sort by gridsquare added to filter

This commit is contained in:
Petr Hlozek 2017-03-07 21:40:23 +01:00
parent 336c240e0c
commit 9778e59215
3 changed files with 118 additions and 116 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ Legend:
+ sort by gridsquare added to filter
+ new log number is choosen automatically
- parity parameter for rigctld should be serial_parity
- cqrlog had icon only in Gnome

View File

@ -120,36 +120,36 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
OnKeyUp = FormKeyUp
OnShow = FormShow
Position = poMainFormCenter
LCLVersion = ''
LCLVersion = ''
object Label10: TLabel
Left = 200
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 559
Width = 41
Width = 50
Caption = 'Profile:'
ParentColor = False
object Label11: TLabel
Left = 181
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 598
Width = 75
Width = 90
Caption = 'Membership:'
ParentColor = False
object Label12: TLabel
Left = 200
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 527
Width = 53
Width = 66
Caption = 'Group by:'
ParentColor = False
object Label15: TLabel
Left = 200
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 492
Width = 43
Width = 52
Caption = 'Sort by:'
ParentColor = False
@ -159,12 +159,12 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 4
Width = 154
Caption = 'Callsign'
ClientHeight = 89
ClientHeight = 87
ClientWidth = 150
TabOrder = 0
object edtCallSign: TEdit
Left = 6
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 6
Width = 130
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -172,9 +172,9 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbExactlyCall: TRadioButton
Left = 6
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 29
Width = 64
Width = 75
Caption = 'Exactly'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 1
@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbIncludeCall: TRadioButton
Left = 6
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 53
Width = 65
Width = 76
Caption = 'Include'
TabOrder = 2
@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 4
Width = 140
Caption = ' DXCC '
ClientHeight = 89
ClientHeight = 87
ClientWidth = 136
TabOrder = 3
object edtDXCC: TEdit
Left = 18
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 6
Width = 99
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -245,35 +245,35 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 4
Width = 153
Caption = ' Freq '
ClientHeight = 89
ClientHeight = 87
ClientWidth = 149
TabOrder = 4
object Label1: TLabel
Left = 9
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 12
Width = 32
Width = 38
Caption = 'from:'
ParentColor = False
object Label2: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 41
Width = 17
Width = 19
Caption = 'to:'
ParentColor = False
object edtFreqFrom: TEdit
Left = 45
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 6
Width = 92
TabOrder = 0
object edtFreqTo: TEdit
Left = 46
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 35
Width = 92
TabOrder = 1
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 4
Width = 163
Caption = ' Mode '
ClientHeight = 89
ClientHeight = 87
ClientWidth = 159
TabOrder = 5
object cmbMode: TComboBox
@ -304,28 +304,28 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 4
Width = 154
Caption = ' Date '
ClientHeight = 89
ClientHeight = 87
ClientWidth = 150
TabOrder = 6
object Label3: TLabel
Left = 10
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 11
Width = 32
Width = 38
Caption = 'from:'
ParentColor = False
object Label4: TLabel
Left = 10
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 40
Width = 17
Width = 19
Caption = 'to:'
ParentColor = False
object edtDateFrom: TEdit
Left = 46
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 6
Width = 85
OnExit = edtDateFromExit
@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object edtDateTo: TEdit
Left = 46
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 35
Width = 85
OnExit = edtDateToExit
@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 119
Width = 156
Caption = ' Locator '
ClientHeight = 87
ClientHeight = 85
ClientWidth = 152
TabOrder = 7
object edtLocator: TEdit
Left = 10
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 6
Width = 94
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -359,17 +359,17 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbIncludeLoc: TRadioButton
Left = 8
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 59
Width = 65
Width = 76
Caption = 'Include'
TabOrder = 1
object rbExactlyLoc: TRadioButton
Left = 10
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 34
Width = 64
Width = 75
Caption = 'Exactly'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 2
@ -382,14 +382,14 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 352
Width = 163
Caption = 'QTH'
ClientHeight = 97
ClientHeight = 95
ClientWidth = 159
TabOrder = 8
object rbExactlyQth: TRadioButton
Left = 8
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 35
Width = 64
Width = 75
Caption = 'Exactly'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 0
@ -397,15 +397,15 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbIncludeQth: TRadioButton
Left = 9
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 60
Width = 65
Width = 76
Caption = 'Include'
TabOrder = 1
object edtQTH: TEdit
Left = 9
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 11
Width = 131
TabOrder = 2
@ -417,52 +417,52 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 232
Width = 629
Caption = 'QSL'
ClientHeight = 95
ClientHeight = 93
ClientWidth = 625
TabOrder = 9
object Label5: TLabel
Left = 8
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = -4
Width = 42
Width = 55
Caption = 'QSL VIA'
ParentColor = False
object Label6: TLabel
Left = 120
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = -4
Width = 52
Width = 64
Caption = 'QSL send'
ParentColor = False
object Label7: TLabel
Left = 230
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = -4
Width = 76
Width = 92
Caption = 'QSL Received'
ParentColor = False
object Label13: TLabel
Left = 7
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 53
Width = 82
Width = 100
Caption = 'eQSL QSL sent'
ParentColor = False
object Label14: TLabel
Left = 482
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = -4
Width = 107
Width = 131
Caption = 'LoTW QSL received'
ParentColor = False
object edtQSLVia: TEdit
Left = 6
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 13
Width = 98
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -555,17 +555,17 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object Label16: TLabel
Left = 216
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 53
Width = 104
Width = 128
Caption = 'eQSL QSL received'
ParentColor = False
object Label17: TLabel
Left = 352
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = -4
Width = 85
Width = 103
Caption = 'LoTW QSL sent'
ParentColor = False
@ -576,12 +576,12 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 120
Width = 162
Caption = ' Continent '
ClientHeight = 87
ClientHeight = 85
ClientWidth = 158
TabOrder = 10
object edtCont: TEdit
Left = 6
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 23
Width = 128
TabOrder = 0
@ -593,12 +593,12 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 352
Width = 290
Caption = ' IOTA '
ClientHeight = 97
ClientHeight = 95
ClientWidth = 286
TabOrder = 11
object edtIOTA: TEdit
Left = 9
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 11
Width = 131
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -606,17 +606,17 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbIncludeIOTA: TRadioButton
Left = 9
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 60
Width = 65
Width = 76
Caption = 'Include'
TabOrder = 1
object rbExactlyIOTA: TRadioButton
Left = 8
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 35
Width = 64
Width = 75
Caption = 'Exactly'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 2
@ -624,9 +624,9 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object chkIOTAOnly: TCheckBox
Left = 94
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 53
Width = 131
Width = 163
Caption = 'Only QSO with IOTA'
TabOrder = 3
@ -637,14 +637,14 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 232
Width = 158
Caption = 'Remarks'
ClientHeight = 96
ClientHeight = 94
ClientWidth = 154
TabOrder = 12
object rbExactlyRem: TRadioButton
Left = 10
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 37
Width = 64
Width = 75
Caption = 'Exactly'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 0
@ -652,15 +652,15 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbIncludeRem: TRadioButton
Left = 9
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 61
Width = 65
Width = 76
Caption = 'Include'
TabOrder = 1
object edtRemarks: TEdit
Left = 6
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 13
Width = 147
TabOrder = 2
@ -672,14 +672,14 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 352
Width = 163
Caption = ' Award '
ClientHeight = 97
ClientHeight = 95
ClientWidth = 159
TabOrder = 13
object rbExactlyDiplom: TRadioButton
Left = 7
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 35
Width = 64
Width = 75
Caption = 'Exactly'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 0
@ -687,15 +687,15 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbIncludeDiplom: TRadioButton
Left = 8
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 60
Width = 65
Width = 76
Caption = 'Include'
TabOrder = 1
object edtDiplom: TEdit
Left = 10
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 11
Width = 142
TabOrder = 2
@ -707,12 +707,12 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 120
Width = 140
Caption = ' My locator '
ClientHeight = 87
ClientHeight = 85
ClientWidth = 136
TabOrder = 14
object edtMyLoc: TEdit
Left = 17
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 6
Width = 79
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -720,17 +720,17 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbIncludeMyLoc: TRadioButton
Left = 9
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 54
Width = 65
Width = 76
Caption = 'Include'
TabOrder = 1
object rbExactlyMyLoc: TRadioButton
Left = 8
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 30
Width = 64
Width = 75
Caption = 'Exactly'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 2
@ -743,28 +743,28 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 120
Width = 149
Caption = ' Zones '
ClientHeight = 87
ClientHeight = 85
ClientWidth = 145
TabOrder = 15
object Label8: TLabel
Left = 9
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 10
Width = 26
Width = 33
Caption = 'WAZ'
ParentColor = False
object Label9: TLabel
Left = 15
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 37
Width = 19
Width = 22
Caption = 'ITU'
ParentColor = False
object edtWAZ: TEdit
Left = 54
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 4
Width = 45
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object edtITU: TEdit
Left = 54
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 31
Width = 45
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object cmbProfile: TComboBox
Left = 276
Height = 27
Height = 29
Top = 554
Width = 360
ItemHeight = 0
@ -794,21 +794,21 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 352
Width = 154
Caption = 'County'
ClientHeight = 97
ClientHeight = 95
ClientWidth = 150
TabOrder = 17
object edtCounty: TEdit
Left = 9
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 11
Width = 136
TabOrder = 0
object rbExactlyCounty: TRadioButton
Left = 12
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 35
Width = 64
Width = 75
Caption = 'Exactly'
Checked = True
TabOrder = 1
@ -816,16 +816,16 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object rbIncludeCounty: TRadioButton
Left = 14
Height = 22
Height = 24
Top = 60
Width = 65
Width = 76
Caption = 'Include'
TabOrder = 2
object cmbMembers: TComboBox
Left = 276
Height = 29
Height = 31
Top = 588
Width = 360
ItemHeight = 0
@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object cmbGroupBy: TComboBox
Left = 276
Height = 27
Height = 29
Top = 522
Width = 200
ItemHeight = 0
@ -895,12 +895,12 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 120
Width = 156
Caption = ' State '
ClientHeight = 87
ClientHeight = 85
ClientWidth = 152
TabOrder = 23
object edtState: TEdit
Left = 9
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 6
Width = 80
CharCase = ecUppercase
@ -909,11 +909,10 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object cmbSort: TComboBox
Left = 276
Height = 27
Height = 29
Top = 488
Width = 200
ItemHeight = 0
ItemIndex = 6
Items.Strings = (
'Date + time'
@ -931,6 +930,7 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
TabOrder = 24
Text = 'DXCC'
@ -941,20 +941,20 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
Top = 472
Width = 163
Caption = 'Power'
ClientHeight = 93
ClientHeight = 91
ClientWidth = 159
TabOrder = 25
object Label18: TLabel
Left = 12
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 43
Width = 17
Width = 19
Caption = 'to:'
ParentColor = False
object edtPwrTo: TEdit
Left = 48
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 38
Width = 85
OnExit = edtDateToExit
@ -962,7 +962,7 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object edtPwrFrom: TEdit
Left = 48
Height = 25
Height = 27
Top = 9
Width = 85
OnExit = edtDateFromExit
@ -970,9 +970,9 @@ object frmFilter: TfrmFilter
object Label19: TLabel
Left = 12
Height = 16
Height = 17
Top = 14
Width = 32
Width = 38
Caption = 'from:'
ParentColor = False

View File

@ -363,7 +363,8 @@ begin
12 : OrderBy := ' ORDER By qsl_via,callsign,dxcc_ref';
13 : OrderBy := ' ORDER By callsign,dxcc_ref';
14 : OrderBy := ' ORDER BY waz';
15 : OrderBy := ' ORDER BY itu'
15 : OrderBy := ' ORDER BY itu';
16 : OrderBy := ' ORDER BY loc'
case cmbGroupBy.ItemIndex of