station with /AM and /MM caused error "You must enter correct WAZ zone!" - fixed

This commit is contained in:
Petr Hlozek 2013-05-15 21:26:54 +02:00
parent 8da3906ed9
commit bdb271dbb0
4 changed files with 221 additions and 218 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ Legend:
- fixed "An invalid integer value" error during label export
- import of QSO with custom digi mode didn't worked if the list of modes didn't ended with comma (,) - fixed
- bandmap didn't worked if the freq of QSO precision was to ten Hz
- station with /AM and /MM caused error "You must enter correct WAZ zone!" - fixed
# removed mode from search criteria to confirm QSO via LoTW
# QSO will be confirmed when time difference between QSO and QSO from LoTW is not more than 1 hour
# default debug level is set 0, if you want to get more info what cqrlog does, run it with debug=1 or more

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
HelpType = htKeyword
HelpKeyword = 'help/index.html'
Caption = 'New QSO ... (CQRLOG for Linux)'
ClientHeight = 632
ClientHeight = 631
ClientWidth = 807
Font.Height = 8
Icon.Data = {
@ -127,8 +127,8 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
LCLVersion = ''
object sbNewQSO: TStatusBar
Left = 0
Height = 19
Top = 613
Height = 20
Top = 611
Width = 807
Panels = <
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Panel1: TPanel
Left = 0
Height = 499
Top = 114
Top = 112
Width = 807
Align = alBottom
Caption = 'Panel1'
@ -178,9 +178,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
TabOrder = 0
object Label11: TLabel
Left = 256
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 192
Width = 122
Width = 130
Caption = 'Comment to callsign:'
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ParentColor = False
@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label10: TLabel
Left = 112
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 55
Width = 28
Width = 30
Caption = 'QTH:'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -198,9 +198,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label9: TLabel
Left = 16
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 55
Width = 37
Width = 39
Caption = 'Name:'
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ParentColor = False
@ -208,9 +208,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label8: TLabel
Left = 448
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 8
Width = 43
Width = 46
Caption = 'My RST:'
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ParentColor = False
@ -218,9 +218,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label7: TLabel
Left = 343
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 8
Width = 44
Width = 46
Caption = 'His RST:'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblCall: TLabel
Left = 16
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 8
Width = 24
Width = 28
Caption = 'Call:'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -238,9 +238,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label5: TLabel
Left = 136
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 8
Width = 62
Width = 68
Caption = 'Frequency:'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -248,9 +248,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label4: TLabel
Left = 234
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 8
Width = 36
Width = 39
Caption = 'Mode:'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label3: TLabel
Left = 183
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 248
Width = 55
Width = 57
Caption = 'End time:'
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ParentColor = False
@ -268,9 +268,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label2: TLabel
Left = 108
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 248
Width = 63
Width = 66
Caption = 'Start time:'
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ParentColor = False
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 16
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 248
Width = 32
Width = 34
Caption = 'Date:'
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ParentColor = False
@ -288,9 +288,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label15: TLabel
Left = 258
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 55
Width = 29
Width = 30
Caption = 'GRID'
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ParentColor = False
@ -298,9 +298,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label12: TLabel
Left = 338
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 55
Width = 27
Width = 28
Caption = 'PWR'
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ParentColor = False
@ -308,9 +308,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label18: TLabel
Left = 405
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 55
Width = 34
Width = 38
Caption = 'QSL_S'
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ParentColor = False
@ -318,9 +318,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label19: TLabel
Left = 468
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 55
Width = 36
Width = 39
Caption = 'QSL_R'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -328,9 +328,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label13: TLabel
Left = 16
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 99
Width = 19
Width = 20
Caption = 'ITU'
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ParentColor = False
@ -338,9 +338,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label20: TLabel
Left = 414
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 99
Width = 35
Width = 39
Caption = 'Award'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label21: TLabel
Left = 12
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 147
Width = 55
Width = 58
Caption = 'DXCC ref.'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -358,9 +358,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label22: TLabel
Left = 57
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 99
Width = 26
Width = 28
Caption = 'WAZ'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -368,9 +368,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblIOTA: TLabel
Left = 127
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 99
Width = 26
Width = 29
Caption = 'IOTA'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -378,9 +378,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label17: TLabel
Left = 224
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 99
Width = 41
Width = 45
Caption = 'County'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -388,9 +388,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label23: TLabel
Left = 111
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 147
Width = 104
Width = 111
Caption = 'Comment to QSO:'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -398,9 +398,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblQSLVia: TLabel
Left = 419
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 147
Width = 42
Width = 49
Caption = 'QSL VIA'
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ParentColor = False
@ -408,9 +408,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblQSOTakes: TLabel
Left = 12
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 303
Width = 62
Width = 68
Caption = 'QSO takes '
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
@ -418,9 +418,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblQSLMgr: TLabel
Left = 406
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 191
Width = 113
Width = 123
Caption = 'QSL manager found!'
Font.Color = clRed
ParentColor = False
@ -429,9 +429,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label25: TLabel
Left = 344
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 99
Width = 32
Width = 35
Caption = 'State'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -439,9 +439,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblCfmLoTW: TLabel
Left = 12
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 199
Width = 136
Width = 147
Caption = 'QSO confirmed by LoTW'
Font.Color = clRed
ParentColor = False
@ -450,9 +450,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblQSLRcvdDate: TLabel
Left = 95
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 226
Width = 69
Width = 76
Caption = 'QSL rcvd on '
Font.Color = clRed
ParentColor = False
@ -1213,14 +1213,14 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
Width = 548
Align = alBottom
Caption = 'DXCC stat.'
ClientHeight = 110
ClientHeight = 109
ClientWidth = 544
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 1
object sgrdStatistic: TStringGrid
Left = 0
Height = 110
Height = 109
Top = 0
Width = 544
Align = alClient
@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
Top = 255
Width = 240
Caption = ' Callbook ( '
ClientHeight = 140
ClientHeight = 139
ClientWidth = 236
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentFont = False
@ -1276,151 +1276,151 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
Top = -3
Width = 240
Caption = 'DXCC info'
ClientHeight = 221
ClientHeight = 220
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Font.Color = clBlue
ParentFont = False
TabOrder = 1
object Label26: TLabel
Left = 1
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 3
Width = 49
Width = 53
Caption = 'Country:'
ParentColor = False
object Label27: TLabel
Left = 124
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 89
Width = 36
Width = 38
Caption = 'DXCC:'
ParentColor = False
object Label28: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 72
Width = 29
Width = 31
Caption = 'WAZ:'
ParentColor = False
object Label29: TLabel
Left = 17
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 89
Width = 22
Width = 23
Caption = 'ITU:'
ParentColor = False
object Label30: TLabel
Left = 129
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 73
Width = 32
Width = 34
Caption = 'Cont:'
ParentColor = False
object lblWAZ: TLabel
Left = 48
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 73
Width = 22
Width = 28
Caption = 'AAA'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object lblITU: TLabel
Left = 48
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Height = 17
Top = 89
Width = 22
Width = 28
Caption = 'AAA'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object lblDXCC: TLabel
Left = 169
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Height = 17
Top = 89
Width = 22
Width = 28
Caption = 'AAA'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object lblCont: TLabel
Left = 169
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Top = 73
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Width = 28
Caption = 'AAA'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object Label31: TLabel
Left = 16
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 105
Width = 22
Width = 25
Caption = 'LAT:'
ParentColor = False
object Label32: TLabel
Left = 122
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 105
Width = 35
Width = 38
Caption = 'LONG:'
ParentColor = False
object lblLat: TLabel
Left = 48
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 105
Width = 22
Width = 28
Caption = 'AAA'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object lblLong: TLabel
Left = 169
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Height = 17
Top = 105
Width = 22
Width = 28
Caption = 'AAA'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object Label33: TLabel
Left = 6
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 122
Width = 31
Width = 32
Caption = 'DIST.:'
ParentColor = False
object lblQRA: TLabel
Left = 48
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 122
Width = 22
Width = 28
Caption = 'AAA'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object Label34: TLabel
Left = 126
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 122
Width = 32
Width = 34
Caption = 'AZIM:'
ParentColor = False
object lblAzi: TLabel
Left = 169
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 122
Width = 22
Width = 28
Caption = 'AAA'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
@ -1437,9 +1437,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblGreeting: TLabel
Left = 169
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 166
Width = 40
Width = 42
Caption = 'GE/GM'
Font.Color = clRed
ParentColor = False
@ -1604,45 +1604,45 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblLocSunRise: TLabel
Left = 49
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 209
Width = 78
Width = 85
Caption = 'lblLocSunRise'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object lblLocSunSet: TLabel
Left = 169
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 209
Width = 73
Width = 81
Caption = 'lblLocSunSet'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object lblTarSunRise: TLabel
Left = 46
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 141
Width = 75
Width = 81
Caption = 'lblTarSunRise'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object lblTarSunSet: TLabel
Left = 167
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 141
Width = 70
Width = 77
Caption = 'lblTarSunSet'
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object Label14: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 185
Width = 33
Width = 37
Caption = 'Local:'
ParentColor = False
@ -1689,7 +1689,7 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
TabOrder = 2
object lblQSONr: TLabel
Left = 63
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 9
Width = 8
Caption = '0'
@ -1698,9 +1698,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label24: TLabel
Left = 7
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 9
Width = 42
Width = 45
Caption = 'QSO nr.'
Font.Color = clBlue
ParentColor = False
@ -1708,9 +1708,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblCountryInfo: TLabel
Left = 567
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 8
Width = 19
Width = 22
Alignment = taRightJustify
Caption = 'aaa'
Font.Color = clRed
@ -1719,9 +1719,9 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object lblAmbiguous: TLabel
Left = 701
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 8
Width = 99
Width = 107
Caption = 'Ambiguous prefix'
Font.Color = clRed
ParentColor = False
@ -1730,16 +1730,16 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object Label6: TLabel
Left = 86
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 9
Width = 74
Width = 80
Caption = 'QTH profile: '
ParentColor = False
ParentFont = False
object cmbProfiles: TComboBox
Left = 175
Height = 21
Height = 22
Top = 3
Width = 325
ItemHeight = 0
@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ object frmNewQSO: TfrmNewQSO
object dbgrdQSOBefore: TDBGrid
Left = 0
Height = 114
Height = 112
Top = 0
Width = 807
Align = alClient

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ LazarusResources.Add('TfrmNewQSO','FORMDATA',[
+'dex.html'#7'Caption'#6#30'New QSO ... (CQRLOG for Linux)'#12'ClientHeight'#3
+#190#12#0#0#0#0#1#0#1#0' '#0#0#1#0#24#0#168#12#0#0#22#0#0#0'('#0#0#0' '#0#0
@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ LazarusResources.Add('TfrmNewQSO','FORMDATA',[
+'Left'#2#1#6'Height'#3#210#1#3'Top'#2' '#5'Width'#3'$'#2#5'Align'#7#8'alClie'
@ -175,68 +175,68 @@ LazarusResources.Add('TfrmNewQSO','FORMDATA',[
+'dth'#2'z'#7'Caption'#6#20'Comment to callsign:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'
+'My RST:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'ParentColor'#8#10'ParentFont'#8#0#0#6
+'dth'#3#130#0#7'Caption'#6#20'Comment to callsign:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlu'
+#7'My RST:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'ParentColor'#8#10'ParentFont'#8#0#0
+'Caption'#6#8'His RST:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'ParentColor'#8#10'Pare'
+'d time:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'ParentColor'#8#10'ParentFont'#8#0#0#6
+'Caption'#6#11'Start time:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'ParentColor'#8#10
+#248#0#5'Width'#2' '#7'Caption'#6#5'Date:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'Par'
+'End time:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'ParentColor'#8#10'ParentFont'#8#0#0
+#7'Caption'#6#11'Start time:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'ParentColor'#8#10
+'ght'#2#16#3'Top'#3#147#0#5'Width'#2'7'#7'Caption'#6#9'DXCC ref.'#10'Font.Co'
+'ght'#2#17#3'Top'#3#147#0#5'Width'#2':'#7'Caption'#6#9'DXCC ref.'#10'Font.Co'
+#0#5'Width'#2'h'#7'Caption'#6#15'Comment to QSO:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'
+#0#5'Width'#2'o'#7'Caption'#6#15'Comment to QSO:'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'
+#1#6'Height'#2#16#3'Top'#3#147#0#5'Width'#2'*'#7'Caption'#6#7'QSL VIA'#10'Fo'
+#1#6'Height'#2#17#3'Top'#3#147#0#5'Width'#2'1'#7'Caption'#6#7'QSL VIA'#10'Fo'
+'on'#6#10'QSO takes '#11'ParentColor'#8#10'ParentFont'#8#7'Visible'#8#0#0#6
+#2'q'#7'Caption'#6#18'QSL manager found!'#10'Font.Color'#7#5'clRed'#11'Paren'
+#2'{'#7'Caption'#6#18'QSL manager found!'#10'Font.Color'#7#5'clRed'#11'Paren'
+'X'#1#6'Height'#2#16#3'Top'#2'c'#5'Width'#2' '#7'Caption'#6#5'State'#10'Font'
+'ion'#6#21'QSO confirmed by LoTW'#10'Font.Color'#7#5'clRed'#11'ParentColor'#8
+#6'Height'#2#16#3'Top'#3#226#0#5'Width'#2'E'#7'Caption'#6#12'QSL rcvd on '#10
+#6'Height'#2#17#3'Top'#3#226#0#5'Width'#2'L'#7'Caption'#6#12'QSL rcvd on '#10
+'Call has an attachment'#3'Top'#3'$'#1#5'Width'#2#23#10'Glyph.Data'#10#202#7
@ -768,9 +768,9 @@ LazarusResources.Add('TfrmNewQSO','FORMDATA',[
+'Caption'#6#10'DXCC stat.'#12'ClientHeight'#2'n'#11'ClientWidth'#3' '#2#10'F'
+'Caption'#6#10'DXCC stat.'#12'ClientHeight'#2'm'#11'ClientWidth'#3' '#2#10'F'
+'sgrdStatistic'#4'Left'#2#0#6'Height'#2'n'#3'Top'#2#0#5'Width'#3' '#2#5'Alig'
+'sgrdStatistic'#4'Left'#2#0#6'Height'#2'm'#3'Top'#2#0#5'Width'#3' '#2#5'Alig'
@ -779,45 +779,45 @@ LazarusResources.Add('TfrmNewQSO','FORMDATA',[
+#9#6'Height'#3#171#0#3'Top'#3#255#0#5'Width'#3#240#0#7'Caption'#6#20' Callbo'
+'ok ( '#12'ClientHeight'#3#140#0#11'ClientWidth'#3#236#0#10'Font.Col'
+'ok ( '#12'ClientHeight'#3#139#0#11'ClientWidth'#3#236#0#10'Font.Col'
+'DXCC info'#12'ClientHeight'#3#221#0#11'ClientWidth'#3#236#0#10'Font.Color'#7
+'DXCC info'#12'ClientHeight'#3#220#0#11'ClientWidth'#3#236#0#10'Font.Color'#7
+'el30'#4'Left'#3#129#0#6'Height'#2#16#3'Top'#2'I'#5'Width'#2' '#7'Caption'#6
+#2'z'#5'Width'#2' '#7'Caption'#6#6'DIST.:'#11'ParentColor'#8#0#0#6'TLabel'#6
+'~'#6'Height'#2#16#3'Top'#2'z'#5'Width'#2' '#7'Caption'#6#5'AZIM:'#11'Parent'
@ -973,16 +973,16 @@ LazarusResources.Add('TfrmNewQSO','FORMDATA',[
@ -992,21 +992,21 @@ LazarusResources.Add('TfrmNewQSO','FORMDATA',[
+'ption'#6#7'QSO nr.'#10'Font.Color'#7#6'clBlue'#11'ParentColor'#8#10'ParentF'
+'tion'#6#16'Ambiguous prefix'#10'Font.Color'#7#5'clRed'#11'ParentColor'#8#10
+#16#3'Top'#2#9#5'Width'#2'J'#7'Caption'#6#14'QTH profile: '#11'ParentColor'
+#17#3'Top'#2#9#5'Width'#2'P'#7'Caption'#6#14'QTH profile: '#11'ParentColor'

View File

@ -1770,6 +1770,12 @@ begin
if edtCall.Text = '' then
if edtITU.Text = '' then
edtITU.Text := '0';
if edtWAZ.Text = '' then
edtWAZ.Text := '0';
if not dmUtils.IsDateOK(edtDate.Text) then
Application.MessageBox('You must enter correct date!', 'Error', mb_ok + mb_IconError);
@ -1808,10 +1814,6 @@ begin
if edtITU.Text = '' then
edtITU.Text := '0';
if edtWAZ.Text = '' then
edtWAZ.Text := '0';
myloc := sbNewQSO.Panels[0].Text;
myloc := copy(sbNewQSO.Panels[0].Text,Length(cMyLoc)+1,6);