WARNING! Backup your data often! BACKUP your log directory at the end of EVERY session! All that you need to backup and store in a safe place is the log database directory located in the ~/.config/cqrlog/database folder, or you can enable the autobackup function in Preferences. This autobackup function creates an ADIF file with a backup of your log. /td>
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LoTW support


We assume that you have a working LoTW Account. If you are new to LoTW, carefully read the instructions provided by the ARRL and set up your account.

Most important is the certificate. ARRL issues certificates (.tq8) which are bound to a particular machine and cannot be transferred to another place. If you receive a .tq8 certificate, it is absolutely essential to convert it to more usual .p12 format which can be transferred. Do this immediately!

Download and install the latest LoTW utilities (tqsl and tqslcert).


If you didn't do it already in the 'Preferences' setup procedure, provide your user name for LoTW and the password (this is not the password sent to US amateurs via postcard!).

Now you need to select a certificate corresponding to the QTH you used while making the QSOs you want to confirm. Check the certificates available by opening tqslcert which displays all certificates.

Now select the proper certificate in tqsl. If you only have a single certificate, you don't need to make any selection, however note the name of the QTH which must be entered into CQRLOG.

The QTH profile name here is 'Praha'. The callsign is added by default however only the name (here 'Praha') should be entered into tqsl command line arguments: column of the QSL->LoTW->Export->Upload to LoTW window.

Once entered, the QTH name stays in the predefined command line.

LoTW file export and upload

1. Select the QSO records you want to confirm. A suitable choice is a filter for date, QSL received etc.

Now, there are two possibilities:
I. Export the selected records to a local ADIF file. This is useful if you don't want (or it is impossible) to upload your log to LoTW. Go to QSL->LoTW->Export->Export QSOs to LoTW adif file

Provide a file name in the Export to: field.

If you want to mark the exported QSO records, do it now. Click the Export button and go to Upload to LoTW menu item. The ADIF file can be signed and uploaded later.

The other option is export, signing and upload your log to LoTW in a single step.

II. export, signing and upload your log to LoTW from CQRLOG

Go to Upload to LoTW dialog and choose the QSO records which should be exported:

Click the Export & sign button. You should see:
Signing adif file ...
Signed ...
If you did not see any errors, you can send signed file to LoTW
website by pressing the Upload button

Now click the Upload button. A message
Uploading file ...
Size: xxxxx
Uploading was succesful
This procedure can be checked in the following way: in the /cqrlog/lotw folder there should appear two new files - an ADIF file named date_time.adi (where date and time corresponding to the date and time of creation) and the signed file with the same file name but .tq8 extension which is then uploaded to the LoTW site. Finally, you can check the LoTW site. Log in and go to Your Account -> Your Activity and you should see your last upload with the date, time and file name.

LoTW files download and processing

The main purpose of the LoTW file processing (also download) is to mark existing QSO records as confirmed via LoTW. Files can be downloaded directly into CQRLOG or an already downloaded ADIF files can be processed.

Both options are shown here. If the Import local LoTW ADIF file (already downloaded from the LoTW site) is processed, a simple progress indicator is shown.

If you choose Download and process data from LoTW website a progress indicator is displayed.

The Size changes while downloading, if finished it indicates the total file size. When the download finishes, a summary appears and the import begins, showing the same progress indicator as above.

If the file is not accessible (due to server overload etc.), an error message is shown. Also if the file contains a record which is not in your log, a warning message appears.

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