Fixed south stop -180..0.-180 rotor handling and help file

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OH1KH 2020-03-07 17:41:52 +02:00
parent 83a2ef9aa6
commit e0c07b513a
2 changed files with 31 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -232,11 +232,14 @@
Setting up Rotator control is very similar to setting up Rig control.
<br>At start Rot control asks AzMin and AzMax values from rotator with command <strong>'+\dump_state'</strong>. Normally these values are defined by rotator type.
<br>How ever it is possible to change them with
<strong>Extra command line arguments</strong> . Using string <strong> --set-conf=min_az=10,max_az=355</strong> you can set rotator so that cqrlog will never turn it below 10deg or over 355deg.
<br>Some rotators may have turn from -180deg to 180deg, like Hamlib Dummy test rotator. In that case if AzMin is negative cqrlog will set it's 0deg point to that negative value pointed by AzMin.
If AzMin is 0 or positive cqrlog's degrees equal to rotator's degrees.
<br>At start Rot control asks Factory FAzMin and FAzMax values from rotctld with command <strong>'+\dump_caps'</strong>. These values are defined by rotator type.
<br>Next Rot control asks turning limits AzMin and AzMax values from rotctld with command <strong>'+\dump_state'</strong>.
That makes user possible to set turning limits less than rotator full turn with
<strong>Extra command line arguments</strong> .
<br>Using string <strong> --set-conf=min_az=10,max_az=355</strong> you can set rotator so that cqrlog will never turn it below 10deg or over 355deg.
<br>Rotctld knows rotators with turn from -180deg-0deg-180deg (south stop), like Hamlib Dummy test rotator.
<br>Most of rotators are with turn 0deg - 360deg.
<br>Some are with turn 0deg - over 360 deg. With them cqrlog never uses bigger value than 360, but reads position right if rotor sends over 360 deg value (360 is subtracted).
<p>See also <a href="h30.html">Operation: TRX/ROT Control</a>
</p><p align=center><img src=img/line.png></p>

View File

@ -81,8 +81,11 @@ type TRotControl = class
AzMin :Double;
//most used defaults
AzMax :Double = 360;
AzMin :Double = 0;
FAzMax :Double = 360;
FAzMin :Double = 0;
@ -187,7 +190,8 @@ begin
result := True;
tmrRotPoll.Interval := fRotPoll;
tmrRotPoll.Enabled := True;
RotCommand.Add('+\dump_caps'+LineEnding); //factory values
RotCommand.Add('+\dump_state'+LineEnding); //user defined limits
else begin
if fDebugMode then Writeln('NOT connected to ',fRotCtldHost,':',fRotCtldPort);
@ -204,9 +208,13 @@ begin
if TryStrToFloat(azim,az) then
if az>360 then az:= az-360; // this should not happen by cqrlog
if AzMin<0 then az:=az + AzMin; //this sets cqrlog 0deg to rotator's Min deg
if AzMin>0 then if az<AzMin then az:=AzMin; //When Min is set over 0deg do not try drive under it
if az>AzMax then az:=AzMax; //if direction is more than Max do not try to turn over limit;
if FAzMin< 0 then //-180 ..0.. 180 rotator case
if az>180 then az := az-360; //west results negative -180 .. 0 East is positive 0 .. 180
if az<AzMin then az:=AzMin; //user limted minimum value by config parameters
if az>AzMax then az:=AzMax; //user limted maximum value by config parameters
if fDebugMode then writeln('Requested fixed Az:',azim,' (AzMin:',FloatToStr(AzMin),' AzMax:',FloatToStr(AzMax),')');
@ -236,16 +244,22 @@ begin
if TryStrToFloat(Resp.Values['Azimuth'],Az) then fAzimut := Az;
if fDebugMode then writeln('Az:',FloatToStr(fAzimut));
if AzMin<0 then fAzimut := fAzimut - AzMin; //case when rotator 0 (AzMin) is negative degrees
if FAzMin<0 then if fAzimut<>0 then fAzimut:= 360+fAzimut; //south stop -180..0..180 type rotor
if fAzimut>360 then fAzimut:= fAzimut-360; //some rotators turn over 360 deg and -180..0.180 calculations may result, too
if fDebugMode then writeln('Fixed Az:',FloatToStr(fAzimut),' (AzMin:',FloatToStr(AzMin),' AzMax:',FloatToStr(AzMax),')');
if Resp.IndexOf('dump_state=')>-1 then //properties
if Resp.IndexOf('dump_state=')>-1 then //user limits
if TryStrToFloat(Resp.Values['MinimumAzimuth'],Az) then AzMin := Az;
if TryStrToFloat(Resp.Values['MaximumAzimuth'],Az) then AzMax := Az;
if fDebugMode then writeln('AzMin:',FloatToStr(AzMin),LineEnding,'AzMax:',FloatToStr(AzMax));
if Resp.IndexOf('dump_caps=')>-1 then //factory properties
if TryStrToFloat(Resp.Values['MinAzimuth'],Az) then FAzMin := Az;
if TryStrToFloat(Resp.Values['MaxAzimuth'],Az) then FAzMax := Az;
if fDebugMode then writeln('FactoryAzMin:',FloatToStr(FAzMin),LineEnding,'FactoryAzMax:',FloatToStr(FAzMax));