OH1KH 9fedad69d7 Documentation fixes
- changed version number to 2.5.0 in main help page.
	- changed OH7AN to OK2CQR in all help pages as understood from your web pages "OK2CQR is back" that you returned to your old callsign.
	- went through https://github.com/ok2cqr/cqrlog/commits/master and added some lines to CHANGELOG. I'm still sure that not all things are in the list.

	Perhaps it would be good idea to add a changelog line as the first line of pull request text. Then it would be easier to collect them afterwards.

	This is not complete list. I would be happy to see more additions or fixes to current CHANGELOG also from others!
2020-12-14 11:29:06 +02:00

99 lines
7.2 KiB

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<td valign="top"><img src="img/exc.png"></td>
<td bgcolor=ffffcc valign="top" align="justify"><strong>
<font color="red">WARNING!</font></strong>
Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session!
All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory
located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function
in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log.
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<div style="text-align: left;"><strong>CQRLOG for LINUX by OK2CQR &amp; OK1RR</strong></div>
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<h3 ><a name="m3"></a>TRX Control</h3>
<img src="img/h117.png" name="7" width="353" height="367">
<img src="img/h118.png" name="8" width="353" height="367">
TRX Control window Shows current frequency and buttons allow change of Band, mode, memory and rig. Additional selections are User defined buttons, Power buttons, Vfo A and B buttons and memory information field.
<br>When pressing band selection button rig moves to that band using predefined frequency of currently active mode. Default frequencies and User buttons can be defined in <a href="h1.html#ah7">preferecences/TRX control</a>.
<br><br>You can select rig vfo with buttons <b>A</b> and <b>B</b> but there is no feedback what vfo is currenty used as Icom brand rigs do not support "Get_vfo" command.
</p><a name="m4"></a><p>If <b>M_up</b> or <b>M_dwn</b> are pressed or memory is selected by double click of memory list, the information text will show up to <b>Mem Info</b> field. If frequency is changed manually after that info text will disappear.
<br>If memory does not have info text (max 25chr) just <b>x of y</b> is displayed where x refers to memory order in Add/Modify memory list and y total amount of memories.
<b>None</b> (in red) indicates that there are no memory lines.
<br>With <b>P-on/off/stb</b> buttons current rig can be set ON, OFF or STANDBY (if it supports rigctld power commands).
<br>Default setting for power buttons is hidden. You can change it via dropdown menu "Preferences".
<br><br><b>M_up</b> and <b>M_dwn</b> buttons select next/previous entry from memory list. <b>M_Wri</b> adds entry to memory list from current rig frequency and mode and info field shows<b> "MW ok"</b>.
<br><br><b>NOTE!!!</b> <br>Check <b>pereferences/TRXcontrol/Switch only between mode related memories</b><br>Cqrlog TRXcontrol memories are categorized by mode (groups). CW, SSB(=AM+USB+LSB+FM), RTTY(=RTTY+DATA+PKTLSB+PKTUSB+PKTFM)[no mode selector for PKT* but you may "M wri" them anyway].
So do not wonder if you get smaller amount of memories than in your list when pressing <b>M_up</b> and <b>M_dwn</b> with "Show mode related" checked.
<img src="img/h122.png" name="9" width="393" height="367">
<img src="img/h121.png" name="10" width="373" height="367">
<br>You can set rig by double click of an memory row in <b>Open memory list</b>. Similar action happen also in <b>Add/Modify memories</b>. The differense is that you can keep
<b>Open memory list</b> open while loggeing qsos etc. Where as <b>Add/Modify memories</b>, when open, blocks other functionality.
<br>While <b>Add/Modify memories</b> is open you can use buttons in right frame. Texts of buttons are quite self explaining.
<br>Deleting a memory line, or all lines, do not have any further warning questions (Are you sure?). In case you deleted something wrong just close window with <b>Cancel</b>. No changes are recorded then.
<br>Closing <b>Add/Modify memories</b> is done with buttons <b>OK</b> or <b>Cancel</b>. Closing <b> Open memory list</b> window must be done using <b>x</b> at top right corner of window.
<br> <b> Open memory list</b> closes also if <b>Add/Modify memories</b> is opened. They can not be open at same time.
<br><br> If you make changes to <b>preferences/TRXControl</b> after that just select another radio (even if not existing) from radio buttons <b>Radio 1</b> , <b>Radio 2</b>. Then select back the previous radio and new values are read. It is possible also reload settings from <b>NewQSO/File/Refresh TRX/ROT control</b>.</p>
</p><p>See also <a href="h1.html#ah7">setting up TRX/ROTControl</a>
<h3 ><a name="m5"></a>Rot Control</h3>
From NewQSO/Window you can open <strong>Rotor control</strong> window.
<p><img src="img/h121a.png" name="121a"> <img src="img/h121b.png" name="121b">
<img src="img/h121e.png" name="121e"> <img src="img/h121c.png" name="121c"> <img src="img/h121d.png" name="121d">
Window shows current position of rotor with <b>numerical display, Short and Long path Buttons and radio buttons to select rotor 1 or rotor 2</b>.
<br>User can resize window and select <b>additional bar display, direction and stop buttons</b>.
<br>Small numbers on top of bar display shows current rotor limits. Usually this is 0..360, but may be also -180..180 depending on rotor model, or other user defined limits.
<br>Direction drive buttons run rotor until stop button is pressed or maximum 15sec time limit is reached.
<br><br> When a call is entered to <b>NewQSO</b> callsign field and cursor is moved away from that field <b>DXCC info</b> part gets filled against call prefix and/or locator grid,
then, when <b>DXCC/AZIM</b> shows a value, it is possible to press <b>Short Path</b> or <b>Long Path buttons</b> and your ro
tor will turn your antenna to that direction.
<br>Pressing <b>Stop button</b> stops rotor turning started either with path or turn buttons.</p>
<p>Progress bar displays Az value relative to AzLimits (if Use \dump_state is checked in preferences) so do not wonder if it in some cases may look different than numerical true direction display.
<br>If error message is received from rotctld button area turns red. If requested turn command is ok, but az_min or az_maz limits change requested direction from true direction
(then antenna may not always reach requested direction) button area will turn yellow as warning sign.
<br>The length of color flash depends on poll rate and is error permanent or not.
<br>If you make changes to <b>preferences/Rot Control</b> after that just select another rotor (even if not existing) from radio buttons <b>Rotor 1</b> , <b>Rotor 2</b>. Then select back the previous rotor and new values are read. It is possible also reload settings from <b>NewQSO/File/Refresh TRX/ROT control</b>.</p>
</p><p>See also <a href="h1.html#ah7">setting up TRX/ROTControl</a>
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