2016-04-18 18:52:11 +02:00

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<title>CQRLOG - CW Interface</title>
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<td valign="top"><img src="img/exc.png"></td>
<td bgcolor=#ffffcc valign="top" align="justify"><strong>
<font color="red">WARNING!</font></strong>
Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session!
All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory
located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function
in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log.
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<div style="text-align: left;"><strong>CQRLOG for LINUX by OK2CQR &amp; OK1RR</strong></div>
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<h2><strong>CW interface</strong></h2>
<li align=justify>Assuming that your CW interface is properly set up and working,
you can add and/or edit your CW messages.<br><br>
First, set up your CW messages. In the upper menu bar on the logging screen,
click on the 'CW' item.<br><br>
<img src=img/h96.png><br><br>
Choose the 'Messages' option. In the resulting window, edit your CW messages which
will be played if you press the corresponding F key (in the logging screen).
You can set up to 10 predefined messages:<br><br>
<img src=img/h97.png><br><br>
There are some predefined macros which you can use in your messages:<br><br>
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<td bgcolor=#ffffcc valign="top">
%mc - my callsign<br>
%mn - my name<br>
%mq - my qth<br>
%r - rst to be sent<br>
%n - his name<br>
%c - his callsign<br>
| - half space<br>
%h - greetings (GM/GA/GE) calculated from local time of worked station<br>
%rs - rst to be sent, 9 replaced with N<br>
Another option 'CW type' is a powerful keyboard keyer with 3 operation modes:<br><br>
<img src=img/h98.png><br><br>
<li><strong>letter mode</strong> - the character of the corresponding keyboard key is
sent immediately on pressing the key
<li><strong>word mode</strong> - a whole word is typed, sending starts after pressing
of the spacebar
<li><strong>word mode, first word in letter mode</strong> - a combination of above.
The keyer begins in letter mode to avoid unneccessary delays, if you type fast enough
it switches to word mode
These modes are common on professional keyboard keyers.<br><br>
The <strong>keying speed</strong> can be changed with PgUp (QRQ) and PgDn (QRS) keys
in 2 WPM steps. In the 'CW type' window, it can also be changed with the small arrow
buttons to the right of the speed display. The actual speed is always displayed in
the status line of the logging screen.<br><br>
<img src=img/h99.png><br><br>
Setup howtos for both <a href=cwd.html><strong>cwdaemon</strong></a> and
<a href=wkusb.html><strong>Winkey USB</strong></a> are available.<br><br>
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
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