WARNING! Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session! All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log.
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WinKey setup

Before any attempt to set up your WinKey, carefully read the manual supplied on the accompanying CD (can also be downloaded from the K1EL's site http://www.k1el.com

WinKey has three modes - a host mode (the keyer is connected and fully controlled by the computer), a standalone mode (operated without any computer connection, the speed pot and message buttons are fully functional) and a command mode (a setup mode, commands can be entered via the paddle or dedicated program on the computer). Because a full featured setup in CQRLOG would probably be overkill, a very basic setup should be performed via paddle using the command mode.

Press the red message button and hold it for approx. 2 seconds. The keyer will play an 'R' (in Morse) if everything is OK or 6 dits if the previous communication was not successful. In this case, press the red button again until you hear the 'R'. Now you can enter your commands.

WK2 Standalone Command List

A - Select sidetone on or off O - Select output key port
B - Set Paddle Break mode P - Save the settings in standalone mode
C - Set command speed in WPM Q - Query current settings
D - Decrement serial number R - Review message without transmitting
F - Set Farnsworth Speed S - Set bottom of speed pot range in WPM
G - Select serial number 0/9 format T - Key transmitter for tuning
H - Set Fast/Slow AFK tail delay U - Select Autospacing on/off
J - Set Paddle sensitivity V - Set Keying compensation in mSec
K - Select keyer mode W - Set Key Weight
L - Load message memory slot X - Exchange Paddles
M - Mute Transmit (CPO mode) Y - Set Dit/Dah Ratio
N - Load 4 digit serial number Z - Select sidetone frequency

The 'P' command is not listed in the user manual, however it is a very important command. I recommend you save your setup in standalone mode using the 'P' command, also put a set of batteries into the keyer (don't rely on the USB port).

If you don't feel very comfortable with the timing, try the 'J' command to set up the 'paddle sensitivity'.

The setup you will need is mostly the following:
In host mode (when connected to the computer), the speed pot is inactive. You can only change the speed with the PgUp/PgDn keys!
Remember to save your setup with the 'P' command!

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