WARNING! Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session! All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log. /td>


eQSL support


We assume that you have a working eQSL Account. If you are new to eQSL, carefully read the instructions provided by the eQSL and set up your account.
Most important is to set the QTH nickname and dates to validate qsos with that name.


If you didn't do it already in the Preferences setup procedure, provide your user name for eQSL and the password.

eQSL upload

You find eQSL up and donwload from QSO list/QSL menu.

Select the QSO records you want to confirm. Either whole log, or just files that have never been uploaded (that is the normal operation).
Be sure that QTH Nickname is the same you defined at eQSL website setup.
Now click the Upload button. A message will appear to inform you about ulpload progress.
From message you will see what is the adif file that were used for upload. It is saved and can be used afterwards if needed.
You see also how many records were added to eQSL.

eQSL download and processing

The main purpose of the eQSL download is to mark existing QSO records as confirmed via eQSL.

Set the date after to request QSL records. This is normally good to keep in current year for daily use. It keep the download and porcessing fast. Every now and then set te date more back to past to see possible late confirms.
Be sure that QTH Nickname is the same you defined at eQSL website setup. If you press Download data from eQSL website a progress indicator is displayed in Progress window.
You can also see the filename that was used to store records locally in case of future needs.

In case there are QSO records that are not found from your log an error file is written and you can see it by clicking Yes button.
Note that this file may contain also SWL eQSLs reportings of your qsos heard by SWLs. You can read more about import error file handling from LoTW/eQSL import errors
