more debug output added (especially when adif download fails)

This commit is contained in:
Petr Hlozek 2014-01-03 19:13:53 +01:00
parent eb5c237c6a
commit 7ee4eedf04
3 changed files with 27 additions and 24 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
object frmeQSLDownload: TfrmeQSLDownload
Left = 461
Height = 609
Top = 148
Top = 137
Width = 489
Caption = 'Download data from'
ClientHeight = 609
ClientWidth = 489
OnClose = FormClose
OnShow = FormShow
LCLVersion = '0.9.30'
LCLVersion = ''
object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
Left = 0
Height = 431
@ -16,12 +16,12 @@ object frmeQSLDownload: TfrmeQSLDownload
Width = 489
Align = alClient
Caption = 'Progress'
ClientHeight = 412
ClientHeight = 414
ClientWidth = 485
TabOrder = 0
object mStat: TMemo
Left = 0
Height = 412
Height = 414
Top = 0
Width = 485
Align = alClient
@ -56,20 +56,20 @@ object frmeQSLDownload: TfrmeQSLDownload
Width = 489
Anchors = [akTop, akLeft, akRight]
Caption = ' '
ClientHeight = 69
ClientHeight = 71
ClientWidth = 485
TabOrder = 1
object Label3: TLabel
Left = 10
Height = 18
Height = 16
Top = 12
Width = 260
Width = 230
Caption = 'Return QSL records received on or after '
ParentColor = False
object edtDateFrom: TEdit
Left = 278
Height = 27
Height = 25
Top = 7
Width = 85
TabOrder = 0
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ object frmeQSLDownload: TfrmeQSLDownload
Left = 6
Height = 22
Top = 39
Width = 380
Width = 331
Caption = 'Show new comfirmed QSOs after download and import'
TabOrder = 1

View File

@ -2,14 +2,14 @@
+#2#3'Top'#3#148#0#5'Width'#3#233#1#7'Caption'#6#26'Download data from eQSL.c'
+#2#3'Top'#3#137#0#5'Width'#3#233#1#7'Caption'#6#26'Download data from eQSL.c'
@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ LazarusResources.Add('TfrmeQSLDownload','FORMDATA',[
+' data from eQSL website'#7'OnClick'#7#16'btnDownloadClick'#8'TabOrder'#2#0#0
+#233#1#7'Anchors'#11#5'akTop'#6'akLeft'#7'akRight'#0#7'Caption'#6#1' '#12'Cl'
+'turn QSL records received on or after '#11'ParentColor'#8#0#0#5'TEdit'#11'e'
+''''#5'Width'#3'|'#1#7'Caption'#6'1Show new comfirmed QSOs after download an'
+'Return QSL records received on or after '#11'ParentColor'#8#0#0#5'TEdit'#11
+''''#5'Width'#3'K'#1#7'Caption'#6'1Show new comfirmed QSOs after download an'
+'d import'#8'TabOrder'#2#1#0#0#0#0#6'TPanel'#6'Panel2'#4'Left'#2#0#6'Height'

View File

@ -194,8 +194,11 @@ begin
mStat.Lines.Add('eQSL page was probably changed, cannot find the link to ADIF file')
else begin
mStat.Lines.Add('eQSL page was probably changed, cannot find the link to ADIF file');
mStat.Lines.Add('Server returned this:');
else begin