OH1KH 6ab0d3aa06 Update for voice keyer script
updated voice_keyer.sh and corresponding help file.
2022-04-25 19:16:43 +03:00

160 lines
5.0 KiB

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<title>CQRLOG - Voice messages</title>
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<td bgcolor=ffffcc valign="top" align="justify"><strong>
<font color="red">WARNING!</font></strong>
Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session!
All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory
located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function
in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log.
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<div style="text-align: left;"><strong>CQRLOG for LINUX by OK2CQR &amp; OK1RR</strong></div>
<p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>
<h2><strong>Voice messages</strong></h2><p>
Voice keying can be used in same way as CW messages.</br>
Either pressing function keys F1 .. F10 when "NewQso"-window is active, or clicking buttons F1 .. F10 from "CWkeys"-window.</br>
If mode is SSB, FM or AM then voice messages will be sent. Otherwise CW messages will be sent.
When F-key is pressed, or button clicked, program will execute a script at ~/.config/cqrlog/voice_keyer/voice_keyer.sh with Fkey name (F1 .. F10) as 1st parameter.
</br> Script will then do what user wants to happen with that key/button. It can be anything, not just playing a voice recording.
Here is a sample of script. Modfy it against your needs:
#Comment lines are starting with #
#this script requires program 'ncat' (also called 'nc')
# 'pidof' and player you select (defaut 'mpg123') to be installed.
#You can test this script from command line by typing:
# voice_keyer.sh F10.mp3 (without typing hash (#) at beginning of line)
#It will then play file F10.mp3 if all is ok.
#the script begins:
#Define your sound player's name below (mpg123, aplay, etc..)
#If you do not get any sound out:
#Yor rig may exist as one sound card of Linux.
#To get your voice message directed to right sound card consult your player's
#man pages how to select right sound output device and add those parameter(s)
#after your player's name (within those parenthesis).
#rigctld PTT commands
rigctldPttCmdON="T 1"
rigctldPttCmdOFF="T 0"
#if Hamlib/rigctld method does not work with you it might be that you have
#very latest rigctld and/or you use start parameter '--vfo' with it
#then put hash (#) in front of above two lines and remove hash (#) from
#start of next two lines
# rigctldPttCmdON="T currVFO 1"
# rigctldPttCmdOFF="T currVFO 0"
#Search the sound file that was given as first start parameter with script name
if [ ! -e $FILE ]
echo "$FILE Not Found!"
exit 1
#search audio your player
command -v $myplayer >/dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo "$myplayer is not installed. Aborting."
exit 1
#check that we are not already playing something
pidof -q $myplayer
if [ $? = 0 ]
echo "$myplayer is already playing, exit!"
exit 1
echo "PTT on"
#This puts your rig ptt ON if you have 'cwdaemon' program in use.
#If you want to use this then remove hash (#) from the beginning of next line
# echo -e '\033a1' | nc -q 1 -u localhost 6789 &
#This puts your rig ptt ON using hamlib rigctld (same as Cqrlog uses for rig)
#if you do not want to use this method put hash (#) to beginning of next line.
echo -e $rigctldPttCmdON |nc localhost 4532
#the last words in above line (after 'nc') should be same as your
#'Host' and 'Port number' in Cqrlpg/preferences/TRXControl
echo "Play"
$myplayer $FILE
echo "PTT off"
#This puts your rig ptt OFF if you have 'cwdaemon' program in use.
#then remove hash (#) from the beginning of next line
# echo -e '\033a0' | nc -q 1 -u localhost 6789 &
#This puts your rig ptt OFF using hamlib rigctld (same as Cqrlog uses for rig)
#if you do not want to use this method put hash (#) to beginning of next line.
echo -e $rigctldPttCmdOFF |nc localhost 4532
#the last words in above line (after 'nc') should be same as your
#'Host' and 'Port number' in Cqrlpg/preferences/TRXControl
#If you want to use VOX put hash in start of all four lines
#that controls PTT ON and OFF
#script ends
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