OH1KH d82ed995fc Wsjtx added only DX selection
- Added checkbox "DX" to selection bar of CQ monitor and Wsjt-map
   Checking this cqrlog compares every callsigns continent against station call
   continent and passes only different continent callsigns (I.E. DX calls) to display
 - Selection bar at top of CQ monitor and Wsjtx-map can be hidden by clicking
   either end of selection bar. On band or mode label.
   Bar becomes visible when mouse is moved over the top of form.
   Exact: over 3 uppermost pixel of form area.
 - Help files fixed

Squashed commit of the following:

commit 6c2f9df18c057a9bf40552730ee159a915ca6d0b
Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi>
Date:   Fri Feb 26 08:40:06 2021 +0200

    a help fix

commit 4511a3586f
Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi>
Date:   Thu Feb 25 12:40:58 2021 +0200

    help fixes

commit 2837dcc36e
Author: OH1KH <oh1kh@sral.fi>
Date:   Wed Feb 24 19:17:52 2021 +0200

    wsjtx monitor: select DX only, hide checbox panel
2021-02-28 10:49:46 +02:00

408 lines
26 KiB
Raw Blame History

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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>CQRLOG - WSJT-X interface</title>
<table border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2" width="100%">
<td valign="top"><img src="img/exc.png"></td>
<td bgcolor=ffffcc valign="top" align="justify"><strong>
<font color="red">WARNING!</font></strong>
Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session!
All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory
located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function
in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log.
<table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
<td width="33%" align="center">[<a href="index.html" target="_top">Menu</a>]</td>
<div style="text-align: left;"><strong>CQRLOG for LINUX by OK2CQR &amp; OK1RR</strong></div>
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<h2 >Wsjt remote mode</h2>
<ul style="margin-left: 40px;">
<li><a href="wsjt.html#w1">Wsjt-x CQ-monitor</a></li>
<li><a href="wsjt.html#w2">Colors &amp; fonts</a></li>
<li><a href="wsjt.html#w3">Alerts</a></li>
<li><a href="wsjt.html#w4">Starting qso from wsjtx-monitor</a></li>
<li><a href="wsjt.html#w5">Logging qso to cqrlog</a></li>
<li><a href="wsjt.html#w6">Starting fldigi and wsjt-x via cqrlog</a></li>
<p>From New QSO / File select 'Remote mode for wsjt'</p>
<img src="img/wsjt2.png" name="2" width="144" height="238" border="0"/>
<p> Remote mode for WSJT-X-communication is made via UDP dtatgrams that and is supported from WSJT-X 1.5.0 program upwards.<br/>
Cqrlog supports WSJT-X UDP remote mode since version 1.9.1
<img src="img/wsjt18.png" name="18" width="144" height="137" border="0"/>
<p > When remote mode is selected it shows last received WSJT-X packet type
number after text “Wsjt-x remote” text. Also color of text changes while receiving packets.<br/>
These will show you that UDP link is alive between these programs.</font></p>
<p>New QSO / Window list</p>
<img src="img/wsjt1.png" name="1" width="144" height="282" border="0"/>
<p>“ Wsjtx monitor “ is visible only if WSJT-X remote mode is selected. Others can be found from there all the time.</font></p>
<h3><a name="w1"></a>Wsjt-x CQ-monitor</h3>
<p ><img src="img/wsjt16.png" name="16" width="363" height="282"> <img src="img/wsjt16b.png" name="16" width="363" height="282">
<p >Wsjt-x CQ-monitor form opens when you select ”Remote mode for wsjtx” from ”File” of NewQSO window.
<br> Top checkbox selection bar is visible at start by default.<br>
You can hide it clicking with mouse on band or mode visible in both ends of the selection bar.
It can be restored by moving mouse over window's name bar at top. It works same way when wsjtx-MAP mode is selected (see below).</p>
<p >You can close this window and reopen it later via NewQSO/Window/Wsjt-x monitor that is visible only when
remote mode is selected. While it is closed it will not update its contents.<br/>
Only remote logging and call qrz/hamqth seek are used then.
</br>If UPD port opening for remote fails "NewQSO/Comment to qso" will have text “Could not bind socket for wsjtx!"
<p ><img src="img/wsjt22.png" name="22" width="353" height="282">
<img src="img/wsjt23.png" name="22" width="353" height="282">
Top line will show band and mode that is in use, Checking <b>"noHst”</b> (no history) will clean monitor on every decoded RX-period.
</br>Timestamp and mode letter at the start of line are also replaced by DeltaFrequency (waterfall position of station) and Snr dB value
then, as no history is collected and so time stamp has no meaning.
</br>If there are no CQ lines during period then old monitor lines will turn to silver gray indicating that right period of possible answer is passed. This happens ONLY if <b>"noHst”</b> is checked. If not, colors stay as they are.
</br>CQ-lines turning to silver gray does not disable double click answering property. It is just informative color change.
</br>If not checked form will show also older CQs (scrolling) to see what you missed while having a coffee break :). Only 20 lines, how ever.
</br></br>Checking <b>"sTx”</b> (Stop TX) will fix missing Wsjt-x property: If you answer to someone's CQ at same frequency Wsjt-x will stop your TX if CQ-caller answers to someone else than you. How ever Wsjt-x developing team has
decided that if you anśwer to CQ caller on other frequency (split) your TX remains on even if the answer was directed to someone else.
To reduce band QRM caused by you, you may check <b>sTx</b> to stop your TX if answer was not for you.
</br><ul><strong>A word of warning:</strong></ul>
In some cases your TX may be shut down after you have first tried to answer someones CQ but got no answer and CQ caller has continued calling CQ. Then if you start calling your CQ your TX is shut down when the CQ caller that you first tried to catch gets a qso.
That is because CQ-monitor has no indication that you have given up answering to that CQ caller and started your own CQ. Unless you do not clear wsjt-x's Std Msgs with F4 (on wsjt-x main screen) before starting your CQ.
<p ><img src="img/wsjt20.png" name="20" width="353" height="83">
<img src="img/wsjt30.png" name="30" width="353" height="83">
If you do not want any information texts, just alerts, you can check <b>nTxt</b> to prevent text updates and minimize window size horizontal or drop it completely down with (<b>_</b>) while alerts and follow are still working.
Selecting <b>DX</b> checkbox cqrlog fiters away all calls that are from same continent as you are. This works both in Cq monitor and MAP mode<br>
</p><p><img src="img/wsjt21.png" name="21" width="363" height="282">
Checking <b>“flw”</b> new part of monitor opens. This will make easier to follow a DX who does not stay on same frequency, but jumps around answering to callers.
</br>Type in a callsing. The callsign is checked to be written in upcase letters and spaces are trimmed away. Pressing RETURN at the end of typing turns <strong>Follow</strong> button ON (green).
You can also toggle <b>Follow</b> button ON and OFF by mouse clicks (turns green/red)
</br>When <b>Follow</b> turns ON then during next decoding periods follow line (at right side of follow call edit)
shows decoded lines where that <b>followed callsign is the originating (2nd) callsign</b> and the line is <b>not CQ</b> or not <b>to YOUR Call</b>(destination). That box uses same font and size as CQ-monitor.
</br>You can also paint any call from WSJT-X main window or CQ-monitor, drag it over Follow callsign field, and drop it there. Follow callsign field can have previous call (it is erased) or empty.
Dropping also activates <b>Follow button</b> ON (turns green).
</br></br>Line contains: <b>decoding_period_time</b> | <b>snr</b> | <b>delta_frequency</b> | <b>the_message</b>.
</br>Alerts are not connected to this line. Follow and flw states and callsing are saved over program restart.
</br>Line color turns silver gray from default color (black) when corresponding response period is over.
</br>This will make easier to follow a DX who does not stay same frequency and jumps around answering to callers.
</br>Double click on followed line loads Std messages to wsjt-x (but does not fire TX). This works with Wsjt-x 1.9.0-rc3 and up.
</br>CQ-monitor has known problem of color printing (richmemo unit) that causes CPU load to grow slowly during online hours. For so far solution for this has not been found.
</br>How ever you can drop CPU load by just setting NewQSO/File/remote mode for wsjt to OFF and then immediately back to ON. This releases previously used memory and CPU load returns to normal and is a very fast fix that can be done during a reciving period.
</br>CQ-monitor has now 30 lines (if “no history” unchecked). Automatic scrollbars are visible if needed.
<p>Line of CQ-monitor contains:
<li/> time</br>
<li/> mode symbol. Same that wsjt-x uses.</br>
<li/> callsign with color and low/Upcase coding.</br>
<li/> locator grid with color and low/Upcase coding </br>
<li/> callers country name (cut to 15chrs) Overlayed with “<font color="#ff0066"><b>CQ:xx</b></font>
and <font color="#ff0066"><b>different color</b></font> if station is calling directed CQ like: CQ DX, AS, AF, OC, NA, SA .. or CQ CALLSIGN DX.<br/>
<font color="#ff0066"><b>This is set as warning for you </b></font> to check that you are in directed area before answering to his/her CQ.
<br/>I.E. <font color="#ff0066"><b>In case of CQ DX you should be in DIFFERENT CONTINENT as the CQ caller</b></font>
to be a valid DX for him. Program does not warn you if it thinks you are real DX for caller. Otherwise
it does.
<br/><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CQ_(call)">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CQ_(call)</a> says:
In amateur radio usage, a CQ call can be qualified by appending more letters, as in CQ DX (meaning &quot;
<i> calling all stations located in a<u> different continent </u> to the caller</i>&quot;). See also: <a href="http://www.mapability.com/ei8ic/maps/continent.php">http://www.mapability.com/ei8ic/maps/continent.php</a> for continents.
<li/> information of DXCC status compared to your logged qsos.</br>
<p>If you want to see a bit more in country name you may try to create this script and run it from console. Remember to set execute bit (chmod +x) to script file to get it running. This script will fix some long country names and change comma-space combinations
to dot (as CQ-monitor cuts contry name if it sees comma). That way you will see a bit more info in 15chr long country name of CQ-monitor.
--------------cut here---------------------------------------------------------
cd ~/.config/cqrlog/ctyfiles
# fix long names to these 3 files--------------------------------
# /-----Existing name now------/new-name/ file to read > file to write
# Do plain Germany
sed s/"Federal Republic of Germany"/Germany/g Country.tab > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt Country.tab
sed s/"Federal Republic of Germany"/Germany/g CallResolution.tbl > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt CallResolution.tbl
sed s/"Federal Republic of Germany"/Germany/g AreaOK1RR.tbl > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt AreaOK1RR.tbl
#Next replacement round-----------------------------------------
#Do plain name to all "Rebublic of"
sed s/"Republic of "//g Country.tab > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt Country.tab
sed s/"Republic of "//g CallResolution.tbl > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt CallResolution.tbl
sed s/"Republic of "//g AreaOK1RR.tbl > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt AreaOK1RR.tbl
#Next replacement round-----------------------------------------
#Do replacement ", " to "." Comma cuts name in CQ-monitor, replace with dot for more data
sed s/", "/./g Country.tab > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt Country.tab
sed s/", "/./g CallResolution.tbl > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt CallResolution.tbl
sed s/", "/./g AreaOK1RR.tbl > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt AreaOK1RR.tbl
#Next replacement round-----------------------------------------
#Do replace USA
sed s/"USA - "/"US:"/g AreaOK1RR.tbl > /tmp/fixme.txt
mv /tmp/fixme.txt AreaOK1RR.tbl
#Next replacement round-----------------------------------------
# add your own definitions same way using sed under this line
#remind to reload fixed files to cqrlog-------------------------
echo '------------------------------------------------------------'
echo 'Run now: Window->QSOlist->File->"Import DXCC data"'
echo 'From dialog select: ".config/cqrlog/ctyfiles" folder open'
echo 'Press "Open"'
echo ''
echo 'You need to run this script after every DXCC upgrade received'
echo ''
echo 'If you do not like the results delete files:'
echo ' CallResolution.tbl'
echo ' Country.tab'
echo ' AreaOK1RR.tbl'
echo ' cqrlog-cty.tar.gz'
echo 'from ~/.config/cqrlog/ctyfiles/ directory, then'
echo 'run CQRLOG again and confirm auto upgrade'
echo '------------------------------------------------------------'
--------------cut here---------------------------------------------------------
<p><img src="img/wsjt29.png" name="29" width="144" height="383">
</img><img src="img/wsjt35.png" name="35" width="144" height="383">
</img><img src="img/wsjt36.png" name="35" width="144" height="383">
<p>CQ-monitor can be turned to "Band map"- type Wsjt-x map by checking "<strong>Map</strong>". It hides all other controls.
How ever if alerts were <strong>on</strong> they stay <strong>on</strong>. Exception is that <strong>Text alert</strong> does not find continents and comments like "New country","QSL needed" etc.
</br>Map-mode shows all traffic on band. Colors of callsigns and locators are same than in CQ-monitor. If call is <strong>not in parentheses</strong> it is a <strong>CQ</strong>-call.
<strong>Calls in parentheses have qso</strong> if there is no locator shown. If locator is shown they are answering to someones CQ.
</br>If station is calling <strong>directed CQ</strong> that is <strong>not directed to you</strong> (same as in CQ-monitor, but in short form) <strong>the direction </strong> is shown at the and of line.
</br>As also all other lines than CQs are compared against your log entries this mode will eat more of cpu cycles than CQ-monitor.
</br>Map-mode does not save history, it clears itself always at start of new decoding period if there is something new to show. Otherwise lines are turned gray as in CQ-monitor.
</br></br>You can initiate qso same way as in CQ-monitor by double click on line <strong>without </strong> parentheses.
Double click on line <strong>with </strong> parentheses loads call to Std messages of Wsjt-x and sets frequency, but <strong>does not initiate TX</strong>.
</br>This is a new property of Wsjt-x 1.9.0-rc3 and up. With previous versions this does not make any action.
</p><p><strong>dB</strong> selection shows station snr report, like it shows up in Band Activity of wsjt-x.
</br><strong>ColorBackCQs </strong> selection work so that all <strong>CQs</strong> are printed (colored) <strong>back to Wsjt-x</strong> Band Activity window and <strong>rest of the traffic</strong> will appear to Wsjt-x <strong>band map</strong>.
If you have Wsjt-x devel version 1.9.0-rc3 r8592 (or higher) <strong>color</strong>ing is sent <strong>back</strong> to Wsjt-x with same choosed colours as CQ-monitor uses.
How ever there are some limitations compared to CQ-monitor:
</br><li><strong>color back</strong> can not change lower case letters of Band Activity line in case call or locator is worked. Just font color is changed</li>
<li><strong>color back</strong> can not print locator with 2 colors in case main grid is worked, but subgrid(numerical part) is not. In that case locator will have maingrid color and yellow background.</li>
<li><strong>color back</strong> will paint both "CQ" and cq-direction with "CQ ext" color if CQ is not directed to you.</li>
With older versions of wsjt-x this causes unkonwn command error and then <b>nTxt</b> should not be checked until you get newer version of Wsjt-x.
<img src="img/wsjt34.png" name="34" width="353" height="282">
<img src="img/wsjt33.png" name="33" width="353" height="282">
If you are able to use <strong>color back</strong> feature you may want to change some Wsjt-x color settings and maybe check "CQ only" checbox at Main window. Selecting also font to some of "mono"+ "bold" ones from "Configuration/General/Decoded Text Font" could make a better view.</p>
<ul><strong>A word of warning:</strong></ul> In current Wsjt-x devel version 1.9.0-rc3 r8592 selecting <strong>CQ only</strong> will <strong>disable Generating of Std messages</strong> by double click either <strong>followed</strong> message line or Wsjt-x <strong>map's non-cq lines</strong>.
</br>This <strong>does not</strong> happen if <strong>CQ only</strong> is <strong>uncheked</strong>. Unchecking it after not working double click does not help if Band Activiy window does not contain that line from which <strong>Wsjt map</strong> or <strong>follow</strong> line was created.
</br>That is because Wsjt-x must found equal line from Band activity and UDP command that produces Std General messages creation.
</br> This may change in future devel versions or in official release of 1.9.0, but at the moment you should be aware of that.</p>
<p><strong>Hint:</strong> If you have had <strong>CQ only</strong> checked and you want to load Std message from just appeared line from <strong>Wsjt map</strong> or <strong>follow line</strong> uncheck <strong>CQ only immediately</strong> during time that entry is not grayed (ongoing period).
Wsjtx will produce again last periods decode (wsjt map will show it double) and after that you can have effect for double click.
<p><img src="img/wsjt31.png" name="31" width="453" height="383">
</img><img src="img/wsjt32.png" name="32" width="253" height="283">
<p>Button <strong>Name73</strong> becomes visible when at least one decoded UDP message from WSJT-X is received and <strong>Name</srtong> field of NewQSO</strong> has content.
</br>Pressing this button will send a FreeTextMessage to WSJT-X containing "TU HISNAME 73" Where HISNAME is text from NewQSO/Name field. This will not start TX.
</br>FreeTextMessage length is limited to 13 characters. "Tu " and " 73" will take 6 of them. So name can be only 7 char long. If it is longer it is not sent to WSJT-X and button disappears after pressing to indicate that name is too long.
</br>Button disappears also on next decode when NewQSO/Name becomes empty. If you do not like to use generated FreeTextMessage you can double click WSJT-X's button <strong>TX5</strong> to get back standard "CALL MYCALL 73" message.
</br>This button is made just for testing reply-UDP messages as new WSJT-X will use more of these kind of messages, like callsing coloring in Band activity window by external request.
<h3><a name="w2"></a>Colors &amp; fonts</h3>
CQ-monitor has a new design. Window is adjustable and font + size can be changed.<br/>
Font style can not be changed as now “Qso never” (default Green) is printed also with bold while all other texts are in normal style.</p>
<img src="img/wsjt15.png" name="15" width="344" height="203">
<img src="img/wsjt17.png" name="17" width="344" height="203" border="0">
Colors, that user can now change, will tell if station is worked
before on <font color="#ff0066"><b>this band and mode</b></font><font color="#ff0066">,</font>
<font color="#cc66ff">this band </font><font color="#cc66ff"><b>but
not this mode,</b></font> <font color="#cc9900">some </font><font color="#cc9900"><b>other
band/mode</b></font> and <font color="#00cc00"><b>never</b></font><font color="#00cc00">
on any band/mode</font>.</p>
<p>Same color coding is applied also for locator grid.<br/>
Full locator (means 4 first characters of locator) worked before on <b>this band
and mode</b>, this band <b>but not this mode, </b>some <b>other band/mode </b>and <b>never</b> on any band/mode.
If no hits found for full locator then main locator (2 first
letters) are checked same way next . Worked before on <b>this band
and mode</b>, this band <b>but not this mode, </b>some <b>other
band/mode </b>and <b>never</b> on any band/mode.
Calls and locators that are <font color="#ff0066">worked before on
</font><font color="#ff0066"><b>this band and mode</b></font><font color="#ff3333">
</font>are also printed in <b>lowercase</b> letters while all others
are printed with <b>UPPERCASE</b>.</p>
<p >
<img src="img/wsjt19.png" name="19" width="262" height="213" border="0">
</br><b>NOTE:</b> Using monospace fonts will keep monitor columns in
<h3><a name="w3"></a></a>Alerts</h5>
<p>At bottom there are 3 alerts to select. The priority of alerts is same as numbering here. Smaller number overrides previous having
highest priority. Alert is executed only once per every decoding section.</p>
<li/><b>My Alert</b>” will alert if someone answers your
cq-call. It is useful if you are reading your mails, Facebook or
what ever on another desktop while calling CQ with Wsjt-x :)</br>
<li/><b>All</b>”will extend “MyAlert” so that all lines that start with your
callsign give alerts. There are stations that answer to CQ directly
with report, so this wakes you up also then. When using FT8 this
might be little annoying but is easy to check off.</br>
<li/><b>Text [ ]Alert</b>” will alert if typed text, case
sensitive, fits into part of complete monitor line (text-in-text).
<br/> <b>Example:</b> alert from new country by setting “w c” string to text alert. It fits
in to the middle of “New country” string. Text can have spaces,
but not at start or at end.<br/>
Press button <b>“Text”</b> to change to call alerts.<br/>
<b>Call [ ]Alert</b>” will alert if typed text, (converts to upcase when alert activated), fits callsign of
monitor line. As option, one asterisk can be used at start or end to
indicate starts-with or ends-with search. Several search strings can
be inserted for call alert with comma separation.<br/>
Press button <b>“Call”</b> to change to text alerts.</p>
<p>Text you have typed is read only after you leave edit box. Then
spaces from start and end are removed and in case of “call alert”
text is changed uppercase.<br/>
To activate alert press ”<b>Alert</b>
to turn its text green. (it also takes you away from edit box)</p>
<p><img src="img/wsjt27.png" name="27"" width="441" height="47">
<img src="img/wsjt28.png" name="28" width="442" height="42">
<li/><b>Loc Alert</b>” will alert when there is new main grid that you have not worked.
<p >To make alerts do something you have to
add a script file ~/.config/cqrlog/voice_keyer/voice_alert.sh<br/>
script gets parameter $1 of “my”,”loc”,”text” or “call”
depending of alert given.<br/>
By using these parameters with your
script you can play sound that you want, or do anything else you like
to happen when alert is issued.<br/>
<b>NOTE: Try to keep
script running time as short as possible.</b></p>
<p >voice_alert.sh:<br/>
--------------cut here---------------------------------------------------------
//audio file name (prefix) played on alert<br/>
# //can be:'my' =
ansver to my cq,<br/>
# // 'loc' = new main grid,<br/>
# // 'text'=
text found from monitor line <br/>
# // 'call'= text fits to the
# // create files you want to be played<br/>
# scirpt
is seeking names with '.wav' suffix! Change if needed <br/>
audio card(if needed) and play alert message</p>
<p>aplay ~/.config/cqrlog/voice_keyer/$1.wav</p>
--------------cut here---------------------------------------------------------
<h3><a name="w4">Starting qso from wsjtx-monitor</h3>
<p>You can start Wsjt-x qso by double click a CQ-monitors line. Wsjt-x will move to callers QRG and initiate TX.</p>
<p><img src="img/wsjt4.png" name="4" width="466" height="353">
This requires Wsjt-x's <b>Configuration/Settings/Reporting</b> to have <font color="#ff0066">at
least</font><b>Accept</b> <b>UDP requests</b>” selected.
<br/>Setting also “ Accepted UDP request restores window” will return focus from CQ-monitor back to wsjt-x main window.<br/>
A line when someone has answered to you (your call is first at Wsjt-x data line) has ”<b>=</b>” sign just at start of callsign and
locator is marked <b>*QSO</b> if line has reports or 73.
<br/> </b>Clicking that line again does not continue qso.<br/>
Wsjt-x remote does not allow this kind of command preventing automated qsos. So at this case you have
to go to Wsjt-x screen and initiate report sending by yourself. Or set “auto seg” at wsjt-x/FT8.</p>
<p>Either qso is started from CQ-monitor, or Wsjt-x screen itself, the opponent callsign is added right away to New QSO's callsign
field. This way you can see right away if you have had qso with this station on other modes/bands and also all other information like DXCC
status, QRZ/HamQTH information etc.</p>
<h3><a name="w5"></a></a>Logging qso to cqrlog</h5>
When you <font color="#ff0066"> either press “Log QSO”</font> at wsjt-x main window,<font color="#ff0066"> or
</font>get it open automatic when sending 73 by <font color="#ff0066">checking Wsjt-x's </font>
<font color="#ff0066"><b>Configuration/Settings/Reporting/Prompt me to log qso</b></font> ,you will have wsjt-x's logging form open.
<br/>Check its information, add power and remarks if needed. After finishing with it <font color="#ff0066">press its OK-button</font><u>Then information is transferred to cqrlog.</u> <br/>
</u><b>NOTE: </b><font color="#ff0066"><b>DO NOT press</b></font> cqrlog/NewQSO/Save QSO [enter] - button to save qso!</p>
If you have enabled auto search from QRZ.com/HamQth.com in cqrlog's preferences all information is fetched during your first transmit (report sending period).<br/>
You may alter that information in NewQSO form and it is saved along with wsjt-x logging information.<br/>
In case that fetched data has same, but longer locator than wsjt-x qso data has the longer is logged to cqrlog.<br/>
<b>I.E </b>wsjt-x data gives KP01, but QRZ.com KP01TN, the longer (more complete) is logged.<br/>
If locators differ wsjt-x data is used as it might be a portable or other special qth.</p>
<a name="w6"><h3>Starting fldigi and wsjt-x via cqrlog</h3></a>
<p>You can set preferences so that cqrlog will start fldigi and/or wsjt-x programs for you when you enter remote mode. This is very handy, but doing that has also one risk.
<br/>When fldigi or wsjt-x has been started as a child process of cqrlog they will die at the moment cqrlog crashes for some reason.
<br/>If you start them manually as processes of their own and then activate remote mode from cqrlog they keep on running if cqrlog
dies. You can finish your ongoing qso, start cqrlog again, set remote mode on and then log the qso in normal manner.</p>
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
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