDemod();
float currentMaxdev();
void updateHwFreq();
/*! \brief Signal emitted when the channel filter frequency has changed. */
void filterOffsetChanged(qint64 freq_hz);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when new demodulator is selected. */
void demodSelected(int demod);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when new FM deviation is selected. */
void fmMaxdevSelected(float max_dev);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when new FM de-emphasis constant is selected. */
void fmEmphSelected(double tau);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when AM DCR status is toggled. */
void amDcrToggled(bool enabled);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when baseband gain has changed. Gain is in dB. */
//void bbGainChanged(float gain);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when squelch level has changed. Level is in dBFS. */
void sqlLevelChanged(double level);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when AGC is togglen ON/OFF. */
void agcToggled(bool agc_on);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when AGC hang is toggled. */
void agcHangToggled(bool use_hang);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when AGC threshold has changed. Threshold in dB. */
void agcThresholdChanged(int value);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when AGC slope has changed. Slope is in dB.*/
void agcSlopeChanged(int slope);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when AGC decay has changed. Decay is in millisec.*/
void agcDecayChanged(int decay);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when AGC manual gain has changed. Gain is in dB.*/
void agcGainChanged(int gain);
/*! \brief Signal emitted when noise blanker status has changed. */
void noiseBlankerChanged(int nbid, bool on, float threshold);
private slots:
void on_filterFreq_newFrequency(qint64 freq);
void on_filterCombo_activated(int index);
void on_filterButton_clicked();
void on_modeSelector_activated(int index);
void on_modeButton_clicked();
void on_agcButton_clicked();
void on_agcPresetCombo_activated(int index);
void on_sqlSlider_valueChanged(int value);
void on_nb1Button_toggled(bool checked);
void on_nb2Button_toggled(bool checked);
void on_nbOptButton_clicked();
// Signals coming from noise blanker pop-up
void nbOpt_thresholdChanged(int nbid, double value);
// Signals coming from demod options pop-up
void demodOpt_fmMaxdevSelected(float max_dev);
void demodOpt_fmEmphSelected(double tau);
void demodOpt_amDcrToggled(bool enabled);
// Signals coming from AGC options popup
void agcOpt_hangToggled(bool checked);
void agcOpt_gainChanged(int value);
void agcOpt_thresholdChanged(int value);
void agcOpt_slopeChanged(int value);
void agcOpt_decayChanged(int value);
Ui::DockRxOpt *ui; /*! The Qt designer UI file. */
CDemodOptions *demodOpt; /*! Demodulator options. */
CAgcOptions *agcOpt; /*! AGC options. */
CNbOptions *nbOpt; /*! Noise blanker options. */
bool agc_is_on;
qint64 hw_freq_hz; /*! Current PLL frequency in Hz. */
#endif // DOCKRXOPT_H